April 11, 2014, 04:23:07 PM |
I see those lucky ones report their numbers, but there is also the other side of the medal. I'm mining with 2X asus 280X running @ 2.8 chain/days They are mining for 48 hours+ and only 1 block found for a great 9.5 XPM 
April 11, 2014, 04:59:38 PM |
funny how i told that other idiot who thinks ypool cant be ddos and that is what is happening and will continue to happen just like any pool that gets most of the hash power thats why solo is better but its good thing for us solominers no down time
April 11, 2014, 05:14:34 PM |
At least I know now that its just my UNluck for the last days and someone is actually able to find blocks still. Just to report - using the same settings as before - but I got my longest run for nothing right now  its been around 59 hours sinc I found any block with my two 280x Toxics and I found only 3 10-chains since... I hit 5 10-ch and 5 blocks after 30.47 hours. This is just with one MSI Twin Frozr III HD7970 OC BE at 1150 mhz core/1500 mhz memory. ~~~~~ 07:00 2014-04-10
Primecoin GPU miner ver. 1.03 ----------------------------- Mining time: 9.20 hours Est. Average Chains Per Day (CPD): 2.93 Est. Spot Chains Per Day (CPD): 2.98
Pass: 16917 GPU #0 time: 194 GPU #1 time: 194
10-ch found: 1 expected: 1.121 blocks found: 0 expected: 0.483
1160/1500 - cpuusage=9
~~~~~ 23:34 2014-04-10
Primecoin GPU miner ver. 1.03 ----------------------------- Mining time: 9.23 hours Est. Average Chains Per Day (CPD): 2.90 Est. Spot Chains Per Day (CPD): 2.87
Pass: 16733 GPU #0 time: 200 GPU #1 time: 196
10-ch found: 0 expected: 1.116 blocks found: 0 expected: 0.444
1150/1500 - cpuusage=8
~~~~~ 19:09 2014-04-11 Primecoin GPU miner ver. 1.03 ----------------------------- Mining time: 17.32 hours Est. Average Chains Per Day (CPD): 2.93 Est. Spot Chains Per Day (CPD): 2.92
Pass: 31789 GPU #0 time: 197 GPU #1 time: 188
10-ch found: 3 expected: 2.111 blocks found: 0 expected: 0.783
All these three above are separate runs 
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April 11, 2014, 07:53:00 PM |
At least I know now that its just my UNluck for the last days and someone is actually able to find blocks still. Just to report - using the same settings as before - but I got my longest run for nothing right now  its been around 59 hours sinc I found any block with my two 280x Toxics and I found only 3 10-chains since... Your settings might not be 100% stable. Also, try to run 24/7 for a week and then make an average of blocks per week.
Activity: 1400
Merit: 1050
April 11, 2014, 09:04:32 PM |
funny how i told that other idiot who thinks ypool cant be ddos and that is what is happening and will continue to happen just like any pool that gets most of the hash power thats why solo is better but its good thing for us solominers no down time
I have been running non stop on ypool all day, it is working fine (and still running on it... ) I understand from your various posts that you don't like pools or ypool, but may-be you should stop propagating false rumor. (have no interest in ypool what so ever...except my card running on it)
djm34 facebook pageBTC: 1NENYmxwZGHsKFmyjTc5WferTn5VTFb7Ze Pledge for neoscrypt ccminer to that address: 16UoC4DmTz2pvhFvcfTQrzkPTrXkWijzXw
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
April 11, 2014, 09:40:08 PM |
Primecoin GPU miner ver. 1.03 ----------------------------- Mining time: 12.22 hours Est. Average Chains Per Day (CPD): 1.72 Est. Spot Chains Per Day (CPD): 1.68
Wow. What's you hardware (GPU/CPU)? What version of Catalyst do you have? I have a brand new ASUS R9280X-DC2T-3GD5 Settings are GPU Core 1196 GPU Voltage 1182 Mem 6900 Power target 110% 55% fan speed Rock solid at 73C My CPU is a I7 4770K I am using the -CPU=9 flag. 20% cpu usage. Cat 13.9 Drivers Is that a beta driver or the driver that came with the cd with the graphics card? That's pretty high for gpu mem clocks. they are the 13.9 drives downloaded from the ATI website My GPU mem starts at 6500 and tops out at 8000. 400 wasnt much of a push.
April 11, 2014, 09:50:10 PM |
funny how i told that other idiot who thinks ypool cant be ddos and that is what is happening and will continue to happen just like any pool that gets most of the hash power thats why solo is better but its good thing for us solominers no down time
I have been running non stop on ypool all day, it is working fine (and still running on it... ) I understand from your various posts that you don't like pools or ypool, but may-be you should stop propagating false rumor. (have no interest in ypool what so ever...except my card running on it) its obvious you dont pay very good attention so just keep your opinions too yourself ill stick with the facts im also sure you just started using them so keep watching your miners im sure u will get disconnects plus take your ypool talk to the claymores thread this is solo discussion here
April 11, 2014, 09:57:41 PM |
4 blocks so far today looking good still cant wait to see an update
Activity: 1400
Merit: 1050
April 11, 2014, 10:09:49 PM |
funny how i told that other idiot who thinks ypool cant be ddos and that is what is happening and will continue to happen just like any pool that gets most of the hash power thats why solo is better but its good thing for us solominers no down time
I have been running non stop on ypool all day, it is working fine (and still running on it... ) I understand from your various posts that you don't like pools or ypool, but may-be you should stop propagating false rumor. (have no interest in ypool what so ever...except my card running on it) its obvious you dont pay very good attention so just keep your opinions too yourself ill stick with the facts im also sure you just started using them so keep watching your miners im sure u will get disconnects plus take your ypool talk to the claymores thread this is solo discussion here This isn't a solo discussion, it a software discussion and like others, I'd like to see it working on a pool... I did my homework. I tested both formula (solo mining and ypool) so far ypool is paying my licence... solo mining relies a lot on luck, in pool you take out this parameter of the equation (at the expense of may-be somewhat less coin the day you could have been lucky, but a lot more when you are not.) I don't take party for or against any one software I just want the best working formula
djm34 facebook pageBTC: 1NENYmxwZGHsKFmyjTc5WferTn5VTFb7Ze Pledge for neoscrypt ccminer to that address: 16UoC4DmTz2pvhFvcfTQrzkPTrXkWijzXw
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1050
April 11, 2014, 10:13:30 PM Last edit: April 11, 2014, 10:44:47 PM by LongAndShort |
funny how i told that other idiot who thinks ypool cant be ddos and that is what is happening and will continue to happen just like any pool that gets most of the hash power thats why solo is better but its good thing for us solominers no down time
I have been running non stop on ypool all day, it is working fine (and still running on it... ) I understand from your various posts that you don't like pools or ypool, but may-be you should stop propagating false rumor. (have no interest in ypool what so ever...except my card running on it) The fact remains though that pplns is a bit of a scam and pools downtime can inflict serious loss of mining gains and i figure large pools that find blocks regularly don't need it. That being said i can report for 48hours at the time of typing this; using Claymores amazing fast miner has negated most of that. However i have found 14 blocks in the past 48 hours using his miner but i have only received 96.5xpm out of the potential 120xpm I would have got had i have been mining solo with it so lets do some math here Claymores dev fee is 10% and the pool fee is 3% thats 13% i really should have been stripped of over 2 days so i mined 14 blocks on that pool over two days thats 120.4xpm minus 13% is 104.748xpm i should have is yet all i have is 96.5 so where has almost a full block reward gone? because i'm down 8.248xpm probably lost to pplns and pool downtime! So if i had this miner and paid for its license to solo mine i would now have 120.4xpm thats over two days so eventually i've easily at least paid off one license and made more profit then mining any other coin if i had of mined solo but don't get me wrong..mad props to Claymores epic miner because its negating a lot imo but the argument here is solo vs pool with the same miner and solo wins hands down i'm afraid. Missing 4.1xpm a day is not cool however you want to look at it and i cant wait until pgpu come out of their lab with some more competition for this miner space because this is getting really exciting and might i add profitable and when you want to bash pgpu just remember they took the first step and actually instigated the release of the miners into the light because without the first person taking the step they would still be hidden Btw this was not just directed at you mate its to the whole thread. I think people just need to put the pitchforks down for a second here and support these devs because both claymore and pgpu have good miners and have given us choice and have created some competition in certain parts of xpm mining and are filling their own nich in others and deserve our support not our narrow veiws. There is a lot of good info on this thread and help to those with issues. EDIT: its comming up to 49 hours now and i have found 16 blocks yet i have 97xpm for a 49 hour period! which is good but a lot is lost due to me not mining them solo!
April 11, 2014, 10:16:06 PM |
funny how i told that other idiot who thinks ypool cant be ddos and that is what is happening and will continue to happen just like any pool that gets most of the hash power thats why solo is better but its good thing for us solominers no down time
I have been running non stop on ypool all day, it is working fine (and still running on it... ) I understand from your various posts that you don't like pools or ypool, but may-be you should stop propagating false rumor. (have no interest in ypool what so ever...except my card running on it) its obvious you dont pay very good attention so just keep your opinions too yourself ill stick with the facts im also sure you just started using them so keep watching your miners im sure u will get disconnects plus take your ypool talk to the claymores thread this is solo discussion here This isn't a solo discussion, it a software discussion and like others, I'd like to see it working on a pool... I did my homework. I tested both formula (solo mining and ypool) so far ypool is paying my licence... solo mining relies a lot on luck, in pool you take out this parameter of the equation (at the expense of may-be somewhat less coin the day you could have been lucky, but a lot more when you are not.) man ive been mining way longer than u im sure and my homework is 100% correct I don't take party for or against any one software or another man ive been mining way longer than u im sure and my homework is 100% correct im sure u didnt solo long enough either to even compare and if you knew what u were talking about you would have known they were hit at around 2:00am est as far as im concerned you can believe it or not i dont care i know that im making more than if i was on that pool. i get whole blocks+transaction fees and 0 down time also when that pool gets hit like many pools do ill bank on it end of discussion edit: even if this miner becomes pool compatible with anyone i would still solo this is not just about ypool but any pool
April 11, 2014, 10:27:50 PM |
and to be honest these dev seem honest they didnt have to refund anyone back either
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1050
April 11, 2014, 10:36:50 PM |
funny how i told that other idiot who thinks ypool cant be ddos and that is what is happening and will continue to happen just like any pool that gets most of the hash power thats why solo is better but its good thing for us solominers no down time
I have been running non stop on ypool all day, it is working fine (and still running on it... ) I understand from your various posts that you don't like pools or ypool, but may-be you should stop propagating false rumor. (have no interest in ypool what so ever...except my card running on it) its obvious you dont pay very good attention so just keep your opinions too yourself ill stick with the facts im also sure you just started using them so keep watching your miners im sure u will get disconnects plus take your ypool talk to the claymores thread this is solo discussion here This isn't a solo discussion, it a software discussion and like others, I'd like to see it working on a pool... I did my homework. I tested both formula (solo mining and ypool) so far ypool is paying my licence... solo mining relies a lot on luck, in pool you take out this parameter of the equation (at the expense of may-be somewhat less coin the day you could have been lucky, but a lot more when you are not.) I don't take party for or against any one software I just want the best working formula The best working formula right now would be claymores miner working solo! So if and when pgpu match its speed and reliability then pgpu will have the best working formula
Activity: 1400
Merit: 1050
April 11, 2014, 10:51:04 PM |
funny how i told that other idiot who thinks ypool cant be ddos and that is what is happening and will continue to happen just like any pool that gets most of the hash power thats why solo is better but its good thing for us solominers no down time
I have been running non stop on ypool all day, it is working fine (and still running on it... ) I understand from your various posts that you don't like pools or ypool, but may-be you should stop propagating false rumor. (have no interest in ypool what so ever...except my card running on it) its obvious you dont pay very good attention so just keep your opinions too yourself ill stick with the facts im also sure you just started using them so keep watching your miners im sure u will get disconnects plus take your ypool talk to the claymores thread this is solo discussion here This isn't a solo discussion, it a software discussion and like others, I'd like to see it working on a pool... I did my homework. I tested both formula (solo mining and ypool) so far ypool is paying my licence... solo mining relies a lot on luck, in pool you take out this parameter of the equation (at the expense of may-be somewhat less coin the day you could have been lucky, but a lot more when you are not.) I don't take party for or against any one software I just want the best working formula The best working formula right now would be claymores miner working solo! So if and when pgpu match its speed and reliability then pgpu will have the best working formula yes, wondering the same thing...
djm34 facebook pageBTC: 1NENYmxwZGHsKFmyjTc5WferTn5VTFb7Ze Pledge for neoscrypt ccminer to that address: 16UoC4DmTz2pvhFvcfTQrzkPTrXkWijzXw
April 11, 2014, 10:58:03 PM |
funny how i told that other idiot who thinks ypool cant be ddos and that is what is happening and will continue to happen just like any pool that gets most of the hash power thats why solo is better but its good thing for us solominers no down time
I have been running non stop on ypool all day, it is working fine (and still running on it... ) I understand from your various posts that you don't like pools or ypool, but may-be you should stop propagating false rumor. (have no interest in ypool what so ever...except my card running on it) its obvious you dont pay very good attention so just keep your opinions too yourself ill stick with the facts im also sure you just started using them so keep watching your miners im sure u will get disconnects plus take your ypool talk to the claymores thread this is solo discussion here This isn't a solo discussion, it a software discussion and like others, I'd like to see it working on a pool... I did my homework. I tested both formula (solo mining and ypool) so far ypool is paying my licence... solo mining relies a lot on luck, in pool you take out this parameter of the equation (at the expense of may-be somewhat less coin the day you could have been lucky, but a lot more when you are not.) I don't take party for or against any one software I just want the best working formula The best working formula right now would be claymores miner working solo! So if and when pgpu match its speed and reliability then pgpu will have the best working formula its not faster but in your case cause your using nothin but 290x's it might seem that way but for most miners primepgu is faster
Full Member
Activity: 205
Merit: 105
【Ƀ】➔ ☽
April 12, 2014, 12:07:26 AM |
Primecoin GPU miner ver. 1.03 ----------------------------- Mining time: 12.22 hours Est. Average Chains Per Day (CPD): 1.72 Est. Spot Chains Per Day (CPD): 1.68
Wow. What's you hardware (GPU/CPU)? What version of Catalyst do you have? I have a brand new ASUS R9280X-DC2T-3GD5 Settings are GPU Core 1196 GPU Voltage 1182 Mem 6900 Power target 110% 55% fan speed Rock solid at 73C My CPU is a I7 4770K I am using the -CPU=9 flag. 20% cpu usage. Cat 13.9 Drivers I have the exact same card. How do you enter these settings?
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
April 12, 2014, 12:17:24 AM |
Primecoin GPU miner ver. 1.03 ----------------------------- Mining time: 12.22 hours Est. Average Chains Per Day (CPD): 1.72 Est. Spot Chains Per Day (CPD): 1.68
Wow. What's you hardware (GPU/CPU)? What version of Catalyst do you have? I have a brand new ASUS R9280X-DC2T-3GD5 Settings are GPU Core 1196 GPU Voltage 1182 Mem 6900 Power target 110% 55% fan speed Rock solid at 73C My CPU is a I7 4770K I am using the -CPU=9 flag. 20% cpu usage. Cat 13.9 Drivers I have the exact same card. How do you enter these settings? Download GPU tweek from the ASUS website.
April 12, 2014, 12:59:52 AM |
Primecoin GPU miner ver. 1.03 ----------------------------- Mining time: 12.22 hours Est. Average Chains Per Day (CPD): 1.72 Est. Spot Chains Per Day (CPD): 1.68
Wow. What's you hardware (GPU/CPU)? What version of Catalyst do you have? I have a brand new ASUS R9280X-DC2T-3GD5 Settings are GPU Core 1196 GPU Voltage 1182 Mem 6900 Power target 110% 55% fan speed Rock solid at 73C My CPU is a I7 4770K I am using the -CPU=9 flag. 20% cpu usage. Cat 13.9 Drivers I have the exact same card. How do you enter these settings? Download GPU tweek from the ASUS website. That's crazy with 1.72 CPD, did the same clock core and memory, and it didn't move from 1.55 CPD.
CRYPTSY exchange: BURST= BURST-TE3W-CFGH-7343-6VM6R BTC=1CNsqGUR9YJNrhydQZnUPbaDv6h4uaYCHv ETH=0x144bc9fe471d3c71d8e09d58060d78661b1d4f32 SHF=0x13a0a2cb0d55eca975cf2d97015f7d580ce52d85 EXP=0xd71921dca837e415a58ca0d6dd2223cc84e0ea2f SC=6bdf9d12a983fed6723abad91a39be4f95d227f9bdb0490de3b8e5d45357f63d564638b1bd71 CLAMS=xGVTdM9EJpNBCYAjHFVxuZGcqvoL22nP6f SOIL=0x8b5c989bc931c0769a50ecaf9ffe490c67cb5911
April 12, 2014, 02:44:15 AM |
Primecoin GPU miner ver. 1.03 ----------------------------- Mining time: 12.22 hours Est. Average Chains Per Day (CPD): 1.72 Est. Spot Chains Per Day (CPD): 1.68
Wow. What's you hardware (GPU/CPU)? What version of Catalyst do you have? I have a brand new ASUS R9280X-DC2T-3GD5 Settings are GPU Core 1196 GPU Voltage 1182 Mem 6900 Power target 110% 55% fan speed Rock solid at 73C My CPU is a I7 4770K I am using the -CPU=9 flag. 20% cpu usage. Cat 13.9 Drivers I have the exact same card. How do you enter these settings? Download GPU tweek from the ASUS website. That's crazy with 1.72 CPD, did the same clock core and memory, and it didn't move from 1.55 CPD. its not always about core/mem clocks some gpu are just more eff than others same with mem and latency eg no 2 same model cards are going to have the same speed at same clocks this rule goes for any silicon chip asics too it about where it was cut from the wafer center chips will use less power where outer will use more if you use gpu-z it will show you asic quality plus there are other factors here as in mobo cpu ram etc same with cpu's the cache speed and latency can make a world of difference its not always about size usually chip that have big amount run slow latency timings
April 12, 2014, 03:49:09 AM |
Primecoin GPU miner ver. 1.03 ----------------------------- Mining time: 12.22 hours Est. Average Chains Per Day (CPD): 1.72 Est. Spot Chains Per Day (CPD): 1.68
Wow. What's you hardware (GPU/CPU)? What version of Catalyst do you have? I have a brand new ASUS R9280X-DC2T-3GD5 Settings are GPU Core 1196 GPU Voltage 1182 Mem 6900 Power target 110% 55% fan speed Rock solid at 73C My CPU is a I7 4770K I am using the -CPU=9 flag. 20% cpu usage. Cat 13.9 Drivers I have the exact same card. How do you enter these settings? Download GPU tweek from the ASUS website. That's crazy with 1.72 CPD, did the same clock core and memory, and it didn't move from 1.55 CPD. its not always about core/mem clocks some gpu are just more eff than others same with mem and latency eg no 2 same model cards are going to have the same speed at same clocks this rule goes for any silicon chip asics too it about where it was cut from the wafer center chips will use less power where outer will use more if you use gpu-z it will show you asic quality plus there are other factors here as in mobo cpu ram etc same with cpu's the cache speed and latency can make a world of difference its not always about size usually chip that have big amount run slow latency timings True, just like cars, 1 out of 5 is usually the better performer per batch of cars. The 280x does have a slightly better memory system than the 7970's, but not by much. Core's are basically the same.
CRYPTSY exchange: BURST= BURST-TE3W-CFGH-7343-6VM6R BTC=1CNsqGUR9YJNrhydQZnUPbaDv6h4uaYCHv ETH=0x144bc9fe471d3c71d8e09d58060d78661b1d4f32 SHF=0x13a0a2cb0d55eca975cf2d97015f7d580ce52d85 EXP=0xd71921dca837e415a58ca0d6dd2223cc84e0ea2f SC=6bdf9d12a983fed6723abad91a39be4f95d227f9bdb0490de3b8e5d45357f63d564638b1bd71 CLAMS=xGVTdM9EJpNBCYAjHFVxuZGcqvoL22nP6f SOIL=0x8b5c989bc931c0769a50ecaf9ffe490c67cb5911