August 28, 2015, 08:15:37 PM |
Just about 4Tb on Slush is about $7 ish. On Antpool when normal, 4Tb is about $10+ ish. I honestly wish your numbers could be right, and that merged mining is not worth the effort .... if only to prove that luck does play a big part in finding and "winning" blocks, but I know you are no where near the mark. If your numbers were right, in the multiples of the hash on slush (pre and post BIP101 block flagging cum XT, with and without fees), no one would mine here. But that pool hash-rate has literally doubled in the last few weeks is even more telling. Thats why you are wrong.
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
August 28, 2015, 09:05:28 PM |
Just about 4Tb on Slush is about $7 ish. On Antpool when normal, 4Tb is about $10+ ish. I honestly wish your numbers could be right, and that merged mining is not worth the effort .... if only to prove that luck does play a big part in finding and "winning" blocks, but I know you are no where near the mark. If your numbers were right, in the multiples of the hash on slush (pre and post BIP101 block flagging cum XT, with and without fees), no one would mine here. But that pool hash-rate has literally doubled in the last few weeks is even more telling. Thats why you are wrong. Not sure what you mean by My numbers not being correct. That is what i am getting. Here is a picture of my Revenue from Slush and Antpool at the same Hashrate and same 24 hour time frame. This is from this week. It is what it is !!!!!!
August 28, 2015, 09:13:03 PM |
Not to be disrespectful to you, but I too could make up an image with the numbers reversed ....!
August 28, 2015, 09:13:48 PM |
1 day isnt reliable - look at statistics on
Edit: 4 days ago you would have done 0.05 @ slush with your 4 Th/s.
August 28, 2015, 09:36:58 PM |
1 day isnt reliable - look at statistics on
Edit: 4 days ago you would have done 0.05 @ slush with your 4 Th/s.
That is right, since I did the exact thing. To have a better idea, one must at least have data going back to a month, considering payments.
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
August 28, 2015, 10:02:32 PM |
Not to be disrespectful to you, but I too could make up an image with the numbers reversed ....!
Why Lie, Don't see the point. It is what it is. I don't even see the argument? All I was doing is just stating what I have made, that was it. The real of it, is that During the past few days, Slush has seen a Rise in Hashrate, regardless of Zero Fees or Merged Mining, with that said, More Profit is being made, which we all have been talking about. I am sure some of it came from Antpool, and the 12+ Farm that popped on board, which probably came from Antpool, since they went from 80+ Ph/s the other day to 70ish today. Now that Antpools Blocks are hitting more normal now, it will be interesting to see if the hashrate at Slush will decrease. With MY past experience with mining at Slush, Antpool and F2Pool, I have made the most profit at Antpool, Period.... Now saying that, I don't necessary think they are the best in any way. They are Rude, Don't answer there own customers issues. Hardware Builder.... Not much competition for them !!!! Slush IS MUCH BETTER AND USER FRIENDLY, WAY better Dashboard then almost any pool I have ever been too. But, I have not made as much here as other Pools. As most of us have seen, just a very short time ago, Slush was at around 13 Ph/s, compared to 70-80 Ph/s at the others. That did make a difference in Payout and Profit. Just saying...... DaPlayer001
August 28, 2015, 10:12:55 PM |
You missed the point as I never intended to "lie", rather to pick any other day that slush had better luck than f2pool (?) and then make a comparison thereof and henceforth paint slush in better light (NOTE: The operative word here is DAY). But like most have already said, compare over a longer period (actually, you / I could make a very rough estimate based on blocks won by each pool @25BTC each factored by the percentage of 4TH over average pool hashrate since the start of August).
So there you have my made up image with reversed numbers. It does not clear up the non-argument that is luck, but it has a clean crisp font anyways.
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
August 28, 2015, 10:19:24 PM |
You missed the point as I never intended to "lie", rather to pick any other day that slush had better luck than f2pool (?) and then make a comparison thereof and henceforth paint slush in better light (NOTE: The operative word here is DAY). But like most have already said, compare over a longer period (actually, you / I could make a very rough estimate based on blocks won by each pool @25BTC each factored by the percentage of 4TH over average pool hashrate since the start of August).
So there you have my made up image with reversed numbers. It does not clear up the non-argument that is luck, but it has a clean crisp font anyways.
Wow, You must be having a bad day.... I have no need to lie or Fake an image, just showing you what I had made. And you are right, that was just one day I showed. But that still doesn't change the fact that I have made more money elsewhere !! I think the font you are referring to is Straight from Coinbase. That's where I snapped it from. Anyone that uses them, would notice that. But who cares.... But I now do see what you are saying. But regardless, that was just my observance and opinion. Have a better day. Stop drinking so much Coffee.. LOL LUCK, Yes for sure. Luck is the key... My Old (Most Likely Dead) Calculus Professor would have said "Math really " ...... Be Good.... DaPlayer001
August 28, 2015, 10:26:24 PM |
Wow, You must be having a bad day.... You talking to me there? Me having a bad day? Last I checked, we had 11 blocks today already .... and counting! If that is a bad day, give me more (bad days I mean)!
August 28, 2015, 10:37:06 PM |
I just looked at Antpool and F2Pool. F2Pool will pay you about 4% less then Antpool. But there will be no luck factor since it is PPS. Antpool is PPLNS 0% fee without miners fee or PPS 2,5% fee. But Slush will pay you with Slush method(it is complicated to explain but if you are on a pool all the time is same as PPLNS or Proportional) with 0 fee and pay out miners fees to. In addition to that you get NMC converted to BTC... So if all pools were to operate with 100% luck Slush would pay biggest amount. But you will get 100% luck or close to that only if you look at long enough timefraim. You can look at luck number in pool dashboard... 1 day 80%, 7 days 98%, 30 days 106% Old but you have basic data:
August 28, 2015, 10:37:53 PM |
Wow, You must be having a bad day.... You talking to me there? Me having a bad day? Last I checked, we had 11 blocks today already .... and counting! If that is a bad day, give me more (bad days I mean)! With this hashrate it is a bad day... With old one it wasn't... 80%
Activity: 872
Merit: 1010
Coins, Games & Miners
August 28, 2015, 11:36:16 PM |
[...] LUCK, Yes for sure. Luck is the key... My Old (Most Likely Dead) Calculus Professor would have said "Math really " ...... [...]
Yes, it is luck, or more specifically, "chance". Mining is a brute force method of finding nonces that match a certain mathematical formula. Your misunderstanding of the terms Variance, Chance, Cumulative Distribution Functions and general lack of knowledge on mining is adding a lot of noise to this thread, so please, refrain of posting here things that aren't related directly to Slush's pool. Recently, Slush has been paying more than any other pool thanks to its fee-less promotion and in a smaller part to the NMC merged mining. Check your math, check the last payouts from the pool and do a thorough comparison, then you will see what we more seasoned forum users are talking about when we say Slush is having good "luck".
August 29, 2015, 12:01:32 AM |
@ Daplayer001
Wanna have another even better example?
Look at they got 7 (seven!! Blocks) within 24h (starting @ 2015-08-24 19:09:37) with their 5.9 Ph.
Guess what... yeah 0.118 coins thats almost 27 bucks in 24h. So why isnt everyone mining there? Because they mine for 2d without hitting a block as well.
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
August 29, 2015, 12:24:08 AM |
[...] LUCK, Yes for sure. Luck is the key... My Old (Most Likely Dead) Calculus Professor would have said "Math really " ...... [...]
Yes, it is luck, or more specifically, "chance". Mining is a brute force method of finding nonces that match a certain mathematical formula. Your misunderstanding of the terms Variance, Chance, Cumulative Distribution Functions and general lack of knowledge on mining is adding a lot of noise to this thread, so please, refrain of posting here things that aren't related directly to Slush's pool. Recently, Slush has been paying more than any other pool thanks to its fee-less promotion and in a smaller part to the NMC merged mining. Check your math, check the last payouts from the pool and do a thorough comparison, then you will see what we more seasoned forum users are talking about when we say Slush is having good "luck". Wow, Really. Just because I am New to this Forum, Doesn't mean squat. I don't have any issues with your Terminology you think I don't understand. I have only made a point and stating the fact of what I have made here to other pools. Also to the point that it will be interesting to see what will happen when Antpool Adjusts. Also everyone is stating the fact of No Fees and merged mining. What will happen when the fees come back. I didn't fork off the subject, I was just stating a fact of the same issues. I don't get it, I am on the SAME Boat in this pool, I am not a Supporter of Antpool, or F2pool. I Really could give a Sh** about them. I am making the same as all of you. I have the same interest you do with this pool. Oh, and Antpool at 23 blocks today.. So would I have made more money there today??? Really doesn't matter. Well at least you can tell Everyone is a Family at Slush Pool. The first word of anywhere else, and you lose complete control. I just don't understand why you are so mad at pointing out another pool. I mine here, I all so mine at other pools. Why shouldn't I find the best for my needs. I want this pool to succeed, really. that means more Profit for Us... Have a Great Day. Happy Mining... DaPlayer001
August 29, 2015, 12:45:19 AM |
Wow, You must be having a bad day.... You talking to me there? Me having a bad day? Last I checked, we had 11 blocks today already .... and counting! If that is a bad day, give me more (bad days I mean)! With this hashrate it is a bad day... With old one it wasn't... 80% You are getting facts mixed-up here (pool finding 2 more blocks since notwithstanding). A day's pool luck has little to no bearing (on its own) to what constitutes a good / bad day for me. 80% day's pool luck may be below what you were expecting, but that does not make it a bad day, not for me at least. Hit at or about 50% day's pool luck, for 7 days on the trot and I'll have a bad day. And no, that is not disputeable, just the way it is.
August 29, 2015, 12:50:53 AM |
Aww come on. You are always welcome here -nobody is going to offend you - its a discussion and everybody is allowed to have and an argument. BTW: Antpool 23/70 = 0.33... slush 11/33 = 0.33... So its equal for today  . chin up!
August 29, 2015, 07:41:00 AM |
Wow, You must be having a bad day.... You talking to me there? Me having a bad day? Last I checked, we had 11 blocks today already .... and counting! If that is a bad day, give me more (bad days I mean)! With this hashrate it is a bad day... With old one it wasn't... 80% You are getting facts mixed-up here (pool finding 2 more blocks since notwithstanding). A day's pool luck has little to no bearing (on its own) to what constitutes a good / bad day for me. 80% day's pool luck may be below what you were expecting, but that does not make it a bad day, not for me at least. Hit at or about 50% day's pool luck, for 7 days on the trot and I'll have a bad day. And no, that is not disputeable, just the way it is. OK but I would not say give me more... But I would say that for anything more then 100%
August 29, 2015, 07:49:14 AM |
[...] LUCK, Yes for sure. Luck is the key... My Old (Most Likely Dead) Calculus Professor would have said "Math really " ...... [...]
Yes, it is luck, or more specifically, "chance". Mining is a brute force method of finding nonces that match a certain mathematical formula. Your misunderstanding of the terms Variance, Chance, Cumulative Distribution Functions and general lack of knowledge on mining is adding a lot of noise to this thread, so please, refrain of posting here things that aren't related directly to Slush's pool. Recently, Slush has been paying more than any other pool thanks to its fee-less promotion and in a smaller part to the NMC merged mining. Check your math, check the last payouts from the pool and do a thorough comparison, then you will see what we more seasoned forum users are talking about when we say Slush is having good "luck". Wow, Really. Just because I am New to this Forum, Doesn't mean squat. I don't have any issues with your Terminology you think I don't understand. I have only made a point and stating the fact of what I have made here to other pools. Also to the point that it will be interesting to see what will happen when Antpool Adjusts. Also everyone is stating the fact of No Fees and merged mining. What will happen when the fees come back. I didn't fork off the subject, I was just stating a fact of the same issues. I don't get it, I am on the SAME Boat in this pool, I am not a Supporter of Antpool, or F2pool. I Really could give a Sh** about them. I am making the same as all of you. I have the same interest you do with this pool. Oh, and Antpool at 23 blocks today.. So would I have made more money there today??? Really doesn't matter. Well at least you can tell Everyone is a Family at Slush Pool. The first word of anywhere else, and you lose complete control. I just don't understand why you are so mad at pointing out another pool. I mine here, I all so mine at other pools. Why shouldn't I find the best for my needs. I want this pool to succeed, really. that means more Profit for Us... Have a Great Day. Happy Mining... DaPlayer001 Not sure if you know this since you are talking about number of blocks so much but you are not paid same per blocks on every pool. It is your hashrate/pool hashrate. So on a small pool you are paid more per blocks then on a big one(simplified since there a different methods but generally the case). Well that is not the case with PPS pools were you are paid per share and not per block. But if you like PPS so much don't use F2Pool. Switch payment method on a Antpool. You will get 1,5% more...
August 29, 2015, 10:37:18 AM |
Not sure if you know this since you are talking about number of blocks so much but you are not paid same per blocks on every pool. It is your hashrate/pool hashrate. So on a small pool you are paid more per blocks then on a big one(simplified since there a different methods but generally the case). Well that is not the case with PPS pools were you are paid per share and not per block. But if you like PPS so much don't use F2Pool. Switch payment method on a Antpool. You will get 1,5% more...
You will not get 1.5% more at Antpool. We pay 7 NMC + 5 HUC in addition to each bitcoin mined, while Antpool pays none.
August 29, 2015, 11:16:09 AM |
OK but I would not say give me more... But I would say that for anything more then 100%
I'll say what I see fit .... and with 80% luck, its nowhere near a bad day for me, so give me more. As for you, wait for your threshhold and say what you will, if you desire.