Activity: 37
Merit: 0
April 28, 2016, 12:34:15 AM |
Maybe yesterday we had so many blocks. The pool couldn't handle it. lol
April 28, 2016, 06:29:50 AM |
Well it's still showing 46 Years 4
It's still finding blocks ??
Is there a BETTER pool that has a good interface as i need to remotely monitor miners as most are remote from me and need resetting at times.
BTC - 1Ayax24aAU8c1xwAakK94DVDkm4kbfZ8Ch
April 28, 2016, 11:32:26 AM |
looks ike the webfront is being updated theres also a Hash Rate Proof not sure if its new but i havent seen it before Hash Rate Proof hash Rate Proof What is Hash Rate Proof? Hash Rate Proof is a method developed by Slush pool with the aim to prove that total hash rate of the pool declared by pool operator is accurate. Why is such Proof useful? Until recently independent third party verification of hash rate which the pool has been publishing was not possible. Bitcoin miners have had to trust the pool operator to be honest. But we have decided to be even more transparent and start to publish more comprehensive data. Such transparency and more comprehensive data-set will allow everyone to answer following questions and do some interesting data investigations as well. Have you ever wondered if the hash rate of the pool is accurate and pool does not cheat the miners on payouts? Did you experienced "Bad Luck" period with the pool and questioned the pool operator's honesty? Would you like to check the pool "luck" on different difficulty levels? Are you interested in quite exact distribution of BIP voting (which we plan to release in near future)? and more to come more can be found here!/manual/hashrate-proof
Any questions about the pool inbox/tweet/skype us ! Findblocks Pool - Follow us on twitter ! - @Cryptoman82 - - - - Add me on skype -
April 28, 2016, 11:48:24 AM |
Well it's still showing 46 Years 4
It's still finding blocks ??
Is there a BETTER pool that has a good interface as i need to remotely monitor miners as most are remote from me and need resetting at times.
it depends on what you are looking for. Before i was thinking slush was the best, but now i use kano. put some miners on Kano, and take time to understand, you will see. Interface isn't beautiful, but when you undestand as it works, it's better than slush and give you more informations. There is no secret information on Kano, all is published (who win block...). Be careful when you name your miners, because name will be use to group them to have lot vision on graph. Name of miner needs to begin by the groupinf text. Exemple: if you want to group by model name should be .S3_WORKER1, .S7_Worker10 ...
Sir Alan
April 28, 2016, 11:49:36 AM |
It appears that most of the glitches in the new dashboard layout have been fixed, although the 'Time since' box is still not updating automatically.
When I reported the bugs I also suggested that the reward value fields should display any least significant zeros, as I described in an earlier post; I cannot yet be sure if this has been done, but I suspect it has because the payout threshold field now has the full eight decimal places.
Activity: 1453
Merit: 1011
Bitcoin Talks Bullshit Walks
April 28, 2016, 02:25:44 PM |
EDIT corroboration with block withholders Slush never came out with the type of miners and software being used to attack the pool in which he stated he had communication with the attackers. In which many miners lost btc since it went on for months! Check his blog posts. That alone .. withholding crucial info from the community makes him anything but legitimate! IIRC he did say that it was custom software, which suggests to me that any such information would be totally irrelevant. Well thats not for you to decide is it.. Its relevant for some and that should be enough So whenever *some* of the pool want information, slush should divulge it? If anything is relevant to anyone, slush should provide it? That's not how privacy works, bud. By the number and type of posts you write it's obvious you have a bone to pick here, but if you don't argue logically you're not doing your cause any favours -- you just seem angry and volatile. like how he only goes back 250 blocks lmao.. i wonder why.. Its not until the few months back when he had a stretch of 5 months of fuckups.. thats what im aggravated about.. he ignored us for a long time before bothering to come here and post even after i posted to facebook.. Now like i said it appears he got his shit together.. but looking at the stats you provide the clear picture shows up(26 weeks and 52 weeks!). Just the last month great luck has he recovered the bad stats this pool had for over 6 months.... No bone to pick.. i had dropped this thread a long time ago.. but people keep coming on here bitching about the pool.(ive quit following this thread). Just move already to kano and problem solved.. I dont shill for him this is about money RIGHT? and his pool pays the best of the entire network.. its a no brainer. PS a simple hey guys i fucked up and its all fixed now would have sufficed.. But the attitude i get(and continue to get) is he dont give two fucks.. He got plenty of miners that apparently blind follow and dont care about profits.. Hard to believe in this industry  I think his following now is mostly due to him allowing so many options for bitcoin path lol. Im sure the system can handle about 20 more ports/wallets for all the different Bips  Anyway ive put myself out here enough on this matter.. To each their own..Peace and prosperity to all:) Best Regards
As in nature, all is ebb and tide, all is wave motion, so it seems that in all branches of industry, alternating currents - electric wave motion - will have the sway. ~Nikola Tesla~
Activity: 2058
Merit: 1007
Poor impulse control.
April 28, 2016, 02:48:59 PM |
EDIT corroboration with block withholders Slush never came out with the type of miners and software being used to attack the pool in which he stated he had communication with the attackers. In which many miners lost btc since it went on for months! Check his blog posts. That alone .. withholding crucial info from the community makes him anything but legitimate! IIRC he did say that it was custom software, which suggests to me that any such information would be totally irrelevant. Well thats not for you to decide is it.. Its relevant for some and that should be enough So whenever *some* of the pool want information, slush should divulge it? If anything is relevant to anyone, slush should provide it? That's not how privacy works, bud. By the number and type of posts you write it's obvious you have a bone to pick here, but if you don't argue logically you're not doing your cause any favours -- you just seem angry and volatile. like how he only goes back 250 blocks lmao.. i wonder why.. Its not until the few months back when he had a stretch of 5 months of fuckups.. thats what im aggravated about.. he ignored us for a long time before bothering to come here and post even after i posted to facebook.. Now like i said it appears he got his shit together.. but looking at the stats you provide the clear picture shows up(26 weeks and 52 weeks!). Just the last month great luck has he recovered the bad stats this pool had for over 6 months.... No bone to pick.. i had dropped this thread a long time ago.. but people keep coming on here bitching about the pool.(ive quit following this thread). Just move already to kano and problem solved.. I dont shill for him this is about money RIGHT? and his pool pays the best of the entire network.. its a no brainer. PS a simple hey guys i fucked up and its all fixed now would have sufficed.. But the attitude i get(and continue to get) is he dont give two fucks.. He got plenty of miners that apparently blind follow and dont care about profits.. Hard to believe in this industry  I think his following now is mostly due to him allowing so many options for bitcoin path lol. Im sure the system can handle about 20 more ports/wallets for all the different Bips  Anyway ive put myself out here enough on this matter.. To each their own..Peace and prosperity to all:) Best Regards That's not really a response to my (rhetorical) question.
Activity: 1453
Merit: 1011
Bitcoin Talks Bullshit Walks
April 28, 2016, 05:28:12 PM |
EDIT corroboration with block withholders Slush never came out with the type of miners and software being used to attack the pool in which he stated he had communication with the attackers. In which many miners lost btc since it went on for months! Check his blog posts. That alone .. withholding crucial info from the community makes him anything but legitimate! IIRC he did say that it was custom software, which suggests to me that any such information would be totally irrelevant. Well thats not for you to decide is it.. Its relevant for some and that should be enough So whenever *some* of the pool want information, slush should divulge it? If anything is relevant to anyone, slush should provide it? That's not how privacy works, bud. By the number and type of posts you write it's obvious you have a bone to pick here, but if you don't argue logically you're not doing your cause any favours -- you just seem angry and volatile. like how he only goes back 250 blocks lmao.. i wonder why.. Its not until the few months back when he had a stretch of 5 months of fuckups.. thats what im aggravated about.. he ignored us for a long time before bothering to come here and post even after i posted to facebook.. Now like i said it appears he got his shit together.. but looking at the stats you provide the clear picture shows up(26 weeks and 52 weeks!). Just the last month great luck has he recovered the bad stats this pool had for over 6 months.... No bone to pick.. i had dropped this thread a long time ago.. but people keep coming on here bitching about the pool.(ive quit following this thread). Just move already to kano and problem solved.. I dont shill for him this is about money RIGHT? and his pool pays the best of the entire network.. its a no brainer. PS a simple hey guys i fucked up and its all fixed now would have sufficed.. But the attitude i get(and continue to get) is he dont give two fucks.. He got plenty of miners that apparently blind follow and dont care about profits.. Hard to believe in this industry  I think his following now is mostly due to him allowing so many options for bitcoin path lol. Im sure the system can handle about 20 more ports/wallets for all the different Bips  Anyway ive put myself out here enough on this matter.. To each their own..Peace and prosperity to all:) Best Regards That's not really a response to my (rhetorical) question. Itll have to suffice  I've wasted more than enough on this yet another half ass attempt at a Bitcoin "service". Constructive Critisism usually ends up getting the most accomplished. Esp when it's in the open. If we just keep allowing half assed attempts the Bitcoin will only ever be that. A half assed attempt at something that could have been great. I'd still argue China has way way too many along with the early adopters. Kinda defeats the whole purpose of distributed wealth. But that's a whole other can of worms. Ps. A great way of handling situations can be learned with the handling of the recent shapeshift hack. Openess is key! Best regards Doug
As in nature, all is ebb and tide, all is wave motion, so it seems that in all branches of industry, alternating currents - electric wave motion - will have the sway. ~Nikola Tesla~
Activity: 2058
Merit: 1007
Poor impulse control.
April 29, 2016, 05:25:23 AM |
EDIT corroboration with block withholders Slush never came out with the type of miners and software being used to attack the pool in which he stated he had communication with the attackers. In which many miners lost btc since it went on for months! Check his blog posts. That alone .. withholding crucial info from the community makes him anything but legitimate! IIRC he did say that it was custom software, which suggests to me that any such information would be totally irrelevant. Well thats not for you to decide is it.. Its relevant for some and that should be enough So whenever *some* of the pool want information, slush should divulge it? If anything is relevant to anyone, slush should provide it? That's not how privacy works, bud. By the number and type of posts you write it's obvious you have a bone to pick here, but if you don't argue logically you're not doing your cause any favours -- you just seem angry and volatile. like how he only goes back 250 blocks lmao.. i wonder why.. Its not until the few months back when he had a stretch of 5 months of fuckups.. thats what im aggravated about.. he ignored us for a long time before bothering to come here and post even after i posted to facebook.. Now like i said it appears he got his shit together.. but looking at the stats you provide the clear picture shows up(26 weeks and 52 weeks!). Just the last month great luck has he recovered the bad stats this pool had for over 6 months.... No bone to pick.. i had dropped this thread a long time ago.. but people keep coming on here bitching about the pool.(ive quit following this thread). Just move already to kano and problem solved.. I dont shill for him this is about money RIGHT? and his pool pays the best of the entire network.. its a no brainer. PS a simple hey guys i fucked up and its all fixed now would have sufficed.. But the attitude i get(and continue to get) is he dont give two fucks.. He got plenty of miners that apparently blind follow and dont care about profits.. Hard to believe in this industry  I think his following now is mostly due to him allowing so many options for bitcoin path lol. Im sure the system can handle about 20 more ports/wallets for all the different Bips  Anyway ive put myself out here enough on this matter.. To each their own..Peace and prosperity to all:) Best Regards That's not really a response to my (rhetorical) question. Itll have to suffice  I've wasted more than enough on this yet another half ass attempt at a Bitcoin "service". Constructive Critisism usually ends up getting the most accomplished. Esp when it's in the open. If we just keep allowing half assed attempts the Bitcoin will only ever be that. A half assed attempt at something that could have been great. I'd still argue China has way way too many along with the early adopters. Kinda defeats the whole purpose of distributed wealth. But that's a whole other can of worms. Ps. A great way of handling situations can be learned with the handling of the recent shapeshift hack. Openess is key! Best regards Doug Transparency is key, yes. However you were advocating that a minority dictate privacy policy for the majority, which is different.
April 29, 2016, 05:49:49 AM |
looks ike the webfront is being updated theres also a Hash Rate Proof not sure if its new but i havent seen it before Hash Rate Proof hash Rate Proof What is Hash Rate Proof? Hash Rate Proof is a method developed by Slush pool with the aim to prove that total hash rate of the pool declared by pool operator is accurate. Why is such Proof useful? Until recently independent third party verification of hash rate which the pool has been publishing was not possible. Bitcoin miners have had to trust the pool operator to be honest. But we have decided to be even more transparent and start to publish more comprehensive data. Such transparency and more comprehensive data-set will allow everyone to answer following questions and do some interesting data investigations as well. Have you ever wondered if the hash rate of the pool is accurate and pool does not cheat the miners on payouts? Did you experienced "Bad Luck" period with the pool and questioned the pool operator's honesty? Would you like to check the pool "luck" on different difficulty levels? Are you interested in quite exact distribution of BIP voting (which we plan to release in near future)? and more to come more can be found here!/manual/hashrate-proof I have noticed that in the last 12 days that my payout at every 2 days is now always 0.0079xxxx, before that it was ALWAYS 0.009xxxxx. I am running at about 17.6TH.
BTC - 1Ayax24aAU8c1xwAakK94DVDkm4kbfZ8Ch
Full Member
Activity: 140
Merit: 100
I mine because math
April 29, 2016, 12:10:57 PM |
I have noticed that in the last 12 days that my payout at every 2 days is now always 0.0079xxxx, before that it was ALWAYS 0.009xxxxx.
I am running at about 17.6TH.
Please elaborate, those numbers make absolutely zero sense. 100% luck you should be making ~0.09856 every two days, down from ~0.11264 every 2 days due to difficulty change on Apr 14.
April 30, 2016, 06:42:39 PM Last edit: April 30, 2016, 07:00:00 PM by bilabonic |
I have noticed that in the last 12 days that my payout at every 2 days is now always 0.0079xxxx, before that it was ALWAYS 0.009xxxxx.
I am running at about 17.6TH.
Please elaborate, those numbers make absolutely zero sense. 100% luck you should be making ~0.09856 every two days, down from ~0.11264 every 2 days due to difficulty change on Apr 14. I will have to answer that question in detail later as 6 of my miners (6Th) went offline and i have only turned them back on about 1.5 hours ago. BUT usually when i connect back to the pool the scoring hashrate usually matches the miners hashrate BUT they are ALL but one running at 0.16  ? I have not altered ANY details !!!!! One of the miners is showing a scoring hashrate of over 6Th  ? The machines are all 1Th....... NEVER came across this before..... The scoring hashrate on the main dashboard is correct (17.5Th) BUT the individual miner hashrate is not ??  The ones that have been off for a few hours are the DADS_  Any ideas ??
BTC - 1Ayax24aAU8c1xwAakK94DVDkm4kbfZ8Ch
April 30, 2016, 06:46:36 PM |
I have noticed that in the last 12 days that my payout at every 2 days is now always 0.0079xxxx, before that it was ALWAYS 0.009xxxxx.
I am running at about 17.6TH.
Please elaborate, those numbers make absolutely zero sense. 100% luck you should be making ~0.09856 every two days, down from ~0.11264 every 2 days due to difficulty change on Apr 14. I will have to answer that question in detail later as 6 of my miners (6Th) went offline and i have only turned them back on about 1.5 hours ago. BUT usually when i connect back to the pool the scoring hashrate usually matches the miners hashrate BUT they are ALL but one running at 0.16  ? I have not altered ANY details !!!!! One of the miners is showing a scoring hashrate of over 6Th  ? The machines are all 1Th....... NEVER came across this before..... The scoring hashrate on the main dashboard is correct (17.5Th) BUT the individual miner hashrate is not ?? Any ideas ?? Sounds like those 6 miners are all pointed to the same worker name.
April 30, 2016, 07:18:07 PM |
I have noticed that in the last 12 days that my payout at every 2 days is now always 0.0079xxxx, before that it was ALWAYS 0.009xxxxx.
I am running at about 17.6TH.
Please elaborate, those numbers make absolutely zero sense. 100% luck you should be making ~0.09856 every two days, down from ~0.11264 every 2 days due to difficulty change on Apr 14. I will have to answer that question in detail later as 6 of my miners (6Th) went offline and i have only turned them back on about 1.5 hours ago. BUT usually when i connect back to the pool the scoring hashrate usually matches the miners hashrate BUT they are ALL but one running at 0.16  ? I have not altered ANY details !!!!! One of the miners is showing a scoring hashrate of over 6Th  ? The machines are all 1Th....... NEVER came across this before..... The scoring hashrate on the main dashboard is correct (17.5Th) BUT the individual miner hashrate is not ?? Any ideas ?? Sounds like those 6 miners are all pointed to the same worker name. That could be it, i added th tag DADS_ to the worker name on the workers page of the pool BUT this was last week. I have not altered any of the miner details though.... I will remove the DADS_ prefix reference and add it to LABELS section for reference. Thanks
BTC - 1Ayax24aAU8c1xwAakK94DVDkm4kbfZ8Ch
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
May 04, 2016, 07:09:30 AM |
Activity: 2030
Merit: 1076
A humble Siberian miner
May 04, 2016, 08:31:07 AM |
Wow...after everything there are still people mining Slush ?!?
This is called "an inertia".
May 04, 2016, 09:18:24 AM |
Wow...after everything there are still people mining Slush ?!?
This is called "an inertia". I used to mine on P2Pool BUT had no remote access or any way of monitoring my miners, some Dragon/LKETC miners just stop for some reason and need restarting. I did leave an old netbook on the local network with Teamviewer installed but it got I only use Slush for it's great interface, even though i only get around just over 0.1 BTC every 2 days at 17.6Th. 
BTC - 1Ayax24aAU8c1xwAakK94DVDkm4kbfZ8Ch
May 08, 2016, 06:37:53 PM |
Slush is rolling lately congrats.
May 08, 2016, 06:47:47 PM |
Slush is rolling lately congrats.
Estimated Daily Reward 0.04780268 BTC 
BTC - 1Ayax24aAU8c1xwAakK94DVDkm4kbfZ8Ch
May 11, 2016, 11:53:08 AM |
Wow...after everything there are still people mining Slush ?!?
This is called "an inertia". It is rather a lot of people who mine know variance effects and know that after rain comes sunshine. No need to hurry. Moreover it seems that the sun shines on the pool of slush now!