March 10, 2014, 07:52:44 AM |
... my point here is that the NXT client is really un-user-friendly. I like the idea of having ur password as your login, but most users are not accustomed to such a system. the NXTcoin teams needs to seriously educate users properly about how to manage the wallet etc.
- didn't you read this If opening a new account, please note: A simple passphrase will certainly result in your NXT being stolen! Do not use any phrase that appears in any printed or online material, no matter how long or obscure. A secure passphrase will be at least 35 characters long and consist of random letters, numbers, and special characters, or a meaningless combination of 10 random words. when you create your account? People don't read everything if anything at all when signing up on sites or entering passwords. Just adding some text doesn't resolve this problem.
Sr. Member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
☕ NXT-4BTE-8Y4K-CDS2-6TB82
March 10, 2014, 07:59:41 AM |
One idea (which I will not take credit for, only restating in this context) was that perhaps 'effectiveBalance' (ie: forging power == 'leased + owned NXT') could be capped to prevent large pools.
And I still do not think what the purpose of this is except annoying stakeholders. The idea has nothing to do with annoying large stakeholders. It would be an annoyance, for sure. But is one that is meant to limit large centralization of pooling once 'forge leasing' is available. If leasing NXT to forge were uncapped, many worry that centralized forging pools would form and harm the security of the network. One only need to look at high centralization of many PoW pools to see the merits of argument. Proposed limit to forging power aims to avoid pool centralization.(IMHO, stakeholder 'annoyance' is a small price to pay if NXT is able to perform reliable TF and Instant Transactions). Understand that it will not avoid pools. Stakeholder will split their balances and created pseudo-nodes (if whatever forging limit you impose on accounts or nodes). If you want to avoid pools the right way, find a crypto-solution.
Activity: 2184
Merit: 1000
March 10, 2014, 08:32:23 AM |
Personally I think we just "stick with the plan" and get on with it (otherwise you guys will still be debating in 2015 about what to do by which time Nxt will be irrelevant).
March 10, 2014, 08:34:16 AM |
Personally I think we just "stick with the plan" and get on with it (otherwise you guys will still be debating in 2015 about what to do by which time Nxt will be irrelevant).
+1 +1 CIYAM will nxt go somewhere?
March 10, 2014, 08:34:44 AM |
Personally I think we just "stick with the plan" and get on with it (otherwise you guys will still be debating in 2015 about what to do by which time Nxt will be irrelevant).
+1 +1
Activity: 1205
Merit: 1000
March 10, 2014, 08:37:20 AM |
OK, But should have a validation in the next versions of the client for existing accounts saying: Hello asshole, you have 50,000 NXT and uses a 10-character password? You are asking to get screwed, please create another account with a password of over 30 characters including numbers, letters and special characters and move your values or soon someone will steal you. Do not cry when it happens. You have been warned.
The client should not even allow anything like that from happening. Put a minimum password length of 20 characters, what so hard about that?  I think using that exact language would have worked so much better though. The Mac client I am using first gives you this message before opening an account:  and when you choose a weak passphrase, you will get this message:  The other clients should implement this too.
March 10, 2014, 08:42:07 AM |
In regards to the main chain being fast - that is what TF is all about and that is the very point of "the plan". It makes less sense to me for the main chain to be the slower one.
BTW - these same conversations just keep going in pointless circles every day.
Personally I think we just "stick with the plan" and get on with it (otherwise you guys will still be debating in 2015 about what to do by which time Nxt will be irrelevant).
I think we have shown that it is *impossible* for the people in this topic to ever come to a consensus about anything at all (and perhaps a few of you actually work for Ethereum to ensure exactly that).
I am willing to say "let's just go with the plan" (because it is obvious that we'll never work out another plan).
+1 I think not everyone reads the whole thread before he is posting his ideas. That helps with the pointless circling  Did you even read my post? I guess we'll just +1 whatever CIYAM says, that's fine too. He literally quoted one sentence from my post, and ignored all my other points (which also, to my knowledge, have not been discussed before. If they have, quote it here - please.) I guess we all do what we think is best for NXT. Personally, I'm going to take a break from this community. Impossible this, impossible that. Whatever.
NXT: 13095091276527367030
March 10, 2014, 08:44:10 AM |
The Mac client I am using first gives you this message before opening an account: and when you choose a weak passphrase, you will get this message: The other clients should implement this too.
huh,that is exactly what the official nrs client is ?! I guess we all do what we think is best for NXT. Personally, I'm going to take a break from this community. Impossible this, impossible that. Whatever.
i have heard that nxt is going nowhere due to no strong joined development is thatreally true? i cant and dont want to afford to lose my investment if this goes lower
March 10, 2014, 08:45:33 AM |
So I'll ask again, why is there a need for a single 1000 TPS chain when you can have hundreds of 10 TPS chains?
I think the current idea of parallel chains are 99% independent, so there is no real interaction between them. I think that is the reason. edit
March 10, 2014, 08:45:58 AM |
When people first open the client an account is automatically generated and people can receive coin immediatly . The password is saved in a "wallet.dat" equivalent. The user doesn't have to know it unless he search for it.
- you forget to add "IMHO". How many times need I repeat to close-minded people: ... All clients should have password management system. The client should generate cryptographically secure passwords and save them on hard disk in wallet.dat ...
- I'm strongly disagree with this. This feature should be an option. BCNext made brain wallet in Nxt on purpose. Russian government says, that those, who use any crypto, is a terrorist. So wallet.dat is a proof that you have account in Nxt, so you are terrorist. Whilst brain wallet mean that you do not leave any trace on your hard disk. There should be an option to either "save" or "do not save" your password to local disk. +21 1. Download wallet 2. Create account 3. Save password? If Yes > Password saved > End of story If No > Warning message appears like; "Own responsability to save your password and it is important blah blah" This will meet every user his need. He/She can choose to create a brainwallet or a wallet on his/her PC.
Activity: 1205
Merit: 1000
March 10, 2014, 08:46:47 AM |
The Mac client I am using first gives you this message before opening an account: and when you choose a weak passphrase, you will get this message: The other clients should implement this too.
huh,that is exactly what the official nrs client is ?! I guess we all do what we think is best for NXT. Personally, I'm going to take a break from this community. Impossible this, impossible that. Whatever.
i have heard that nxt is going nowhere due to no strong joined development is thatreally true? i cant and dont want to afford to lose my investment if this goes lower Just relax and chill. Rome wasn't build in one day. This is one of the best communities for a crypto!
March 10, 2014, 08:48:34 AM |
Just relax and chill. Rome wasn't build in one day. This is one of the best communities for a crypto!
that is true but I dont see much agreement , just some bits here and there. that doesnt make it stronger?
Activity: 1890
Merit: 1098
Ian Knowles - CIYAM Lead Developer
March 10, 2014, 08:53:21 AM |
I guess we all do what we think is best for NXT. Personally, I'm going to take a break from this community. Impossible this, impossible that. Whatever.
Don't take my "lack of interest" the wrong way - but we have literally hundreds of pages of "ideas" being suggested. I myself had put up quite a lot of ideas which I've now simply decided are not worth fighting over. The project simply can't move forward if we have to spend every day discussing every idea that is being brought up (whether they be good or bad ideas isn't relevant). It's actually quite *easy* to come up with good ideas but it's rather a different thing to turn ideas into a working product which is what Nxt needs to be focused on primarily. Here's how well things are going in regards to trying to get things done (for Nxt AT): http://ciyam.org/open/?cmd=view&data=20140220164742097000&ident=M100V137&chksum=065ecf7dSo in the Nxt AT project there is currently 1 person doing anything (myself) and a total of 0.009 BTC available for the project to allocate (I won't complain about payment as I have received some BTC directly for my contribution).
Sr. Member
Activity: 421
Merit: 250
HEAT Ledger
March 10, 2014, 08:53:58 AM |
This was available in Offspring from day 1
Activity: 2184
Merit: 1000
March 10, 2014, 08:58:04 AM |
Just relax and chill. Rome wasn't build in one day. This is one of the best communities for a crypto!
that is true but I dont see much agreement , just some bits here and there. that doesnt make it stronger? 1) Because you do not see the full picture at the moment....the more time you spent here the more things will become clear. The pace of development is very fast that's the benefit of independent actors we are all termites building a termite mount....it's very hard for each termite to see the end result of each individual termites actions. 2) If you look at all other "2nd GEN COIN" Nxt is not doing too bad. Mastercoin has been in a steady slide while Nxt have been pretty stable.
March 10, 2014, 09:05:19 AM |
Just relax and chill. Rome wasn't build in one day. This is one of the best communities for a crypto!
that is true but I dont see much agreement , just some bits here and there. that doesnt make it stronger? 
March 10, 2014, 09:06:58 AM |
ok, can somebody PLEASE recap 1-2 months, what was released and agreed on, what was implemented in the nxt software/core?
please forgive me, it is hard to keep up with this megathread and i cant see an actual overview
thank u so much
Activity: 1806
Merit: 1038
March 10, 2014, 09:09:36 AM |
Understand that it will not avoid pools. Stakeholder will split their balances and created pseudo-nodes (if whatever forging limit you impose on accounts or nodes). If you want to avoid pools the right way, find a crypto-solution.
- yes, we need to slightly modify forging algo to prevent this: As noted before, this approach slightly favors bigger accounts; in order to make the forging power exactly (up to computational errors) proportional to the balance, one must use Wi=gi/|ln Ui| instead. CfB told me that BCNext preferred not to use logs in order to discourage splitting of big accounts (what for - anybody knows?). ...
██████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ | , the Next platform. Magis quam Moneta (More than a Coin) |
Activity: 1890
Merit: 1098
Ian Knowles - CIYAM Lead Developer
March 10, 2014, 09:14:34 AM |
yes, we need to slightly modify forging algo to prevent this:
That was part of the plan and modifying the plan is something the people in this topic simply can't agree on so I don't think that there is any point in you bringing that up *again* (it has been brought up several times before). I hope you do realise that CfB is simply proceeding with the plan and ignoring all of this discussion (and personally I think he is making the right choice in doing so).