Completely random question but is there any significance to the number of "active connections" displayed within the wallet? I am often between 2-5 connections and was wondering if it means anything? Perhaps more connections = greater chance of staking faster?
Any response is appreciated.
Not sure if you solved this problem, but I was having the same issue and now have over 31 active connections to the network.
The issue for me was with my wireless router settings:
Try this first.
1) check your router config/administration to see if UPnP is Enabled or available. Restart router/wallet/pc.
This may solve your problem.
Also check to see if you have a vericoin.conf file set up and using a text editor, see if the following supernodes are present in plain text.
For me (linux/ubuntu) I also had to
2) manually set my IP address out of the DHCP range (was through192.168.1.200) I manually set to as an example.
3) enable port forwarding for port 58683 in router to this IP address.