Currently Actm has 9972881 shares outstanding (btct 3074084+ bitfunder 6898797)
So, this is 9972881*0.0040=39891,524*BTC:USD or 117.
39892*117=4 667 364 USD
to make 4 667 364 USD profit (after all the expenses), how many units they need to sell in a year?
Utterly flawed. We are not paid divs in USD are we? We are paid in btc.
The divs will come from mining not hardware sales. We will also be selling chips not just rigs.
buy more shares!
I would say don't publish rubbish Maths on here and try to pass it off at accurate when it's ill thought out fiction.
dear moron, can you read bold italic text?
Now, lets do the math together:
9972881*0.0040=39891.524 - Is this correct? (outstanding shares times price at the time of calculation) = total in BTC
39891.524*117=4667308.308 USD (I replaced "," with "." so moronzero can understand it too)
Is this correct calculation?
What is this mysterious 117, you may ask? This is BTC:USD exchange rate.
Why did I use USD? Because selling shit in real world (even for BTC) USD and/or EUR exchange rates will define the price in BTC. Not the other way around.
So, BTC is irrelevant in this calculation because we have no idea, what the BTC:EUR or USD will be in the future. What we do know, is the price in USD for the hardware as of now. What the profit margin is? I have no idea and this was just a speculation. I bet it's not 40% so the numbers have to be way bigger.
Is this too fkn complicated for you comprehend?
BTW, feel free to subtract the mining profits and reduce the hardware (includes chips) sales numbers accordingly.
Please elaborate on "rubbish Maths" and "ill thought out fiction" or just fuck off, as asked previously.
No problem my friend, I will repeat it for you.
We will be paid divs in btc from
mining - probablly 80-90% will come from
mining and possibly 100% if sales are put into more ACtM miners for the bat cave.
You are working out divs from USD sales of mining rigs and assuming ACtM will need to sell 4.5Mill worth of mining rigs to pay full divs which is utterly incorrect, made up fiction - divs come from mining not sales.
We also sellchips which you have totally ignored to suit your fictionalized version of reality.
Now if you don't understand something because you are slow or had a few beers that's fine but you don't need to tell people to
commit suicide or F-off do you?
At what price are those chips sold? How many USD did it cost?
BTW, I am not your friend
If you believe that "probablly 80-90% will come from
mining and possibly 100%" we are in serious trouble. You can buy more shares... obviously.