... True. Actually, what You see in WattTool as memory voltage is MINIMAL GPU CORE VOLTAGE FOR THIS MEM FREQ. So if You set:
GPU 1120 @ 850mV
MEM 2050@1000 mV
You will get a GPU voltage of 1000mV.
Hello! Thank you so much for this explanation!!! But now I have questions:
1. So, is it an error in WattTool (and OverdriveNtool)?
2. Does it apply to Polaris Bios Editor(s) also???
3. In the later posts I've read that "You can't lower the memory voltage." Then why in all tools there are memory voltage table?
4. What table actually change WattTool (overdriveNtool) and Afterburner, is it changed inside GPU(maybe, via driver) or in some driver software config which driver uses to make settings in the GPU, whatever?
Please, explain more detailed or point me to the info. Thanks again!