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1401  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Poloniex é Comprada por US$ 400 Milhões on: March 01, 2018, 08:59:53 PM
O problema das exchanges descentralizadas é que não teria nenhuma equipe que verificasse o código da moeda antes de incluí-la na exchange, para se certificar de que não tem nenhum vírus ou malware no código. Esse problema já aconteceu antes (na própria Poloniex). No caso de uma exchange descentralizada, quem e como se definiria a entrada de uma nova moeda na exchange?

Por voto. Cada nó teria o direito de votar na entrada de uma nova moeda.

O que eu acho que poderia complicar é que, para armazenar todas as moedas que você comprasse, você precisaria ter uma carteira separada para cada uma delas, e não caberia sincronizar várias blockchains no mesmo computador. Portanto, a blockchain de exchange deveria poder se comunicar com estas outras blockchains sem a necessidade de baixá-las, como já acontece com carteiras SPV. E é aí que mora o perigo, pois carteiras de celulares são pouco seguras. Talvez seria necessário uma camada extra de criptografia para impedir ataques nestas carteiras separadas.

Enfim, é algo que seria muito complexo, mas que os programadores eventualmente resolveriam.
1402  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: AML/KYC Explained on: March 01, 2018, 08:38:52 PM
KYC is a complete and outright invasion of privacy and an attack on human rights.

Its not because of showing IDs and passports, this is normal in any bank, and the exchanges would be no different, as they are centralized like any bank. But this issue about taking a selfie with the ID, and in some cases, even a note stating the day and hour the picture was take (as is happening with Binance right now, I had to withdraw my ether from there after I saw it) and they asking you, over and over again, for you to take another photo, and then another, and another, and another, because of "bad resolution" (as most cellphones would have to be professional cameras, used for artistic photography), and all the while, keeping your account locked, and, if you have money stored there, your funds blocked, all of this is a blatant attack on human rights, and is pure, outright centralization, a dictatorship ruled by G7 and its standards they took off from their asses, since they dont consider a lot of people, specially in third world countries, dont have cellphones with professional cameras. I had this issue with CEX.IO some months ago, in 2017, and I never traded with them again. At that time, that exchange was a exception, and a LOT of people were complaining about them. What I see now is this becoming the norm, and people are just complying themselves with it, like it was something normal. It is not, and I'm mad with it.

We need decentralized exchanges now. We need a P2P exchange inside a blockchain, that we can store in our desktops and run nodes for it. Dont you think they will not go after localbitcoins, because they will, and it will be the megaupload of bitcoin. We need a exchange blockchain NOW, this is urgent because Circle bought Poloniex, and Circle belongs to Goldmann Sachs. KYC is just the beginning of a long series of abuses which will force people out of bitcoin. All the while the globalists will create their own centralized cryptocurrency and persuade the merchants to adopt it. We will have 90% volatility in bitcoin prices, due to increasing speculation, and this will put away most of the merchants. At the end, only financial institutions, linked to the stock markets, will be able to trade in the exchanges, which will be highly centralized and controlled by some committee ruled out from the new Poloniex, all under the supervision of the IMF. I'm not spreading FUD. And dont start talking about tether printing to me because derivatives markets sells futures contracts on gold without having gold to cover it.
1403  Local / Economia & Mercado / Re: Exchange [FOXBIT] - Tópico Oficial on: March 01, 2018, 06:32:57 PM
Qual é o seu número de solicitação? Assim consigo localizar o seu ticket aqui.

Mas recomendo entrar em contato pelo messenger, o tempo de resposta é mais rápido

Não tinha solicitação, pois eu apenas respondi os emails que me enviaram.

Mas estou fazendo uma agora, o numero é 232391.
1404  Local / Economia & Mercado / Re: Exchange [FOXBIT] - Tópico Oficial on: March 01, 2018, 06:24:28 PM
Fabio, nós atualizamos as nossas políticas de Compliance e KYC recentemente para garantir maior segurança aos usuários da plataforma. Poderia entrar em contato com o nosso suporte? Você será respondido rapidamente:

Já entrei. Estou postando aqui porque vocês ainda não ofereceram solução pelo email.

O terceiro selfie está com o documento bem próximo da câmera. Vocês podem checar que é o mesmo que eu enviei.

1405  Local / Economia & Mercado / Re: Exchange [FOXBIT] - Tópico Oficial on: March 01, 2018, 06:09:12 PM
A Foxbit resolveu implementar KYC.

Já enviei três selfies e até agora recusam liberar minha conta, que eles bloquearam sem motivo algum.

Vai ser assim agora, Foxbit? Eu agora tenho que pagar 2000 reais num celular com câmera profissional para poder sacar outros 2000 reais daí de dentro?

A Bittrex aceitou selfie deste mesmo celular ano passado. A CEX.IO não aceitou. E hoje só negocio alts na Bittrex.
1406  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Poloniex é Comprada por US$ 400 Milhões on: March 01, 2018, 03:23:01 PM

Ainda acho que o fato de ter uma instituição bancária tradicional por trás da empresa que adquiriu a poloniex NÃO é uma boa.  Undecided

Eu não disse que era.

Eu sinto que algo tenebroso pode estar vindo para o futuro do bitcoin. E não é sobre o preço dele.

O valor dele pode realmente chegar à um milhão de dólares, como o McAfee disse. Mas você não poderá usá-lo nem sacá-lo... os estados nacionais terão criado uma outra cripto, para uso global, que será estável e empregada pelos comerciantes.

E as exchanges serão todas dominadas. KYC é só o começo. Lá no final só haverão fundos de bancos podendo fazer trade em bitcoins, com conexões no sistema financeiro internacional. A Poloniex se tornará um banco mundial de criptos, controlada por um consórcio liderado pela GS e supervisionado pelo FMI. As constantes flutuações de 90% no valor do bitcoin convencerão os comerciantes a abandonarem a moeda.

A única solução para isso serão as exchanges descentralizadas. Uma exchange que rode numa blockchain e você possa armazenar no seu computador, no esquema P2P. Houveram algumas altcoins que tinham esta proposta, mas elas não vingaram devido à especulação corriqueira. Precisaríamos de uma que fosse baseada numa cripto com valor estável, para fazer frente contra esta que será proposta pelo G7. O fiat poderia ser sacado por meio de vários sites separados, que mascarariam as operações para que os bancos não descobrissem, algo similar aos vários sites de torrents que hoje evadem o escrutínio estatal.

1407  Economy / Speculation / Re: The stable price action is driving people crazy, including me. on: March 01, 2018, 02:54:52 PM
What is driving me crazy is KYC and regulations, and not the price.

Those who only care about the price are with a very short sight of the situation.

Just because they proposed it first in Russia, months ago, doesnt mean it cant happen anywhere.

KYC is just the begginning of a nightmare that I seriously hope its only on my mind.

We need decentralized exchanges more now than ever.
1408  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Poloniex é Comprada por US$ 400 Milhões on: February 28, 2018, 05:42:13 PM
Bom, a Circle é controlada pela GS, então existe uma alta probabilidade da Poloniex vir a se tornar o primeiro banco online de bitcoins.

Os banqueiros estão percebendo que não adianta proibir, então vão seguir aquela máxima "se não pode vencê-los, junte-se à eles."

1409  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: February 28, 2018, 05:19:33 PM

GS buys Circle which buys Poloniex.

Next step is they turn Poloniex in a online bank.
1410  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Poloniex é Comprada por US$ 400 Milhões on: February 28, 2018, 04:03:02 PM
A Circle é antiga do mundo das cripto, só não sabia que tinha bala na agulha para comprar a poloniex,
ela se não me engano foi a primeira a falar em banco com bitcoins e tal.

Ela era uma exchange antiga que depois fechou. Hoje é um destes grupos de investimento bancado pela Goldman Sachs.

Basicamente, quem está no comando da Poloniex agora é a GS.

Quem fala mal de bitcoin, é porque não tem, e deseja ter.
1411  Other / Meta / Re: many threads are the same on: February 28, 2018, 03:56:25 PM
The noobs are in panic, thats why you see so many threads with the same lines.

Theres also a lot of bears who want to spread FUD to buy cheap bitcoin.

1412  Economy / Speculation / Re: Head and shoulder pattern is on the way, New all-time high is coming. on: February 27, 2018, 05:32:33 PM
Everyone likes to predict the bitcoin price, but until now (correct me if I am wrong), I didn't find anyone who can accurately predict the price of bitcoin...

It is called "speculation" for a reason.
1413  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: February 23, 2018, 03:15:58 PM
User support is going from 8k to 10k now.

Also, tether FUD is gone.
1414  Economy / Speculation / Re: Have the fees gone down? on: February 23, 2018, 03:09:11 PM
Yes, theres only 3000 unconfirmed transactions right now.

Im quite impressed, it was really some parties spamming it.

And the price seems to stabilize around 10k. Maybe can we be at this price for the entire year?
1415  Economy / Speculation / Re: Bitcoin will someday be worth as much as 40 times its current on: February 22, 2018, 03:30:30 PM
According to the bears in this forum, it will go to three digits and will stay there forever.

This bear season will be over sooner of later.
1416  Economy / Speculation / Re: How not to lose money after a dump on: February 22, 2018, 02:25:16 PM
Just dont put everything you have in crypto. Diversify.

Bitcoin is still far from being a currency that you can use everyday.
1417  Economy / Speculation / Re: 2018 Cryptocurrency Crash (Elliott Wave) on: February 21, 2018, 08:59:59 PM
In 2015 BTC was at the lowest point (at least from 2014), and it was accepted more than in late 2013 and 2014.
Strange isn't it?

It is not, there was few use cases for BTC before 2015. Myself I only bought my first bitcoin in 2015, to pay a cloud service. This service was not accepting it before.

From 2015 to 2017 merchant adoption was only increasing. In June 2017 Steam started accepting bitcoin. When the bear market started in December, Steam stopped accepting bitcoin.

The fees only got really high after late October 2017, which became a concern for most merchants. If you say adoption was low, then someone might be spamming the network with fake transactions, to make the fees go higher, and who that might be? Some claim it was the BCash shills, others claim it was the banksters. Anyway, merchants stopped accepting it when the bear market started, in December. Before that there was even rumours that Amazon was going to accept it before Christmas, but it never happened due to speculation.

The massive spike was provoked by swing traders from Wall Street. They flooded the exchanges after futures got announced in late October. Those future markets are like casinos, and are settled in cash. They use leverage and win the contracts against a counterpart, cover their losses in cripto, make a profit in cash and start a bear market. The bankers then came and say "I told you so", and adoption drops even more. All the while the network spam stops, LN is implemented, bitcoin get better, but will the public use it? Each average joe who lost money with it will speak ill of it, and people will be afraid to use it, knowing it can drop 90% at any moment.

You cant have the same situation of 2013-2015, the multi-year bear market. At that time, there was nearly no merchant adoption, most people didnt even know about it. Now its different. If you have a multi-year bear market now, another crypto will take the crown from bitcoin, because there is a increasing demand for a digital currency, and people dont want one which is always going down.

1418  Economy / Speculation / Re: 2018 Cryptocurrency Crash (Elliott Wave) on: February 21, 2018, 04:20:15 PM
Other than that, yeah I expect a big drop in a lot of cc. But not to "crush" it. To clean it. To make it better.

Sorry to say that, but a fall below $5000 would not make bitcoin better, it would just kill it.

The fall starting in December prompted a lot of merchants who were accepting bitcoin to refuse it since.

When it was going up, merchants were accepting it with open arms.

So you can see that if the price fall too much, adoption will shrink. A lot of people will be burned, including merchants who were holding bitcoin.

You just want to crush it, to buy it cheap, but I doubt it will go up again if adoption is compromised. That why I cant take bears seriously, because you dont take user adoption into account, you dont take mining costs into account, you just say three digits, do some TA pointing to a worst case scenario, and thats it.

Worse case scenario, bitcoin is over, you can buy it cheap but nobody will want it anymore. Think of the families who will be burned by it, think of the children, of the average people who are not nerdish enough to understand LN. They will be bitcoin's enemies, adoption will be compromised. Banks will have the upper hand again.

I agree with your point concerning the original intent, but I disagree theres no adoption happening. In Venezuela the people are using it against a tyrannical socialist government, to buy food and clothing. In Korea adoption is massive, in Japan there was 500k merchants using it. I dont know if they are using it now.

User support continues to be 8k. Anything below that is dangerous to bitcoin future. Thats why some people might think you have a agenda behind your remarks.
1419  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Apps falsos de corretoras brasileiras no google play on: February 20, 2018, 03:31:43 PM
Acessar bitcoins num celular? Nunca. É o sistema menos seguro que existe.
1420  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: February 20, 2018, 02:38:44 PM
We might reach 12k at this week, and 13k in the next.

Bitcoin is slowly recovering. A organic growth is much better than artificial spikes.

Only 13k unconfirmed transactions. Maybe they will have a parity with the price by next week.

The network was clearly being spammed during the bear trend.
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