August 15, 2014, 01:51:39 AM |
Man, you just can't keep your trap shut... amazing, simply amazing... the entire VRC project may have just been saved by an idea, and idea divulged here not even 24 hours ago, that has made the coin to rebound 80% so far, and you, somehow, find that it is appropriate for you to say "I told you so"  No wonder this thing was on the way to Palookaville with people like you somehow being a representation... Please just shut up, ok? Completely. Devs? Still not indicated clearly by the market and the community that they want your endorsement (enthusiastic, please) of this idea, World Vericon Day? Or you just want to keep silent in spite of the evident response? I was expecting you already inundating the forum and twitter with ideas as the important bullet points you believe they must be handed out in the pamphlets and NOTHING? ?? What is it, you want the credit, or some bragging rights like this idiot? DO NOT FUCK THE MOMENTUM AND THE PROJECTS. Remember where we were heading only 20 hours ago... Barb, it wasn't your idea less than 24 hours ago... it was whack-a-bot! The next evolution in online trading and gaming.
VRC: VMTMcvFjZHAshmVNLY5KYVHCTqcfEnH6Bd SLR: 8W7D6D7rortYp51BK9MSrfripSoZWyVPVr BTC: 1LbgAsTDtyWEGjiSaguJhJbaHBPgcMnHfP BCC: 1Ta39PK67VXTD2xnmPNo5J9KJyBVHdYmy
Activity: 1162
Merit: 1000
August 15, 2014, 01:56:04 AM Last edit: August 15, 2014, 03:03:19 AM by barabbas |
Activity: 1162
Merit: 1000
August 15, 2014, 01:56:27 AM |
Man, you just can't keep your trap shut... amazing, simply amazing... the entire VRC project may have just been saved by an idea, and idea divulged here not even 24 hours ago, that has made the coin to rebound 80% so far, and you, somehow, find that it is appropriate for you to say "I told you so"  No wonder this thing was on the way to Palookaville with people like you somehow being a representation... Please just shut up, ok? Completely. Devs? Still not indicated clearly by the market and the community that they want your endorsement (enthusiastic, please) of this idea, World Vericon Day? Or you just want to keep silent in spite of the evident response? I was expecting you already inundating the forum and twitter with ideas as the important bullet points you believe they must be handed out in the pamphlets and NOTHING? ?? What is it, you want the credit, or some bragging rights like this idiot? DO NOT FUCK THE MOMENTUM AND THE PROJECTS. Remember where we were heading only 20 hours ago... Barb, it wasn't your idea less than 24 hours ago... it was whack-a-bot! The next evolution in online trading and gaming. Yep, that must be it... I hope it doesn't come to that but if the community doesn't show increasing support for World Vericoin Day, you and others I believe are going to have a certified notification of what did. Don't matter. Just support and donate and think whatever you like, ok?
Full Member
Activity: 236
Merit: 100
August 15, 2014, 02:06:02 AM |
Thats frigen cool I want one also effects says that the bead was from @illybtweeten on twitter, who's apparently a glass blower.
Activity: 1162
Merit: 1000
August 15, 2014, 02:08:46 AM Last edit: August 15, 2014, 03:03:36 AM by barabbas |
August 15, 2014, 02:09:36 AM |
Barabbas - not to be a dick, but I don't think this "Vericoin World Day" has anything to do with the price run up. It's a great idea in theory but to say you are going to piggy back off the MN State Fair idea that I have actually putting time & effort into (on top of the fact I have actually locked in a Vericoin booth at a major event) is a bit much.
The reality is - the MN State Fair is an idea that is going to happen. It's real, it's physical, we have shaken hands on it. Outside of that doing this "Vericoin World Day" is nothing more than a pipe dream. Lets not try to build the coin on hype and pipe dreams again... this sounds like WizRig all over again.
Lets take this 1 step at a time. Focus our energy on an event that is already locked and loaded - and hey, if we get a crazy positive response from the event. Perhaps we can set a "Vericoin World Day" a few months down the road and do the proper planning to actually make it successful.
Sound like a good idea?
August 15, 2014, 02:14:36 AM |
Come on guys, in less than 24 hours, we have created, out of thin air, over 1 MILLION DOLLARS. Simply with an idea. No one else has done anything at all. And the market is responding. TO THAT IDEA and the enthusiasm the community has shown for it, even though it has been far from vri vocal so far, even though it has been promoted veri little. And we have doubled the price. In less than 24 hours. Will there be dumping? of course there will be. Especially if the enthusiasm somehow dims. It's only natural. Many people bought around 8, they will want to book at least some of those gains... but we are, once again, POSITIVELY alive. Nobody is thinking about the coin spiraling all the way to zero... and there's nothing new from the devs, not a single thing. Not even their support for the only idea that has galvanized the entire community so efficiently since the "rollback". Can anyone set up a wallet so donations can start pouring in for the World Vericoin Day project? We need ity. We need action. Those regional leader, the LEADERS everywhere, need to know that they have our enthusiastic support. Not just with words -also with words- but with what gets the ball rolling: Actual vericoins. Tweet, IRC, Reddit, Facebook , e-mail it. DO it.
Again, read my previous post where I asked you to PM me. In oder to run a campaign you need a plan. If you have ideas we can set up a time for a chat. Before we can request others to " set up wallet and pour funds" the ideas and plan must be solid. Correct me if i am wrong unless i read wrong, what is this fund for? From my understanding if we are to do this, it would cost. Money for Shirts, flyers, buttons, stickers, prizes etc. Again read my previous post 1 ) we need to to this 2) we will plan that.. etc. " No one else has done anything at all. "  This is what i mean by you come off harsh at times. Saying that will clearly get under someone's skin. Many here have done plenty past few hours, and contributing ideas and are even setting some in motion. Please be mindful and respectful, you wont catch flies with vinegar. One cool thing that could come from your shouting ideas, we can at some point create a promo / projects site. that way all the ongoing projects could be on that. Hence you might not feel like " Nothing is getting done" Side note, what do you do for work...I would love to know how you work in a team hehe 
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
Hyperspace snail
August 15, 2014, 02:14:45 AM |
Hey as far as the MN state fair goes there is a guy making Vericoin poker chips you could get them for $2 - $2.50 a piece if you want to pass them out at the fair, he has a quick production time so I could check on it
I'm 100% open to any and all ideas. I think the tough part right now is raising money for the chips. If you can find someone to buy them all and ship them to me, I'll be more than happy to pass them out  When i have my engraver (within 2 weeks the email says) i could engrave some plastic coins too, if you have an idea, shoot me & i will see what i can do.
August 15, 2014, 02:16:56 AM |
VeriSMS seems like a pretty cool feature, I could definitely seem some real world case uses for it once it gets out of alpha and is better tested.
Activity: 806
Merit: 1000
August 15, 2014, 02:17:29 AM |
Thats frigen cool I want one also effects says that the bead was from @illybtweeten on twitter, who's apparently a glass blower. Just went on twitter and asked for it lol hope he responds
effectsToCause (OP)
August 15, 2014, 02:18:27 AM |
I am going to propose an experiment to coincide with the Minnesota State Fair VRC day. It does appear the VRC now has leaders in 25 countries. And I am sure it has potential leaders in every major city in the US.
Lets have massive donations to an account established by the devs so every country's capital and every major city in the US will have similar amounts of paper wallets and Vericoin T-shirts so we will have a major worldwide event. From Manila to Rome, From Melbourne -or Sidney, or both, to Tokyo, Paris, London, Munich, Moscow... everywhere. And have those leaders manage the events and upload pictures of hundreds of thousands of people listening and learning about Vericoin and Vericoin World Day. Timing is tight but it can be done. It will not cost too much but it is worth it to be extra generous. IT HAS NEVER BEEN DONE before. Success, on a major scale, is quite possible. Press and other media at the local level, could be possible in many cases. Imagine, the Vericoin logo, wallets, T-shirts simultaneously in 30-40 biggest cities in the world. Let's do it! Lets have those leaders show leadership, initiative, dynamism and ACTION!.
This is good idea Barabbas! This could be the first major organizing task of the VeriLeaders and this project should be really up and running strong by then. I do think we could use some more time to organize it maybe September 10th (the four month anniversary of VeriCoin). Not sure if the day before 9/11 is good or not though.
August 15, 2014, 02:19:23 AM |
Here it is: VB5pXH9Jpwbb17GbpNTGxqvtyWugWwgMYu. Vericoins only.
That's the address for donations for the World Vericoin Day project. Every single coin will be delivered to the regional leaders for them to use on WVD.
Support the project. MAKE IT HAPPEN
PD.- I much rather have no involvement at all with donations, but since no one seems to be doing anything soon, I did it. If anyone at all prefers to do it, I would be quite relieved.
Dude... don't seriously try and raise money for this "Vericoin World Day"... I'm trying to do something real here with the MN State Fair. I was looking into it more today... it costs over $25k to get a booth at the spot that I did, and I was able to do it for pretty much free (and some volunteer time). My friends & family still don't even believe I did it... And here you are trying to steal the thunder by pulling this BS. Come on man, wtf?!
August 15, 2014, 02:20:54 AM |
I'm 100% open to any and all ideas. I think the tough part right now is raising money for the chips. If you can find someone to buy them all and ship them to me, I'll be more than happy to pass them out  When i have my engraver (within 2 weeks the email says) i could engrave some plastic coins too, if you have an idea, shoot me & i will see what i can do. [/quote] Well whatever we can pull together before 8/30/14 I am 100% on board with. Hopefully you'll get the engraver in time to make something sweet and get it to MN before that Saturday.
Activity: 806
Merit: 1000
August 15, 2014, 02:23:38 AM |
Hey as far as the MN state fair goes there is a guy making Vericoin poker chips you could get them for $2 - $2.50 a piece if you want to pass them out at the fair, he has a quick production time so I could check on it
I'm 100% open to any and all ideas. I think the tough part right now is raising money for the chips. If you can find someone to buy them all and ship them to me, I'll be more than happy to pass them out  When i have my engraver (within 2 weeks the email says) i could engrave some plastic coins too, if you have an idea, shoot me & i will see what i can do. Let me know I will buy some for the meetups im planning in Staten Island once I get this interview done tomorrow and have a new job here I will have a lot more time. vericoinish@gmail.com
effectsToCause (OP)
August 15, 2014, 02:24:26 AM |
Spread the word of VRC!! So as I briefly mentioned in my post above - I was able to get Vericoin a booth at the Minnesota State Fair coming up on 8/30/2014. For those east coaster/west coasters (people outside of US) that think "well that's pretty lame" - I gotta say; our state fair is one of the biggest events in the Midwest. On any single day they will have 100,000-200,000 people come through with really solid days hitting 225,000+. The fair goes on for 2 weeks and the most popular days statistically are always the final Saturday/Sunday. So with that in mind I made sure to lock down the booth for the final Saturday from 11am-4pm. It's 100% locked down. We have the booth, we have the day/time. The booth will be part of what's call "MN World Fair 2023". Which is an organization that is trying to raise money/awareness to win the bid to have Minnesota host the 2023 World Fair (I had no idea that was still a thing). So in having the 2023 Expo they are looking for tech-related companies and groups to help sponsor the event. In order to get the booth, I either had to fork over $1,000 or get 6 people to help volunteer a shift during the day for the Expo group itself. So at the end of the day I made some quick phone calls and got 7 of my friends to all join in and help out. Why 7 you ask? Well we need to throw the Expo booth itself 6 people to work for them plus we need another 2 of us at the event actually representing Vericoin. So all in all there are 8 of us that are going to volunteer our afternoons to help support the cause. With that being said, while my other 6 friends are all helping the 2023 Expo people my buddy and I will do whatever we can to help spread the word about Vericoin. We're going to be there for 5 hours with literally tens of thousands of people walking by. And yeah... I guess at this point we're open for ideas. My B job in life is to represent large companies and big events as a brand ambassador, so fortunately I do this kind of thing all the time. I love talking to people and I love being social - so I think this is going to work out well. At this point my initial thought is to hopefully raise some VRC from the community, so we can hand out whatever we are able to raise. Possibly get some VRC stickers (which I know PNosker mentioned he would send over) maybe even some VRC t-shirts. To be honest, for the dev team - I would say this would fall into the category of possibly a big enough event 1 of 2 of you would be interested in flying out here? I mean no joke - there will literally be a quarter million people there throughout the day. So at this point I'm 100% open to any suggestions/ideas/comments. I have that VRC donation address below, which a few of you have been kind enough to donate to. Its unfortunately an old bittrex account that I don't really use (i'm more of a mintpal kind of guy) but I don't like the fact keeping the coins hot. I would have given out my personal wallet address but I don't want to co-mingle funds. So any thoughts on that would be great too. Last thought real quick. Over the next few days I will be getting the VRC logo and website up on the official Expo 2023 website. Not only to spread the word but to hopefully instill trust within the community that I'm not just pulling some quick BS move *cough coughWizrig cough*. 100% of what gets donated will get passed out that day. I won't take a penny. All together my friends and I will be donating about 40 hours of our time - and I'm really just happy to do this because aside from owning a lot of VRC, I think it will be a fun day tl;dr - Vericoin booth at MN State Fair in a couple weeks. Xosihc this is amazing news! Wow, fantastic work getting this setup! I will see if one of us devs can attend. Everyone do what they can to donate and give support for this, we will be as well. I do think this should be stand alone and the world day idea should be later on in the month of september.
Full Member
Activity: 236
Merit: 100
August 15, 2014, 02:28:00 AM |
Barabbas - not to be a dick, but I don't think this "Vericoin World Day" has anything to do with the price run up. It's a great idea in theory but to say you are going to piggy back off the MN State Fair idea that I have actually putting time & effort into (on top of the fact I have actually locked in a Vericoin booth at a major event) is a bit much.
The reality is - the MN State Fair is an idea that is going to happen. It's real, it's physical, we have shaken hands on it. Outside of that doing this "Vericoin World Day" is nothing more than a pipe dream. Lets not try to build the coin on hype and pipe dreams again... this sounds like WizRig all over again.
Lets take this 1 step at a time. Focus our energy on an event that is already locked and loaded - and hey, if we get a crazy positive response from the event. Perhaps we can set a "Vericoin World Day" a few months down the road and do the proper planning to actually make it successful.
Sound like a good idea?
Xosihc, your posts and contagious enthusiasm about the booth are clearly what turned the thread around this morning. As for the VRC price, check out the VIA dump this morning. It coincides perfectly with VeriCoin's reversal (as well as the reversal of a few other alts). I think some of the money that VIA has been leeching from the other alts is finally returning home! 
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
Hyperspace snail
August 15, 2014, 02:29:14 AM |
If you hand them out for promotions etc, i will make the price 0 VRC + Shipping costs  This price is for everyone promoting VRC! Nobody in this thread does have access or owns a 3D Printer/Laser Engraver/Lasercutter/CNC?. Lets us build our own free promotion materials!
August 15, 2014, 02:30:12 AM |
Here it is: VB5pXH9Jpwbb17GbpNTGxqvtyWugWwgMYu. Vericoins only.
That's the address for donations for the World Vericoin Day project. Every single coin will be delivered to the regional leaders for them to use on WVD.
Support the project. MAKE IT HAPPEN
PD.- I much rather have no involvement at all with donations, but since no one seems to be doing anything soon, I did it. If anyone at all prefers to do it, I would be quite relieved.
Dude... don't seriously try and raise money for this "Vericoin World Day"... I'm trying to do something real here with the MN State Fair. I was looking into it more today... it costs over $25k to get a booth at the spot that I did, and I was able to do it for pretty much free (and some volunteer time). My friends & family still don't even believe I did it... And here you are trying to steal the thunder by pulling this BS. Come on man, wtf?! much appreciation for the booth setup, Some clearly did not know how costly these things can be. I think barabbas means well and I agree with you as well. Let's focus on your plan first since this is already in motion. As for VWD the idea is slowly growing on me..especially the Global part. I gave barabbas his props on that. * I do wish he could collect his energy a bit and please work as a team. Honestly it is NOT easy to organize something like that. This is not a just a party..it is global. As Doug even agreed, great idea. Now let's set up a date. Def not around Sept 11 or that week. My best estimate on VWD would be at best 1 month of planning, then add a week or 2 of just promoting it. Then we must deliver. Again.. barabbas PM ME !!!! lol  We need work on the strategy first, then plan of action once we have that we can present it to the leaders and devs
August 15, 2014, 02:30:58 AM |
Here it is: VB5pXH9Jpwbb17GbpNTGxqvtyWugWwgMYu. Vericoins only.
That's the address for donations for the World Vericoin Day project. Every single coin will be delivered to the regional leaders for them to use on WVD.
Support the project. MAKE IT HAPPEN
PD.- I much rather have no involvement at all with donations, but since no one seems to be doing anything soon, I did it. If anyone at all prefers to do it, I would be quite relieved.
Barabbas = ICONIC EXPERT, I´ve heard that a big dump is coming, do not be fooled and dump this shit.
August 15, 2014, 02:31:45 AM |
Xosihc, your posts and contagious enthusiasm about the booth are clearly what turned the thread around this morning. As for the VRC price, check out the VIA dump this morning. It coincides perfectly with VeriCoin's reversal (as well as the reversal of a few other alts). I think some of the money that VIA has been leeching from the other alts is finally returning home!  I completely agree 100%. I know this whole MN Fair idea has been a real positive step in the right direction but it doesn't account for a almost 100% increase in 24 hours. That is the result of big hands moving money. VIA coin is probably 95% responsible, my idea 5%. But hey, I'd like to think I did something 