Hello everyone.. I ve done everything on 4 x 480 sapphire ref, 8gb edition.. but I get only 23-27 mhash up and down all the time. I am using the ethminer, and replaced the genoils 116.
Can someone point me to another miner? to achieve at least 29mhash?
This is what I did when I had that problem:
1. Run AMD clean driver uninstaller
2. Manually check to make sure EVERYTHING AMD is off your computer.
3. Plug all your GPUs into your PC.
4. Download the 16.9.X latest driver.
5. When you can see all 4 of your GPUS and they are recognized as "working properly" DISABLE all of them on Device Manager.
6. Flash your cards with the 29 MHs low power ROM
7. Enable each of your cards from Device Manager
8. Restart computer
9. Run the latest version of Claymore miner and you should have 29 MHs.
As I said, thats at least what I did and it worked. Win 7 pro