Activity: 20
Merit: 0
February 26, 2018, 09:24:56 AM Last edit: February 26, 2018, 09:37:58 AM by DarthKegRaider |
AS i understand it ? As a "Hero". I can continue to use current software indefinitely? i can trial the new software for 12 months as a continuation of my existing purchase, then go on an annual subscription at a 50% discount. Is this correct? Yes, this is correct!
Thanks for your support Dan.
So, a 50% discount (~US15/ month for Standard) AND a hero status (badge?)!! Where can we display such prowess? Is there a cutoff to our discount peroid, as I'm crypto broke  As a side note, I do agree that the descrepency between basic and standard is a tad huge. You may keep your smaller players around by increasing the account balance from $3000 to say $8000. Mind you, I'm now well under the $3K thanks to the recent crash, but would definitely consider the Standard package in hope that I can earn some big gains. Hopefully the crypto market will bounce back soon, as my Leobot has been idling waiting for those high purchases a few weeks back to return so I can have some funds again. At least then I might be able to justify the monthly spend, as currently this month I've earned a negative amount, as I'm sure a lot of other users have also!
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
February 26, 2018, 09:45:50 AM |
Disappointing as it may sound, im sure you guys had to make a hard decision for sustainability.
I just wish you gave us early adopters a better deal moving forward though because I see the new plans to be too restrictive. for most of us at entry level than 3k USD limit is limiting and will heavily depend on BTC to USD value which can swing massively up (preferrably) or down few times within a year.. i mean it's crazy to have to deal with this USD value cap. I mean the free trial and discount is great but perhaps extend that a bit for us small-fry early adopters? say free stage upgrade from starter to standard, that would be reasonable and i'd personally be on board. Standard to Pro offers i believe is fine as it is coz people dealing with that amount of money can definitely afford your subscription fees no problem.
I do wonder about this line though: "Catastrophic events like what happened in mid January, where a lot of cryptos lost up to 70% of their value, have a huge effect on our revenue."
How did the massive correction affect your revenue when your software isn't taking any % from trades anyway?
Anyway more power to you guys.
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
February 26, 2018, 02:16:49 PM |
I am disappointed with this announcement. Leonardo/Margin will not fit my needs anymore as a very small investor.  Its a shame I really liked it and will continue using Leonardo until it stops working altogether. Same. This totally feels like a bait and switch. Extremely disappointing especially considering that the plan offered to "hero" customers seems like an afterthought.
Activity: 20
Merit: 0
February 26, 2018, 04:24:43 PM |
Hi,can i change the notification sound?and thanks for the Hero offer,sounds fair.

Activity: 126
Merit: 10
Everything I say is in My Opinion Only!
February 26, 2018, 05:54:35 PM |
I am disappointed with this announcement. Leonardo/Margin will not fit my needs anymore as a very small investor.  Its a shame I really liked it and will continue using Leonardo until it stops working altogether. Same. This totally feels like a bait and switch. Extremely disappointing especially considering that the plan offered to "hero" customers seems like an afterthought. That's what I think also. You're sold software that was advertised for life for a one time fee, then they just change the name and charge a subscription fee. This is a lose a customer business model.
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
February 26, 2018, 06:25:38 PM |
I am disappointed with this announcement. Leonardo/Margin will not fit my needs anymore as a very small investor.  Its a shame I really liked it and will continue using Leonardo until it stops working altogether. Same. This totally feels like a bait and switch. Extremely disappointing especially considering that the plan offered to "hero" customers seems like an afterthought. That's what I think also. You're sold software that was advertised for life for a one time fee, then they just change the name and charge a subscription fee. This is a lose a customer business model. It almost feels like they intentionally moved to create a purchasing frenzy by telling everyone to buy now before the impending price hike. This ultimately resulted in FOMO buying of their app (which is what I did)... while their strategy all along was to eventually move their business model from standalone application to a subscription base. The change of business model in itself is NOT what I take issue with... it's the timing. This was clearly an opportunistic move, which is why many of us who purchased licences just a few weeks ago feel cheated. Thanks for the 2 week notice Margin! Sure we get to keep our app, but the promise of lifetime updates that were made at the time of purchase are meaningless. I purchased the ultimate license despite their app being riddled with issues. I believed in supporting Margin with the hope that they would eventually evolve LeonArdo into usable state for the majority of it's licensees. Such a shame.
leonArdo@margin (OP)
Activity: 1989
Merit: 1008
February 26, 2018, 08:31:59 PM |
I am disappointed with this announcement. Leonardo/Margin will not fit my needs anymore as a very small investor.  Its a shame I really liked it and will continue using Leonardo until it stops working altogether. Same. This totally feels like a bait and switch. Extremely disappointing especially considering that the plan offered to "hero" customers seems like an afterthought. That's what I think also. You're sold software that was advertised for life for a one time fee, then they just change the name and charge a subscription fee. This is a lose a customer business model. It almost feels like they intentionally moved to create a purchasing frenzy by telling everyone to buy now before the impending price hike. This ultimately resulted in FOMO buying of their app (which is what I did)... while their strategy all along was to eventually move their business model from standalone application to a subscription base. The change of business model in itself is NOT what I take issue with... it's the timing. This was clearly an opportunistic move, which is why many of us who purchased licences just a few weeks ago feel cheated. Thanks for the 2 week notice Margin! Sure we get to keep our app, but the promise of lifetime updates that were made at the time of purchase are meaningless. I purchased the ultimate license despite their app being riddled with issues. I believed in supporting Margin with the hope that they would eventually evolve LeonArdo into usable state for the majority of it's licensees. Such a shame. The timing was bad for you, maybe, but when would have been a good time? At the risk of sounding like a broken down record - we had to do this! You just can't win with some people? >>It almost feels like they intentionally moved to create a purchasing frenzy by telling everyone to buy now before the impending price hike We never said buy now! And if we hadn't told you guys about the price hike beforehand you would also have bitched.
February 26, 2018, 08:35:26 PM |
It's lifetime usage, not lifetime updates.  I hope you'd not switch off Leonardo server, so I could still do some little ping pong trading. How about increase $3k limit to $5k limit? It sounds odd the max range of $3k..........
leonArdo@margin (OP)
Activity: 1989
Merit: 1008
February 26, 2018, 08:57:12 PM Last edit: March 01, 2018, 03:37:17 PM by leonArdo@margin |
Hey guys, Thanks to G B and Alex for pointing this out. Some people are having issues with Binance that may require a system clock re-sync. Here are the instructions for Windows users. 1. Right click on the time in the task bar and select "Adjust date/time". In the window that appears, make sure "Set time automatically" is on. 2. In the same window, click on "Additional date, time & regional settings", then under "Date and Time" go to "Set the time and date". In the "Internet Time" tab, click "Change settings...", then make sure "Synchronize with an Internet time server" is selected and click "Update now", then "OK". 3. Next, run services.msc via the Start menu, then right click on "Windows Time" in the list of services and select "Properties". Make sure "Startup type" is set to "Automatic" and that the service is started right now. Click the "Start" button if the service status is "Stopped" right now. 4. If all else fails, start a PowerShell as administrator and run the following lines: net stop w32time
w32tm /unregister
w32tm /register
net start w32time
w32tm /resync Best wishes, Christian
leonArdo@margin (OP)
Activity: 1989
Merit: 1008
February 26, 2018, 09:04:56 PM |
I am disappointed with this announcement. Leonardo/Margin will not fit my needs anymore as a very small investor.  Its a shame I really liked it and will continue using Leonardo until it stops working altogether. Same. This totally feels like a bait and switch. Extremely disappointing especially considering that the plan offered to "hero" customers seems like an afterthought. This is a joke right? We listen to our customers and then make an offer and you also don't like that!!
leonArdo@margin (OP)
Activity: 1989
Merit: 1008
February 26, 2018, 09:08:20 PM |
Hi,can i change the notification sound?and thanks for the Hero offer,sounds fair.
We use the system notifications so on a Mac for example you would choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Sound, then click Sound Effects. Thanks for the support, Jonathan
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
February 27, 2018, 01:04:24 AM |
I am disappointed with this announcement. Leonardo/Margin will not fit my needs anymore as a very small investor.  Its a shame I really liked it and will continue using Leonardo until it stops working altogether. Same. This totally feels like a bait and switch. Extremely disappointing especially considering that the plan offered to "hero" customers seems like an afterthought. This is a joke right? We listen to our customers and then make an offer and you also don't like that!! He never said he didn't like it, he said it seemed like an afterthought. Which it was.... originally there were no perks to being a early adopter, yes good for you for listening to the cry's of bullshit afterwards, its just bad business to not start off with a good offer for legacy users first and not a "OOPS People are Pissed" reason.
Activity: 34
Merit: 0
February 27, 2018, 03:49:52 AM Last edit: February 27, 2018, 04:50:16 AM by TOPBILL |
We will switch the existing early adopter lifetime license model to a subscription-based model
I paid in FULL for a Lifetime Ultra package just THIS MONTH. I don't agree to Switch and Bait tactics. Nor a lifetime of very high subscription fees on a package you agreed would be Free for life when I paid for it.
Activity: 34
Merit: 0
February 27, 2018, 04:43:09 AM |
I am disappointed with this announcement. Leonardo/Margin will not fit my needs anymore as a very small investor.  Its a shame I really liked it and will continue using Leonardo until it stops working altogether. Same. This totally feels like a bait and switch. Extremely disappointing especially considering that the plan offered to "hero" customers seems like an afterthought. This is a joke right? We listen to our customers and then make an offer and you also don't like that!! If you want to charge NEW customers more money, or per month I see nothing wrong with that. You're existing customers paid up front for your Lifetime Licence with free updates. They should not be subject to ANY switch and bait subscription fees tacked in after the sale. When we paid up front for your "Lifetime License with free upgrades" we didn't agree to any additional charges that amount to $180 PER YEAR (with major restrictions in use), $348 PER YEAR (with restricted use) or $2,388 PER YEAR (unrestricted). All Subscription fees should be PERMANENTLY waived for pre-existing customers that already paid for their Lifetime License fees. If you want to adopt a new pricing. Then it should ONLY be for future customers that didn't already pay for their lifetime license agreement. Otherwise, If you can't honor your side of our legally binding contract. I would like a 100% refund without question.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
February 27, 2018, 05:24:00 AM |
Hi, I just looked over your demos and do not see the option to paper trade with leverage (margin trading) Is there a reason? https://i.imgur.com/dbqJlT6.pngThanks
Activity: 20
Merit: 0
February 27, 2018, 06:07:00 AM |
Seriously, who DIDN'T see this coming?
I purchased my LeonArdo bot early December 2017. Jonathan and the team were very upfront about the upcoming changes and that my lifetime purchase NOW would only apply to this particular program, not the one they were working on.
I'm cool with that. Hell, Microsoft and Apple charge for software release changes, games and their ever growing sequels you have to buy..... Fricking DLC.....buy. Everyone does it. It's nothing new. I will be upgrading, probably not straight away, but I will definitley try the new software for sure!
leonArdo@margin (OP)
Activity: 1989
Merit: 1008
February 27, 2018, 08:11:41 AM |
I am disappointed with this announcement. Leonardo/Margin will not fit my needs anymore as a very small investor.  Its a shame I really liked it and will continue using Leonardo until it stops working altogether. Same. This totally feels like a bait and switch. Extremely disappointing especially considering that the plan offered to "hero" customers seems like an afterthought. This is a joke right? We listen to our customers and then make an offer and you also don't like that!! He never said he didn't like it, he said it seemed like an afterthought. Which it was.... originally there were no perks to being a early adopter, yes good for you for listening to the cry's of bullshit afterwards, its just bad business to not start off with a good offer for legacy users first and not a "OOPS People are Pissed" reason. no perks to being a early adopter, is simply NOT true. Read the original post.
leonArdo@margin (OP)
Activity: 1989
Merit: 1008
February 27, 2018, 08:13:49 AM |
We will switch the existing early adopter lifetime license model to a subscription-based model
I paid in FULL for a Lifetime Ultra package just THIS MONTH. I don't agree to Switch and Bait tactics. Nor a lifetime of very high subscription fees on a package you agreed would be Free for life when I paid for it. You can keep the product you bought for life. I never said there were free updates for life. Jonathan
leonArdo@margin (OP)
Activity: 1989
Merit: 1008
February 27, 2018, 08:18:40 AM |
Hi, I just looked over your demos and do not see the option to paper trade with leverage (margin trading) Is there a reason?  Thanks Paper trading is the one feature that is not available in the demo version. Note that in the paid version it is only available for Poloniex right now. Best wishes, Jonathan
leonArdo@margin (OP)
Activity: 1989
Merit: 1008
February 27, 2018, 08:26:38 AM |
Seriously, who DIDN'T see this coming?
I purchased my LeonArdo bot early December 2017. Jonathan and the team were very upfront about the upcoming changes and that my lifetime purchase NOW would only apply to this particular program, not the one they were working on.
I'm cool with that. Hell, Microsoft and Apple charge for software release changes, games and their ever growing sequels you have to buy..... Fricking DLC.....buy. Everyone does it. It's nothing new. I will be upgrading, probably not straight away, but I will definitley try the new software for sure!
Thanks for your support DarthKegRaider. And for anyone saying this is out of the blue, we even indicated a change of business model in December We have had an introductory offer on leonArdo for over 2 years now and in order to be able to provide the best possible service and to improve leonArdo with lots of new features and markets we need to end it and find a new business model going forward. This will allow us to hire new team members to add to our team of 8 people and will ensure the survival of leonArdo.
Until we figure out the best business model for us over the long term, from this Friday (22nd Dec) leonArdo will be priced as follows: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1467939.msg26624978#msg26624978Best wishes, Jonathan