Just started to flash my cards, all reference 8Gb cards.
I have one card in a rig now flashed with the "RX480-30MhOTBLowEnergy" bios
I have followed this guide:
1) this is my personal step...remove all cards but 1
2) boot into windows
3) reset card in wattman and reboot
4) flash card with desired rom, load up atiwinflash with admin
5) click save, and backup your current ROM
6) close the pop up once done
7) Click load and select new BIOS

click program
9) wait...screen will hang for about 30-40 secs dont panic.
10) on confirmation box close
11) close app
12) in device manager right click g-card and uninstall. don't tick.
13) reboot
14) card should be redetect but now you are in vga mode as it will fail to load driver.
15) hit windows button and power then holding shift click restart, select troubleshoot, adv, restart options, click restart
16) hit 4 on option screen
17) now in safe mode replace the ati file you need into c:\windows\system32\drivers (overwrite).
18) hit windows button and power then holding shift click restart, select troubleshoot, adv, restart options, click restart
19) select option 7
20) you should now boot up with mod driver and mod bios all working...if not you did some thing wrong. go back to step 12
But i end up like this:

I was running the 16.7.2 driver before starting the guide.
I am running Win 10.
Anyone know what i am doing wrong ?