May 01, 2014, 03:04:40 PM |
Anything involves James nodecoin would need a great deal of luck to go through.
I've bookmarked this. Care to wager a NEM stake on this?  Listen, I understand you're the head of NEM. Respect for you and your team. Somehow, in all the 'fair distribution' talk it's forgotten that CfB, Jean-Luc, CIYAM, James and others are a killer team. We're not waiting on an alpha, or picking out logos -- we're testing features now as I type this. I wouldn't wager my NEM stake if I wasn't 100% positive.  Are all those people still involved in NXT? I thought CfB's contract was up. It looks like Jean-Luc and wesley have made all the commits for at least all of April: https://bitbucket.org/JeanLucPicard/nxt/commits/all. Is there another repro where other people are contributing? CfB hasn''t left totally. He is still around, and waiting for DGS and asset exchange to finish. CIYAM is of course still working on AT project. James is supposedly "working" on dozens of things, but they don't involve changing nxt core. These are all his own projects. There are many others working on various projects (like android apps, games ( http://www.nox.am/ ) websites ( nxt.org, etc) The front page of the game demo does look inviting. I could agree that NXT is still the most exciting alt coin system out there currently. I don't understand all this tecky stuff / Does this mean that Dodge is more advanced than nxt ? Looking at if from a market cap stand point it must be true. I hope one day nxt can shake of the dark stigma of unfair distribution and whales but i don't see it happening anytime soon if ever. Did "whales" hurt bitcoin? 1 person holds 10% of bitcoin and 200 or so have 60%. Same applies to Litecoin and Peeercoin. In fact, same applies to Nem. The population of the word is 7 billion. So "3000" (if you ignore sock puppets) would be considered "unfair distribution, by the rest of 7 billion. Your argument is total nonsense. +1 Yep. I've always thought about this. If mass adoption is what matters, than there really isn't much of a difference between 10, 73, or 3000. However, there are a FEW advantages to having a few more initial stakeholders, like having more people run nodes at first and help out with marketing and such. And in this case, although I think it's unfair and doesn't really matter in the end, having less than 100 stakeholders apparently has a pretty negative stigma... Edit: and by unfair, I mean I think it's unfair that so many people have such a negative view about Nxt's initial distribution. It's already better than bitcoin's distribution.  Still that "world's population" is used as an excuse for the distribution matter https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=555401.msg6062164#msg6062164"But if returned back to NXT vs NEM distribution, there are only guesses about how well NEM's distibution will progress. Time will show. If making an assumption, then it is easy to say that a better distribution is reached, when X is greater, coz then it has more 'connections' to transfer the coins. Time will show. For NEM. For NXT that could have been already calculated - and could have been produced a bit better figures than those infographs as there already exist a lot of data  "
May 01, 2014, 03:09:29 PM |
I believe nxt and nem can get success. They are complementary, rather than competitive.  Like the relationship between BTC and LTC, but NEM and NXT which will be the next BTC, time will tell us Ahaha, so will you hold NEM for a long term ? the early BTC player dump their BTC very early.  I bet he will dump when the price up to 20 saoto. saoto? or Satoshi? 20 Satoshi, it will only appear in your dreams
The future has come
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
May 01, 2014, 03:15:57 PM |
I hope to be able to log into the trading platform

Activity: 60
Merit: 10
May 01, 2014, 03:25:13 PM |
I believe nxt and nem can get success. They are complementary, rather than competitive.  Like the relationship between BTC and LTC, but NEM and NXT which will be the next BTC, time will tell us Ahaha, so will you hold NEM for a long term ? the early BTC player dump their BTC very early.  I bet he will dump when the price up to 20 saoto. saoto? or Satoshi? 20 Satoshi, it will only appear in your dreams Ahaha. 2 Satoshi is the reality.
utopianfuture (OP)
Sr. Member
Activity: 602
Merit: 268
Internet of Value
May 01, 2014, 03:58:22 PM |
Distribution effectiveness = - (complaint) - (bitching)^2 - (extreme bitching/ sabotage)^4 + (happy follower) + (happy contributor)^2 + (happy loyalist/ dev. team)^4
Activity: 866
Merit: 1002
May 01, 2014, 04:38:22 PM |
Any update about the auction? Has it started yet?
not yet, probably won't start until the open Alpha since we want to avoid scam accusation. good idea! any plans on how the auction will be run? will you hold off on auctioning a couple stakes until just prior to nem launch? i think thats when you will get a huge amount of interest and much higher price! edit still looking for pledges towards the multipool! i have a very strong plan but need pledges and a dev still.. it needs to be stand alone nem pool now in order to implement the full plan! only 440k pledged so far 300k from 3 generous people so i think we can do much much better seeing as we have 3k stake holders! We had discussion within NEM core dev, and nem core dev* is almost unanimously against multipool. but as utopianfuture noted, there is possibility, for getting funds from ecosystem and/or promotional funds. * and slightly related: How to understand the role of NEM core dev. team? NEM core dev. team should be considered only one group (albeit, an important one) within the NEM overall community- but not a centralized representative of NEM community. That means I would encourage NEM stakeholders to self-organize different teams/ groups that can operate independently from NEM core dev. team in a truly decentralized fashion, especially regarding to marketing and promotional activities. This I believe will increase the resilience, the diversity and the creativity of the network as a whole.
This should be considered a Prologue to NEM operation after the official launch, not that I ask the community for these decentralized activities right now - It is expected that we will fill the large bulk of all NEM necessary works (marketting included) up until our official launch, and probably extending until V1 blockchain completion as well.
td services
Sr. Member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
black swan hunter
May 01, 2014, 04:40:31 PM |
Distribution effectiveness = - (complaint) - (bitching)^2 - (extreme bitching/ sabotage)^4 + (happy follower) + (happy contributor)^2 + (happy loyalist/ dev. team)^4
My grandfather once remarked "you could take all the land and redistribute it equally among people and the same people would end up owning it again." The 80-20 Pareto Distribution, where 20% of the population owns 80% of the wealth seems to be a naturally occurring phenomenon. Any coin can be expected to migrate towards this distribution. This is still a lot better than the "1%" statistic oft quoted in the US. Any attempts to socially engineer some other desired distribution are apt to fail, and worse, yield unintended adverse consequences.
utopianfuture (OP)
Sr. Member
Activity: 602
Merit: 268
Internet of Value
May 01, 2014, 04:50:44 PM |
Distribution effectiveness = - (complaint) - (bitching)^2 - (extreme bitching/ sabotage)^4 + (happy follower) + (happy contributor)^2 + (happy loyalist/ dev. team)^4
My grandfather once remarked "you could take all the land and redistribute it equally among people and the same people would end up owning it again." The 80-20 Pareto Distribution, where 20% of the population owns 80% of the wealth seems to be a naturally occurring phenomenon. Any coin can be expected to migrate towards this distribution. This is still a lot better than the "1%" statistic oft quoted in the US. Any attempts to socially engineer some other desired distribution are apt to fail, and worse, yield unintended adverse consequences. 80-20 rule is interesting and I think Malcolm Gladwell wrote a long article about it as well. We will see how NEM final distribution will end up from the initial 1 account/ 1 share distribution. To me it is interesting social/ economic experiment as well. Galatians 3:28 "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." ; NEM book 1:00 "at Nemesis, every account is equal"
May 01, 2014, 04:53:06 PM |
Fist bump to all my fellow nemster. Hats off to ufuture and dev team. Keep this comunity growing
Sr. Member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
Step into a world!! A P2P world!
May 01, 2014, 04:57:26 PM |
Any news about forging system?? 
td services
Sr. Member
Activity: 448
Merit: 250
black swan hunter
May 01, 2014, 05:24:24 PM |
Distribution effectiveness = - (complaint) - (bitching)^2 - (extreme bitching/ sabotage)^4 + (happy follower) + (happy contributor)^2 + (happy loyalist/ dev. team)^4
My grandfather once remarked "you could take all the land and redistribute it equally among people and the same people would end up owning it again." The 80-20 Pareto Distribution, where 20% of the population owns 80% of the wealth seems to be a naturally occurring phenomenon. Any coin can be expected to migrate towards this distribution. This is still a lot better than the "1%" statistic oft quoted in the US. Any attempts to socially engineer some other desired distribution are apt to fail, and worse, yield unintended adverse consequences. 80-20 rule is interesting and I think Malcolm Gladwell wrote a long article about it as well. We will see how NEM final distribution will end up from the initial 1 account/ 1 share distribution. To me it is interesting social/ economic experiment as well. Galatians 3:28 "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." ; NEM book 1:00 "at Nemesis, every account is equal" It was interesting that the Old Testament had a safe guard against concentration of land ownership, the Jubilee every 50 years. All debts were cleared and land restored to original owners. The periods leading up to the Jubilees must have been interesting times in the markets.
May 01, 2014, 08:09:52 PM |
I see a lot progress done by Nem. Also noticed a lot more Nem buzz on twitter and facebook. Piketty's book is rather interesting, though I really think it's a bit overrated. Here are some interesting thoughts from Taleb on the matter: http://www.fooledbyrandomness.com/notebook.htm
May 01, 2014, 08:19:52 PM |
Any update about the auction? Has it started yet?
not yet, probably won't start until the open Alpha since we want to avoid scam accusation. good idea! any plans on how the auction will be run? will you hold off on auctioning a couple stakes until just prior to nem launch? i think thats when you will get a huge amount of interest and much higher price! edit still looking for pledges towards the multipool! i have a very strong plan but need pledges and a dev still.. it needs to be stand alone nem pool now in order to implement the full plan! only 440k pledged so far 300k from 3 generous people so i think we can do much much better seeing as we have 3k stake holders! We had discussion within NEM core dev, and nem core dev* is almost unanimously against multipool. but as utopianfuture noted, there is possibility, for getting funds from ecosystem and/or promotional funds. [/quote] I agree here. We are trying to move away from the massive data closets of wasted energy, promoting a multipool that waste energy to get nem is something I am not supportive of. Better that we just allow folks to obtain NEM in a free market. I would support an exchange more then a multipool. But we are all free to support what we believe in. I wish you luck.
Activity: 47
Merit: 0
May 01, 2014, 09:20:20 PM |
nothing new ... OK.... i come back to the end of the year 
May 01, 2014, 09:31:48 PM |
When will the decentralised exchange launched on NEM?
May 01, 2014, 10:16:56 PM |
When will the decentralised exchange launched on NEM?
Probably after NEM launches...
NEM - nem.io
May 01, 2014, 11:25:25 PM |
Very well i wont go ahead with it then... Il have to think of something else i can organise lol
kodtycoon, thanks for your support. If you want to help out, there might be some things on the ecosystem board?
NEM - nem.io
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
May 01, 2014, 11:29:42 PM |
Has the auction started already?