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Author Topic: Merit & new rank requirements  (Read 168006 times)
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Activity: 630
Merit: 420

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January 25, 2018, 11:21:15 AM

If a post is worth negative Merit, you can simply click "Report to moderator" on the right-bottom of each post.

This is a good thought.  Shocked

I can see people are asking so many questions about this. I do have a lot of questions as well but I guess applying something new takes time to see the impact and we need to give this new feature a bit time.

They brought this idea because they have a positive feeling for this. This will work out good for sure.

Be happy be at peace. Looking forward to BTC at $1M
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Activity: 658
Merit: 36


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January 25, 2018, 11:21:20 AM

where to check how much sMerit I still have?
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January 25, 2018, 11:22:27 AM

where to check how much sMerit I still have?

Just click on the "+ Merit" link (top right of each post)
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Activity: 280
Merit: 10

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January 25, 2018, 11:23:45 AM

Is there a probability that someone could get a punishment for giving a merit to a post that does not deserve one? What about people contacting each other privately and agreeing to continue giving merits to each other,even if their post do not deserve one, how will that be detected? Wont it be very difficult for people with lower rank on the forum to get merits as compared to those with higher ranks,because generally,it is considered that the higher your rank,the more you make sense in your post.People may therefore feel reluctant to give merits to deserving post,simple because they are from lower ranked accounts.
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Activity: 2352
Merit: 1268

In Memory of Zepher

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January 25, 2018, 11:24:03 AM

Merits are permanent, and I think that's good. It gives the merit you reward someone a certain finality.
You can't flip forward and backwards with it, you make this decision, and you stick with it. It gives the act of rewarding merit a certain gravity.
I'm not so sure. If someone, for example, sells their account and the post quality drops dramatically, I think it would make sense to be able to remove the merit given to the account previously.

where to check how much sMerit I still have?
You can find that on the Merit page.
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Activity: 1064
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January 25, 2018, 11:26:56 AM

This should have a system where sMerit goes to people who use them as well.

If as stated they will deplete them self if not spent and nobody give them away we would reach a stall situation where nobody has sMerit anymore, so growth become very hard?

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Activity: 518
Merit: 101

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January 25, 2018, 11:28:34 AM

I totally agree with this new system, because with this we can force someone who can only copy posts to change their mind, and this will make the participant with a fake account may be a bit on tap, but I'm still confused, how do I get this merit , whereas I live a little longer to senior member, I have to say what to get this merit? at least I've not made a shit post, if someone who never made a shit post but never gets up in rank due to lack of merit, it's like discrimination against someone
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Activity: 336
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January 25, 2018, 11:36:02 AM

It is probably too early to judge the new system. Just a few thoughts. It may reduce the number of meaningless posts and account farming, but after some reading I feel it is essentially rank freezing, at least for members and above. sMerits are incredibly scarce and upranking even from member to full member is going to be a very rare occurrence. I can feel the frustration of those who were just a few activity points from full, senior or hero. Well, I suppose I just have to accept that I'm stuck at the full member level forever...
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January 25, 2018, 11:37:27 AM
Merited by mprep (1), B4RF (1)

  • A select few authoritarian figures can create more of it out of thin air.
  • It will lose its value if not spent quickly enough.
  • The majority of it is owned by the rich.
  • Its economy is based on a trickle-down effect.
  • You can spend only 50% of what you receive of it.

Which currency am I talking about?
Sr. Member
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Activity: 476
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January 25, 2018, 11:39:08 AM

I totally agree with this new system, because with this we can force someone who can only copy posts to change their mind, and this will make the participant with a fake account may be a bit on tap, but I'm still confused, how do I get this merit , whereas I live a little longer to senior member, I have to say what to get this merit? at least I've not made a shit post, if someone who never made a shit post but never gets up in rank due to lack of merit, it's like discrimination against someone

I guess it will be hard to collect merit points even if we make a great post, but it is not impossible thing to do.

Maybe we need to send some merit points and see how it goes back to us from another member.
Copper Member
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Goodbye, Z.

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January 25, 2018, 11:39:22 AM
Merited by arallmuus (5)

I can feel the frustration of those who were just a few activity points from full, senior or hero.
No love for us frustrated almost legendary members?  Cry


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Activity: 1484
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January 25, 2018, 11:41:14 AM

Just a joke (by no way serious joking). This is the best thing I receive as an early Bitcointalker.

Anyway, when I first scanned through this topic, I thought I am going to lose all my progress and "hard work" - okay, maybe 'medium' quality posts since 90% of the time I am tagged with signature campaign - to this system. I immediately check my profile and was relived when I saw that I have 1000 merit.

Guess why I don't want to lose my legendary status? Well, because I have plan to put this on my CV/resume. (Alright, just a joke, in today era).

So sad! This profile does not appear as the #1 result (on anonymous) Google searches anymore.

Time to be active on the crypto forums again? Proud to be one of the few Legendary members of the Sparkie Red Dot!

Gonna put this on my resume if I ever join a cryptocurrency/blockchain industry!
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Activity: 364
Merit: 24

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January 25, 2018, 11:41:48 AM

I always tried to write messages on the merits. Very disappointing not to get the next rank. I had less than a week to go to the Full Member.
It would be fair to introduce new rules after January 30.
Sr. Member
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Activity: 476
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January 25, 2018, 11:42:04 AM

I can feel the frustration of those who were just a few activity points from full, senior or hero.
No love for us frustrated almost legendary members?  Cry

With your big name, posts you've made, and time you have spent on this forum, I guess 50 merit points isn't that far. It will be quicker than a blink of an eye  Cool
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Activity: 2352
Merit: 1268

In Memory of Zepher

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January 25, 2018, 11:44:03 AM

Which currency am I talking about?
Merit isn't a currency, and has nothing to do with a currency.

It would be fair to introduce new rules after January 30.
But then what about the other people that are one week away from achieving the next rank? It'd be unfair to them to change it on Jan 30th, so it should be pushed back. But then what about the people that are now one period away from ranking up?
Do you see where I'm going with this?
Sr. Member
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January 25, 2018, 11:45:12 AM

I totally agree with this new system, because with this we can force someone who can only copy posts to change their mind, and this will make the participant with a fake account may be a bit on tap, but I'm still confused, how do I get this merit , whereas I live a little longer to senior member, I have to say what to get this merit? at least I've not made a shit post, if someone who never made a shit post but never gets up in rank due to lack of merit, it's like discrimination against someone

so sad for you that you missed 2 activity before ranking up to sr member. now you need to earn 150 more merits to rank up just like fresh full member.

anyway, As a bounty hunters, I also agree with this system. atleast now farm account will take a hard time to rank up. less high rank member = more stakes on bounty
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January 25, 2018, 11:47:51 AM

This new merit system looks too cool even though I have a long way to be Legendary. I might be the unluckiest user. Grin

Yes, you are a very unlucky friend)) I'll support you) I give you 1 + Merit
Your position is much better than that of junior ranks, and beginners will now think a hundred times to start a career, this is a long way, now it is very difficult without effort and imagination to climb up.
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January 25, 2018, 11:48:35 AM

I have a question - if I helped 2 months in the topic in pushing transactions, then the new system will not give me anything? (a locked account) and accordingly in the current account, if you continue to help newcomers in pushing their transactions, then there will be no reward? I understand correctly?

in theory you can be the most helpfull person in the forum and still remain a newbie for life  Smiley

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Activity: 714
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January 25, 2018, 11:48:58 AM

Is there a way to track those merits from one user to another rather than checking the threads they posted and people who merited them? Will you be adding a history page to see the merits send/received?
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January 25, 2018, 11:49:39 AM

I can feel the frustration of those who were just a few activity points from full, senior or hero.
No love for us frustrated almost legendary members?  Cry

There is Smiley , but due to the randomness of activity requirement for Legendary you have a chance of getting enough Merit beforehand.
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