August 16, 2014, 08:21:19 PM |
Target accepting vericoin.. Doug & Patrick dropping out of school like Mark Zuckerberg..
August 16, 2014, 09:00:21 PM |
Doug and Pat dropping out of school to run for President and Vice President, then drop the dollar and make VeriCoin the national currency.
August 16, 2014, 09:46:33 PM |
Yay! Soon we will learn....
August 16, 2014, 10:01:01 PM |
I'm going to hijack the big announcement to let everyone know I have some exciting news of my own!! Seriously big news to share. I just got back from a meeting that went better than I could have ever expected with some pretty big people. I didn't want to hype it up before I had spoken to them because I'm a firm believer of under promising and over delivering. I was afraid that if i got people excited and then things didn't go the way i was hoping, well then I would be labeled a Wizrig. Anyway, things went better than I could have ever expected and I will tell everyone about it later tonight. The only reason I'm not dropping the news right now is because I'm just running out the door in 5 minutes here to watch some Vikings preseason action. I'll be home tonight around 10:30-11pm and will jump on BTCtalk and let everyone know what's going on. To give a quick preview; we are about to get a whole lot of media coverage
Full Member
Activity: 152
Merit: 100
Follow ur gut instinct, it is there for a reason.
August 16, 2014, 10:25:24 PM |
I'm going to hijack the big announcement to let everyone know I have some exciting news of my own!! Seriously big news to share. I just got back from a meeting that went better than I could have ever expected with some pretty big people. I didn't want to hype it up before I had spoken to them because I'm a firm believer of under promising and over delivering. I was afraid that if i got people excited and then things didn't go the way i was hoping, well then I would be labeled a Wizrig. Anyway, things went better than I could have ever expected and I will tell everyone about it later tonight. The only reason I'm not dropping the news right now is because I'm just running out the door in 5 minutes here to watch some Vikings preseason action. I'll be home tonight around 10:30-11pm and will jump on BTCtalk and let everyone know what's going on. To give a quick preview; we are about to get a whole lot of media coverage Cant wait !.
Jr. Member
Activity: 56
Merit: 10
August 16, 2014, 11:11:44 PM |
I'm going to hijack the big announcement to let everyone know I have some exciting news of my own!! Seriously big news to share. I just got back from a meeting that went better than I could have ever expected with some pretty big people. I didn't want to hype it up before I had spoken to them because I'm a firm believer of under promising and over delivering. I was afraid that if i got people excited and then things didn't go the way i was hoping, well then I would be labeled a Wizrig. Anyway, things went better than I could have ever expected and I will tell everyone about it later tonight. The only reason I'm not dropping the news right now is because I'm just running out the door in 5 minutes here to watch some Vikings preseason action. I'll be home tonight around 10:30-11pm and will jump on BTCtalk and let everyone know what's going on. To give a quick preview; we are about to get a whole lot of media coverage You're on fire lately. Look forward to hearing about it.
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Activity: 806
Merit: 1000
August 16, 2014, 11:56:08 PM |
I'm going to hijack the big announcement to let everyone know I have some exciting news of my own!! Seriously big news to share. I just got back from a meeting that went better than I could have ever expected with some pretty big people. I didn't want to hype it up before I had spoken to them because I'm a firm believer of under promising and over delivering. I was afraid that if i got people excited and then things didn't go the way i was hoping, well then I would be labeled a Wizrig. Anyway, things went better than I could have ever expected and I will tell everyone about it later tonight. The only reason I'm not dropping the news right now is because I'm just running out the door in 5 minutes here to watch some Vikings preseason action. I'll be home tonight around 10:30-11pm and will jump on BTCtalk and let everyone know what's going on. To give a quick preview; we are about to get a whole lot of media coverage I once again have an E-Boner
August 17, 2014, 01:16:48 AM |
Probably VeriBank deal confirmed. . 
August 17, 2014, 02:35:40 AM |
I bought almost 18k more today and i'll do it again on tuesday when i get 2 BTC, depending if the price stays at this level or lower.
Activity: 17
Merit: 0
August 17, 2014, 05:43:47 AM |
Could someone fix the TipVRC Bot on reddit.com/r/vericoin? There are a few of us who tried to use it, and now have coins stuck in the system.
August 17, 2014, 06:19:03 AM |
So as most of you know by now I've locked up a booth for Vericoin at the Minnesota State Fair for the specific date of Saturday August 30th, from 11am-4pm. The Vericoin booth will be one piece of a bigger picture which is the Minnesota World Fair Expo 2023. Basically the state of MN is trying to win the bid to host the 2023 World Fair and they are using the annual state fair coming up to raise awareness & money to submit the bid to whomever the committee is that makes that decision. So with that being said, I had a follow-up meeting today with the team behind this MN World Fair Expo 2023 to talk to them about bitcoin, vericoin, and crypto currency in general. Being that this team is really the state of Minnesota trying to win the bid - there were some pretty big names at the meeting, which out of respect I won't drop. We had SUCH a great meeting and they are very excited about crypto currencies as a whole. They love the idea of accepting them as well as advertising that they accept them to help raise awareness for this world fair 2023 expo. Being that the whole branding of this 2023 World Far is "forward thinking" they are unanimously in agreeance (if that's spell right) that crypto currencies should be part of their marketing efforts. Therefore we are going to be teaming up to run a series of media relations/PR campaigns tying crypto currencies to everything they are doing. As the way they put it "you help us and we'll help you". By me helping them - I'm going to be helping them write content, film some stuff, spread the world in the crypto world of what's going on and really just be their right hand man through all of this. How are they going to help me in return? Well they know I'm directly tied not just to bitcoin but vericoin more specifically and they are more than willing to tie my name and more importantly VERICOIN to everything we are doing. We're talking full media relations; print, TV, internet - the full picture. Now most of what will be done from a traditional media standpoint will be confined geographically to MN but... when it comes to the internet marketing that's really where we have an opportunity to make this big. They have a serious team behind this project with some serious power and I think as long as we show them the crypto currency community is supportive of what they are trying to do - they will continue to bring us along for the ride. I have more to say on this whole topic but it's 1:15am, I have to get up early. I'll be back online tomorrow late afternoon to pick up with some more thoughts. They have really opened my eyes to a lot of great points that I would like to share with everyone. We have already talked about having me write some content for them to add to a press release as well as set up sometimes to meet again to do some filming. For now, hopefully this will get people as excited as I am. 
Full Member
Activity: 236
Merit: 100
August 17, 2014, 06:24:21 AM |
So as most of you know by now I've locked up a booth for Vericoin at the Minnesota State Fair for the specific date of Saturday August 30th, from 11am-4pm.[...] Awesome job, Xosihc! I really looking forward to seeing where this goes!
August 17, 2014, 06:33:40 AM |
So as most of you know by now I've locked up a booth for Vericoin at the Minnesota State Fair for the specific date of Saturday August 30th, from 11am-4pm.[...] Awesome job, Xosihc! I really looking forward to seeing where this goes! Ty  I know it's a little late now, so probably not many people online. But hopefully this will stack on top of some really good news the dev team will be releasing tomorrow and we'll have a really good Sunday 
August 17, 2014, 06:58:49 AM |
Xosihc, you are everything the community, myself included, should aspire to be. This is AMAZING news! If they follow through on this then anything you need help with that I can provide please let me know.
August 17, 2014, 07:10:16 AM |
So as most of you know by now I've locked up a booth for Vericoin at the Minnesota State Fair for the specific date of Saturday August 30th, from 11am-4pm.[...] Awesome job, Xosihc! I really looking forward to seeing where this goes! Ty  I know it's a little late now, so probably not many people online. But hopefully this will stack on top of some really good news the dev team will be releasing tomorrow and we'll have a really good Sunday  good job.. thanks for your effort.. more good luck
August 17, 2014, 07:37:58 AM |
So as most of you know by now I've locked up a booth for Vericoin at the Minnesota State Fair for the specific date of Saturday August 30th, from 11am-4pm. The Vericoin booth will be one piece of a bigger picture which is the Minnesota World Fair Expo 2023. Basically the state of MN is trying to win the bid to host the 2023 World Fair and they are using the annual state fair coming up to raise awareness & money to submit the bid to whomever the committee is that makes that decision. So with that being said, I had a follow-up meeting today with the team behind this MN World Fair Expo 2023 to talk to them about bitcoin, vericoin, and crypto currency in general. Being that this team is really the state of Minnesota trying to win the bid - there were some pretty big names at the meeting, which out of respect I won't drop. We had SUCH a great meeting and they are very excited about crypto currencies as a whole. They love the idea of accepting them as well as advertising that they accept them to help raise awareness for this world fair 2023 expo. Being that the whole branding of this 2023 World Far is "forward thinking" they are unanimously in agreeance (if that's spell right) that crypto currencies should be part of their marketing efforts. Therefore we are going to be teaming up to run a series of media relations/PR campaigns tying crypto currencies to everything they are doing. As the way they put it "you help us and we'll help you". By me helping them - I'm going to be helping them write content, film some stuff, spread the world in the crypto world of what's going on and really just be their right hand man through all of this. How are they going to help me in return? Well they know I'm directly tied not just to bitcoin but vericoin more specifically and they are more than willing to tie my name and more importantly VERICOIN to everything we are doing. We're talking full media relations; print, TV, internet - the full picture. Now most of what will be done from a traditional media standpoint will be confined geographically to MN but... when it comes to the internet marketing that's really where we have an opportunity to make this big. They have a serious team behind this project with some serious power and I think as long as we show them the crypto currency community is supportive of what they are trying to do - they will continue to bring us along for the ride. I have more to say on this whole topic but it's 1:15am, I have to get up early. I'll be back online tomorrow late afternoon to pick up with some more thoughts. They have really opened my eyes to a lot of great points that I would like to share with everyone. We have already talked about having me write some content for them to add to a press release as well as set up sometimes to meet again to do some filming. For now, hopefully this will get people as excited as I am.  i have no words to express the lvl of respect i have for vericoin and everyone involved!! my coins will be staying in my wallet for a very long time. literally its the only coin i don't trade at all, I'm a trader but vericoin is just perfection, vericoin..i accumulate ! can't wait for this news coming, great work!!
August 17, 2014, 08:16:30 AM |
Hey guys, I can't say more than this right now but announcements won't be until tomorrow, still in negotiations.
ooooh so juicy... i love when things are being "negotiated" Cant wait!! A+++
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
August 17, 2014, 09:38:02 AM |
Hi everyone. I have decided to purchase vericoin and essentially I bought before and after the fork. After the fork I got vericoins sent to my wallet - before I opened my Qt client. Anyway essentiallly I can see that vericoin is sitting in the wallet but my client isn't work. It has pretty much paused loading for the last week or so. Please see below the two screen shots.. I want to be able to extract the private key and do a sweep so I don't have this issue again. I have also deleted and downloaded the newest version, all to no avail. Would be greatly appreciated if someone can help me recover my private keys and explain in a very simple way how to recover them. I know absolutely zero about computers and programming etc so please keep that in mind. I will try to follow response on here but otherwise can you please send me a private message on how to find this. Much appreciated http://i57.tinypic.com/v8gvk.pnghttp://i58.tinypic.com/2yl2xqa.png
Activity: 12
Merit: 0
August 17, 2014, 09:45:30 AM |
Also apologies if this is the wrong section. I was directed here by the alt coins section.. cheers
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
Hyperspace snail
August 17, 2014, 09:50:18 AM |
No this is the right section  I have to go now, when i come back and nobody has replied i will help you! In the mean time try to remove all contents from the folder except wallet.dat (backup it). When you have removed all files, restart the Vericoin client to resync.