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1301  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Preço não para de cair. Nada mais pode ser feito. on: March 31, 2018, 01:50:20 PM
Tenho por mim que vai ser o ano inteiro. É um mercado de urso agora. Eu estou comprado, mas meu alvo é pra daqui cinco anos.

Algo em que estive pensando nos ultimos dias, é se os preços em maio de 2018 não serão os mesmos de maio de 2017.

Eu estou torcendo para acontecer, porque até hoje me arrependo de não ter comprado mais em maio do ano passado. Se acontecer de cair pra 6-7000 reais, eu vou encher o carrinho.

1302  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: March 31, 2018, 01:41:46 PM
understandble , same case for me ...... i wouldn't like this offcourse , but the time i have spend on the little "big" guy is tattoo worthy only thinking to expand it maybe with few cartoon bull-bear-whale images and A KILLER line but i dont find the best word , sentence yet too inc it on my arm .....

Its a funny tatoo.

You could put that one where the spartans kill a bearwhale too.
1303  Economy / Speculation / Re: Is this a good opportunity to buy or huge risk to lose money on: March 31, 2018, 01:35:22 PM
I think it's safe to say that bitcoin isn't going down to 3 digits. There's going to be a ton of buyers at the low to mid 4 digit range that I doubt we're going to see any prices below $2000 consistently as we try to find a bottom at this bear market.

I wouldn't say that bitcoin was defeated as a currency. It just means that adoption has not ripened.

Also, with or without Mt Gox coins being dumped, would you agree that bitcoin's pump had to come to an end one way or another and enter a bearish phase exactly like what we're experiencing now? There had to be profit takers at some point.

Anyways, instead of buying when price is above $10k and calling it safe or buying when price is in 3 digits(which probably will never happen), a more logical thing to do would be buy your way down, split up your capital to buy coins regularly, starting now seeing prices are already decently low.

It was defeated for this moment. Bitcoin lost a battle, not the war. Its a speculative asset right now, but it can become a currency in the future if the market matures.

I'm planning to buy more when it reaches around $2k, which would be a 90% drop from previous ATH. But I can't discard three digits as a possibility, because the volume of Mt.Gox coins is big and can eclipse the market if dumped agressively. But like any eclipse, it will be short-lived.
1304  Economy / Speculation / Re: lule on: March 31, 2018, 01:29:58 PM
apollo says we go to 8000 8100 then break 6K for a bottom around 4500-4700

What about ten bitcoins for the price of one?
1305  Economy / Speculation / Re: Long or Short since Bitcoin reached 8800 again? on: March 31, 2018, 06:25:28 AM
Long. Im not going to sell anything at this ridiculous price.

However, if it keeps falling, perhaps I will buy more.

I was wondering these days if the price of bitcoin in May 2018 will be the same price of May 2017. I regret not having bought more back then... maybe if we fall to that price just for some days, I can load my bag, and then we can depart to new heights. Also it would be a 90% fall from previous ATH, so a very deep bottom.

1306  Economy / Speculation / Re: Bitcoin going $1000 on: March 31, 2018, 06:08:04 AM

I'm ready to buy.

I regret not having bought more in May 2017, when it was under $2k.

Maybe May 2018 will have the same price? I will not lose the train this time.
1307  Economy / Speculation / Re: Is this a good opportunity to buy or huge risk to lose money on: March 31, 2018, 12:00:37 AM
No, its not. Someone, or some group, is shorting it to the ground. Maybe its the Mt.Gox trustee, but whoever it is, this will prompt regulation by governments, at least on the exchange level.

Bitcoin was defeated as a currency. Nobody is going to use it to buy anything, as the merchant who accept it will lose money in a matter of hours, if not minutes. Nobody is going to use it for wages either. If it was only going up, adoption would be open to the masses and the bankers would have to swallow it.

Better to wait until all Mt.Gox coins are dumped, and the price recovers. I would say that if the price is above $10k for a entire month, then its safe to buy. If not, buy only when it reaches three digits.
1308  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: March 30, 2018, 11:51:00 AM
Most of the ppl in Crypto (speculation) have a very short time horizon.  A days action may seem like a lot.

They find it difficult to see the longer term picture. That is why there is so much conflicting opinion.

A view on price always has the caveat of a time frame.

Its not only that. There is always this menace that bitcoin will be crushed to the ground by speculators, banks and governments, and will never rise again. Everytime someone talks about "regulation" is always posed as a threat, even if it would mean only regulating exchanges to halt crashes like this.

And when the bears made predictions, they always extend the timeframe of their bear market, to convince people their long positions are threatened. The bears use as a base for their predictions the Mt.Gox crash, which caused the 2013-2015 bear market, giving the impression it was three years, when in fact it was one year and some months (from last months of 2013 to first months of 2015). This is hammered constantly, and people are afraid to buy and lose money in the next day, which pushes the price down as there is no buying volume. Without this volume the price wont recover.

However, this is not 2014. We are in a different situation. There was no LN in 2014, no futures markets, no G20 hearings. You could not buy a car with bitcoin in 2014. So this bear market can revert at any minute, and no bear can predict it.

1309  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: March 30, 2018, 10:54:32 AM
And still there will be people repeating like parrots that this is not a bear market.

Dozens upon dozens of new threads of panicked newbies spamming every day in this forum, and they will say it is not a bear market.

And dont think you can comfort them by talking about the price of two years ago, if these newbies arrived only two months ago. They will panic anyway, as they are losing money.
1310  Economy / Speculation / Re: instead of seeking reasons,... just adjust your strategies to new trend! on: March 29, 2018, 10:09:02 AM
We are in a bear market since December.

I adapted my strategies already. I decreased exposure by some 5% in December and February. Not going to buy, as it can go lower still, but I'm not going to sell either. I will hold to 2020 and beyond, depending on the circunstances.
1311  Economy / Speculation / Re: Have you noticed bitcoin price now was quite stable? on: March 28, 2018, 01:56:56 PM
Price is "stable" because there's a tug of war between bulls and bears.

In my opinion, it should be going up forever, to bring prosperity for humanity with money "made from thin air", decreasing poverty and allowing people to have their wages paid with bitcoin.

I wont bother explaining for the haters that windmills produce eletricity, and that bitcoin is made from it.
1312  Economy / Speculation / Re: Is Bitcoin preparing for a bull run?? on: March 28, 2018, 01:32:39 PM
You have to take a look in the price of one year ago.

Bitcoin was $1060 in this same day, last year.

There was a steady rise from January to March, with a fall in mid-March. However, the price quickly recovered.

The chart from this year is very different. Its a steady fall with bull traps, resembling a sideline movement. So, bear market is all that is.
1313  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: March 28, 2018, 01:04:37 PM
Well theres basically two possibilities here and the blue line would be the extent of "going back into bull mode"

A multi-year bear market wont last more than two full years.

And I guess most of us here are planning for more than two years.

1314  Economy / Speculation / Re: Bitcoin will never reach $1,000,000 again on: March 27, 2018, 12:52:06 AM
Bitcoin was never $1,000,000.
1315  Economy / Speculation / Re: POLL: Where are we now? on: March 22, 2018, 10:27:28 PM
We are in a bear market, but not like any of those you put in the pool.

A bear market can also mean a hybernation phase, where the price is always sidelining.
1316  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Preço não para de cair. Nada mais pode ser feito. on: March 20, 2018, 04:48:32 PM
O volume ainda parece fraco. Espero que não seja armadilha para touros.

Isso aqui ainda parece uma possibilidade:

Só vou me sentir seguro quando estivermos acima dos 10 mil dólares por pelo menos uns três meses.

1317  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Bitcoin tá com moral: G20-FSB não aprova regulamentação das criptomoedas. on: March 20, 2018, 04:25:05 PM
Aqui no Brasil estão falando em taxar criptomoedas.

Até onde eu sei, elas são tratadas como commodities, e não moedas. Você só paga imposto ao transformar elas em reais, e mesmo assim, tem que passar de 35 mil por mês, que é a regra usada em todas as commodities: 15% sobre qualquer lucro acima de 35 mil reais num mesmo mês. Você tem que imprimir uma DARF e pagar até o final do mês seguinte. E você também terá que declarar no IR do ano seguinte (mesmo que seja isento de IR).

Mas isso só se aplica se você vender seus bitcoins e o valor destas vendas passar de 35 mil num mesmo mês. Se você vender menos de 35 mil, não tem que imprimir a DARF. Se você comprou R$1500 e vendeu R$2000 dois meses depois, o governo não vai tributar o lucro de 500 reais que você teve.

Pelo que eu tenho lido, parece que os políticos estão querendo criar regras de tributação específicas para o bitcoin. Talvez reduzam este teto de 35 mil para um outro valor.

Mas aí entra a questão: não há como saber quando o tributado comprou estas bitcoins, e quanto lucro ele teve. Eu mesmo, nunca mantive nenhum histórico de compras e vendas, e acho que a maioria também não mantém. O tributado também não é obrigado a fornecer seus endereços públicos, nem a dizer quantos bitcoins realmente possui (ele pode manter duas ou mais carteiras e declarar somente uma). Também não há como saber se o tributado comprou realmente todas estas bitcoins ou adquiriu elas por meio de trade com altcoins (e a Bittrex também costuma apagar seu histórico de compras e vendas depois de alguns meses).

E tem mais, se o usuário quiser vender no topo pra recomprar na baixa, continuará sem sacar nada em reais. Se ele quiser pagar um boleto usando um boletador de bitcoins, também não pagará IR, somente o ICMS do produto que comprou.

Uma solução seria eles taxarem as exchanges, e as exchanges repassarem o IR para o usuário. Seria IR retido na fonte, como já acontece com fundos de investimentos nos bancos. Quando o usuário sacasse seus reais da exchange, uma parte ficaria retida e iria pro Estado, da mesma forma que acontece com fundos de renda fixa. Mas como saber se estes reais vieram da venda de bitcoins ou se o usuário depositou ali há pouco tempo e resolveu desistir de comprar? E como saber se o usuário não está vendendo no prejuízo, durante momentos de queda?

Como vocês podem ver, tem muita coisa pra discutir ainda. Não é algo que pode ser resolvido do dia pra noite. Vai levar meses até encontrarem uma solução.

1318  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: FOXBIT: Palhaçada para saque de bitcoin. on: March 20, 2018, 04:00:56 PM
KYC é uma palhaçada por si só, mas todas as exchanges estão tendo que cumprir, conforme vai fechando o cerco dos governos.

Eu tive problemas com KYC na Foxbit semanas atrás, antes deles saírem do ar. Felizmente aprovaram depois de eu mandar três selfies.

Agora, a API deles sempre deu problema. Várias vezes eu era desconectado do servidor, e quando tentava relogar, dava erro. Aí eu tinha que carregar o site em outra aba para funcionar.

E teve aquelas vezes em que o livro informava 50 mil reais quando o valor já tinha caído pra 30 mil. Aí eu tinha que relogar de novo. Em média eu logava umas oito vezes por dia para poder operar.

Eles precisam trocar esta API. Eles movimentam milhões todo mês, poderiam contratar um novo programador.
1319  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Alternativas à Foxbit? on: March 20, 2018, 03:32:36 PM

Esta aí é a Mt.Gox brasileira... eu nem citei, pois pra mim é como se não existisse mais.

Em 2013 eles sumiram com o dinheiro de alguns usuários. Até hoje não resolveram.

Sem contar as taxas que são as mais altas do mercado.
1320  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Alternativas à Foxbit? on: March 20, 2018, 02:18:31 PM
Com a Foxbit fora do ar, estou procurando uma outra exchange.

Alguém poderia dizer que seria melhor partir pro P2P, mas na Localbitcoins o fiat vai direto pra sua conta bancária, não dá pra manter ele lá e tentar uma recompra num valor menor.

Eu usava a Walltime antes da Foxbit, mas ela continua com a mesma API bugada de antes, que não registra os depósitos. Se por algum motivo você fecha a tela de depósito e faz o TED, tem que contatar o suporte deles por email.

A Arena Bitcoin não tem volume. Uma vez entrei lá e só tinha um cara vendendo.

A FlowBTC cobra pra depositar reais, o que eu acho um absurdo. Você já paga um TED no banco e ainda tem que pagar a exchange só pra pôr dinheiro lá dentro.

Sobraram três que não conheço: Negocie Coins, Bitcointoyou e Bitcointrade.

O que podem me dizer sobre estas três? São confiáveis?
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