warning medium ot

I am writing this because this distribution is so incredibly interesting, but probably not everyone is aware of it (Besides, it is a treasure chest for sociologists, economists and marketing experts).
The second round is a good time for a retrospective and a look into the future.
Some history for the newcomer:
When tony started the distribution, he planned a distribution in 4 rounds (see above - a Big Bang with four steps).
1. Round 10% -> 0,10 * 1E15 Bytes = 1E14 Bytes / 1E9 = 100000 GBytes
Round 20%3.
Round 30% 4.
Round 39% (1% reserved for future development)
Tony participates like everyone else with his BTC.
Tony's goal was / is a distribution with great spread. He hoped (last year) that at the optimum 10% of BTC's capitalization would be linked ( 10% => 1600000 BTC = 1,6 billions Dollar)
The interest was however rather modest (70000 BTC -> 0,4 % of BTC's capitalization) . Genesis making by a Big Bang does not seem easy- people are so lazy .
As we can see here (
http://transition.byteball.org/firstround.html ), we were only a very small number of believers - ICOs., some Big, and a lot of small fishes

According to this result, there was the risk that some early adopters (big fishes) and the ICOs. would suck up all the bytes (like a black hole sucks all the matter by gravitation).
The first distribution scheme still provided a 1: 1 distribution of byte -> bytes. What would have further accelerated the process. Similar to matter, money unfortunately has the property of agglomerate very quickly (The byte to byte ratio controls the gravity in the distribution cosmos).
The newly created Byteball universe would have become dark, boring and desolate. Only inhabited by 3 black holes (the ICOs), two handful of suns/planets, moons, and some planetoids + dust . (However, there are enough coin universes of this kind

Tony pulled the emergency brake:
There was a new (newbie friendly) distribution scheme. It slows the distribution radically to remain attractive to new users. It’s also a more altcoin holder friendly scheme ( gravity set to 0.1 new bytes for every 1 byte you own at the moment of the snapshot-> people have more time to participate).
(new rules:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1608859.3580 )
Now it becomes very interesting:
Due to the binding to BTC, the distribution of BTC with the BB distribution is repeated in a timelapse:
Before and right after the first round, Google Trends reported only inquiries from the US and Germany (and no-one else). Now (before the second round) Korea is the leader (since about 7 days), and the Netherlands +UK has joined. We are once around the world (search google trends “Byteball” time: 7 days).
If you look at this video
https://youtu.be/XFFvSYdKN78 you can estimate how the distribution (hopeful) continues.
The first thought was to carry out the distribution like a big bang in 4 steps. That did not quite work. Now, Byteball runs as a symbiont over the host BTC.
Will it work this way? I think yes, because anyone who does not connect his BTC must be totally stupid. There is a classical win-win situation. Zero risk and one keeps the BTC only 24 hours a month (full moon) at an address.
Earlier or later, the insight should greatly gain ground at a lot btc owners and organizations.
This will be a very interesting year..