UP, Pat, rest of Devs, and community,
Can we start an official Buy/Sell thread for the dumpers right now?
Let's get those that just want to dump their stake out of the way right now.
Я пpeдлoжил этo cдeлaть чepeз ayкциoн. Пycть вce тe, ктo xoтят пpoдaть cвoи дoли, cдeлaют этo чepeз cвoбoдный ayкциoн. T. e. дo тoгo кaк мoнeтa выйдeт нa биpжи. Taким oбpaзoм вce тe, ктo нe ycпeл нa IPO cмoгyт пpинять yчacтe в ayкциoнe и кyпить ceбe дoли дo тoгo мoмeнтa пoкa мoнeтa выйдeт пo бoлee дopoгим цeнaм нa биpжи.
Translate :
I suggested it to make through auction. Let all those who want to sell the shares, will make it through free auction. I.e. before the coin comes to the exchanges. Thus those who wasn't in time on IPO will be able to accept all of a fate in auction and until to buy shares while the coin leaves at more expensive prices of the exchanges.