Activity: 1274
Merit: 1004
January 21, 2015, 02:03:23 PM |
Unless you have big power, any of those chinese pools are going to pay very poorly. I switched my miners back on today, and lucky I got in on 3 blocks found today after a slow painful week.
I've been mining another currency at the moment which when converted to BTC pays better than mining any of those junk chinese pools.
If you support those chinese pools(f2pool, ghash, btc china etc) you're part of the problem btc is facing. Get out of there.
What other currency are you mining? I would guess he/she is mining any new pump and dump coin that pays more bitcoin than just mining straight bitcoin. Example would be Paycoin which netted 10 times normal bitcoin payout for the week or two it lasted. Then paycoin (xpy) took a nose dive ... as expected. I don't understand, XPY is pegged at $20. The guy said so.

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
★★ - Instant Exchange
January 21, 2015, 02:08:48 PM |
Nah this coin isn't worth MORE than bitcoin, but its MUCH easier to mine and not hard to flip to BTC.
I'm starting to think Slush may need to incorporate a double pay method on his pool. DGM + PPS, current + PPS. It might just help to maintain hashing power and confidence on those slower days. I had two of my miners on all day today, and got a little lucky, so I switched on my third miner. 9 hrs and nothing. Negated the previous blocks. Now all 3 are off, the pool will probably crack a block.
I'm starting to invest my btc in mining contracts online. Seems to do well. I'm also dumping a quarter of my weekly pay into BTC conversions and a new miner.
January 23, 2015, 05:47:17 AM |
Nah this coin isn't worth MORE than bitcoin, but its MUCH easier to mine and not hard to flip to BTC.
I'm starting to think Slush may need to incorporate a double pay method on his pool. DGM + PPS, current + PPS. It might just help to maintain hashing power and confidence on those slower days. I had two of my miners on all day today, and got a little lucky, so I switched on my third miner. 9 hrs and nothing. Negated the previous blocks. Now all 3 are off, the pool will probably crack a block.
I'm starting to invest my btc in mining contracts online. Seems to do well. I'm also dumping a quarter of my weekly pay into BTC conversions and a new miner.
Wtf is BTC conversions?

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
★★ - Instant Exchange
January 23, 2015, 06:35:58 AM |
Nah this coin isn't worth MORE than bitcoin, but its MUCH easier to mine and not hard to flip to BTC.
I'm starting to think Slush may need to incorporate a double pay method on his pool. DGM + PPS, current + PPS. It might just help to maintain hashing power and confidence on those slower days. I had two of my miners on all day today, and got a little lucky, so I switched on my third miner. 9 hrs and nothing. Negated the previous blocks. Now all 3 are off, the pool will probably crack a block.
I'm starting to invest my btc in mining contracts online. Seems to do well. I'm also dumping a quarter of my weekly pay into BTC conversions and a new miner.
Wtf is BTC conversions? Convert $150 a week into $150 worth of btc lol.
January 24, 2015, 02:35:28 AM |
i am presuming the 20$ paycoin was a joke right  ROFL bad thing about text cant tell if someone is joking. But yes I got in on that brief mining period for paycoin and dumped it right away, was mighty nice to make 4x my normal mining for that week. Paycoin has ponzi written all over it, I knew that but as miner it was a awesome chance to get in and get out and make a nice profit. Just remember the old kenny song "you've gots to know when to hold them, know when to fold them,, know when to walk away , and know when to run" last thing i heard Ponzicoin is under investigation by the SEC, for all that 20$ peg non sense. As a result their value has plummeted and will most likely be a dead coin real soon. If your holding them get out while you can. the only altcoin that i see right not as being a good investment is XRP and maybe NSR both have a solid dev team behind them.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
January 28, 2015, 06:57:22 PM |
I have decide that as an experiment(not as a viable income) I would try bitcoin mining, I have two workers working yet on slush`s pool website it says that there is an error. How long, if ever will it take to notice my miners?
Sir Alan
January 28, 2015, 09:16:27 PM |
I have decide that as an experiment(not as a viable income) I would try bitcoin mining, I have two workers working yet on slush`s pool website it says that there is an error. How long, if ever will it take to notice my miners? Welcome to the forum. What are you using to mine? Can you be more specific about the error message?

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
★★ - Instant Exchange
January 29, 2015, 10:03:12 AM |
I'm sorry mr slush but after a while being loyal to the pool, I have to pull out  the last few days have been too expensive to run at the rate blocks were being found. I've put all my PSU's away to make sure I am not tempted. If I ever come back, it will be with rented hash power. I'll still be supporting bitcoin by trading etc but until I get my solar, or power costs are halved(CMON AUSTRALIA GIVE US NUCLEAR POWER!), I can't afford it.
Sr. Member
Activity: 442
Merit: 250
Found Lost beach - quiet now
January 29, 2015, 05:56:30 PM |
Sixteen bitcoin miners and what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt St. Peter don’t you call me cause I can’t go, I owe my soul to the electric company store
Hot time, summer in the city, back of my mine getting hot & gritty!!!

Activity: 73
Merit: 10
January 29, 2015, 10:31:45 PM |
Myself, I think Slushie was good for a time, but tbh I've found it lacking, I've looked at all the "evidence" and we should be getting 5 a day minimum, we aren't and haven't been for a long time. Sadly I must move on. It's been real Slushie.
Where am i now? crusing between the Ghash, elgius and btc guild. on average they outperform slushie by well...... ALOT.
January 29, 2015, 11:18:09 PM |
Anyone know why the "Current Round Duration" went to -1 day, 20:53:05 etc... and is going up?
Activity: 1274
Merit: 1004
January 30, 2015, 12:10:03 AM |
Anyone know why the "Current Round Duration" went to -1 day, 20:53:05 etc... and is going up?
Probably because the round start time is after the current time. The current time is off by 6 hours.

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
★★ - Instant Exchange
January 30, 2015, 06:23:43 AM |
I've got a widget on my phone which pulls the data from this pull down on intervals defined or by request. First time I've noticed a delay in the timer(block found earlier but still said 24+hrs without a block). Just wish Slush's had its 5% hold on the network. It was much more consistent then. Dropping down to 2% now  If it cranks back up, I'll be back.
Full Member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
Big Bit Mine
January 30, 2015, 05:02:18 PM |
I'm spending a few days on BTC Guild just to see what my earnings are like there. Only a week.
Activity: 26
Merit: 0
January 30, 2015, 06:00:44 PM |
used to be payouts like clockwork here,my dumbass left and came back,WTF SLUSH?
Full Member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
Big Bit Mine
January 30, 2015, 07:34:36 PM |
I'm down to 1 payout a day  Not good!

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
★★ - Instant Exchange
January 30, 2015, 09:14:10 PM |
With my power, I'm not getting a payout every day. The last time I mined here, we found a 2 blocks in 24hrs, I got .006.
January 30, 2015, 09:20:54 PM |
With my power, I'm not getting a payout every day. The last time I mined here, we found a 2 blocks in 24hrs, I got .006.
I set my threshold to payout once or twice per month, seems fine here.
January 30, 2015, 11:54:04 PM |
Anyone know why the "Current Round Duration" went to -1 day, 20:53:05 etc... and is going up?
Probably because the round start time is after the current time. The current time is off by 6 hours. Slush's server time is still off by 6 hours... Raised a ticket with Slush support about 10 hours ago but it remains unfixed. While this probably doesn't impact pool performance, it still seems a bit slack... cheers
January 31, 2015, 01:06:36 AM |
haha whats is slushs support good luck with that one. Yes I to have noticed some real strange time stats the last cpl days. Missing periods of time and all kinds of oddities, not to mentiong the ridiculous block times. Sorry cant mine here until this stuff is straightened out.