For any version of the ant:
Adding --load-balance with a space after the first password on the luci "Miner Configuration" web page will work also.
e.g. if your "Pool1 password" was "pass" then set it to "pass --load-balance"
Thanks for that, the "pass --load-balance" works (looks like it needs to be applied just to the 1st pool, and that affects all of them).
Is there a way to define quotas, as in the 'basic' cgminer?
--load-balance is a global cgminer option - the hack to put options after the password is simply adding global cgminer options - they aren't actually part of the 1st pool settings.
Well you sort of can from the web interface.
The first pool is of course stuck at having a quota of '1' due to it using the normal pool options.
However, anything you add in the "Pool1 password" just acts like a standard cgminer option.
So you could add any number of pools into there using the -U option but it would get a bit cramped
(and leave pool2/pool3 blank)
To modify the settings directly in the ant itself, just login to the ant and edit /etc/init.d/cgminer
The Bitmain version of that is a bit of a mess, but you can ignore the pools on the web page and set all the options in there.
Firstly you need to comment out the line that starts with $APP and make it #$APP
(yeah that's a Bitmain oops)
There's already a #$APP on the line before, but you need to have both look like #$APP
Next if you change the line that says
PARAMS=" --lowmem $AOPTIONS $POOL1 $POOL2 $POOL3 $_pb --api-allow $_aa --api-listen"
to 2 lines:
MYSTUFF="-U 2;pool1 -O user1:pass1 -U 4;pool2 -O user2:pass2"
PARAMS=" --lowmem $AOPTIONS $_pb --api-allow $_aa --api-listen $MYSTUFF -q"
... and you're finished.
Of course set MYSTUFF to whatever you want to add to cgminer.
That way it will ignore the pools on the web page and add your options (pools + whatever you like) in $MYSTUFF
Edit: I added a -q on the end of the new PARAMS since that was how it worked before