Is this allowed, ask people to review my posts and I will review them posts?
I have some sMerits for how long i can keep them without spending?
I would like to know if this is allowed, too.

I don't have a chance to be a regular on the boards because I travel a lot for work. Some weeks I have a lot of downtime, and then I can be gone for two, three weeks. That being said, I've always tried (even before the merit system was in place) to make positive contributions to posts, at least to the extent that I can as a non-tech-savvy-'newbie'

. I really don't know what more I can do to contribute and make answers worthy of merit, if I know little to none about mining or coding. All I can do is pass on the knowledge I've gained on this board, or to share my analysis of recent news and developments, to the best of my ability.
Some have broached the topic of why merit matters so much, and it's a great question. I know ranking matters for the ones who are pursuing signature campaigns, but that's not a goal of mine... not enough time at the moment! That being said, I think the idea of ranking up matters to all of us because.. let's face it. If you're in crypto, you've got a bit of a competitive streak. You're a risk taker. And people who fit that profile need to see
some sort of gain or at least a sense of moving upwards or forwards in order to stay motivated to continue. Its true of any game you might play - if you don't see yourself moving up the levels, you lose steam. Even though it shouldn't matter, it
does bug me when I make an effort to post something that took some thought, or some research, or the application of some knowledge, and it just gets lost in the chatter.
I'd love to be able to ask those in the 'know' if they can review my posts so I can at least know what I'm doing right, what I'm doing wrong, and how to do better!
Well I can review this post.
If I was a merit source, I would not award this post merit because it doesn't have enough value.
I know you put some time into the post, and it is long and well-written, but it's basically your personal experience without any valuable insight.
I boiled it down to:
1. I was here long, now not enough time to post, but I still want to rank up. <-- sort of alluding indirectly to the notion that people get more merit for posting more frequently rather than posting a few good posts.
2. I don't know how to code/mine as much as the others, so not sure how to contribute. <-- k?
3. Despite my lack of knowledge, I want to rank up because apparently everyone in crypto is an overachiever rather than otakus looking for quick gains. <-- I'm not going to make over generalizations about crypto people, and this has nothing to do with my analysis of your post, but I feel like I've met enough people in crypto discord groups who don't even know how a blockchain works but have a portfolio of over 5 altcoins

4. I want to know if it's allowed if members can review each other's posts. <-- In PMs you can do that. If you want to start or reply to threads to review each other's posts... I'm not sure if you see that it's mostly spam. Or post count inflation. Or both. If you can do it in PM, then do it in PM with another member who is your friend or something.
Here are a few tips on getting merits:
1. Add something to the thread that's new and that no one knows about or few people know about. Like if there's a thread in bitcoin discussion about whether or not bitcoin will continue to grow (LOL the most generic question), then don't give a generic answer. Provide some valuable insight, like a new development. For example, Warren Buffet just tweeted that he's going to get into crypto and he's also placing incentives in his companies for people to incorporate crypto (didn't happen btw). Something like that. Add spice to a thread.
2. Technical / newbie help. If someone has a problem, solve it. If you don't know the answer, and you're desperate for merits. Spend an hour googling and write up some kind of solution using the words "I THINK THIS WILL WORK" and provide a full disclaimer that you used Google, but to the best of your judgment, it's gucci.
3. Start an intellectual thread on bitcoin/altcoin forecast. There are updates to bitcoin core and other alts. Provide some key insights to how those would impact the coin and the economy + mainstream. If you think hard enough and it sounds really good, people will merit you.
4. Navigate to the routine merit giveaways. I've seen them, you've seen them. Members are offering sMerits and merits to people for participating in their contests/giveaways. Some of them only require that you post 10 things (long things btw) and that you link those posts in their giveaway threads.
5. Be a scam shark. Hawk a member who you think is planning to scam someone, write up a detailed analysis on why. If you're right, you'll be hailed a hero.
6. Write up an anlysis on which current new altcoins you think are going to do go 10x. Obviously this has to be more than a shill post. It has to be a thoughtful, detailed analysis about the team, roadmap, progress, etc. such that people will realize you're not shilling, but are giving an analysis.
7. Make new threads about fun things related to crypto. Can't be spam. Something like, "Did you guys know Ashton Kutcher has his own crypto wallet company?" Or you know, fun quiz facts that you've collected (and are related) that you can mingle together into a really cohesive, well-articulated OP.
Hope this helps

I'm still 4 weeks away from worrying about merits or sMerits. And so I'm not exactly merit-hungry yet