Activity: 28
Merit: 0
May 02, 2014, 01:38:12 PM |
better add pool support with fee...its will be cool!
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1000
May 02, 2014, 02:29:09 PM |
I run the free version. Just downloaded and started the .bat file. Is that all to it? It is running by the looks of it. Anyway, how do I see the number of connections on the wallet, because I cannot have the wallet running at the same time right? (It asked me to close the wallet when I tried to start it the first time).
More technical. How does the miner know how to connect to the rcp-port? I have a custom user/pass combo. And how does it know to what address in the wallet to put the block money? Nothing in the bat-file points to rcp/wallet/me.
Did I miss something and am I mining so my eventual block will be gone forever?
I'd like to know this as well.
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1050
May 02, 2014, 03:14:16 PM |
3rd orphaned block found... 3 in a row... is this unluck or something else? 2 x block orphaned with version 2.00 + 1 x block orphaned with 2.02 right after the other two
I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you have only 8 connections on a wallet at any given time. If you are really lucky 9? if so then i think your problem may lay with you needing to forward ports from your router.. Run a proper client (official client) and tell us how many connections it says you have after 2 hours of running it please and we can prolly help you with the rest if you do only have 8 connections. You must however have access to the router in some way because if you are getting orphans you may need to forward ports to get way more connections or add some nodes in your Primecoin.conf to communicate with because sub par Internet i'snt really a huge factor in orphans as long as when you finally broadcast the block to your circle of connections that they distribute it fast. Also with only 8 connections your chance of it being fast is limited greatly. im having 8 connections only, i cant have access to my router cause the admin access is blocked by my ISP and only them can remotelly access it thru cable. I have a LAN connection right straight from my ISP DSL router Yer so ok i'm pretty sure i'm right mate but i don't quite understand how you cant access the last router in your house that connects to the outside world but if you cant then i would suggest using claymores miner untill this one has a pool for it because you are going to lose a serious amount of blocks with only 8 connections. Trust me for a day and try it and you will see how many blocks you find for the ypool because it has a lot of connections but your solo will not with only 8 connections does that make sense buddy? If you do have access to the last router in your house that connects to the outside world then Google port forwarding and forward the Primecoin ports 9911, 9912 i'm pretty sure that will allow you to get way more connections mate If this helps anyone else please let us know so i know i'm on the right track.
primeGPU (OP)
May 02, 2014, 04:23:22 PM |
any new version with speed increase?
In 2-3 days. Also wnat to know if the cpd times we are getting depends on the 7ch?
We caclulate CPD based on 1ch values. Basing it on 7ch gives much more fluctuations. thanks, i am trying to compare yours and claymore miner. his latest gives almost 4 cpd with my 290s but he says his cpd depends on the 7ch.And with his miner i use 960-970 watts ,yours use 70-800 watts from the wall .Depending on his 4cpd per 7ch ,can we say his miner faster than yours? Ours is optimized for 280x. Pretty sure it's faster than Claymore's at least on these cards. Are your cards 290 or 290x?
May 02, 2014, 04:24:59 PM |
any new version with speed increase?
In 2-3 days. Also wnat to know if the cpd times we are getting depends on the 7ch?
We caclulate CPD based on 1ch values. Basing it on 7ch gives much more fluctuations. thanks, i am trying to compare yours and claymore miner. his latest gives almost 4 cpd with my 290s but he says his cpd depends on the 7ch.And with his miner i use 960-970 watts ,yours use 70-800 watts from the wall .Depending on his 4cpd per 7ch ,can we say his miner faster than yours? Ours is optimized for 280x. Pretty sure it's faster than Claymore's at least on these cards. Are your cards 290 or 290x? 3x290
Activity: 41
Merit: 0
May 02, 2014, 04:25:10 PM |
Someone please save primecoin and release and open source GPU miner!!!!!
primeGPU (OP)
May 02, 2014, 04:29:11 PM |
I run the free version. Just downloaded and started the .bat file. Is that all to it? It is running by the looks of it. Anyway, how do I see the number of connections on the wallet, because I cannot have the wallet running at the same time right? (It asked me to close the wallet when I tried to start it the first time).
More technical. How does the miner know how to connect to the rcp-port? I have a custom user/pass combo. And how does it know to what address in the wallet to put the block money? Nothing in the bat-file points to rcp/wallet/me.
Wallet-handling code is the same as in hp11 miner, so I just don't really know the details. Did I miss something and am I mining so my eventual block will be gone forever?
A new adrress will be created in your wallet, and XPMs will be there. There is nothing in your setup that prompts losing the block.
May 02, 2014, 04:33:24 PM |
Activity: 41
Merit: 0
May 02, 2014, 04:36:12 PM |
I have seen that but as best I could tell it was not performing any better than CPU mining if you could even get it to run?
Full Member
Activity: 289
Merit: 100
O2-Protocol.com Carbon Offset DeFi
May 02, 2014, 08:59:40 PM |
today i installed the 6 x R9 280x on my H81 BTC Pro, and the last video card have problems. PrimeGPU is it possible your next GPU miner could be compatible with Catalyst 13.12 as its the only moded catalyst driver available that will support 6 x GPUs on the same board
O2-Protocol.com Carbon Offset DeFi
Full Member
Activity: 289
Merit: 100
O2-Protocol.com Carbon Offset DeFi
May 03, 2014, 02:50:41 AM |
i have to move to Claymore miner since its the only miner that accept catalyst 13.12 and those drivers are the only one who will work on 6 x GPU at same board.
O2-Protocol.com Carbon Offset DeFi
May 03, 2014, 07:23:57 AM |
I have seen that but as best I could tell it was not performing any better than CPU mining if you could even get it to run? That's not true. Do your own search on this forum.
primeGPU (OP)
May 03, 2014, 09:35:08 AM |
i have to move to Claymore miner since its the only miner that accept catalyst 13.12 and those drivers are the only one who will work on 6 x GPU at same board.
Well, I'm not sure it's more profitable to mine on 6 280x's with Claymore's than on 5 cards with our miner.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
May 03, 2014, 11:25:59 AM |
ofc faster but without pool & solo local network farming - usseles
May 03, 2014, 05:26:28 PM |
sorry for posting a lil bit off-topic, but I would like to calculate how long it will take to find a block based on my chains per day and actual difficulty. Till now I have been using following calculator http://anty.info/primecoin-calculator/, but it appears to stop working sometime within last 24 hours. Can anyone advise another option?
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May 03, 2014, 06:47:49 PM |
i have to move to Claymore miner since its the only miner that accept catalyst 13.12 and those drivers are the only one who will work on 6 x GPU at same board.
Well, I'm not sure it's more profitable to mine on 6 280x's with Claymore's than on 5 cards with our miner. Your miner is more tuned for the 280x than the other miner. I'm hoping soon you will have the pool version, because the miner seems really stable with AMD drivers 14.3 and 14.4. The other miner only supports 13.12.
CRYPTSY exchange: https://www.cryptsy.com/users/register?refid=9017 BURST= BURST-TE3W-CFGH-7343-6VM6R BTC=1CNsqGUR9YJNrhydQZnUPbaDv6h4uaYCHv ETH=0x144bc9fe471d3c71d8e09d58060d78661b1d4f32 SHF=0x13a0a2cb0d55eca975cf2d97015f7d580ce52d85 EXP=0xd71921dca837e415a58ca0d6dd2223cc84e0ea2f SC=6bdf9d12a983fed6723abad91a39be4f95d227f9bdb0490de3b8e5d45357f63d564638b1bd71 CLAMS=xGVTdM9EJpNBCYAjHFVxuZGcqvoL22nP6f SOIL=0x8b5c989bc931c0769a50ecaf9ffe490c67cb5911
May 04, 2014, 10:11:20 AM |
using the 290 file with my 290x's i got 2 stale blocks in 2 days damn it
May 04, 2014, 12:33:07 PM |
i keep hitting 10-ch but not a single block wtf... i don't know if it's good or bad... 5 10-ch within an hour.. 4x290 rig..
May 04, 2014, 01:09:51 PM |
i keep hitting 10-ch but not a single block wtf... i don't know if it's good or bad... 5 10-ch within an hour.. 4x290 rig..
I have a similar situation as you: I found many 10s that got orphaned and I suspect the reason for this might be: 1 Your clock is not sync 2.You can't brodcast fast enough -high ping,limited number of connections, your network topology, etc. 3.You got 10s but under the min 10.878319, but thats more unlucky . My problem seems to be I can't open more than 8 connections in my wallet on windows. I did fw the port on my router but got same result and I wonder if the client was compiled with UPnP support or not as I got many more connection with other altcoin wallets than this one.
May 04, 2014, 02:23:19 PM |
thanks... i'll have to check the clock part... i'm on fibre broadband and my primecoin client gets about 17 connections since i enabled upnp on my router so there must be something else i'm not seeing, i just feel we need more stats to be able to spot performance bottlenecks... i keep hitting 10-ch but not a single block wtf... i don't know if it's good or bad... 5 10-ch within an hour.. 4x290 rig..
I have a similar situation as you: I found many 10s that got orphaned and I suspect the reason for this might be: 1 Your clock is not sync 2.You can't brodcast fast enough -high ping,limited number of connections, your network topology, etc. 3.You got 10s but under the min 10.878319, but thats more unlucky . My problem seems to be I can't open more than 8 connections in my wallet on windows. I did fw the port on my router but got same result and I wonder if the client was compiled with UPnP support or not as I got many more connection with other altcoin wallets than this one.