Activity: 27
Merit: 0
February 27, 2014, 11:49:03 AM |
I'm also afraid to tell you that 'luck' does not exist - you can calculate probability but not luck (unless someone could post the calculation for the likelihood of luck existing)...
'Luck' exists, silly! If you earned more than expected, you've had good 'luck'. If you earned less than expected, you had bad 'luck'. Of course luck doesn't exist it is a convenient word to cover bad judgement, calculations or events we choose not to understand or have control of. If you expect to earn X and you earn Y then a force has acted upon X to move its value to Y - an event, not luck. Either way your expectation/calculation was wrong. That calls for an "Argh". You seem to have some math knowledge, but then you confound "expectation" in a mathematical sense, with "expectation" in some other sense. Your expected income per difficulty 1 share is (Bitcoin reward per block) / (network difficulty). If you earn more than this per share, you've had good luck. Less than this is bad luck. No confusion - Expectation has to be based on some form of calculation applied to factors that you know or think you know. As per my previous statement - luck is a convenient word to cover bad judgement, bad calculations or events we choose not to understand or have control of. Which is Bitcoin luck do you think.
February 27, 2014, 11:51:06 AM |
One certainty is that as the pool grows then so does the traffic into servers and it doesn't matter how much hashing goes on, it has to get to a server and 800-825TH seems to be the current 'lucky' number range.
No, the traffic problem is what vardiff solves. True, but binja9 is also right - vardiff solves the problem for a single miner and his hashrate, but more miners means more traffic. If a single miner points more of his equipment at Slush, the pool will change his vardiff and the traffic and server load will remain the same. If 1000 miners point 1Gh at the pool they will increase the traffic and the server load for just 1Th increase. Still the pool hashrate is not related to the load it takes to serve it. I am sure in such cases Slush just starts an additional stratum back-end (or adds a CPU to the virtual server instance) to take the load. With getwork the load was many times more than with stratum, so we are far from the limit. I also have a reason to believe that most of the processing is done in the startum back end servers, so adding another one scales almost linearly. If the load got too high, then Slush could simply increase the minimum variable difficulty. I don't think that will be a problem though - the pool isn't attracting as many new miners as other pools. VarDiff with Slush aims at 15-20 shares per minute. Setting a higher minimum diff will increase the variance for the slower miners and may force them to move away. If the load is high because of very slow miners not worth the additional server - Yes higher min diff is the solution, but if the load is high because of increased number of 'average speed' miners it is not a solution. I am sure Slush is smart enough to figure it out when and what to do, when he has much more insight on the load than us - that's why i don't buy the conclusion of pool hashrate being a limiting factor.
Activity: 2058
Merit: 1007
Poor impulse control.
February 27, 2014, 11:53:03 AM |
am sure Slush is smart enough to figure it out when and what to do, when he has much more insight on the load than us - that's why i don't buy the conclusion of pool hashrate being a limiting factor.
I absolutely agree. Pool hashrate doesn't correlate with "luck", er shares/difficulty.
Activity: 27
Merit: 0
February 27, 2014, 01:38:56 PM |
am sure Slush is smart enough to figure it out when and what to do, when he has much more insight on the load than us - that's why i don't buy the conclusion of pool hashrate being a limiting factor.
I absolutely agree. Pool hashrate doesn't correlate with "luck", er shares/difficulty. I wouldn't look now but the somebody has just shot a whole herd of miners - 700TH ??
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
February 27, 2014, 02:02:55 PM |
Does anyone know of an iPhone app, or twitter feed, or something... that would send an alert each time a block is found by Slush's pool?
Activity: 72
Merit: 10
February 27, 2014, 02:28:17 PM |
am sure Slush is smart enough to figure it out when and what to do, when he has much more insight on the load than us - that's why i don't buy the conclusion of pool hashrate being a limiting factor.
I absolutely agree. Pool hashrate doesn't correlate with "luck", er shares/difficulty. I wouldn't look now but the somebody has just shot a whole herd of miners - 700TH ?? I am showing 813 right now. . a drop from 850, but it seems to be going back and forth between 740 to close to 900. . Every time it gets near 900, we get an run of long running rounds that seems to thin the crowd down. . And I don't believe/think there is any correlation between the two - just that that has happened the last month or so.
Activity: 43
Merit: 0
February 27, 2014, 04:48:00 PM |
Well this is a good bye, I have jumped ship completely all my miners have been transitioned to BTC Guild. I do not know why I clung on to Slush for so long, it was nothing but a waste of my time and hardware for the last year. At the new pool my gear has earned more in the last 48 hours then it has on Slush's pull in the last week I was here. I don't see it getting bad there either, The longest block so far has only been about 2 hours.
I am not sure why so many of you die hard Slush fan's can not see the writing on the wall, it is clear as day. Your pool leader does not care about you anymore, I was stuck here since I started mining in 2011 but have finally realized what a joke he is.
Activity: 50
Merit: 0
February 27, 2014, 04:55:20 PM |
Slushes pool is shit there is someone on the inside stealing my work blocks just like mt gox and their stats are all fucked up as well. Daily graph doesn't update after almost a week wot a lot of shit.
Changed to BTC guild and the interface is more in depth i like it hopefully it will work better than slush costing me money scammers
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
February 27, 2014, 05:11:56 PM |
Slushes pool is shit there is someone on the inside stealing my work blocks just like mt gox and their stats are all fucked up as well. Daily graph doesn't update after almost a week wot a lot of shit.
Changed to BTC guild and the interface is more in depth i like it hopefully it will work better than slush costing me money scammers
Bye bye, so long, cya, don't let the door hit ya in the butt on your way out. You obviously are a real noob and haven't been on BTC long at all. I've been on BTC as well as Slush since I started and if you haven't seen any 3+ hour blocks over and over on BTC you haven't been there long. A 3+ hour block on BTC is like a 12 hour on Sluch. True BTC is paying better right now but has only been so like you said in the past week. And true they offer better graphics and info but overall over 30 days Slush has paid better. Didn't like your dumb act talk anyhow and I think you are same jerk on WOW talking same way irritating everyone and getting put on ignore by 1000's of players. So just go and be gone already.
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
February 27, 2014, 05:13:39 PM |
Well this is a good bye, I have jumped ship completely all my miners have been transitioned to BTC Guild. I do not know why I clung on to Slush for so long, it was nothing but a waste of my time and hardware for the last year. At the new pool my gear has earned more in the last 48 hours then it has on Slush's pull in the last week I was here. I don't see it getting bad there either, The longest block so far has only been about 2 hours.
I am not sure why so many of you die hard Slush fan's can not see the writing on the wall, it is clear as day. Your pool leader does not care about you anymore, I was stuck here since I started mining in 2011 but have finally realized what a joke he is.
Bye bye.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
February 27, 2014, 06:12:25 PM |
Slushes pool is shit there is someone on the inside stealing my work blocks just like mt gox and their stats are all fucked up as well. Daily graph doesn't update after almost a week wot a lot of shit.
Changed to BTC guild and the interface is more in depth i like it hopefully it will work better than slush costing me money scammers
Bye bye, so long, cya, don't let the door hit ya in the butt on your way out. You obviously are a real noob and haven't been on BTC long at all. I've been on BTC as well as Slush since I started and if you haven't seen any 3+ hour blocks over and over on BTC you haven't been there long. A 3+ hour block on BTC is like a 12 hour on Sluch. True BTC is paying better right now but has only been so like you said in the past week. And true they offer better graphics and info but overall over 30 days Slush has paid better. Didn't like your dumb act talk anyhow and I think you are same jerk on WOW talking same way irritating everyone and getting put on ignore by 1000's of players. So just go and be gone already. LOL... Who would have thought, a Slush Mining Pool fanboy. It's ok, take a tissue for your tears.
Activity: 77
Merit: 10
February 27, 2014, 06:28:00 PM |
Curse this wretched luck!
Activity: 72
Merit: 10
February 27, 2014, 06:39:47 PM |
for those that want to jump, the best thing to do is try another pool or split your resources into two different ones and compare the two over a stretch of time. . obviously a week or two isn't going to be reflective of what the various pools are capable of producing, but the only way to see if the grass is greener is to try the other side. .. .
for me personally, I am sitting in two pools. Slush has its good stretch periods and its bad stretch periods. .. but sitting in multiple pools does lower my variances a bit.
Activity: 26
Merit: 0
February 27, 2014, 07:24:32 PM |
I wonder if Slush had bitcoins tied up in Mt.Gox possibly? just looking for excuses now lol...but it is possible...other pools arent having as bad of "luck" as Slush...I've been with slush for awhile now and he has always fixed stuff quick, but this is the first time i hopped ship. Maybe slush got hit by that flaw of the missing coins as well? along with gox and other sites...weird stuff.
Activity: 27
Merit: 0
February 27, 2014, 07:35:24 PM |
I wonder if Slush had bitcoins tied up in Mt.Gox possibly? just looking for excuses now lol...but it is possible...other pools arent having as bad of "luck" as Slush...I've been with slush for awhile now and he has always fixed stuff quick, but this is the first time i hopped ship. Maybe slush got hit by that flaw of the missing coins as well? along with gox and other sites...weird stuff.
good grief...
Activity: 26
Merit: 0
February 27, 2014, 08:52:29 PM |
I wonder if Slush had bitcoins tied up in Mt.Gox possibly? just looking for excuses now lol...but it is possible...other pools arent having as bad of "luck" as Slush...I've been with slush for awhile now and he has always fixed stuff quick, but this is the first time i hopped ship. Maybe slush got hit by that flaw of the missing coins as well? along with gox and other sites...weird stuff.
Comedy gold right here!!!!
February 27, 2014, 09:54:02 PM |
I wonder if Slush had bitcoins tied up in Mt.Gox possibly? just looking for excuses now lol...but it is possible...other pools arent having as bad of "luck" as Slush...I've been with slush for awhile now and he has always fixed stuff quick, but this is the first time i hopped ship. Maybe slush got hit by that flaw of the missing coins as well? along with gox and other sites...weird stuff.
yes I was thinking the same thing... SLUSH controls all my miners and he is telling my miners to not find blocks because mtgox. on a more sane note... these 8 hour blocks get longer the more we have...
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
February 27, 2014, 10:34:48 PM |
can somebody do some magic so we can have better luck?
February 27, 2014, 11:06:43 PM |
Bless me Slush for I have sinned. I just purchased 600 GH/s of miners. At the horrid luck Slush is having it was doubling the time it would take for my investment to pay for itself. This is the first time in 6 months i Have mined somewhere other then slush's pool.
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
February 27, 2014, 11:12:49 PM |
Bless me Slush for I have sinned. I just purchased 600 GH/s of miners. At the horrid luck Slush is having it was doubling the time it would take for my investment to pay for itself. This is the first time in 6 months i Have mined somewhere other then slush's pool.
A valid reason, first one I've heard that wasn't cussing or complaining. Where did you get 600 ghs now without paying way more than worth? Anyway GL hope you get investment back and have some fun same time.