Sr. Member
Activity: 266
Merit: 250
day trader mode "on"
April 24, 2014, 08:55:16 PM |
still waiting for the waiting list !!! boring ...
April 24, 2014, 09:06:21 PM |
What was decided about the multi-pool? Do we really need to create another or better still why not partner with a third party who already has the resources and proven track record of delivering high BTC/MH?
If we are interested I can talk to the admin of one of the multi-pools to facilitate this; recently done it for another coin.
im in talks with the dev of an exiting pool already, should no by some time tonight or tomorow morning. cant say anymore till then, we also talked about some really interesting ideas that havnt been done before. raised 440k pledges so far and utopianf said there may be a chance of the dev of the pool receiving part of a dev stake.. dont know how much that intails yet though waiting on a break down. but by all means get in contact with devs of other pools, preferable pools of coins that actually have a future. perhaps if we get a very nice large bounty for it we may end up with multiple devs working on pools to try and get the bounty if its large enough. that way we could end up with multiple multipools.. but the bounty would want be a very healthy one for that to happen! Will drop you a PM..
^ I am with STUPID!

Activity: 73
Merit: 10
April 24, 2014, 09:12:28 PM |
Could someone point to the right discussion thread for NEM (be it on bitcointalk or elsewhere)? I am lost with so many threads. Plus, where could I have the current status and roadmap for NEM? Thank you.
You are in the right thread. I can't give you dates because there are no ETAs but this is what's coming in the very near future (in no special order): - stake auctions
- release of final stakeholder list
- refunds
- alpha
- other stuff that comes up

I can't give you dates because there are no ETAs but this is what's coming in the very not so near future (but also not very distant) (in no special order): - logo
- branding
- open beta
- whitepaper release
- stake distribution
- official launch
- exchanges
- stake distribution
- UP reveals that he's really satoshi
- Jaguar reveals that he's really BCNext
Woo, we have BCNEXT and satoshi in the core team haha imagine what that would do for nem if it was actually verified lol it would be on news channels everywhere that satoshi is building a new coin with the creator of the first 2.0 coin. now that would be a headline! :L some one please write a fake article stating this and publish it on a chinese website lol (joke) but it probably could work lol (still joking though) ha We should publish the article after launch, then we can wait for raising price in few days
April 24, 2014, 09:21:08 PM |
Alpha in a couple days? 
There ain't no Revolution like a NEMolution. The only solution is Bitcoin's dissolution! NEM!
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
April 24, 2014, 11:20:37 PM |
That would be nice 
Flattering Flatulants
Activity: 47
Merit: 0
April 25, 2014, 12:15:31 AM |
What's the word on the escrow idea for auction funds and waiting list funds? With the recent edgecoin scam and the fact that most of NEMs ipo is not in escrow, if more money is being gathered it should be mandatory to have the funds accepted through escrow only. Can I get some support from other participants? I need some +1s here!
David Latapie
April 25, 2014, 12:27:49 AM |
NEM initial fundraising is not an IPO. It is a "call for participation". You can leave if you want and you should leave if you don't trust the development team. I encourage you to do so if the latter case is true. Waiting lists are at the same situation since they are regular stakeholders. I can call on an escrow for the auction though. Utopian, you know I appreciate what you've done, but this call for participation IS an IPO. IPO do not have to be scam and I believe that NEM was not a scam. Much like NXT IPO was not a scam either 
utopianfuture (OP)
Sr. Member
Activity: 602
Merit: 268
Internet of Value
April 25, 2014, 12:35:44 AM |
NEM initial fundraising is not an IPO. It is a "call for participation". You can leave if you want and you should leave if you don't trust the development team. I encourage you to do so if the latter case is true. Waiting lists are at the same situation since they are regular stakeholders. I can call on an escrow for the auction though. Utopian, you know I appreciate what you've done, but this call for participation IS an IPO. IPO do not have to be scam and I believe that NEM was not a scam. Much like NXT IPO was not a scam either  I beg to differ. "Call for participation" is different from an IPO both in legal term and in actual practice. The money stakeholders sent in are donation/ fee to join but not the payment to buy a stake. NEM initial fundrasing is set in this way for a good reason. And I don't think because everyone else is doing IPO then NEM fundrasing has to be an IPO.
David Latapie
April 25, 2014, 12:48:07 AM |
I beg to differ. "Call for participation" is different from an IPO both in legal term and in actual practice. The money stakeholders sent in are donation/ fee to join but not the payment to buy a stake. NEM initial fundrasing is set in this way for a good reason. And I don't think because everyone else is doing IPO then NEM fundrasing has to be an IPO. Alright so I was wrong, although I don't see the difference between a donation fee and a stake - since fundraisers will receive some NEM, they are receiving a stake, no?
utopianfuture (OP)
Sr. Member
Activity: 602
Merit: 268
Internet of Value
April 25, 2014, 01:09:39 AM |
I beg to differ. "Call for participation" is different from an IPO both in legal term and in actual practice. The money stakeholders sent in are donation/ fee to join but not the payment to buy a stake. NEM initial fundrasing is set in this way for a good reason. And I don't think because everyone else is doing IPO then NEM fundrasing has to be an IPO. Alright so I was wrong, although I don't see the difference between a donation fee and a stake - since fundraisers will receive some NEM, they are receiving a stake, no? NEM is an evolving entity. A stake of a NXT clone is worth like nothing; A stake in a properly developed technology could be worth a lot. NEM could have been the former. But it happens to be the latter because of the participation of some great people like Jaguar, Thies, Gimre, Makoto, BloodyRookie, Krysto, Patmaster etc. It is not right to say it was an IPO because I don't have much to offer without the participation of these people. I hope you understand.
David Latapie
April 25, 2014, 01:15:02 AM |
I beg to differ. "Call for participation" is different from an IPO both in legal term and in actual practice. The money stakeholders sent in are donation/ fee to join but not the payment to buy a stake. NEM initial fundrasing is set in this way for a good reason. And I don't think because everyone else is doing IPO then NEM fundrasing has to be an IPO. Alright so I was wrong, although I don't see the difference between a donation fee and a stake - since fundraisers will receive some NEM, they are receiving a stake, no? NEM is an evolving entity. A stake of a Coingen clone is worth like nothing; A stake in a properly developed technology could be worth a lot. NEM could have been the former. But it happens to be the latter because of the participation of some great people like Jaguar, Thies, Gimre, Makoto, BloodyRookie, Krysto, Patmaster etc. I hope you understand. Yes, sort of. Still, I think that saying "this is not an IPO, this is an call for participation" wil make most people defiant, like when politician use one word for an other. Fortunately, this is easy to fix: suffice to mention in the same sentence the difference between an IPO and a call for participation. Or, better yet; "technically, this is not an IPO; but if by IPO you mean; taking a small risk in the hope it will pay out later", well yes, you can call this an IPO" Plus, IPO is much faster to pronounce and understand than "call for participation" 
utopianfuture (OP)
Sr. Member
Activity: 602
Merit: 268
Internet of Value
April 25, 2014, 01:22:12 AM |
I beg to differ. "Call for participation" is different from an IPO both in legal term and in actual practice. The money stakeholders sent in are donation/ fee to join but not the payment to buy a stake. NEM initial fundrasing is set in this way for a good reason. And I don't think because everyone else is doing IPO then NEM fundrasing has to be an IPO. Alright so I was wrong, although I don't see the difference between a donation fee and a stake - since fundraisers will receive some NEM, they are receiving a stake, no? NEM is an evolving entity. A stake of a Coingen clone is worth like nothing; A stake in a properly developed technology could be worth a lot. NEM could have been the former. But it happens to be the latter because of the participation of some great people like Jaguar, Thies, Gimre, Makoto, BloodyRookie, Krysto, Patmaster etc. I hope you understand. Yes, sort of. Still, I think that saying "this is not an IPO, this is an call for participation" wil make most people defiant, like when politician use one word for an other. Fortunately, this is easy to fix: suffice to mention in the same sentence the difference between an IPO and a call for participation. Or, better yet; "technically, this is not an IPO; but if by IPO you mean; taking a small risk in the hope it will pay out later", well yes, you can call this an IPO" Plus, IPO is much faster to pronounce and understand than "call for participation"  There is a risk when I use the words like IPO or investment since I am in U.S which has certain regulations regarding to fundraising and soliciting investment. IPO has a strict legal meaning and I would rather avoid it. Everyone can use any words they prefer but when someone asks me about "that IPO", "this investment". I can't implicitly accept it without risking myself legally.
David Latapie
April 25, 2014, 01:25:04 AM |
I beg to differ. "Call for participation" is different from an IPO both in legal term and in actual practice. The money stakeholders sent in are donation/ fee to join but not the payment to buy a stake. NEM initial fundrasing is set in this way for a good reason. And I don't think because everyone else is doing IPO then NEM fundrasing has to be an IPO. Alright so I was wrong, although I don't see the difference between a donation fee and a stake - since fundraisers will receive some NEM, they are receiving a stake, no? NEM is an evolving entity. A stake of a Coingen clone is worth like nothing; A stake in a properly developed technology could be worth a lot. NEM could have been the former. But it happens to be the latter because of the participation of some great people like Jaguar, Thies, Gimre, Makoto, BloodyRookie, Krysto, Patmaster etc. I hope you understand. Yes, sort of. Still, I think that saying "this is not an IPO, this is an call for participation" wil make most people defiant, like when politician use one word for an other. Fortunately, this is easy to fix: suffice to mention in the same sentence the difference between an IPO and a call for participation. Or, better yet; "technically, this is not an IPO; but if by IPO you mean; taking a small risk in the hope it will pay out later", well yes, you can call this an IPO" Plus, IPO is much faster to pronounce and understand than "call for participation"  There was a risk when I use the words like IPO or investment since I am in U.S which has certain regulations regarding to fundraising and soliciting investment. IPO has a strict legal meaning and I would rather avoid it. Everyone can use any words they prefer but when someone asks me about "that IPO", "this investment". I can't implicitly accept it without risking myself legally. Now this is crystal-clear  That's amusing, I have the exact same "problem" with the NGO I am starting for Mintcoin. Everyone is calling it a Foundation, but for legal reason, I cannot use the word Foundation because in France it is reserved to a particular entity (the Mintcoin Fund will be an endowment fund, not a foundation)
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
April 25, 2014, 01:37:10 AM |
Could someone point to the right discussion thread for NEM (be it on bitcointalk or elsewhere)? I am lost with so many threads. Plus, where could I have the current status and roadmap for NEM? Thank you.
You are in the right thread. I can't give you dates because there are no ETAs but this is what's coming in the very near future (in no special order): - stake auctions
- release of final stakeholder list
- refunds
- alpha
- other stuff that comes up

I can't give you dates because there are no ETAs but this is what's coming in the very not so near future (but also not very distant) (in no special order): - logo
- branding
- open beta
- whitepaper release
- stake distribution
- official launch
- exchanges
- stake distribution
- UP reveals that he's really satoshi
- Jaguar reveals that he's really BCNext
lol,I can't give you dates because nem is a scam!
April 25, 2014, 01:43:02 AM |
I beg to differ. "Call for participation" is different from an IPO both in legal term and in actual practice. The money stakeholders sent in are donation/ fee to join but not the payment to buy a stake. NEM initial fundrasing is set in this way for a good reason. And I don't think because everyone else is doing IPO then NEM fundrasing has to be an IPO. Alright so I was wrong, although I don't see the difference between a donation fee and a stake - since fundraisers will receive some NEM, they are receiving a stake, no? NEM is an evolving entity. A stake of a Coingen clone is worth like nothing; A stake in a properly developed technology could be worth a lot. NEM could have been the former. But it happens to be the latter because of the participation of some great people like Jaguar, Thies, Gimre, Makoto, BloodyRookie, Krysto, Patmaster etc. I hope you understand. Yes, sort of. Still, I think that saying "this is not an IPO, this is an call for participation" wil make most people defiant, like when politician use one word for an other. Fortunately, this is easy to fix: suffice to mention in the same sentence the difference between an IPO and a call for participation. Or, better yet; "technically, this is not an IPO; but if by IPO you mean; taking a small risk in the hope it will pay out later", well yes, you can call this an IPO" Plus, IPO is much faster to pronounce and understand than "call for participation"  Let's cal it a CFP then, it has a kind of ring to it, if you say it enough 
April 25, 2014, 03:07:30 AM |
Nem should have something more innovative than multipool. expect...
April 25, 2014, 03:18:16 AM |
Nem should have something more innovative than multipool. expect...
except what? and its not going to be just an ordinary multipool.. lol just gota find a dev that wants to do it! multipool been everywhere it. Should expect something more innovative than multipool out, so it has a high valuation nem.
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
April 25, 2014, 03:35:32 AM |
Could someone point to the right discussion thread for NEM (be it on bitcointalk or elsewhere)? I am lost with so many threads. Plus, where could I have the current status and roadmap for NEM? Thank you.
You are in the right thread. I can't give you dates because there are no ETAs but this is what's coming in the very near future (in no special order): - stake auctions
- release of final stakeholder list
- refunds
- alpha
- other stuff that comes up

I can't give you dates because there are no ETAs but this is what's coming in the very not so near future (but also not very distant) (in no special order): - logo
- branding
- open beta
- whitepaper release
- stake distribution
- official launch
- exchanges
- stake distribution
- UP reveals that he's really satoshi
- Jaguar reveals that he's really BCNext
Woo, we have BCNEXT and satoshi in the core team haha imagine what that would do for nem if it was actually verified lol it would be on news channels everywhere that satoshi is building a new coin with the creator of the first 2.0 coin. now that would be a headline! :L UP = Satoshi? Inquiring minds want to know. Find out now. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=583503 (My first poll.) 