March 11, 2014, 05:41:09 PM |
Is there no kind of notification,for when users receive a message,or are transferred an asset,and those kind of things? I miss a notifications tab.
Nice. A 'transaction' history / notification for messages, assets and so on.
March 11, 2014, 05:41:59 PM |
Is there no kind of notification,for when users receive a message,or are transferred an asset,and those kind of things? I miss a notifications tab.
Will be done later.
March 11, 2014, 05:42:39 PM |
Is there no kind of notification,for when users receive a message,or are transferred an asset,and those kind of things? I miss a notifications tab.
Nice. A 'transaction' history / notification for messages, assets and so on. Transaction history already exists. Sidebar > transactions. What's different about your approach? Btw, you can filter by type, see dropdown in right side of transactions page.
Activity: 2142
Merit: 1010
March 11, 2014, 05:42:57 PM |
I'm waiting for an official sanctioned way by CFB on how to do local signing of transactions.
BCNext was delaying local signing to force ppl to install full nodes. I think we shouldn't wait longer and am going to implement prepareTransaction right after we launch Asset Exchange. CfB, whats up with that? Jean-Luc has almost finished this.
March 11, 2014, 05:47:59 PM |
I'm waiting for an official sanctioned way by CFB on how to do local signing of transactions.
BCNext was delaying local signing to force ppl to install full nodes. I think we shouldn't wait longer and am going to implement prepareTransaction right after we launch Asset Exchange. CfB, whats up with that? Jean-Luc has almost finished this. +1
March 11, 2014, 05:48:16 PM |
why such sell offs on bter?? its allot more so then normal..? is the asset exchange soon launching or something? would the whales be trying to off load some before the price goes up and ppl can buy less?
Yes, altruism all over the place
March 11, 2014, 05:49:32 PM |
just an idea.. you know when you click on transactions then an address in transactions and this shows up
Account 4879225603217396121 Info This account has a balance of 20'000 NXT. Transactions Assets Aliases Date Type Amount Fee Account 3/11/2014 15:48:53 Ordinary payment 5'000 5 You 3/11/2014 15:47:00 Arbitrary message 0 1 13641213266085296507 3/11/2014 15:45:47 Ordinary payment 10'000 10 13641213266085296507 3/11/2014 15:45:00 Ordinary payment 5'000 5 You
could you put a button saying send message to this acc instead of having to copy the address and then go to send message? and have it auto fill the address for you?
Your wish is my command: PS: For those that had issues in Firefox private mode, that should be fixed too. Let me know!
March 11, 2014, 05:53:55 PM |
just an idea.. you know when you click on transactions then an address in transactions and this shows up
Account 4879225603217396121 Info This account has a balance of 20'000 NXT. Transactions Assets Aliases Date Type Amount Fee Account 3/11/2014 15:48:53 Ordinary payment 5'000 5 You 3/11/2014 15:47:00 Arbitrary message 0 1 13641213266085296507 3/11/2014 15:45:47 Ordinary payment 10'000 10 13641213266085296507 3/11/2014 15:45:00 Ordinary payment 5'000 5 You
could you put a button saying send message to this acc instead of having to copy the address and then go to send message? and have it auto fill the address for you?
Your wish is my command: PS: For those that had issues in Firefox private mode, that should be fixed too. Let me know! sweet nice work! how about aliases that if i want to name an acc something i can but only i can see it so i can name an acc john if the acc is held by my friend john!?? so that in messages it comes up with names that i gave them rather then just numbers! like a label? Isn't that what "add as contact" does?
Activity: 952
Merit: 1000
Yeah! I hate ShroomsKit!
March 11, 2014, 05:54:48 PM |
Did anyone notice the MASSIVE MARKET BUY ORDER at
March 11, 2014, 05:56:48 PM |
Isn't that what "add as contact" does?
sorry didnt see that When you add it, you can simply type the contact name instead of the account ID in send money dialog, send message dialog and so on.
March 11, 2014, 06:02:09 PM |
ok think i may have found a glitch... this is another idiot glitch too.. lol
log in.. it comes up with transactions.. just click a pile of times really fast on one of the transaction id's... *fade into black screen* spooky...
Lol, clicking 10 + times on the same link? tried to replicate it, can't. what browser?
March 11, 2014, 06:06:30 PM |
ok think i may have found a glitch... this is another idiot glitch too.. lol
log in.. it comes up with transactions.. just click a pile of times really fast on one of the transaction id's... *fade into black screen* spooky...
Lol, clicking 10 + times on the same link? tried to replicate it, can't. what browser? chrome.. happened again too.. :/ can't replicate it, even in chrome.
March 11, 2014, 06:27:15 PM |
What's the timeline for asset exchange in main network?
March 11, 2014, 06:45:37 PM Last edit: March 11, 2014, 08:55:36 PM by opticalcarrier |
I'm waiting for an official sanctioned way by CFB on how to do local signing of transactions.
BCNext was delaying local signing to force ppl to install full nodes. I think we shouldn't wait longer and am going to implement prepareTransaction right after we launch Asset Exchange. CfB, whats up with that? Jean-Luc has almost finished this. In that case today/tomorrow I will convert vps1 - vps12 on to be HTTPS only and they will use the following CA -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDkTCCAnmgAwIBAgIJAI0O0DJBZfATMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMF8xCzAJBgNV BAYTAkFVMRMwEQYDVQQIDApTb21lLVN0YXRlMSEwHwYDVQQKDBhJbnRlcm5ldCBX aWRnaXRzIFB0eSBMdGQxGDAWBgNVBAMMDyoubnh0Y3J5cHRvLm9yZzAeFw0xNDAz MTEyMDM4MjZaFw0xOTAzMTAyMDM4MjZaMF8xCzAJBgNVBAYTAkFVMRMwEQYDVQQI DApTb21lLVN0YXRlMSEwHwYDVQQKDBhJbnRlcm5ldCBXaWRnaXRzIFB0eSBMdGQx GDAWBgNVBAMMDyoubnh0Y3J5cHRvLm9yZzCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEP ADCCAQoCggEBAKjp9XhKSFzLv100077WiZl6F0XqP36KOdw1rRjFMteeQVfPoEp5 2D/Y10klFT80s9tcp7dYjSRuRJ9yNy9DbCD4zKYcBquFIICzcxdcf3UdjupWY2mf RMbra8zuWvJFo/nEHsbCDrEB4WC/+6qssNzJd7Xsr3v4SKESFQXQrjZtNwMkz46N ilhAWRjrzC7CCrkxVk3BQ5k9UFD8UBM7g14qDfQQvCgiNgxm7t8tCxF2uXckHLUa QB45DqP3zfRNtf6t99ChVcWgBDw6IZsHFq6C88zBTvY5rvp7BALNl3vjYNkiv1h1 rLIRKtjHOukrF6bIkTPDY/p9bJnzH1shXGMCAwEAAaNQME4wHQYDVR0OBBYEFDk1 zmSgctw/7ejjL0QB9EQ/0HboMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFDk1zmSgctw/7ejjL0QB9EQ/ 0HboMAwGA1UdEwQFMAMBAf8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQADggEBAFwxj+SVOQez4qrh 2jMDpTKRzMHWK60oSLol/GfJa0naAxY0IR/Afg0aNnzRkpzVW13GIpkXzs/J8j1K ccIOzbpnLsjOpC9IWgDTT0/3uzi9+mLT/25cXhiOPZuS5qyJ5GsNQQVsalnaLill doAupKnozftWbYbu5x8/bCSj2HmEBVsXANP9GjcoNtHIPqHCjDAAERyCBw+ZFCR8 nhfuehBHCUp7rccdgYHjkCDEGckt2Cw6VcHhzM+vAigOZwtnOEDg38qENUaWuQPs IqnPEmLRL9ohFyQ/7bJzXxFyIVxiaUwtHnlNmqB7cF5f2Ud5kpjCYJu4f/83Bs3y Q0Ib3Cw= -----END CERTIFICATE-----
VPSs vps13 - vps26 are not under my sole control and not commited to for funding on a perm basis, so should not be used in your lite clients for transaction signing.
Activity: 2408
Merit: 1004
March 11, 2014, 06:49:22 PM |
why nxt is so down?
Activity: 1225
Merit: 1000
March 11, 2014, 06:55:12 PM |
ok think i may have found a glitch... this is another idiot glitch too.. lol
log in.. it comes up with transactions.. just click a pile of times really fast on one of the transaction id's... *fade into black screen* spooky...
Lol, clicking 10 + times on the same link? tried to replicate it, can't. what browser? chrome.. happened again too.. :/ can't replicate it, even in chrome. I can reproduce the bug in chrome After logging in, click on a block number under "Recent Blocks" twice, really fast. That opens the same lightbox twice. When closing the lightbox, the screens remains blacked out, and nothing is clickable. Note: Bug happens only if you click on a block that has many transactions. I'm on Chrome 33.
March 11, 2014, 07:00:47 PM |
ok think i may have found a glitch... this is another idiot glitch too.. lol
log in.. it comes up with transactions.. just click a pile of times really fast on one of the transaction id's... *fade into black screen* spooky...
Lol, clicking 10 + times on the same link? tried to replicate it, can't. what browser? chrome.. happened again too.. :/ can't replicate it, even in chrome. I can reproduce the bug in chrome After logging in, click on a block number under "Recent Blocks" twice, really fast. That opens the same lightbox twice. When closing the lightbox, the screens remains blacked out, and nothing is clickable. Note: Bug happens only if you click on a block that has many transactions. I'm on Chrome 33. I could reproduce it like this. Edit:I think it happens on every blue text link.I went to the asset exchange,tried it on "asset issuer" in the sell orders of EXP,and happened too Edit 2: I tried it on edit,on an alias i have,and i cant reproduce it there.It returns to the normal website,so its fine there.
Activity: 1225
Merit: 1000
March 11, 2014, 07:02:56 PM |
Can someone send me some TestNXT please?
Thank you!
March 11, 2014, 07:04:22 PM |
Can someone send me some TestNXT please?
Thank you!
8k sent
Activity: 1225
Merit: 1000
March 11, 2014, 07:05:03 PM |
Wow that was fast! Awesome, thanks!