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Author Topic: Merit & new rank requirements  (Read 168010 times)
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January 25, 2018, 10:21:02 AM

The merit system got implemented like 10 hours ago. So expect different kinds of reactions. Either negative or positive, those reactions will add to the improvements of this system.

We will see how it goes for the coming days.

How about giving incentives to an active member who is always giving his / her sMerits to quality posts. Like +1 Merit for every 50 sMerits given. So a member will not only make quality posts, he / she will also read and give sMerits to those who deserve it.

That will be very difficult to track for moderators. So far as giving Smerits is concerned, there is no point in storing the. It is mentioned that they may be nullified if not used for long term.

I never mentioned storing sMerits. What i mean is since sMerits can only be acquire by receiving from others (except the sMerits we initially received today), why not also receive a merit when you always give sMerits to those quality posts.
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January 25, 2018, 10:21:13 AM

Hello. How can I look at history of put or received merit? thanks
You can see that on this page.
Thanks. But if I want to look at your or someone's else history merit? it is possible?

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January 25, 2018, 10:24:02 AM

Life is unfair. Do you complain that bitcoin is unfair because those who got in early are now reaping the rewards? I'll tell you what really is unfair... Watching this forum be swamped by shitposters day after day who are only here to earn money for poor posts asking the same questions without reading: 'how do i sign camp' and 'wut is activity' etc. This new merit system throws a spanner in the works of anyone who thinks they can sign up here and shitpost their way through ranks because now they will get nowhere fast if they aren't going to contribute anything worthwhile.

I agree in part with you on this. 
But i think equally, it creates a concern for those of us who are doing the opposite.  Actually trying level best to contribute in a positive way.  For me, the difficult is the fact essentially, how quickly or when you rank up not only depends on the quality of your post but on what is considered or perceived to be of quality by others (I understand there isn't another way yet to judge this). 

Surely, a step in the right direction, although i think it may need tweaking as time goes on.

I wonder if for instance like we get activity points on a fortnightly basis, would be it useful to also have a sort of sMerit allocation on set basis too? (Just a thought).  I think its too simplistic a view to assume that if you don't receive sMerit from others, your posts simply aren't good enough. 


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January 25, 2018, 10:27:34 AM

I assume there is no point of giving merit to legendary posts?

It does also give that legendary member 0.5 sMerit to give away. The system requires a trickle-down effect rather than just relying on the merit sources so scout the whole forum for quality posts.

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January 25, 2018, 10:31:23 AM
Merited by StelioKontos (1)

Actually I'm a little concerned about my ranking up. Potentially, no one could give me merit, so I would remain forever sr.
One might argue "just write something good and you'll get merit".
I don't trust the users to be that active, meaning if I were in a Legendary user and you'll force upon me this merit thing, meaning I have to spend 100 because "with great merit comes great responsibility", I don't know if I would find the time honestly. You have to click a lot more now than before.
Secondly I don't trust the human to be "wise". Meaning, what if in the entire board only bad jokes get merit, for example? Shall I go down to bad jokes level?

I don't know it's both interesting and worrying this merit thing.

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January 25, 2018, 10:32:53 AM

I think the new system of merit is fine, i like it. on the other hand I was very close to Hero's rank, now I'm screwed  Cry
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January 25, 2018, 10:34:33 AM

I think we should have the ability to unmerit a post, I really like this idea though because there are certain users with huge negative feedbacks but contribute a lot, so now it will be more clear to newbis that users such as quickseller, and tman that they truly dont desrve to be red, (or in QS case, not in the top 10 most negative)
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January 25, 2018, 10:35:15 AM

I don't trust the users to be that active, meaning if I were in a Legendary user and you'll force upon me this merit thing, meaning I have to spend 100 because "with great merit comes great responsibility", I don't know if I would find the time honestly. You have to click a lot more now than before.
By that logic, people also wouldnt use the report to moderator function because you have to do extra clicks (and even enter text/a reason).
But the report function gets used, and I expect similar things for the merit function.


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January 25, 2018, 10:35:27 AM

The system is not bad, let's see how it will get on. Only I do not really understand the method of calculating the merit, it will be added once a month or together with activi every two weeks? And it will be the same amount of merit or will it vary depending on the use of posts? Suppose if I have now 30 merita, then how many will be next month and maybe there will be a decrease in his quantity?

you don't get any more smerits unless you receive them from others.  Then you only get .5 smerit for every merit you receive.  There is no monthly allotment, unless you are designated as a "merit source".

1) Self-Custody is a right.  Resist being labelled as: "non-custodial" or "un-hosted."  2) ESG, KYC & AML are attack-vectors on Bitcoin to be avoided or minimized.  3) How much alt (shit)coin diversification is necessary? if you are into Bitcoin, then 0%......if you cannot control your gambling, then perhaps limit your alt(shit)coin exposure to less than 10% of your bitcoin size...Put BTC here: bc1q49wt0ddnj07wzzp6z7affw9ven7fztyhevqu9k
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January 25, 2018, 10:36:00 AM

I think the new system of merit is fine, i like it. on the other hand I was very close to Hero's rank, now I'm screwed  Cry

lol, I was hero rank a year ago and just came back, now all the people I knew are legendary, and will take me 500 merit.

Considering that there is something like 3800 merit created a month, it might take me a very long time to gain legendary Sad
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January 25, 2018, 10:37:45 AM

System is cool but I would definitely make a limit for giving merit per post. So, for example, I won't be able to give more than 10 merit points to the message I liked. In this case it will be hard to sell merits without any suspicions.
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January 25, 2018, 10:41:02 AM
Merited by Crypto_Boss (1)

This new merit system looks too cool even though I have a long way to be Legendary. I might be the unluckiest user. Grin
























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January 25, 2018, 10:44:15 AM

I don't trust the users to be that active, meaning if I were in a Legendary user and you'll force upon me this merit thing, meaning I have to spend 100 because "with great merit comes great responsibility", I don't know if I would find the time honestly. You have to click a lot more now than before.
By that logic, people also wouldnt use the report to moderator function because you have to do extra clicks (and even enter text/a reason).
But the report function gets used, and I expect similar things for the merit function.

Good point.
Still as already pointed out by others, there is too much clicking involved. One thing is a report, the other is giving a "like".
If you just click on the post you like, maybe people is more likely to give sMerit.

"Government, like dress, is the badge of lost innocence".
Thomas Paine, 1776.
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January 25, 2018, 10:44:55 AM

This new merit system looks too cool even though I have a long way to be Legendary. I might be the unluckiest user. Grin
Think about us. I think a lot of newbies will give up today only. Smiley
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January 25, 2018, 10:47:52 AM
Merited by LGD2Business (1)

Think about us. I think a lot of newbies will give up today only. Smiley
The only ones who will give up are those who have nothing of value to say and who have no legitimate reason to be here anyway. To them, we say: good riddance!

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January 25, 2018, 10:48:07 AM

This definitely has to be a step in the right direction to combat people that do post absolute shite.
I think as a community we will always have issues with posts that have no real positive impact. I just hope that this doesn't discourage newer members, but if their post quality is good then they should not have any problems.

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January 25, 2018, 10:49:09 AM
Merited by TMAN (2)

I don't trust the users to be that active, meaning if I were in a Legendary user and you'll force upon me this merit thing, meaning I have to spend 100 because "with great merit comes great responsibility", I don't know if I would find the time honestly. You have to click a lot more now than before.
By that logic, people also wouldnt use the report to moderator function because you have to do extra clicks (and even enter text/a reason).
But the report function gets used, and I expect similar things for the merit function.

Well, I am kind of scared to merit some people's posts. Like I just meritted a post by TMAN where the first 90% of it he makes a great point which I feel deserves the point, but the last bit I disagree with. So isn't possible that I will face retaliation from other users because  I merited a post like that? and what if I merit some of quickseller's posts where he makes amazing points? I feel like some users won't get all of the merit they deserve.


Whats the general feeling about meritting old posts?
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January 25, 2018, 10:50:09 AM
Merited by FFrankie (50)

I don't trust the users to be that active, meaning if I were in a Legendary user and you'll force upon me this merit thing, meaning I have to spend 100 because "with great merit comes great responsibility", I don't know if I would find the time honestly. You have to click a lot more now than before.
By that logic, people also wouldnt use the report to moderator function because you have to do extra clicks (and even enter text/a reason).
But the report function gets used, and I expect similar things for the merit function.
Good point.
Still as already pointed out by others, there is too much clicking involved. One thing is a report, the other is giving a "like".
If you just click on the post you like, maybe people is more likely to give sMerit.
But merit isn't a like, it's more than that.
People should consider which posts they merit (you cant unmerit a post either).
The extra step makes people think about whether or not they really want to give merit for something.
I think it's exactly right, people who want to troll and spam merit can't do that as fast, while those that leave considered merit for well written posts have almost no annoyance.
Or do you really think someone who spends a minute or maybe two reading a post minds taking 10 seconds to merit it? Not if the post is worth it.

Whats the general feeling about meritting old posts?
Merit them if they are still relevant. If you gained some value from them, they are well written and stand out, make it noticable.

Well, I am kind of scared to merit some people's posts. Like I just meritted a post by TMAN where the first 90% of it he makes a great point which I feel deserves the point, but the last bit I disagree with. So isn't possible that I will face retaliation from other users because  I merited a post like that?
The merit system only works with reward, there is no punishment right now.
The biggest "retaliation" you have to fear is not getting merited in return.

and what if I merit some of quickseller's posts where he makes amazing points? I feel like some users won't get all of the merit they deserve.
I dont think that is a problem. I got merit from OgNasty earlier. If you follow the forum for a while, you know there's a bit of history there.
But when I'll come across a great post of theirs, I'll make that known. Merits are about content, not the person providing it.


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January 25, 2018, 10:50:45 AM

I think the new system of merit is fine, i like it. on the other hand I was very close to Hero's rank, now I'm screwed  Cry
lol, I was hero rank a year ago and just came back, now all the people I knew are legendary, and will take me 500 merit.
Considering that there is something like 3800 merit created a month, it might take me a very long time to gain legendary Sad

I would become full member in 3 weeks and now at best in 2 months. The problem is that nobody will put merit to Newbie and Jr. Member because they will be able to give nothing in exchange...I have already given last merit.
I have met already many people who are only going to sell "merit" and it frightens

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January 25, 2018, 10:50:53 AM

Natural selection) beginners have very small chances of growth.
Sooner or later this system should appear, everything is like in life, who is the cleverer and makes a career faster.
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