DrHaribo (OP)
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1034
Needs more jiggawatts
January 23, 2014, 07:15:16 PM |
Antminer support is not ready yet.
The client will detect it (wrongly) as an Icarus, because it appears to behave like one. It will run at reduced hashrate while spewing errors. After a while it will hit too many errors in a row and the client will give up on it.
This is not recommended.
Actual Antminer support coming soon I hope.
January 23, 2014, 07:57:33 PM |
This is not recommended.
Awww, not even for the entertainment value?
TL;DR See Spot run. Run Spot run. .... .... Freelance interweb comedian, for teh lulz >>> 1MqAAR4XkJWfDt367hVTv5SstPZ54Fwse6
Bitcoin Custodian: Keeping BTC away from weak heads since Feb '13, adopter of homeless bitcoins.
DrHaribo (OP)
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1034
Needs more jiggawatts
January 23, 2014, 08:56:48 PM |
This is not recommended.
Awww, not even for the entertainment value? Maybe, if you like hashing at reduced speed and having it quit on you while you are asleep. But this sort of humor is not recommended.
January 23, 2014, 10:39:27 PM |
Actual Antminer support coming soon I hope.
Any word on nanofury support? I have 16 running in BFG but would prefer the simplicity of the client. Specifically I'm running the Yellowjacket 2.2GH model.
DrHaribo (OP)
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1034
Needs more jiggawatts
January 23, 2014, 11:05:54 PM |
Actual Antminer support coming soon I hope.
Any word on nanofury support? I have 16 running in BFG but would prefer the simplicity of the client. Specifically I'm running the Yellowjacket 2.2GH model. I believe these appear as a USB HID device, rather than a COM (serial) port. So they are more work to add (only have OpenCL and COM ports so far). Would be nice, though, but no specific plans at the moment.
January 24, 2014, 03:35:50 AM Last edit: January 24, 2014, 03:50:09 AM by freddyfarnsworth |
This is not recommended.
Awww, not even for the entertainment value? Maybe, if you like hashing at reduced speed and having it quit on you while you are asleep. But this sort of humor is not recommended. AntMiner U1 sticks. They work on bitminter client OK here, run at 1.564 steady. Alot of fake errors, 3% or so of them are real (affect shift) 48hrs since I reset the device stats - 6000 bombs - most fake. hash affected about 6kh so I just spun up one videocard on low to compensate it. 92+ hours client runnin since last boot, forgot the reason why I rebooted. have beenup to 12000 bombs on the device, may have been reason for last reboot, now I just reset its stats. Older BE are fading away ants are eating up their slots. Why ? PRICE - $60 and falling bitmain cannot ship em fast enuf they are getting Gobbled up by the case of 500. Annnnd since the 49 Asicminer made 49 port USB Hub is getting scarce and price is rising...way to high. This is my new favorite hub, with some sales maybe we can get the price down. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=418087.msg4538611#msg4538611The best by far...
BTC: 1F1X9dN2PRortYaDkq89YJDbQ72i3F5N3h MEOW: KAbvy9jrrajvN5WLo7RWBsYqYfJKyN9WLf DOGE: DAyKSrTiVeRZaReTu1Cyf5Je6qPdKTuKKE
Its About Sharing
Activity: 1442
Merit: 1000
January 24, 2014, 08:13:00 PM |
Hey Guys, just curious. I'm hashing with 80Gh/s and last week I generated .2 BTC in 7 days and now this week (ending tomorrow) I will have generated around .06. Now, this doesn't exactly coincide with the difficulty changing, did things just even out or  Thanks, IAS
BTC = Black Swan. BTC = Antifragile - "Some things benefit from shocks; they thrive and grow when exposed to volatility, randomness, disorder, and stressors and love adventure, risk, and uncertainty. Robust is not the opposite of fragile.
DrHaribo (OP)
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1034
Needs more jiggawatts
January 24, 2014, 08:18:18 PM |
Hey Guys, just curious. I'm hashing with 80Gh/s and last week I generated .2 BTC in 7 days and now this week (ending tomorrow) I will have generated around .06. Now, this doesn't exactly coincide with the difficulty changing, did things just even out or  Thanks, IAS 80 GH/s is about 0.018 BTC per day now, on average. Rewards are a little below expected due to some bad luck a couple days back. You can see the stats here: https://bitminter.com/stats/rewardsThat's the last 500 shifts. About 1000 hours.
January 25, 2014, 01:25:44 AM Last edit: January 25, 2014, 03:09:44 PM by Gator-hex |
Why does Bitminter not show my unconfirmed increasing, I just see a - and the balance isn't moving? Balance Unconfirmed Future Expected per block 0.05084874 - 0.05084874 0.01692764 I can see the Worker is working Ghps Accepted Rejected 269.8 4,504,020 18,816 I can see the Shifts (work effort) are being added. ( Check out that 20% difficulty increase!) Completed Duration Difficulty Total Thps Your Ghps Your score Your work 2014-01-25 01:07 2h 40m 2,147,483,647 390.9 263.5 0.067407% 591,872 2014-01-24 22:26 2h 40m 2,147,483,647 391.8 269.9 0.068877% 606,592 2014-01-24 19:44 2h 41m 2,147,483,647 389.4 259.9 0.066731% 586,496 2014-01-24 17:02 2h 40m 2,147,483,647 392.5 255.4 0.065061% 571,392 2014-01-24 14:22 2h 24m 2,147,483,647 384.5 246.7 0.064474% 496,852 2014-01-24 11:57 2h 13m 1,789,546,951 385.2 270.3 0.070164% 504,064 2014-01-24 09:43 2h 11m 1,789,546,951 391.1 277.8 0.071039% 510,336 2014-01-24 07:31 2h 12m 1,789,546,951 388.7 263.5 0.067797% 486,400 2014-01-24 05:18 2h 12m 1,789,546,951 389.1 263.9 0.067818% 487,296
Activity: 922
Merit: 1003
January 25, 2014, 01:32:08 AM |
Because no blocks have been found, there are none waiting for 120 confirmations. We are on another run of bad luck.
"Another"? I'm not sure we found our way out of the last one yet ... 
January 25, 2014, 02:43:15 AM |
Because no blocks have been found, there are none waiting for 120 confirmations. We are on another run of bad luck.
"Another"? I'm not sure we found our way out of the last one yet ...  MOAR GiggaWatts !
BTC: 1F1X9dN2PRortYaDkq89YJDbQ72i3F5N3h MEOW: KAbvy9jrrajvN5WLo7RWBsYqYfJKyN9WLf DOGE: DAyKSrTiVeRZaReTu1Cyf5Je6qPdKTuKKE
January 25, 2014, 06:03:33 AM |
I have been mining for the past day and have not been rewarded it shows nothing in my balance but have been steady at 210GH/s the worker is Grumpy619_ted. Can someone from Bitminter please look into this. I just don't want to be out the coin I have mined. Thank you.
January 25, 2014, 06:17:06 AM |
I have been mining for the past day and have not been rewarded it shows nothing in my balance but have been steady at 210GH/s the worker is Grumpy619_ted. Can someone from Bitminter please look into this. I just don't want to be out the coin I have mined. Thank you.
It looks to be a 24hr+ block noone gets paid till it is decoded. However on my "expected per block" stat my shares are up from .00017000 to almost .00020000 so because we share I get paid more for the extra work to crunch it. It kinda balances out, but it is nice when a easy block come in, to see coin rollin in faster. Only cure is more gigawatts to crunch the hard ones faster, however if you have weak Bitfoo like me, when the pool gets to fast with big boys on line, we kinda do not get much at all, we have no time to get shifts in. I am stickin with Doc and his pool even if I need to get more hardware, come to think of it nothing makes me happier than more hardware. Electricty will kiil ya off tho, need to work on alternatives for that. (or move to canada  Cheap Power. Thinkin 4kw deisel from a old motorhome (onan)
BTC: 1F1X9dN2PRortYaDkq89YJDbQ72i3F5N3h MEOW: KAbvy9jrrajvN5WLo7RWBsYqYfJKyN9WLf DOGE: DAyKSrTiVeRZaReTu1Cyf5Je6qPdKTuKKE
January 25, 2014, 09:28:11 AM |
So we will only get paid the one block? Is this the reason you should pool hop? Or will we get paid the whole amount or just the one expected amount?
DrHaribo (OP)
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1034
Needs more jiggawatts
January 25, 2014, 09:47:07 AM |
Why does Bitminer not show my unconfirmed increasing, I just see a - and the balance isn't moving?
You get paid when we find a block. We're on an unlucky round now, it's been a while since the last block. Also, if you use the prepay perk unconfirmed will always be "-", payment will happen immediately when the block is found. Some more info on the payouts here: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=27062.msg2769824#msg2769824
January 25, 2014, 09:48:52 AM |
So we will only get paid the one block? Is this the reason you should pool hop? Or will we get paid the whole amount or just the one expected amount?
PPLNS strategy is to stop pool hoppers. Because of shares they cannot just jump in and claim full pay. They will only collect for the work (shares) they produce. Doc knows alot more of this subject, and has discussed it many times, maybe add to the sticky if it is not already. hehehe See he is on it :0 posted while I was typin my bad.
BTC: 1F1X9dN2PRortYaDkq89YJDbQ72i3F5N3h MEOW: KAbvy9jrrajvN5WLo7RWBsYqYfJKyN9WLf DOGE: DAyKSrTiVeRZaReTu1Cyf5Je6qPdKTuKKE
DrHaribo (OP)
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1034
Needs more jiggawatts
January 25, 2014, 09:59:23 AM |
So we will only get paid the one block? Is this the reason you should pool hop? Or will we get paid the whole amount or just the one expected amount?
Some people think you should move out of the pool after you had bad luck, and go back after you saw other people have good luck. But that's not really helping you. That is NOT how pool hopping is done. "Pool hopping" is a specific term that doesn't just mean switching between pools. It means switching between them at very specific moments to abuse weaknesses in their reward systems so you can get paid more than your fair share. The only BTC pools I know of where this is still possible is Slush and Deepbit. All other pools changed to reward systems where this is no longer possible. There may be a couple more vulnerable ones that don't appear on pool lists. If you mine Litecoin though, there seems to be a lot of pools using the "proportional" reward system. You can pool hop the hell out of those and get paid way more than with normal mining.
January 25, 2014, 11:23:24 AM |
Bad luck is not helping us...  Height Created Duration Work Difficulty CDF Total Thps Type Made by Confirmations 282374 2014-01-25 09:46 1d 4h 55m 9,419,940,398 2,147,483,647 98.6% 388.6 BTC Fefox 110 left
Rui Costa, Portugal - BTC : 1ct1aicGoUVpZeovsw3cCcPJZJHV5JXtW
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
January 25, 2014, 04:35:03 PM |
Hi.. I new to bitcoin mining. Currently have a usb asic miner with a speed of 2Gh/s. By watching the rise of the difficulty, it may not profitable at all because while calculating, i found that higher dificulty requires longer mining and the longer i mine with the same speed, the lower the income. So what should i do? Any suggestion?
January 25, 2014, 05:14:15 PM |
Hi.. I new to bitcoin mining. Currently have a usb asic miner with a speed of 2Gh/s. By watching the rise of the difficulty, it may not profitable at all because while calculating, i found that higher dificulty requires longer mining and the longer i mine with the same speed, the lower the income. So what should i do? Any suggestion?
Get more hashing power.