New release 1.5.4:
Source: x86_64 ubuntu binary: we can get a windows version from someone somewhere soon :O
Summary: cgminer should now use the backup pools much less frequently, should drop in performance on a longpoll much less, communicate with the server less, have higher efficiency, and hopefully have less problems with dying GPUs. It also supports the --monitor command (linux only at this stage).
Full Changelog:
- Add new option: --monitor <cmd> Option lets user specify a command <cmd> that
will get forked by cgminer on startup. cgminer's stderr output subsequently gets
piped directly to this command.
- Allocate work from one function to be able to initialise variables added
- Add missing fflush(stdout) for --ndevs and conclusion summary.
- Preinitialise the devices only once on startup.
- Move the non cl_ variables into the cgpu info struct to allow creating a new
cl state on reinit, preserving known GPU variables.
- Create a new context from scratch in initCQ in case something was corrupted to
maximise our chance of succesfully creating a new worker thread. Hopefully this
makes thread restart on GPU failure more reliable, without hanging everything
in the case of a completely wedged GPU.
- Display last initialised time in gpu management info, to know if a GPU has
been re-initialised.
- When pinging a sick cpu, flush finish and then ping it in a separate thread in
the hope it recovers without needing a restart, but without blocking code
- Only consider a pool lagging if we actually need the work and we have none
staged despite queue requests stacking up. This decreases significantly the
amount of work that leaks to the backup pools.
- The can_roll function fails inappropriately in stale_work.
- Only put the message that a pool is down if not pinging it every minute. This
prevents cgminer from saying pool down at 1 minute intervals unless in debug
- Free all work in one place allowing us to perform actions on it in the future.
- Remove the extra shift in the output code which was of dubious benefit. In
fact in cgminer's implementation, removing this caused a miniscule speedup.
- Test each work item to see if it can be rolled instead of per-pool and roll
whenever possible, adhering to the 60 second timeout. This makes the period
after a longpoll have smaller dips in throughput, as well as requiring less
getworks overall thus increasing efficiency.
- Stick to rolling only work from the current pool unless we're in load balance
mode or lagging to avoid aggressive rolling imitating load balancing.
- If a work item has had any mining done on it, don't consider it discarded