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Author Topic: Merit & new rank requirements  (Read 167982 times)
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Activity: 276
Merit: 12

Life is toxic...CHUG IT!!

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April 07, 2018, 05:06:09 AM

I was just told over and over that I wouldn't be getting merit because of my attitude...
Who told you this?  The reason I ask is because that's generally an untrue statement--you can be contrary till your heart's content, but your contrarian thoughts had better be written in proper English.  And formatted properly.  What you wrote here is kind of a jumbled mess of words that aren't structured into sentences.  Normally this is something I'd probably just skip over.  

I had to look, because I swear I left you merit before.  I guess I didn't.  But I've left merits for people who've vehemently disagreed with me, and I have no problem doing so.  It's the scammers and shitposters who aren't going to get merited (from me).  You've already earned more merits than a lot of members of your rank, and that's because you can write English fairly well.  You just need to clean it up a little, and that's only my opinion.  You are free to do what you want and argue with whoever you want.

edit:  and I would like to know your opinion of the point I mentioned above about the guy w/ a 95 day old account w/ merit of 104...mostly for posting about the merit system over the course of 60 days...which is 1.73 merit points per day...thanks
I wasn't talking about you, and I don't know why you took this so personally.  *Oh, wait, I had to read further and recall blasting you for that quote*

What you wrote was total nonsense, and it sounded like the generic shitposts these idiots keep writing to satisfy quotas.  You'll have to excuse me if your irony/sarcasm/whatever sailed over my head, because I don't know who you are yet.  It's not the first time I've shot off my mouth without first saying hello.

I don't have an opinion about the 104-merit-guy, because I haven't looked at his profile yet.  Is there a link that I'm missing?  But I would point out that some people can be brilliant writers, like nullius, and they can earn merit very quickly.  That's super-rare, though.  More often than not, when you have a guy with that much merit and that much activity, it's a consummated merit trade.  People know how much merit is worth and they're stingy with it.  There's no way in hell that a typical shitposter is going to be given merits UNLESS he bought them or it's a friend or alt account.  That much I'm sure of.

are you fucking kidding me....let me tell you right now, that I did not even read your entire comment yet....proper English?? that the measure of who is and is not a spammer...or is it you flexing your balls???...this system was supposedly set up to keep spammers and bots from abusing the system...not to allow people like you to abuse the system.....yes sir, yes sir....I am not a bot...can I advance now?? shit
The Sceptical Chymist
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April 07, 2018, 05:14:20 AM

or is it you flexing your balls??
How does one flex his balls?

In any case, since this is a discussion forum--and words are the medium through which we communicate, and in this section English words are the ones used--it makes sense that yes, you are being judged on what and how you write.  Even a simpleton would grasp this. 

If you'd like to create a picture of me wrapping every square inch of my nutsack around these shitposters, then I won't dissuade you from doing that.  I rather like that image myself, but I would not have come up with it had you not mentioned my aforesaid testiclats.

If we as a community don't take the time to call out these spammers for what they are, we'll end up with a forum filled with this:

I think I'm always be a Jr. Member.. It's hard to get merit, without good English... Cry
Can anyone explain why I am still stuck at 28 Activity even though the 2 week period has already lapsed? Do I need merit to become a Jr. Member?
And I could fill up many pages with examples like this, but for my convenience I've sampled only shitposts on this page.  There are those of us who would like the forum not to become a breeding ground for such nonsense.  If you're OK with people getting paid to write incoherent bandwidth-waste, then just say so.  I'm thinking that you don't quite understand the scope of the problem we're facing.



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Activity: 276
Merit: 12

Life is toxic...CHUG IT!!

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April 07, 2018, 05:17:00 AM

I realize that I can be a dick...well, you may not like the style in which I make my points (as I said, I am not here to make friends)....but it seems no one made ANY effort to refute my points...I was just told over and over that I wouldn't be getting merit because of my attitude...nothing at all to do with the validity of my ideas (which proved my point)...the bottom line is that we now have a system than can easily be abused and is SANCTIONED by the powers that I said before, there is way too much merit being given out simply for discussing merit...not one of you replied to my question about the user who received over 100 merit in 60 days simply by posting positive crap about the merit system...and for those of you who say I wont be getting any merit...what is to stop me from opening a new account...going to the merit-related threads...and posting kiss-ass comments about the merit system??...I will be a full member by the end of summer...easy...and what makes you think that the sock puppets have not already figured that out??

Go ahead then. It's likely not as easy as it sounds. Sure, some will earn merits in sleazier ways than others. This is not an exact science and not everyone's path to merits will be the same. But once the novelty wears off I doubt you'd earn many merits for shilling the merit system.

Edit: I must resist giving The Pharmacist all my merits. He has a way of putting my deepest thoughts into words. What a sleazy merit farmer.

as the only one who has awarded me merit for merit-unrelated posts...I must respect your opinion....and in the end all I can say is...."very nice" least you can convey some intellectual honesty
Offline Offline

Activity: 276
Merit: 12

Life is toxic...CHUG IT!!

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April 07, 2018, 05:22:04 AM

or is it you flexing your balls??
How does one flex his balls?

In any case, since this is a discussion forum--and words are the medium through which we communicate, and in this section English words are the ones used--it makes sense that yes, you are being judged on what and how you write.  Even a simpleton would grasp this. 

If you'd like to create a picture of me wrapping every square inch of my nutsack around these shitposters, then I won't dissuade you from doing that.  I rather like that image myself, but I would not have come up with it had you not mentioned my aforesaid testiclats.

If we as a community don't take the time to call out these spammers for what they are, we'll end up with a forum filled with this:

I think I'm always be a Jr. Member.. It's hard to get merit, without good English... Cry
Can anyone explain why I am still stuck at 28 Activity even though the 2 week period has already lapsed? Do I need merit to become a Jr. Member?
And I could fill up many pages with examples like this, but for my convenience I've sampled only shitposts on this page.  There are those of us who would like the forum not to become a breeding ground for such nonsense.  If you're OK with people getting paid to write incoherent bandwidth-waste, then just say so.  I'm thinking that you don't quite understand the scope of the problem we're facing.

so...youre the boss then...the system was designed to weed out bots and sock puppets...and you've decided to use it to aggrandize yourself and decide who has proper diction...good for you big man
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Activity: 276
Merit: 12

Life is toxic...CHUG IT!!

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April 07, 2018, 05:25:25 AM

and btw....I DO understand the scope of the problem...I just wish that some of you would understand the scope of your arbitrary power...thank you
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Activity: 276
Merit: 12

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April 07, 2018, 05:30:49 AM

I mean seriously, at this point do you really think I am a bot or a sock puppet account??....or is it that I just refuse to agree with you??

edit:...this is just me trying to fulfill my non-existent signature bounty for a non-ico coin
The Sceptical Chymist
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April 07, 2018, 05:32:54 AM

as the only one who has awarded me merit for merit-unrelated posts...I must respect your opinion....and in the end all I can say is...."very nice" least you can convey some intellectual honesty
I gave you a merit because I can, despite your aggravated assault of the English language, understand what you're trying to say and you sound like a passionate young man with a lot of anger.  I respect that.  You can be a prickly little cocksucker here, too, but you'll burn out faster than a 4th of July sparkler.  

I'm not the boss here.  I did not create the English language.  All I said was that your posts could use a little improvement with all the ellipses and punctuation anomalies.  That is just my own suggestion.  The next person you talk to could say you ought never listen to me, and so forth.  Given that the language exists with some rules to it, I am kindly suggesting that your posts might be more noticeable, more readable, and more merit-worthy if you adhered to these rules.  It is all up to you whether you do.

You don't have to respect my or suchmoon's opinion here, and you won't be penalized for doing so.  You ought to figure out what this forum is all about before spraying your anger all over the place.  Things might not be what they seem at first.

Edit:  Stop consecuposting.  Use the edit function if you need to add something to your post instead of making a new one.  That'll get you in trouble here.



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Activity: 276
Merit: 12

Life is toxic...CHUG IT!!

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April 07, 2018, 05:40:55 AM
Last edit: April 07, 2018, 06:12:02 AM by soulcancer

first....I don't want your have obviously missed the entire point of my stupid-ass rantings
second....pls do not drag suchmoon into this...suchmoon has awarded me merit where I do not feel like a "suck-ass" receiving it
third...this is not anger...this is what it looks like when a contrary opinion butts heads w/ arbitrary power from a central authority....o my god.....could we get any closer to an analogy of crypto??

edit: (to make you happy).....I give up now, you win

re-edit:...young man??...I learned about computers on the timex Sinclair and the trs-80....cant believe I missed that

re-re-edit:....I look back and see nothing but examples of you shitting on the lowly ones since the power was bestowed upon you....shame, sir
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Activity: 276
Merit: 12

Life is toxic...CHUG IT!!

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April 07, 2018, 06:25:36 AM

I was just told over and over that I wouldn't be getting merit because of my attitude...
Who told you this?  The reason I ask is because that's generally an untrue statement--you can be contrary till your heart's content, but your contrarian thoughts had better be written in proper English.  And formatted properly.  What you wrote here is kind of a jumbled mess of words that aren't structured into sentences.  Normally this is something I'd probably just skip over.  

I had to look, because I swear I left you merit before.  I guess I didn't.  But I've left merits for people who've vehemently disagreed with me, and I have no problem doing so.  It's the scammers and shitposters who aren't going to get merited (from me).  You've already earned more merits than a lot of members of your rank, and that's because you can write English fairly well.  You just need to clean it up a little, and that's only my opinion.  You are free to do what you want and argue with whoever you want.

edit:  and I would like to know your opinion of the point I mentioned above about the guy w/ a 95 day old account w/ merit of 104...mostly for posting about the merit system over the course of 60 days...which is 1.73 merit points per day...thanks
I wasn't talking about you, and I don't know why you took this so personally.  *Oh, wait, I had to read further and recall blasting you for that quote*

What you wrote was total nonsense, and it sounded like the generic shitposts these idiots keep writing to satisfy quotas.  You'll have to excuse me if your irony/sarcasm/whatever sailed over my head, because I don't know who you are yet.  It's not the first time I've shot off my mouth without first saying hello.

I don't have an opinion about the 104-merit-guy, because I haven't looked at his profile yet.  Is there a link that I'm missing?  But I would point out that some people can be brilliant writers, like nullius, and they can earn merit very quickly.  That's super-rare, though.  More often than not, when you have a guy with that much merit and that much activity, it's a consummated merit trade.  People know how much merit is worth and they're stingy with it.  There's no way in hell that a typical shitposter is going to be given merits UNLESS he bought them or it's a friend or alt account.  That much I'm sure of.

holy shit...holy shit...I cant believe I missed this one....sorry doesn't don't read the thread and your passing out merit??....ok...I will be kind...the account is "sncc" #4007....104 merit points in 60 days for posting shit about merit....the monster you have created...its not a merit trade...its just blowing smoke up the ass of someone who has been given power

edit:  I realize I am getting to be a bit much.....getting the picture?
Sam San
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Activity: 630
Merit: 250

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April 07, 2018, 06:35:16 AM
Last edit: April 07, 2018, 07:00:38 AM by Sam San

I propose to introduce another type of merit, which would be an alternative to the current one, it is participation in the financing of new projects that place here information about the project and collect on ICO. business merit, which is awarded for the financing of one project, so that ICO can give no more than 500(or otherwise) merits to its first investor participants in the  forum, no more than one merit per participant. this could enable the forum to address several issues on the merits and advancement of the forum participants.

business angels forum will be known and will be known for their contribution to the development of the crypto world.

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Activity: 97
Merit: 12

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April 07, 2018, 06:57:39 AM

I propose to introduce another type of merit, which would be an alternative to the current one, it is participation in the financing of new projects that place here information about the project and collect on ICO. business merit, which is awarded for the financing of one project, so that ICO can give no more than 500(or otherwise) merits to its first investor participants in the  forum, no more than one merit per participant. this could enable the forum to address several issues on the merits and advancement of the forum participants.
What a stupid idea from Senior member? I guess you suggested the one because you are not able to earn any merit about 3 months after the launch of merit system. This fact tells us everything, lol.
Sam San
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Activity: 630
Merit: 250

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April 07, 2018, 07:02:25 AM
Last edit: April 07, 2018, 07:42:34 AM by Sam San

I propose to introduce another type of merit, which would be an alternative to the current one, it is participation in the financing of new projects that place here information about the project and collect on ICO. business merit, which is awarded for the financing of one project, so that ICO can give no more than 500(or otherwise) merits to its first investor participants in the  forum, no more than one merit per participant. this could enable the forum to address several issues on the merits and advancement of the forum participants.
What a stupid idea from Senior member? I guess you suggested the one because you are not able to earn any merit about 3 months after the launch of merit system. This fact tells us everything, lol.
this says only that there are different people and different approaches to life do not measure all your mind.(98 looked through your posts and found no one worthy of merit. others have decided that they are worthy and that is their opinion which takes place to be)

now known only to writers, but will become a well-known business angels, readers of the forum and people collecting info on the forum for investment in interesting projects.

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Activity: 276
Merit: 12

Life is toxic...CHUG IT!!

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April 07, 2018, 07:36:25 AM

Yeah, you should have right attitude about merit system and new rank requirements. It will help you to feel more comfortable when dealing with harder ranking requirements after the launch of merit system. You can not do anything (including learning new knowledge, helping others, sharing your experiences, etc.) if you keep such negative thoughts about merit system.
That's my general recommendations for you.
I was just told over and over that I wouldn't be getting merit because of my attitude...nothing at all to do with the validity of my ideas (which proved my point)...
There are lots of massive merit farmers, merit abusers have been found and punished with permanently bans from forum moderators. That's final destination for abusers. If they abuse the system, some day they will be punished for sure.
the bottom line is that we now have a system than can easily be abused and is SANCTIONED by the powers that be...

No one can stop you (at least with current rules of the forum) to keep creating shitty-threads, topics about merit-related issues. However, you should remember that you will get nothing by doing this. It is simply take your time for non-sense.
what is to stop me from opening a new account...going to the merit-related threads...and posting kiss-ass comments about the merit system??...
I understand your feelings, how hard it is. I almost rank up to Senior Member level, but due to amazing effect of merit system, I have been stucked at Full Member rank. Nevertheless, I strongly support merit system, which will help to build up the forum as better place for clean discussions, wipe out most of shitty-threads (mainly come from spammers, farmers, etc.)
The period of time required for a Newbie to become Senior member is around 250 days with old ranking system (250 acitivities equal to 250 days). That means newcomers will have more than 8 months to collect 250 merit points to meet requirements of new ranking system. 8 or 9 months are long enough for such a difficult task. I don't say it is easy, but it is possible.

Good luck, fella.
I will be a full member by the end of summer...easy...and what makes you think that the sock puppets have not already figured that out??

do you honestly believe that nobody can learn or help others without a healthy respect for the merit system??...really? adult actually posted that, you people make it so easy...this thread should be closed just to keep any 8 yr olds from stopping by and embarrassing most of you...
Copper Member
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April 07, 2018, 07:37:58 AM

I registered at the forum after the introduction of merits and is very upset that I did not register before and did not actively participate here.
Now it seems to me that I will always remain in the rank of Jr. Member, since it is very difficult to get an honest measure.

I think this did not inspire people to create quality posts - all in a jiffy became traders in accounts and merit.
Hero Member
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April 07, 2018, 08:34:42 AM

You should not waste your time on people who thinks he is right about everything and always mocking a system where it can help something to be better although the system is not perfect.

Click that ignore button, done.

I like you, fella.
Yeah, done. Thanks for your nice tutorial, which save my time and help me won't feel annoying in the future.

Yeah, you are welcome. I start doing this ignore thing since i have seen some high ranked people ignore other who can only whining about merit yet they are not doing something to make theirself better. It will save us a lot of time and emotion, and save us from meritting wrong person in the future.

Having a high rank doesn't necessarily mean users should have more credibility or be taken as examples. Ignoring someone just because their point of view is different than yours may not be a good idea, you may find yourself only confronted with opinions that you agree with and may become quite closed to any different opinion.

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Activity: 205
Merit: 10

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April 07, 2018, 09:46:55 AM

Do you think that there will be any update of the merit system? Or is there any possibility that merit system will be deleted?

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April 07, 2018, 10:09:59 AM

Do you think that there will be any update of the merit system? Or is there any possibility that merit system will be deleted?

I think the first is unlikely and the second is extremely unlikely. The system seems to be working as intended and other than continuing to add merit sources I don't expect to see any changes.

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April 07, 2018, 10:20:19 AM

Having a high rank doesn't necessarily mean users should have more credibility or be taken as examples. Ignoring someone just because their point of view is different than yours may not be a good idea, you may find yourself only confronted with opinions that you agree with and may become quite closed to any different opinion.
Right! We should have two-sides, open-minded, neutral point-of-view in any situation. If we won't, we might fall into subjective arguments.

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Activity: 205
Merit: 10

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April 07, 2018, 11:05:36 AM

Do you think that there will be any update of the merit system? Or is there any possibility that merit system will be deleted?

I think the first is unlikely and the second is extremely unlikely. The system seems to be working as intended and other than continuing to add merit sources I don't expect to see any changes.

So, I had to be more active in the past, my fail. Hope that in future wont be hard to get merit, I see many threads where people asking for merit, because they think that they are posting good content..

VIAZ   ►   First Major Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Funding Platform on Tezos   ◄
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April 07, 2018, 11:22:34 AM

Do you think that there will be any update of the merit system? Or is there any possibility that merit system will be deleted?

I think the first is unlikely and the second is extremely unlikely. The system seems to be working as intended and other than continuing to add merit sources I don't expect to see any changes.

So, I had to be more active in the past, my fail. Hope that in future wont be hard to get merit, I see many threads where people asking for merit, because they think that they are posting good content..

If you have been involved in Bitcoin since 2013 then you probably know something about it and have something to contribute to the forum. The forum's purpose is to be a place for Bitcoin enthusiasts to meet and discuss relevant topics. If that's what you are here for then a) rank will not matter and b) you'll soon start getting Merit.

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