slush (OP)
Activity: 1386
Merit: 1097
October 14, 2011, 09:24:12 AM |
Boyd: I'm working on it. Most probably today, but you never know; I didn't expect that DDoS issues as well...
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
October 14, 2011, 10:01:14 AM |
Oki ... just asking, good luck
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
October 14, 2011, 10:11:23 AM |
Btw. Anybody else facing so high rejections rate ? Accepted shares: 1696 Rejected shares: 103
October 14, 2011, 10:20:05 AM |
Slush: are the shares we are submitting now counting towards our NMC balances? Are they being scored like BTC except divided between the people who have NMC info filled in? I know the stats display is not operational yet, but the backend is keeping track of all of this already?
Activity: 1855
Merit: 1016
October 14, 2011, 12:22:19 PM |
Btw. Anybody else facing so high rejections rate ? Accepted shares: 1696 Rejected shares: 103
569 Accepted 29 Rejected
October 14, 2011, 12:26:50 PM |
Btw. Anybody else facing so high rejections rate ? Accepted shares: 1696 Rejected shares: 103
It's different on all my miners, but definitely much higher than the days before the attack A: 3052 R: 284 A: 4609 R: 193 And so on Seems like I always have a reject every time a new block is announced, and then some Brat
October 14, 2011, 12:26:55 PM |
Slush replied some where back that stales might be abnormally higher than usual.
slush (OP)
Activity: 1386
Merit: 1097
October 14, 2011, 12:40:21 PM |
Seems like I always have a reject every time a new block is announced
If you have shares rejected _after_ block broadcast, then try restarting your miner. Some miners have bug that they don't reconnect to new LP URL given from server once they're already connected somewhere else. So maybe you're accepting jobs from different backend than you're submitting to...
October 14, 2011, 02:15:33 PM |
I restarted all my miners,
Will see tonight how they are doing
October 14, 2011, 02:20:08 PM |
Slush: are the shares we are submitting now counting towards our NMC balances? Are they being scored like BTC except divided between the people who have NMC info filled in? I know the stats display is not operational yet, but the backend is keeping track of all of this already?
He had said earlier that once the accounting system is in place, any new nmc mined will be scored the same way as btc, and any that had already been mined will be distributed based on what was contributed while they were mined. And only people who have put a nmc address in their account will be included. Not sure if he will go by hashing power or shares or something else to determine who gets what. But I'm personally not concerned. I trust slush to divvy it all up fairly...
If I help you out: 17QatvSdciyv2zsdAbphDEUzST1S6x46c3 References ( 50051.20 50051.100 53668.0 53788.0 53571.0 53571.0 52212.0 50729.0 114804.0 115468 78106 69061 58572 54747
October 14, 2011, 02:24:59 PM |
With the DDOS behind us, is there a new timeline for implementing the NMC accounting so we can get our namecoins?
slush (OP)
Activity: 1386
Merit: 1097
October 14, 2011, 02:28:23 PM |
Philj: I'm working on it right now. If I don't asleep with my head on keyboard, it will be later today (UTC).
October 14, 2011, 02:45:31 PM |
With the DDOS behind us, is there a new timeline for implementing the NMC accounting so we can get our namecoins?
Stop asking him. There have been at least 15 people who have. He has responded politely. Read the forum for each time he responds to the same question. He is only one man (or so I think) and he is human. Sleep is required. I am fine with the fact that it is already counting, it is just not reporting it to our accounts yet.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1000
Satoshi is rolling in his grave. #bitcoin
October 14, 2011, 03:27:07 PM |
With the DDOS behind us, is there a new timeline for implementing the NMC accounting so we can get our namecoins?
Stop asking him. There have been at least 15 people who have. He has responded politely. Read the forum for each time he responds to the same question. He is only one man (or so I think) and he is human. Sleep is required. I am fine with the fact that it is already counting, it is just not reporting it to our accounts yet. +1. it will be ready when its ready,back off a bit.
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
October 14, 2011, 03:54:30 PM |
would the namecoin thing be similar to the bitcoin in the way that i dont have to have the namecoin exe running at all times to get the rewards? i mean i have the thing set up and i've generated an address for myself, which i have saved in my profile.
what i mean is that can i just simply forget about the whole thing for a while, and then someday fire up the exe, catch up with the blockchain and see if i have any coins in my namecoin wallet?
October 14, 2011, 03:55:58 PM |
would the namecoin thing be similar to the bitcoin in the way that i dont have to have the namecoin exe running at all times to get the rewards? i mean i have the thing set up and i've generated an address for myself, which i have saved in my profile.
what i mean is that can i just simply forget about the whole thing for a while, and then someday fire up the exe, catch up with the blockchain and see if i have any coins in my namecoin wallet?
Yep !
slush (OP)
Activity: 1386
Merit: 1097
October 14, 2011, 04:40:01 PM |
Last days were very hard for me and I was doing my best to recover pool to normal operation as fast as possible. During those very long nights I had many thoughs if this is the end of the pool; people will leave it because it isn't working realiably soo long. Now I see hashrate is slowly rising back to normal, which is the best satisfaction for all my work. Thank you a lot for your support!
October 14, 2011, 05:32:30 PM |
Last days were very hard for me and I was doing my best to recover pool to normal operation as fast as possible. During those very long nights I had many thoughs if this is the end of the pool; people will leave it because it isn't working realiably soo long. Now I see hashrate is slowly rising back to normal, which is the best satisfaction for all my work. Thank you a lot for your support!
All the big pools have suffered DOS's at least as big as the one you suffered. We don't like it but we understand what's going on, for the most part anyway. We should be thanking you. You are the one pulling long nights to work around internet wickedness.
Activity: 2030
Merit: 1000
My money; Our Bitcoin.
October 14, 2011, 05:43:22 PM |
Last days were very hard for me and I was doing my best to recover pool to normal operation as fast as possible. During those very long nights I had many thoughs if this is the end of the pool; people will leave it because it isn't working realiably soo long. Now I see hashrate is slowly rising back to normal, which is the best satisfaction for all my work. Thank you a lot for your support!
Everything seems to be working good for me now. Thanks for the work you have put in to bring us through the storm.  Will wait patiently to see what NMC will come my way from this merged mining thing...
October 14, 2011, 05:52:16 PM |
the pool has passed the 800 block mark  over 40k mined and waiting to be handed out (minus the fee)