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Question: Price Target for Nov. 30, 2024:
<$75K - 5 (3.4%)
$75K to $80K - 1 (0.7%)
$80K to $85K - 2 (1.4%)
$85K to $90K - 10 (6.8%)
$90K to $95K - 15 (10.1%)
$95K to $100K - 29 (19.6%)
>$100K - 86 (58.1%)
Total Voters: 148

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Author Topic: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion  (Read 26741025 times)
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Hero Member
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Activity: 1035
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January 23, 2018, 11:36:55 PM

I was always wondering how the bots react, when real sell wall appears on order book.

$1M walls are a drop in the bucket. Bots don't give a shit.
thats cool. At least it looks like there is still plenty of liquidity

Censorship of e-gold was easy. Censorship of Bitcoin will be… entertaining.
Censorship of Bitcoin will be…
..tethering Cheesy
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Deb Rah Von Doom

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January 23, 2018, 11:41:57 PM

Here is how an EW analyst might see the future.  (abc would be longer time but I couldn't fit on chart).  I could try to rationalize the peak with something like  ' all governemnts ban btc once it is big enough to pose an actual threat to fiat currency' or 'catastrophic protocol failure or unresolvable scalability issue', 'world financial meltdown / wars' or simply 'competition from something better'.

Look at this prediction I made in 2014

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January 23, 2018, 11:42:28 PM

Where are the bulls? all charts are bearish, why?



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Activity: 4004
Merit: 11824

Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"

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January 23, 2018, 11:45:25 PM

What the fuck is going on...

BTCBTC skyrocketing Wink weee

Just bought another small fraction. Now I have whopping 0.25 BTC. I cant remember the last time  i had that much Grin I love these corrections
next buy order at 10k
If we get to 6k, i might have whole 1 BTC by then  Smiley

[edited out]
im not worried about long time holders, I believe they would  survive another brief 40% drop like they had to many times before.  Smiley

You are correct that long time HODLers and already seasoned BTC traders are going to be in decent shape in a wide variety of scenarios, even with an additional 40% price drop, if it were to happen.

There is a plane B as well (actualy thats A), to accumulate through alts, which seems to be much easier than waiting for very deep dips.

To each his own.  I personally don't place a lot of value in playing around with alts - but I do acknowledge that there have been a lot of folks who have been able to play alts in such a way that have allowed them to accumulate more BTC than if they were playing BTC by itself - yet at the same time, any time that we consider any strategy, we need to consider our strategy from the here and now, rather than gambling merely based on the fact that others have been able to filthily and exorbitantly profit in the past.

Yeah, I find it strange too, but have already wrote somewhere, that i was hit but nearly every exchange scam since 2011  Grin Back then I was just a poor boy with old computer.

I don't think that it is productive psychologically to blame others for your losses.  Sure there are scams, but each of us still need to act prudently.  If we are considerably (and maybe too much) focused on getting rich quick, then we are not going to build our principle and we are going to be opening ourselves up for getting scammed.

I personally believe that it is better to plan slowly and methodically (and maybe you will get lucky once in a while to be in the right place at the right time) rather than gambling too much with our principle which ultimately is going to cause you to lose the principle.  Initially, I put in a pretty decent amount of capital into bitcoin, but then my trades generated only small profits, however, as the price went up and with the passage of time, I am able to structure the trades to make more and more and more money, while preserving a vast majority of my principle.  I have been scammed a few times, too, but I still have been able to retain a considerable amount of profits - so instead of having a 40x return, I probably only got around a 20x return (and of course my return kind of floats around a bit based on the ongoing volatility of bitcoin and the fact that I retain a decent amount of value invested into bitcoin).

I left back to forex several times after i got tired of getting scammed-but always returned after while... and finally quit with FOREX rigged game for good last summer.
[I can still remember my first encounter with scammer - on IRC otc market:]

The grid trading system is very good for bitcoin, you are playing it very safe. Im much more aggressive in trading, but true- its connected to amount of funds involved.

Sure, i have to concede that the more money you have in, then the more money you can make, and make it safely. 

Also, I still believe that you have to focus on slow accumulation rather than trying to leverage small amounts.

There is large amount of variations to grids. its not necessary to accumulate or release slowly. Increments and position size may be variable as well as fixed; and if it goes in one direction for too long, defensive strategy can be used (slowly rebuying high or decreasing positions when it gets out of comfortable zone, hedging, playing with support/resistance  etc. .. use your imagination, its not crucial to get in close to bottoms or sell close to top). But of course, when/if it gets to the point when i have optimal funds for trading, BTC profits will go into offline wallet.

It appears that conceptually, you understand the principles, and so it is a matter of you putting principles to practice without getting too greedy in the whole process.

Many holders here have lots of bitcoins because -years ago- you/they did what I didnt. And interestingly, im not envious at all. There is no problem to get back on track in this phase. Its not too late yet.

There is some truth to that, but there is also some truth that some posters here only had a few thousand to invest and they did not buy very many bitcoins; however, they are now rich because they held onto their bitcoins, or if they purchased something with bitcoin, they bought back in a reasonable time in order to maintain their BTC holdings.

So folks here may be considered rich or filthy rich, even if they did not have a really large initial investment and even when they may have been a bit chicken shit about investing too much into bitcoin.  If you were around the thread in 2015, there were plenty of folks either shedding decent sizes of their bitcoin holdings and/or failing/refusing to buy bitcoins.

I think that you are correct that it is not too late, and bitcoin remains a good investment, even in the $10k to $12k price arena.
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Activity: 4004
Merit: 11824

Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"

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January 23, 2018, 11:53:57 PM

I'm not sure what's going on with the mempool/fees right now, but I don't like it.

Something is going on... Bullish signal ?

Seems like we are merely receiving some kind of temporary reprieve from spam attacks on the BTC network, whether it is because Jihan is moving some of his mining operation from China to Canada or for some other random reason, who knows.  I don't think that the mempool status is either bullish or bearish indicator because it remains a continuously manipulated variable.

I am not going to chime in with substance on this particular point (unless begged) because I already gave my suggestion on this point, about 2 weeks ago. 

Yeah yeah, I know... I'm supposed to be happy selling above $10k USD/BTC...


I did not say that.  Maybe it does bear some repeating of my earlier suggestion, whether I can consider you as begging me to or not?  Wink

My main point earlier was to engage in your selling strategy in an incremental kind of way and let the market come to you rather than stressing out about it.  Seems that you are already in a very decent position to have already accomplished 30% of your goal.   Need I say more?    Cheesy Cheesy
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♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ < ♛♚&#

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January 23, 2018, 11:59:49 PM

Here is how an EW analyst might see the future.  (abc would be longer time but I couldn't fit on chart).  I could try to rationalize the peak with something like  ' all governemnts ban btc once it is big enough to pose an actual threat to fiat currency' or 'catastrophic protocol failure or unresolvable scalability issue', 'world financial meltdown / wars' or simply 'competition from something better'.

Look at this prediction I made in 2014

I wanna see 50k $
When?  Grin
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Activity: 2310
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Cлaвa Укpaїнi!

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January 24, 2018, 12:01:00 AM

Just going through all the shitfork coins to see if I can increase my BTC stash.
Looks like the majority of them can't be exchanged on any exchanges due to various reasons (non functioning wallets etc).
Does anyone have a list of which coins are actively trading and can be deposited at which exchange?
Would be much appreciated.

Yes please that’d be great. I don’t have an android phone so I haven’t been able to claim my bitcoin gold still through the Coinimi wallet.

You can get a brand new android phone from China on ebay for 40 bucks and free shipping, I just bought one to keep my free coins in. Will start to claim after Bitcoin Atom's snapshot on 25/26 this month.
El duderino_
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Activity: 2800
Merit: 13888

BTC + Crossfit, living life.

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January 24, 2018, 12:02:26 AM

Breaking 24777$ prediction game      FINAL LIST       

27/12/2017 bikerleszno Sad
29/12/2018 cAPSLOCK  Sad
30/12/2017 digithusiast Sad
31/12/2017 Raja_MBZ Sad
01/01/2018 elg Sad
02/01/2018 wachtwoord Sad
03/01/2018 JimboToronto Sad
04/01/2018 d_eddie  Sad
06/01/2018 HanvanBitcoin Sad
07/01/2018 ghandi Sad
08/01/2018 savetherainforrest Sad
09/01/2018 explorer Sad
10/01/2018 bicoinpsycho Sad
11/01/2018 Bitcoinaire Sad
12/01/2018 speedwheel Sad
13/01/2018 undeadbitcoiner Sad
14/01/2018 northypole Sad
15/01/2018 ivomm Sad
16/01/2018 maca068 Sad
17/01/2018 bitcoinvest Sad
18/01/2018 last of the v8s Sad
19/01/2018 mfort312 Sad
20/01/2018 1982dre Sad
21/01/2018 flamast2 Sad
22/01/2018 RealMachasm Sad
23/01/2018 willope Sad
24/01/2018 kartala
25/01/2018 orpington
26/01/2018 rolling
27/01/2018 LFC_bitcoin
28/01/2018 jojo69
29/01/2018 CristiTCM
30/01/2018 rayX12
31/01/2018 realsteelboy
01/02/2018 twocorn
02/02/2018 mancroofer
03/02/2018 True Myth
04/02/2018 poolminor
05/02/2018 itod
06/02/2018 scheptan
07/02/2018 vapourminer
08/02/2018 alexeft
09/02/2018 siera
10/02/2018 AlcoHoDL
11/02/2018 Dunkelheit667
12/02/2018 yonton
13/02/2018 Wekkel
14/02/2018 Thekool1s
15/02/2018 starmman
16/02/2018 Globb0
17/02/2018 leveldkrypto
18/02/2018 olesh
19/02/2018 BitCoinBurger
20/02/2018 Paashaas
21/02/2018 flynn
22/02/2018 icygreen
23/02/2018 erisdiscordia
24/02/2018 phil_s
25/02/2018 sirazimuth
26/02/2018 Arriemoller
27/02/2018 yonton
28/02/2018 Muttley
01/03/2018 bones261
02/03/2018 heater
03/03/2018 soullyG
04/03/2018 InvoKing
05/03/2018 Notme
06/03/2018 sa_94
07/03/2018 NUFCrichard
08/03/2018 Imbatman
09/03/2018 Roombot
10/03/2018 STT
11/03/2018 badream
13/03/2018 erre
14/03/2018 julian071
15/03/2018 podyx
17/03/2018 fragout
18/03/2018 fabiorem
21/03/2018 dakustaking76
23/03/2018 nikauforest
31/03/2018 vroom
01/04/2018 somac.
02/04/2018 kurious
04/04/2018 fluidjax
05/04/2018 bitcoinbunny
08/04/2018 tyler1890
10/04/2018 ludwigvon
11/04/2018 hairymaclairy
16/04/2018 practicaldreamer
27/04/2018 drbrockoin
01/05/2018 sprinkles
02/06/2018 oblox
07/07/2018 IntroVert
03/08/2018 toxic2040
28/08/2018 bitserve
15/10/2018 Yefi
05/11/2018 mikenz
31/12/2018 melman2002
01/01/2019 Spaceman_Spiff_Original
12/02/2019 FractalUniverse
21/04/2019 gentlemand
20/02/2020 romneymoney
18/12/2021 luckygenough56


Last of the V8s
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Be a bank

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January 24, 2018, 12:16:42 AM

For once this creep is not entirely wrong
9h9 hours ago
Wow. Tinfoil hat anti-governmentalism meets banks-create-money conspiracy theories meets Marxist cod-dialectics meets theoretically deficient monetary history.
suspiciously square
Jr. Member
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Activity: 59
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January 24, 2018, 12:20:35 AM
Last edit: January 24, 2018, 12:33:10 AM by suspiciously square

Just going through all the shitfork coins to see if I can increase my BTC stash.
Looks like the majority of them can't be exchanged on any exchanges due to various reasons (non functioning wallets etc).
Does anyone have a list of which coins are actively trading and can be deposited at which exchange?
Would be much appreciated.

Yes please that’d be great. I don’t have an android phone so I haven’t been able to claim my bitcoin gold still through the Coinimi wallet.

You can get a brand new android phone from China on ebay for 40 bucks and free shipping, I just bought one to keep my free coins in. Will start to claim after Bitcoin Atom's snapshot on 25/26 this month.

Be careful of cheap android phones from ebay and amazon. Some of them have viruses installed on them by the manufacturers themselves, or along the supply chain.

The last thing you want your smartphone doing is sending your text messages, contacts, and location history to a server in China. But according to mobile security firm Kryptowire, a particularly nasty brand of Android software did just that, transmitting text, data, call, location, and app data to a Chinese server every 72 hours.

Researchers began to raise red flags last fall, when it was discovered the the data mining tool in question — called Adups — had been living inside hundreds of millions of devices produced by more than 40 manufacturers

There are other viruses pre-installed in some android phones besides the one in that story.
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Activity: 3080
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lose: unfind ... loose: untight

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January 24, 2018, 12:29:50 AM

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January 24, 2018, 12:33:13 AM

For once this creep is not entirely wrong
9h9 hours ago
Wow. Tinfoil hat anti-governmentalism meets banks-create-money conspiracy theories meets Marxist cod-dialectics meets theoretically deficient monetary history.

Yes, this is what the gov establishment of every country fears the populous (debt slaves) will start to ponder, if their jobs/careers/life starts to flounder due to economic stagnation or crisis:

‘But I was taught that in this land I was free. How can I be called ‘free’ if my destiny is determined not by what I or my community do, but by the actions of dubious people playing with things like sub-prime mortgages thousands of miles away? If we have worked hard why should we, who have nothing to do with this mess, suffer, while the culprits go unpunished and fly around in private jets? Freedom must surely be about more than voting for some fool every few years.’

But too late now. Damage done.
Colonel Panic
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Activity: 110
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I do not have a Telegram or Skype account.

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January 24, 2018, 12:53:07 AM
Merited by Last of the V8s (1)


Cypherdoc that you??

Can you recommend a miner?

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diamond-handed zealot

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January 24, 2018, 12:56:31 AM


Yeah, somebody had your back above also.

There are those that READ the thread, and those that simply cast their tripe upon it.

And then there is Jimbo...who gets a pass.
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Activity: 1806
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January 24, 2018, 12:58:21 AM


Things are not looking very good right now, folks.

Bitcorn is moving in the wrong direction. Looks like we might be testing 4 digits again at this rate.

Well, I set a bunch of bids starting at $10750 all the way down to $8750 in $250 increments. Looks like one of my bids was filled already. I'd prefer BTC was going the other direction though. Oh well, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
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Activity: 3934
Merit: 5692

Note the unconventional cAPITALIZATION!

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January 24, 2018, 01:08:02 AM

I have no doubt, but I'm on a schedule. I've made peace parting with 20-30% of my Bitcorn reserves to fund my retirement, within the next 30 days.

Now I'm just dealing with the stress of timing my sell-walls Sad

Is people like you that are holding the train.. you waited how many years to sell BTC and now you cant wait to be a fiatllionare?  WTF?
Who are you to tell people what to do with their money?

Bob may be a pretty big fish in the WO pond but even his sales of a few hundred btc are a plink in the ocean.

And someone is BUYING his bitcoin.

AND he is not selling into the market.

In other words he is making the price go UP.
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Activity: 4004
Merit: 11824

Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"

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January 24, 2018, 01:12:10 AM


Things are not looking very good right now, folks.

Bitcorn is moving in the wrong direction. Looks like we might be testing 4 digits again at this rate.

Well, I set a bunch of bids starting at $10750 all the way down to $8750 in $250 increments. Looks like one of my bids was filled already. I'd prefer BTC was going the other direction though. Oh well, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

You see.

Even Bones is getting onboard with buying on the way down (rather than selling)...  Shocked Shocked

What's next?   Cheesy
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Activity: 4046
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January 24, 2018, 01:21:09 AM

yea, sorry, double post; this thread produces so many pages a day, missed it (your post).
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Activity: 2842
Merit: 1511

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January 24, 2018, 01:36:53 AM

You can get a brand new android phone from China on ebay for 40 bucks and free shipping, I just bought one to keep my free coins in. Will start to claim after Bitcoin Atom's snapshot on 25/26 this month.

You can emulate it in Windows as well. Tbh, I prefer /u/ymgve's script, as you don't expose your private keys to anyone. I've looked at the source and it all seems legit.

During the '13/'14 downturn, there was just constant dumping. Thousands and thousands of coins, over such long months of non-stop dumping. It baffled everyone. Then later when it was revealed that Mt. Gox had been hacked two years earlier and was insolvent, I suddenly realized where all those mystery coins were coming from.

Didn't WizSec's findings reveal that the majority were sold before the 2013 rally though? I'd probably say it was responsible for $2, not for $200.
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Activity: 3080
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lose: unfind ... loose: untight

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January 24, 2018, 01:37:39 AM

Coinbase ... probably they were getting back-handers from Jihad , Roger and jbreher and those big-block bum-buddies to keep fees high and sow mayhem.

Shutteth up about things which thou knoweth not.

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