Activity: 41
Merit: 0
March 19, 2016, 10:10:06 PM |
Something similar happened early last year if you look back once the hash rate went above a certain threshold blocks started taking forever.
The interesting part was people started to get fed up, so they started mining elsewhere and the hash rate dropped off substantially, then blocks started coming left and right. I even dug out some old Block Erupter cubes at the time and set them up. Obviously this was short lived then things reached a middle ground and now it seems we're right back at that point.
March 19, 2016, 11:38:08 PM |
The higher hash less blocks scenario has been going on since I started mining. Seems like every time it goes up fewer blocks. Goes back down more blocks start hitting.
March 20, 2016, 12:35:17 AM |
Move on i did
I'll move on (well quit) soon enough but not because of anything with the pool it's the cost of electric. As soon as it gets warm out I'm switching to just buying. Can't afford over $300 worth of electric for half a bitcoin without the offset of heating my house.
Activity: 37
Merit: 0
March 20, 2016, 01:25:31 AM |
I am looking for another pool as well. People suggested But I don't see much different.
March 20, 2016, 01:44:54 AM |
Move on i did
I'll move on (well quit) soon enough but not because of anything with the pool it's the cost of electric. As soon as it gets warm out I'm switching to just buying. Can't afford over $300 worth of electric for half a bitcoin without the offset of heating my house. Yes this is my second year mining and I learned that buy low sell high works too. Like you I'm thinking the same cause last year the basement was warm.
March 20, 2016, 08:56:22 PM |
Move on i did
I'll move on (well quit) soon enough but not because of anything with the pool it's the cost of electric. As soon as it gets warm out I'm switching to just buying. Can't afford over $300 worth of electric for half a bitcoin without the offset of heating my house. Yes this is my second year mining and I learned that buy low sell high works too. Like you I'm thinking the same cause last year the basement was warm. Last 2 winters I heated my entire house with just the miners. Had to move most outside for summer.
March 21, 2016, 09:32:18 PM |
I wasn't getting any reward for a while, switched to f2pool.
March 22, 2016, 07:06:47 PM |
I wasn't getting any reward for a while, switched to f2pool.
It's called bad luck. It happens. So does good luck and there has been more good than bad on Slush over the years.
March 23, 2016, 03:03:39 PM |
I am looking for another pool as well. People suggested But I don't see much different.
there is much different. give it a try and you will see.
Activity: 3920
Merit: 2349
Eadem mutata resurgo
March 23, 2016, 11:16:37 PM |
I wasn't getting any reward for a while, switched to f2pool.
So does good luck and there has been more good than bad on Slush over the years. Really? What's you evidence for this? Over long terms a pool's "luck" should be neutral ... unless there is something else biasing it which would be of interest to me.
March 24, 2016, 04:30:18 AM |
I wasn't getting any reward for a while, switched to f2pool.
So does good luck and there has been more good than bad on Slush over the years. Really? What's you evidence for this? Over long terms a pool's "luck" should be neutral ... unless there is something else biasing it which would be of interest to me. Historical luck has always been over 100% since I started mining. It drops but the long term average always seems to be around 102% or more. I haven't checked recently though so it's possible it could have dipped. Kind of not interested in mining since I'm going to have to quit due to electric costs.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
March 24, 2016, 09:01:47 PM |
I am looking for another pool as well. People suggested But I don't see much different.
there is much different. give it a try and you will see. Hey peeps, I've been mining on Slush since the Antminer S1 days. That being said, currently im expanding my operation and would like to hear from you experts regarding where to take my 11th/s hash power. To either stay at Slush or move on to different pool. on this regard I am currently making enough BTC to pay for my electric and my miners will get paid off within 3 months (before the halving event) which is awesome. My 11th/s will impact my shares in slush, thus will get higher reward, but the luck lately has been down and i read much of the discussion on this thread. Any suggestion or point to a direction will be much appreciated!! TheKraken
March 25, 2016, 01:28:11 AM |
I am looking for another pool as well. People suggested But I don't see much different.
there is much different. give it a try and you will see. Hey peeps, I've been mining on Slush since the Antminer S1 days. That being said, currently im expanding my operation and would like to hear from you experts regarding where to take my 11th/s hash power. To either stay at Slush or move on to different pool. on this regard I am currently making enough BTC to pay for my electric and my miners will get paid off within 3 months (before the halving event) which is awesome. My 11th/s will impact my shares in slush, thus will get higher reward, but the luck lately has been down and i read much of the discussion on this thread. Any suggestion or point to a direction will be much appreciated!! TheKraken If your looking for steady return you can always split your hash between pools to balance out the luck
April 01, 2016, 02:40:03 PM |
These past couple of days are turning out to be painful.
Activity: 1453
Merit: 1011
Bitcoin Talks Bullshit Walks
April 01, 2016, 03:04:02 PM Last edit: April 01, 2016, 04:00:27 PM by d57heinz |
These past couple of days are turning out to be painful.
honestly i dont get it.. We tried to warn you all months ago.. then organofcorti came in and defended slush with his stats that clearly show a problem..  MOVE TO KANO.IS.. problems go away.. less headache.. and he is active in the community.. Dont bitch about it if your going to stay here.. AND again i see the stats are despicable.. Pool Luck (1 day, 7 days, 30 days): 16%, 85%, 85% At this point i don't pity anyone who mines here.. youve been warned! Pool Effective Hash Rate (30 min average): 50.15 Ph/s Pool actual hashrate (30 min average): 15 ph/s Current Round Duration 23:00:00 Current Shares CDF: 99.71% @50ph/s there i corrected it for you all Best Regards Doug
As in nature, all is ebb and tide, all is wave motion, so it seems that in all branches of industry, alternating currents - electric wave motion - will have the sway. ~Nikola Tesla~
Activity: 1453
Merit: 1011
Bitcoin Talks Bullshit Walks
April 01, 2016, 03:13:20 PM |
and with slush inefficiencies.. they have to go to another pool.. so let see where is all the blocks being found at.. at least above average.. slush is killing his miners. Description Time MeanTx% Diff% Mean% CDF[Erl] Luck% Last 5 Blocks 22.1hrs 101.8% 67.09% 67.20% 0.2484 148.81% Last 10 Blocks 1.3days 101.7% 48.13% 48.14% 0.0256 207.72% Last 25 Blocks 4.8days 101.6% 72.90% 72.92% 0.0761 137.13% Last 50 Blocks 9.9days 101.4% 74.06% 74.07% 0.0243 135.00% Last 100 Blocks 23.2days 101.2% 89.27% 89.56% 0.1471 111.66% Last 250 Blocks 9.1wks 101.3% 89.14% 88.81% 0.0344 112.60% Last 500 Blocks 48.1wks 101.1% 89.74% 90.95% 0.0190 109.96% All - Last 724 Blocks 80.1wks 100.9% 91.06% 93.12% 0.0298 107.39% source..
As in nature, all is ebb and tide, all is wave motion, so it seems that in all branches of industry, alternating currents - electric wave motion - will have the sway. ~Nikola Tesla~
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
April 01, 2016, 03:14:07 PM |
should not go on antpool that takes many blocks? why go to Kano?
Activity: 1453
Merit: 1011
Bitcoin Talks Bullshit Walks
April 01, 2016, 03:16:17 PM Last edit: April 01, 2016, 03:38:10 PM by d57heinz |
should not go on antpool that takes many blocks? why go to Kano?
because if you believe in what btc stands for you wouldn't support a pool backed by bitmain and china is encroaching on 80 % of the network share.. And kano pays tx fees. and just look at the stats speak for themself OHH and one HUGE one if you ask me.. Kano also does not allow miners that withhold blocks to continue to fuck over the users.. Id say thats enough incentive there! Hey slush how about some details on the hardware of that with holding attack? ya thats what i thought  .. something is very fishy here to say the least.. maybe the OP speed of the pool is the true speed  .. That would be about right.. so again its the same 10 ph miner fucking the pool over Or this is slush stealing.. Only two options!. quick way to check for that is that all of the blocks rewards are paid out.. there should be nothing left over from the blocks once paid out.. except for slush 2 % cut.. which he doesnt deserve.. IMO another reason to move to kano.. he has excellent accounting.. you get paid when the block matures. much more transparent as you can see where all the block rewards go.. Honestly if you want to be 100 % safe you have to go solo.. but then you risk that you get orphans. basically for the small guy its an end game.. bottom line.. i dont see many little guys left after the halving .. Which is all part of the big boys plan.. squeeze us all out.. still no sign of 16 nm miners.. doubt public ever see its .. if they do it will be once they have perfected it and sell us the junk. like always.. we are always one or maybe two steps behind the manufacturers.. Sad being how it was the community that brought this all up.. Just like every industry they step on all the little guys to make it big.. then leave us for dead.. Such a sad system! Best Regards Doug
As in nature, all is ebb and tide, all is wave motion, so it seems that in all branches of industry, alternating currents - electric wave motion - will have the sway. ~Nikola Tesla~
Full Member
Activity: 140
Merit: 100
I mine because math
April 01, 2016, 07:02:31 PM |
The only thing more awesome than those two fat blocks in 5mins breaking the bad streak is sitting and waiting for the conspiracy theories and people screaming "Switch pools! Even though they're statistically identical pool x is somehow superior!" every time slush goes >20hrs without a block. Welcome to pool mining people.