Activity: 1197
Merit: 1000
December 05, 2013, 09:47:01 AM |
I've got an idea how to make the libcurl-dev working, I'll try that sometime tomorrow-ish. Will let you know how it goes.
My Github has build instructions for Win32 and Win64 posted (I worked this out a while ago, but don't have my MinGW VM's any longer) : https://github.com/Thirtybird/cpuminer/Detailed Windows build instructions, using MinGW (64-bit): Install MinGW and the MSYS Developer Tool Kit (http://www.mingw.org/) * Choose C, C++ and MSys on install and select to have it update its libraries * Install into C:\MinGW * Add C:\MinGW\bin and c:\MinGW\msys\1.0 to your path Download MinGW64 from http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/Toolchains%20targetting%20Win64/Automated%20Builds/ * Choose mingw-w64-bin_i686-mingw_20111220.zip * Extract ZIP to C:\MinGW64 * Add C:\MinGW64\bin to your path before C:\MinGW\bin Install libcurl devel (http://curl.haxx.se/download.html) * download curl-7.30.0.tar.gz from http://curl.haxx.se/download.html and put it in C:\deps\ * launch an MSYS shell and enter the following commands (the configure step will take a long time!) cd /c/deps tar -xvzf curl-7.30.0.tar.gz cd curl-7.30.0 ./configure --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 –-prefix=/c/mingw64 make make install cp /c/deps/curl-7.30.0/docs/libcurl/libcurl.m4 /c/mingw/share/aclocal/libcurl.m4 Install pthreads * download pthreads-20100604.zip from http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/External%20binary%20packages%20%28Win64%20hosted%29/pthreads/ and put it in C:\deps\ * unzip the file to c:\deps\ * In the mingw64 subdirectory is pthreads-w64.zip - extract the contents to C:\MinGW64 In the MSYS shell, navigate to the CPUminer source code direcctory * You will likely get higher hashrates by forcing the compiler to build the executable for your specific CPU architecture. This is done by adding "-march=<value>" into the CFLAGS. Those values can be found at http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/i386-and-x86_002d64-Options.html common choices for intel are : core2, corei7, corei7-avx common choices for AMD are : athlon-fx * Execute the following (replacing the value of -march with the value for your CPU type) ./autogen.sh ./configure --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 CFLAGS="-O3 -march=core2 -DCPU_X86_FORCE_INTRINSICS" make Strip minerd.exe * In a command prompt, in the compilation directory, execute the following x86_64-w64-mingw32-strip minerd.exe Combine the executables with the dependencies * copy minerd.exe, C:\MinGW64\bin\libcurl-4.dll, and C:\MinGW64\bin\pthreadGC2-w64.dll to the same directory
Architecture-specific notes: ARM: No runtime CPU detection. The miner can take advantage of some instructions specific to ARMv5E and later processors, but the decision whether to use them is made at compile time, based on compiler-defined macros. To use NEON instructions, add "-mfpu=neon" to CFLAGS. x86: The miner checks for SSE2 instructions support at runtime, and uses them if they are available. x86-64: The miner can take advantage of AVX and XOP instructions, but only if both the CPU and the operating system support them. * Linux supports AVX starting from kernel version 2.6.30. * Mac OS X added AVX support in the 10.6.8 update. * Windows supports AVX starting from Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 SP1. The configure script outputs a warning if the assembler cannot compile AVX or XOP instructions. In that case, the miner can still be built, but unavailable optimizations are left off.
tried this but still have problem with libcurl... anyone succeeded? I will much appreciate if we have working cpuminer with stratum support as pushpool is killing my server...
December 05, 2013, 04:29:18 PM Last edit: December 05, 2013, 04:56:47 PM by Thirtybird |
tried this but still have problem with libcurl... anyone succeeded? I will much appreciate if we have working cpuminer with stratum support as pushpool is killing my server...
I've got access to one of my MinGW64 VM again - not sure if this was the one I got working before or not though (don't think it is). Will see if I can make it all work...
December 05, 2013, 05:15:05 PM Last edit: December 05, 2013, 07:33:18 PM by Thirtybird |
tried this but still have problem with libcurl... anyone succeeded? I will much appreciate if we have working cpuminer with stratum support as pushpool is killing my server...
I've got access to one of my MinGW64 VM again - not sure if this was the one I got working before or not though (don't think it is). Will see if I can make it all work... I was able to compile this for x64 using the instructions I posted and it mines against yac.coinmine.pl with stratum support just fine. PMed you about syncing code as it looks like it was taken from farther back in history than the version I work with. EDIT: my mistake, read the version wrong and saw the commandline option was just "scrypt" and ... ya... I'm an idiot. I'll put a few binaries for different core optimizations in a zip somewhere.
December 05, 2013, 05:37:38 PM |
I was able to compile this for x64 using the instructions I posted and it mines against yac.coinmine.pl with stratum support just fine. PMed you about syncing code as it looks like it was taken from farther back in history than the version I work with.
Donations - YAC:Y4FKiwKKYGQzcqn3M3u6mJoded6ri1UWHa 
Sr. Member
Activity: 406
Merit: 250
One does not simply mine Bitcoins
December 05, 2013, 07:54:06 PM |
I was able to compile this for x64 using the instructions I posted and it mines against yac.coinmine.pl with stratum support just fine. PMed you about syncing code as it looks like it was taken from farther back in history than the version I work with.
Donations - YAC:Y4FKiwKKYGQzcqn3M3u6mJoded6ri1UWHa  Sent a little change. 
GPG key ID: 5E4F108A || BTC: 1hoardyponb9AMWhyA28DZb5n5g2bRY8v
Activity: 1197
Merit: 1000
December 05, 2013, 07:59:58 PM |
I was able to compile this for x64 using the instructions I posted and it mines against yac.coinmine.pl with stratum support just fine. PMed you about syncing code as it looks like it was taken from farther back in history than the version I work with.
Donations - YAC:Y4FKiwKKYGQzcqn3M3u6mJoded6ri1UWHa  Sent a little change.  sent as well 
December 05, 2013, 09:20:00 PM |
Thanks for the coins folks. I've taken feeleep's work, merged it with what I did in my earlier versions, and updated the scrypt-jane library from floodyberry's latest push and put it all together into a bunch of executables. I made one zip that has x64 binaries for each of the following architectures: avx2, avx, corei7, core2, sse3 and athlon. I'm going to work on getting the github source updated for those who will want to compile their own and see the changes - though they are significant as this is based on cpuminer 2.3.1 vs the old one being 2.2.3. I pushed it to Mega - if someone else wants to host it or suggest someplace else to host it, feel free. https://mega.co.nz/#!nk4FkZhQ!G0P9605rdfhaE6e1CkXp2GQB1I9BSATwYBKZtWncDKQ
Activity: 1197
Merit: 1000
December 05, 2013, 10:24:03 PM |
Thanks for the coins folks. I've taken feeleep's work, merged it with what I did in my earlier versions, and updated the scrypt-jane library from floodyberry's latest push and put it all together into a bunch of executables. I made one zip that has x64 binaries for each of the following architectures: avx2, avx, corei7, core2, sse3 and athlon. I'm going to work on getting the github source updated for those who will want to compile their own and see the changes - though they are significant as this is based on cpuminer 2.3.1 vs the old one being 2.2.3. I pushed it to Mega - if someone else wants to host it or suggest someplace else to host it, feel free. https://mega.co.nz/#!nk4FkZhQ!G0P9605rdfhaE6e1CkXp2GQB1I9BSATwYBKZtWncDKQnot sure if I am right but this version is 2x slower than previous one... could anyone doublecheck?
December 05, 2013, 10:26:32 PM Last edit: December 05, 2013, 10:42:37 PM by Thirtybird |
Thanks for the coins folks. I've taken feeleep's work, merged it with what I did in my earlier versions, and updated the scrypt-jane library from floodyberry's latest push and put it all together into a bunch of executables. I made one zip that has x64 binaries for each of the following architectures: avx2, avx, corei7, core2, sse3 and athlon. I'm going to work on getting the github source updated for those who will want to compile their own and see the changes - though they are significant as this is based on cpuminer 2.3.1 vs the old one being 2.2.3. I pushed it to Mega - if someone else wants to host it or suggest someplace else to host it, feel free. https://mega.co.nz/#!nk4FkZhQ!G0P9605rdfhaE6e1CkXp2GQB1I9BSATwYBKZtWncDKQnot sure if I am right but this version is 2x slower than previous one... could anyone doublecheck? anyone else willing to try? I'm not feeling so confident about this... I have yet to find a share using these binaries even though it's reporting the correct hashrate. The binary I compiled previous was finding them like mad. Try at your own risk today, but just in case, I'm posting the binary that was for sure finding shares, compiled from the source feeleep posted as well (AVX version only): https://mega.co.nz/#!O0wDUaKK!SOp9J2oIh9a8TvImtQQdS0tQ7Hgi8DRku7LJDpoComw
December 06, 2013, 05:13:38 AM |
\cpuminer-stratum-feeleep_x64_avx\minerd.exe -q -a scrypt-jane -o stratum+tcp://yac.coinmine.pl:9088 -O Workername.1:password
Program just opens and closes immediately
What am I doing wrong?
YaCoin: YL5kf54wPPXKsXd5T18xCaNkyUsS1DgY7z BitCoin: 14PFbLyUdTyxZg3V8hnvj5VXkx3dhthmDj
December 06, 2013, 05:33:35 AM |
\cpuminer-stratum-feeleep_x64_avx\minerd.exe -q -a scrypt-jane -o stratum+tcp://yac.coinmine.pl:9088 -O Workername.1:password
Program just opens and closes immediately
What am I doing wrong?
feeleep just left the -a option as "scrypt", so the following should work with that executable. \cpuminer-stratum-feeleep_x64_avx\minerd.exe -q -a scrypt -o stratum+tcp://yac.coinmine.pl:9088 -O Workername.1:password
December 06, 2013, 05:43:24 AM |
\cpuminer-stratum-feeleep_x64_avx\minerd.exe -q -a scrypt-jane -o stratum+tcp://yac.coinmine.pl:9088 -O Workername.1:password
Program just opens and closes immediately
What am I doing wrong?
feeleep just left the -a option as "scrypt", so the following should work with that executable. \cpuminer-stratum-feeleep_x64_avx\minerd.exe -q -a scrypt -o stratum+tcp://yac.coinmine.pl:9088 -O Workername.1:password Thank you for the reply. But still not working 
YaCoin: YL5kf54wPPXKsXd5T18xCaNkyUsS1DgY7z BitCoin: 14PFbLyUdTyxZg3V8hnvj5VXkx3dhthmDj
Activity: 1197
Merit: 1000
December 06, 2013, 06:07:38 AM |
Thanks for the coins folks. I've taken feeleep's work, merged it with what I did in my earlier versions, and updated the scrypt-jane library from floodyberry's latest push and put it all together into a bunch of executables. I made one zip that has x64 binaries for each of the following architectures: avx2, avx, corei7, core2, sse3 and athlon. I'm going to work on getting the github source updated for those who will want to compile their own and see the changes - though they are significant as this is based on cpuminer 2.3.1 vs the old one being 2.2.3. I pushed it to Mega - if someone else wants to host it or suggest someplace else to host it, feel free. https://mega.co.nz/#!nk4FkZhQ!G0P9605rdfhaE6e1CkXp2GQB1I9BSATwYBKZtWncDKQnot sure if I am right but this version is 2x slower than previous one... could anyone doublecheck? anyone else willing to try? I'm not feeling so confident about this... I have yet to find a share using these binaries even though it's reporting the correct hashrate. The binary I compiled previous was finding them like mad. Try at your own risk today, but just in case, I'm posting the binary that was for sure finding shares, compiled from the source feeleep posted as well (AVX version only): https://mega.co.nz/#!O0wDUaKK!SOp9J2oIh9a8TvImtQQdS0tQ7Hgi8DRku7LJDpoComwso "my version" is also slower than this one: http://yacointalk.com/index.php?topic=264.0feeleep
December 06, 2013, 04:02:33 PM |
Thanks for the coins folks. I've taken feeleep's work, merged it with what I did in my earlier versions, and updated the scrypt-jane library from floodyberry's latest push and put it all together into a bunch of executables. I made one zip that has x64 binaries for each of the following architectures: avx2, avx, corei7, core2, sse3 and athlon. I'm going to work on getting the github source updated for those who will want to compile their own and see the changes - though they are significant as this is based on cpuminer 2.3.1 vs the old one being 2.2.3. I pushed it to Mega - if someone else wants to host it or suggest someplace else to host it, feel free. https://mega.co.nz/#!nk4FkZhQ!G0P9605rdfhaE6e1CkXp2GQB1I9BSATwYBKZtWncDKQnot sure if I am right but this version is 2x slower than previous one... could anyone doublecheck? anyone else willing to try? I'm not feeling so confident about this... I have yet to find a share using these binaries even though it's reporting the correct hashrate. The binary I compiled previous was finding them like mad. Try at your own risk today, but just in case, I'm posting the binary that was for sure finding shares, compiled from the source feeleep posted as well (AVX version only): https://mega.co.nz/#!O0wDUaKK!SOp9J2oIh9a8TvImtQQdS0tQ7Hgi8DRku7LJDpoComwso "my version" is also slower than this one: http://yacointalk.com/index.php?topic=264.0feeleep I've never actually used that version, but the avx version is noticeably faster for me than the ones I've compiled myself (stratum or otherwise). He did post the code, maybe it's in the compiler optimizations, or maybe it's in the code. I'll see if I can spot the differences...
December 07, 2013, 07:50:13 AM |
It's something in the code - I compiled mikaelh's code with the same options as the code with stratum, and it's about 15% faster. Too tired to dig through the code tonight to see where the differences are.
Sr. Member
Activity: 406
Merit: 250
One does not simply mine Bitcoins
December 07, 2013, 09:47:36 PM |
GPG key ID: 5E4F108A || BTC: 1hoardyponb9AMWhyA28DZb5n5g2bRY8v
December 08, 2013, 06:42:41 AM |
I think the lack of a mining client with stratum support is a pretty big freakin deal, right?
YaCoin: YL5kf54wPPXKsXd5T18xCaNkyUsS1DgY7z BitCoin: 14PFbLyUdTyxZg3V8hnvj5VXkx3dhthmDj
Sr. Member
Activity: 406
Merit: 250
One does not simply mine Bitcoins
December 08, 2013, 10:54:03 AM |
I think the lack of a mining client with stratum support is a pretty big freakin deal, right? Well, not that much. Stratum protocol aims to reduce the load on pool servers with a huge number of miners by letting the miners: - create unique valid work for themselves when they run out of shares and there was not a new block on the network
- listen for changes instead of asking for them every couple of seconds, thus reducing the bandwidth used by miners/pools by disabling longpoll and making the pool push notifications to miner
The first point doesn't need correcting yet as it's not slowing down miners (because YAC mining is so slow anyway), and the second is not a big deal unless the pools run out of bandwidth due to a HUGE amount of miners. I'd say a bigger deal would be integrating CPU mining into more sophisticated clients like cgminer (AFAIK there's yacminer with only GPU support). This way you would have the option to failover from one pool to another automagically, which is needed badly right now with pools crashing every couple of minutes (no idea why they're crashing).
GPG key ID: 5E4F108A || BTC: 1hoardyponb9AMWhyA28DZb5n5g2bRY8v
Activity: 1197
Merit: 1000
December 08, 2013, 12:38:05 PM |
I think the lack of a mining client with stratum support is a pretty big freakin deal, right? Well, not that much. Stratum protocol aims to reduce the load on pool servers with a huge number of miners by letting the miners: - create unique valid work for themselves when they run out of shares and there was not a new block on the network
- listen for changes instead of asking for them every couple of seconds, thus reducing the bandwidth used by miners/pools by disabling longpoll and making the pool push notifications to miner
The first point doesn't need correcting yet as it's not slowing down miners (because YAC mining is so slow anyway), and the second is not a big deal unless the pools run out of bandwidth due to a HUGE amount of miners. I'd say a bigger deal would be integrating CPU mining into more sophisticated clients like cgminer (AFAIK there's yacminer with only GPU support). This way you would have the option to failover from one pool to another automagically, which is needed badly right now with pools crashing every couple of minutes (no idea why they're crashing). its not pool which is crashing - pushpool is not able to handle so many connections... I will open few more ports today evening to support higher interest of yac mining