Luke-Jr (OP)
Activity: 2604
Merit: 1186
November 29, 2014, 03:22:18 AM Last edit: December 26, 2019, 11:28:46 PM by Luke-Jr Merited by ABCbits (65), suchmoon (4), vapourminer (3) |
Announcing BFGMiner 5.5, the modular cryptocurrency miner written in C. BFGMiner features dynamic clocking, monitoring, and remote interface capabilities. "St. Barbara's Faithfully Glorified Mining Initiative Naturally Exceeding Rivals", or just basically a freaking good miner. This code is provided entirely free of charge by the programmer, so donations would be greatly appreciated. Please consider donating: 1QATWksNFGeUJCWBrN4g6hGM178Lovm7WhIf you find a bug or have a suggestion, please check to see if it's already been reported and, if not, report it. Help can also be obtained (or provided) by joining the support mailing list or IRC: #eligiusDo NOT send me a private message directly, as I will ignore your message. I only provide support in public, so that others may benefit from the answer too. (An exception is if you want to pay me for direct support. In that case, please say so in your message.) READ THE README FILES INCLUDED IN THE ARCHIVE BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS. Also, please note that this thread is for discussion of BFGMiner, its features and bugs - if you feel the need to troll or talk off-topic, start another forum thread (and PM me with it if you want my attention). If you want to help develop BFGMiner, the best way to get in touch with us is on IRC. We also have a development mailing list, mainly used to pre-announce upcoming releases for third-party packagers. If you would like to be notified of new versions, please join the announcement mailing list. Latest release: 5.5.0 ( announcement & changes) Stable release: 4.10.6Archive of all official release source & binariesFeatures:- A large variety of device drivers for Bitcoin (SHA256d):
- ASICMINER Block Erupter blades, cubes, USB miners (Emerald and Sapphire), and Tube
- BFx2 Bitfury USB miner
- Bi•Fury
- Big Picture Mining Bitfury-based USB miners (BF1, RedFury, BlueFury)
- BitCentury LittleFury USB miners
- Bitmain AntMiner S1 - S4 and S5
- Bitmain AntMiner U1 - U3
- BlackArrow Prospero X-1.5
- BTCFPGA's ModMiner Quad FPGA-based mining device
- Butterfly Labs's FPGA and ASIC mining products (BitForce, MiniRig, Monarch)
- Canaan Creative Avalon1/2/3 ASIC mining rigs
- The Chili miner assembly
- Cointamination
- CoinTerra TerraMiner ASIC miner
- Drillbit Thumb and Eight
- DualMiner ASIC-based USB miner
- Enterpoint's Cairnsmore1 FPGA mining board
- FPGA Mining X6500
- GekkoScience Compac BM1384 USB stick
- HashBuster mining boards
- HashFast Baby Jet
- Intron/C-scape BitFury-based mining boards
- JingTian miner
- Klondike boards
- KnCMiner Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, and Neptune
- Metabank gen 1 (old) BitFury-based mining device
- NanoFury NF1 and NF2 units
- One String Miner
- Qi Hardware's Icarus and Lancelot FPGA mining boards
- ROCKMINER 30 Gh/s R-BOX and T1
- Spondoolies SP10 and SP30
- Twinfury USB stick miner
- Ztex's 1.15x and 1.15y FPGA boards
- OpenCL GPUs, such as AMD Radeons (disabled by default, see README.GPU)
- Kernels: Diablo, DiaKGCN, Phatk and poclbm
- BFI_INT patching for Catalyst versions before 13.2
- Vector support
- Dynamic intensity that keeps desktop interactive under load and maximises throughput when desktop idle
- Support for mining with free Mesa/LLVM OpenCL
- CPU (not enabled by default nor included in Windows build)
- Coming soon:
- A variety of device drivers for scrypt:
- CPU and OpenCL/GPU mining for Keccak (SHA-3)
- Automatically can configure itself to failover to solo mining and local block submission when Bitcoin Core is running
- Support for getblocktemplate decentralized mining protocol (no proxy needed!)
- Builtin stratum and getwork proxy server
- Very low overhead free C code for Linux and Windows with very low CPU usage
- Integrated overclocking and fan control (including automatic adjustment, if configured)
- Heavily threaded code hands out work retrieval and work submission to separate threads to not hinder devices working
- Caching of submissions during transient network outages
- Preemptive generation of work prior to completion of current work
- Automatically detects failing pools and disables them
- Multi-device support (all or discrete selection)
- Summarised and discrete device data statistics of requests, accepts, rejects, hw errors, efficiency and utility
- Watchdog thread to restart idle threads but not crash machine if they don't respond
- Summary displayed when quitting
- Supports multiple pools with multiple intelligent failover mechanisms
- On the fly menu based management of most settings
- Trickling of extra work to backup pools if primary pool is responding but slow
- On the fly enabling/disable/restarting of devices
- Device temperature monitoring (for devices that support it)
- Reuses persistent connections when possible
- RPC interface for remote control
- Ability to cope with slow routers
- Lots of other stuff I can't remember. See options.
Sample output: bfgminer version 5.5.0 - Started: [2014-06-10 20:13:01] - [ 0 days 06:15:32] [M]anage devices [P]ool management [S]ettings [D]isplay options [H]elp [Q]uit Pool 0: Diff:128 +Strtm LU:[02:28:32] User:1QATWksNFGeUJCWBrN4g6hGM178Lovm7Wh Block #305190: ...6e8ba4d9 Diff:11.8G (84.16P) Started: [02:07:22] I:1.04mBTC/hr ST:156 F:0 NB:31 AS:0 BW:[269/ 12 B/s] E:1127.28 BS:21.8M 5/24 63.0C | 94.10/98.68/95.60Gh/s | A:1974 R:2+2(.20%) HW:5729/2.6% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BFL 0: 54.0C | 8.11/ 8.10/ 7.65Gh/s | A: 62 R:1+2(4.6%) HW: 273/1.3% HBR 0: 63.0C | 22.91/22.85/21.55Gh/s | A: 208 R:0+0(none) HW:3022/5.4% TBF 0: 28.0C | 5.13/ 5.10/ 4.89Gh/s | A: 49 R:0+0(none) HW: 331/4.5% PXY 0: | 27.85/30.23/29.84Gh/s | A: 358 R:1+0(.28%) HW: 450/1.0% RKM 0: 40.0C | 30.10/32.40/31.67Gh/s | A:1297 R:0+0(none) HW:1653/.92% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2014-06-11 02:28:10] Accepted 00c819ef HBR 0d Diff 327/255 [2014-06-10 02:28:13] Accepted 012058dd PXY 0 Diff 227/128 [2014-06-11 02:28:15] Accepted 01778be1 RKM 0b Diff 174/128 --- Pool menu: 0: Enabled Strtm Quota 1 Pool 0: stratum+tcp:// User:1QATWksNFGeUJCWBrN4g6hGM178Lovm7Wh 1: Disabled GWork Quota 1 Pool 1: User:x
Current pool management strategy: Load Balance [A]dd pool [R]emove pool [D]isable pool [E]nable pool [C]hange management strategy [S]witch pool [I]nformation Or press any other key to continue
Device management menu: Select processor to manage using up/down arrow keys MMQ 0d: 41.0°C │ 194.0/190.9/32.98Mh/s │ A: 4 R:0+0(none) HW: 0/none ModMiner LJRalpha from BTCFPGA Serial: 19191F145358077D4FAADA7AF5000004 Clock speed: 194
[D]isable [C]lock speed Or press Enter when done Select processor to manage using up/down arrow keys OCL 0 : 77.0C | 272.2/272.2/265.7Mh/s | A:2992 R:13+0(.43%) HW:0/none I:10 F: 69% (2655 RPM) E: 765 MHz M: 1000 MHz V: 1.088V A: 99% P: 0% Last initialised: [2013-07-08 05:33:26] Thread 0: 90.9 Mh/s Enabled ALIVE Thread 1: 90.6 Mh/s Enabled ALIVE Thread 2: 90.8 Mh/s Enabled ALIVE
[D]isable [I]ntensity [R]estart GPU [C]hange settings Or press Enter when done Change GPU settings menu: Temp: 72.0 C Fan Speed: 50% (4489 RPM) Engine Clock: 950 MHz Memory Clock: 825 Mhz Vddc: 1.175 V Activity: 99% Powertune: 20% Fan autotune is enabled (0-85) GPU engine clock autotune is enabled (880-950) Change [A]utomatic [E]ngine [F]an [M]emory [V]oltage [P]owertune Or press any other key to continue
Settings menu: [L]ongpoll: On [Q]ueue: 0 [S]cantime: 60 [E]xpiry: 120 [R]etries: -1 [W]rite config file [B]FGMiner restart Select an option or any other key to return
Display menu: [N]ormal [C]lear [S]ilent mode (disable all output) [D]ebug:off [P]er-device:off [Q]uiet:off [V]erbose:off [R]PC debug:off [W]orkTime details:off su[M]mary detail level:devices [L]og interval:20 S[T]atistical counts: absolute [Z]ero statistics Select an option or any other key to return On exiting: Summary of runtime statistics:
Started at [2011-07-19 14:40:09] Runtime: 2 hrs : 31 mins : 18 secs Average hashrate: 1680.1 Megahash/s Solved blocks: 0 Best share difficulty: 49 Share submissions: 3489 Accepted shares: 3489 Rejected shares: 0 + 9 stale (0.00%) Accepted difficulty shares: 32 Rejected difficulty shares: 0 Hardware errors: 3 Efficiency (accepted shares * difficulty / 2 KB): 0.05 Utility (accepted shares / min): 34.26/min
Unable to get work from server occasions: 16 Work items generated locally: 330 Submitting work remotely delay occasions: 33 New blocks detected on network: 10
Pool: Share submissions: 3426 Accepted shares: 3426 Rejected shares: 0 + 0 stale (0.00%) Accepted difficulty shares: 31 Rejected difficulty shares: 0 Efficiency (accepted * difficulty / 2 KB): 0.08 Unable to get work from server occasions: 0 Submitting work remotely delay occasions: 0
Summary of per device statistics:
ICA 0: | 375.9/376.0/349.5Mh/s | A: 487 R:4+0(none) HW: 0/none MMQ 0: 46.0C | 629.9/632.0/526.8Mh/s | A: 734 R:0+0(none) HW:196/none XBS 0: 46.9C | 392.0/397.8/398.3Mh/s | A: 555 R:0+0(none) HW: 57/none ZTX 0: | 198.6/198.5/190.2Mh/s | A: 265 R:0+0(none) HW: 95/none ZTX 1: | 855.0/848.7/825.3Mh/s | A:1150 R:4+0(none) HW:176/none
GUI frontend: MultiMinerBare-metal operating systems with BFGMiner:
Luke-Jr (OP)
Activity: 2604
Merit: 1186
November 29, 2014, 03:22:43 AM |
NEW VERSION 5.0.0, NOVEMBER 29 2014Human readable changelog:- Multi-blockchain support: BFGMiner can now be told which pools use the same "mining goals", and will track the blockchain independently for ones that don't. This allows you to mine multiple cryptocurrencies concurrently using any pool strategy (including balance and load-balance).
- Multi-algorithm support: BFGMiner is now capable of hashing on both scrypt and SHA256d work at the same time, and you can assign the mining algorithm to use on a per-goal basis. As with multi-blockchain support, this works even in balancing strategies. Note that at this time, only CPU, OpenCL, and Proxy drivers actually support multiple algorithms at the same time (DualMiner must be preconfigured for only one, and GridSeed remains scrypt-only).
- Stratum extensions for mining goals: New experimental methods mining.capabilities and mining.set_goal for Stratum allow you to expose control of the mining algorithm to the pool. These extensions are considered draft and may be changed based on the needs of multiblockchain pool operators.
- RPC: Also extended for multiple mining goals/algorithms. Interface is subject to change.
- kncasic: New driver for KnCMiner Neptune (and 2nd-gen Jupiter modules).
- minion: New driver for BlackArrow Prospero X1.5.
- titan: Work flushing optimisations from KnCMiner, and reduce processor view from per-core to per-die.
- Keccak: Support for the SHA-3 winner hash as a proof-of-work algorithm.
- opencl: Workaround broken global work offset support in buggy drivers.
- opencl: GPU mining is now disabled by default for scrypt. Use -S opencl:auto to enable it.
Full changelog:- opencl: Fail gracefully if clGetProgramInfo/CL_PROGRAM_NUM_DEVICES returns zero
- opencl: Remember results of global offset testing
- opencl: Only save kernel binary when we built from source
- opencl: Only try to patch BFI_INT when compiling a kernel from source
- opencl: Major refactor, splitting up opencl_load_kernel into many new functions
- titan: Initialise variables to satisfy compilers
- Bugfix: opencl: Correctly handle non-goffset kernels
- Fixing column spacing of non-curses device output
- Bugfix: opencl: free memory if clState creation fails
- Titan: Do not do actual configuration job in API thread context. Instead, send commands to the worker thread to do the actual job.
- Titan: bugfix: dies are not configured if die#0 is OFF
- Titan: unused function argument
- Titan: unused variables
- Update knc-asic: Titan FPGA image with spi->i2c commands removed and fixed some lock-up scenarios
- Titan code rework: Use one bfgminer processor per die (instead of core)
- minion: Reinitialise chips if they don't seem to be progressing
- minion: Read temperature sensor
- minion: TUI clock speed control
- minion: Include "Frequency" in RPC status
- minion: Add "clock" setting
- minion: Set configuration parameters we care about
- minion: Reset chip at initialization
- minion: Configure PLL to 900 MHz at startup
- minion: Report hashes done as accurately as we can
- minion: Core enable/disable control
- minion: Implement queue flushing
- minion: Implement basic mining
- lowl-spi: linux_spi_txrx2 to include device protocol dumping
- minion: Detection code for the Prospero X1
- Actually add version.c file
- Only rebuild a minimal version.c file when git commit changes
- Bugfix: Use HASH_ADD_KEYPTR for const char *, not HASH_ADD_STR
- Bugfix: Re-lock stgd_lock when we don't have a malgo-specific pool to use
- scrypt: Disable OpenCL by default
- opencl: Remove support for "OCL1" kernel define (indicated OpenCL 1.1+)
- opencl: Autodetect whether global offset actually works
- opencl: Add no-goffset support to scrypt kernels
- opencl: Determine kernel support for goffset by code analysis
- opencl: Add "goffset" setting to override detection of support for global work offsets
- util: seek_data_cb: Check validity of offset
- Allow libcurl to rewind the upload buffer
- cpu: Set the priority of miner threads to idle on Windows
- cpu: Do not set thread affinity on single-processor systems
- Adding additional boolean keywords enable and disable
- AUTHORS: Move Pelle and Vitalii to "Current Maintainers" since they actively maintain the Titan driver
- AUTHORS: Add Ronny Van Keer (Keccak C implementation)
- Titan: supply its own rolling hashrate implementation
- A driver can supply its own rolling hashrate function (in case generic rolling hashrate implementation does not work)
- Bugfix: configure: kncasic does not actually need i2c-tools
- Keccak: Simplify keccak_hash_data
- keccak: Adapt opencl intensity interpretation to have approximately the same desktop interactivity affect as SHA256d
- Keccak: Include support in various builds
- Travis: Update with Keccak
- opencl/keccak: Add non-goffset support
- opencl/keccak: Unroll all the hash rounds properly
- opencl: Add Keccak support via "fullheader" kernel interface
- keccak: Adapt for BFGMiner
- Keccak: Import algorithm code as-is
- opencl: Add a simple "fullheader" kernel interface
- Update stratum mining.capabilities method to use a single Object for all parameters
- Bugfix: Correct USE_SHA256D macro name to ensure SHA256d is always preferred as default algorithm
- cpu: Generic scanhash that can support any PoW algorithm
- RPC: Include Hash Method in minecoin for new algorithms
- opencl: Teach findnonce to behave based on kernel interface rather than mining algorithm
- opencl: Get min_nonce_diff from struct mining_algorithm
- Move malgo-specific code to dedicated source files
- opencl: Simplify kernel-specific data handling
- Update knc-asic: Fix issue with detect_die crashing due to errors in response
- titan: Init last_nonce on die reconfiguration to avoid lots of "unknown work" messages
- Bugfix: titan: Extra garbage was sent on SPI with new commands
- titan: Remove temporary log messages for manual report checks
- titan: Wrong variable used in new per-die iteration
- titan: Do manual core checks in parallel with normal ones
- titan: Fix: Only one die was checked after flush in last commit
- titan: Manually check all cores for reports after flush
- opencl: Remove redundant checks for USE_OPENCL
- cpu: Remove redundant checks for USE_CPUMINING
- opencl: Only attempt to BFI_INT patch SHA256d kernels
- Significantly rewrite configure script to handle driver dependencies cleaner
- Make SHA256d mining optional
- Bugfix: cointerra: Can handle nonces down to pdiff 1
- kncasic: Initialise first_cgpu to silence false warning
- Bugfix: Clarify goffset decision code, and refuse to compile kernels in situations where they won't work
- Bugfix: opencl: Output buffer must be readable by kernel since it is used with a count/position iterator
- Bugfix: opencl: Skip NULL kernel interface entry
- DevAPI: hashes_done: Simplify and improve precision of max_nonce calculation
- opencl: Avoid duplicating kernel_interfaces mapping in select_kernel
- opencl: Avoid duplicating kernel_interfaces mapping in opencl_scanhash_get_kernel
- cpu: Drivers should not be doing fulltest on their own, so remove it
- cpu: Pass full work struct to scanhash functions
- kncasic: Split up each ASIC channel to its own device
- kncasic: Use consistent naming for KNC_MAX_DIES_PER_CORE
- kncasic: Refactoring: coreid is not used, remove it
- kncasic: Refactoring: put all device architecture defines in one place (knc-asic.h)
- kncasic: Add lock to protect concurrent accesses to knc_state
- kncasic: Fix auto
- Build system fixes for kncasic driver
- configure: Deduplicate Linux i2c-dev.h checks for KnCMiner drivers
- Travis: Update for kncasic driver
- kncasic: Only show the relevant die for RPC stats
- kncasic: Use proc_repr for logging
- kncasic: Split up logical processors
- kncasic: Silence warning about unhandled enumeration values
- Bugfix: kncasic: Proper format specifications
- kncasic: Remove unused code
- kncasic: Minimal changes to get it compiling
- kncasic: Import gen 2 driver from cgminer commit bc153552be8591250cb3214bf5202501d4a39922
- titan: Move thread_reportin() call to poll function
- titan: reportin every process_report to avoid falsely tripping the watchdog
- titan: Remove unused variables
- Bump knc-asic submodule
- titan: Increase FPGA to ASIC SPI frequency to 6 MHz
- titan: Use new get_work_status prototype and print FPGA CRC error counters to log
- Titan flush optimization fix: Don't send get_info commands when FPGA is speaking to ASIC
- titan: All dies use same nonce working range
- Titan flush optimization bugfix: FPGA status was checked once per poll instead of once per ASIC
- Titan flush optimization: Bugfix: Flush time measurement only worked with one ASIC
- Titan flush optimization: Point knc-asic submodule to include new FPGA image
- Titan flush optimization: Remove temporary debug messages
- Titan flush optimization: Keep works in local queue until slot number is reused
- Titan flush optimization: Point knc-asic submodule to needed revision
- Titan flush optimization: Measure new flush time
- Titan flush optimization: Send works to all dies after flush
- Titan flush optimization: First rough implementation
- Titan: Less clobber on the screen: group some "failure" messages
- Bugfix: Prefer not using work created just to ensure a specific algorithm is queued, so strategies work as much as possible
- Stratum: Enable mining.set_goal to change parameters on the current goal
- cpu: Fail gracefully if unsupported mining algo gets into scanhash
- opencl: Fail gracefully if unsupported mining algo gets into opencl_scanhash_get_kernel
- SSM: Send goal malgo to goal-enabled clients
- Allow pools with #change_goal_malgo attribute to change the mining algorithm used by their assigned goal
- Gracefully fail when no pool can be found to generate specific-algo work
- Remove opt_scrypt
- dualminer: Replace opt_scrypt with a per-device "scrypt" option
- dualminer: Make dual_mode a per-device option as it should be
- opencl: Nearly complete migration to per-work mining algorithms
- pool_actively_desired: If we are the highest priority, workable pool for a given algorithm, we are needed
- Ignore opt_queue for unused mining algorithms
- Set name and aliases on mining algorithms
- When hotplug is enabled and a mining algorithm is configured for the first time, schedule a rescan of hardware to pick up anything now applicable that may not have been before
- Try to keep enough work queued for each mining algorithm in use
- Move select_loadbalance and select_failover logic into their own functions
- Keep track of how much work is staged per-algorithm
- Keep track of how many goals reference each mining algorithm
- Abstract goal_set_malgo function
- Build a mining_algorithms list
- get_work: Restore previous getwork rollntime behaviour
- get_work: Only return work items compatible with processor (degrades getwork rollntime support)
- opencl: Support for per-work mining algorithms
- Build without POW_SCRYPT at all
- opencl: Defer loading kernel until it is needed
- opencl: Split initCl into opencl_create_clState and opencl_load_kernel
- SSM: Implement mining.capabilities including proxying mining.set_goal
- Replace mining.goal.subscribe with mining.capabilities
- Stratum: Avoid resetting the goal if the old and new name match
- Allow specifying goal options as eg, --pool-goal name:malgo=scrypt
- cpu: Support for per-work mining algorithms
- Replace cgpu.min_nonce_diff with drv.drv_min_nonce_diff(cgpu, malgo)
- proxy: Avoid assumptions about mining algorithm at initialisation
- Core only: Partially move most of opt_scrypt to mining_goal
- opencl: Reintroduce independent intensity setting internally
- Move MAX_*_INTENSITY stuff to driver-opencl.h
- proxy: Minimise minimum difficulty for proxy clients
- Enable --generate-to option (was --coinbase-addr) to work with non-default goals
- Save pool goals in written config files
- README: Update documentation for multiple blockchain support
- RPC: Add "Difficulty Accepted" to "coin" command
- RPC: Add "Mining Goal" to "pools" command
- RPC: Accept an additional argument for "addpool" to indicate mining goal by name
- Stratum: Support for mining.set_goal("goal name") - currently just resetting the user-configured goal
- Teach longpoll logic about multiple mining goals
- RPC: Include non-default goals in reply to "coin" command
- Ignore generation address/script on pools using non-default mining goals
- Only include block display lines for active goals
- Move income to block display line, and show extra block display lines for each additional mining goal
- New --pool-goal option to set a distinct named goal per-pool
- Parameterise most references to global mining_goal_info
- Move block_time to be per block_info
- Show "?" for income if block height is unknown
- Move block height tracking onto block_info
- Calculate current_fullhash only when needed (for RPC 'coins')
- Replace current_block_id with blkchain->currentblk[->block_id]
- Move current_hash to goal->current_goal_detail
- Clean up struct block_info names
- Use full prevblock hash as block key (also gets rid of dead code)
- Move global variables related to the blockchain or mining goals on to global structs
Full changelog (4.10.1):- Upgraded Windows libcurl from 7.38.0 to 7.39.0
- Bugfix: bytes_free: Set buf to NULL so the bytes_t is reusable
- Bugfix: minergate: Avoid malloc(0) if stats file has too few values
- Bugfix: modminer: Avoid leaking devname when detecting claimed devices
- Bugfix: free memory allocated for config file loading/writing
- Bugfix: nanofury: Avoid NULL pointer dereference on init failure
- Bugfix: varint_decode: Correctly decode multibyte numbers
- cpu: Fix processor count detection with HW_NCPU
- cpu: SCHED_IDLE and SCHED_BATCH can only be used with sched_priority 0
- cpu: fix sched_setaffinity parameter : sizeof(cpu_set_t)
- Bugfix: opencl: Correctly accept negative intensities and set dynamic intensity without changing current value
- Since longpoll connections are never reused, explicitly forbid reuse so libcurl cleans them up immediately
- Bugfix: Correct already-in-use getcbaddr message
- Demote some Bitfury debug log messages to only with device protocol dumping
- Update bundled libbase58 to 0.1.3
- README.ASIC: Minor cleanups to Zeusminer section
- README.ASIC: Explain Zeusminer options
- Makefile: Specify .cl files explicitly, and only include scrypt ones when configured with scrypt support
- Bugfix: DevAPI: hashes_done: Explicitly cast to uint64_t for big calculations (LLVM was allowing overflow)
- Bugfix: titan: First core in each die got too big nonce area to work on
- Travis: Build MinGW64 with ncurses
- Bugfix: Declare manual_enable_pool in miner.h, for api.c use
- Bugfix: bitfury: Use long long and llabs to avoid under/over flows misbehaving
- Bugfix: Highlight all active pools, in pool listing
- Set quota to 1 when enabling a failover-only pool, and disable failover-only when setting quota
- Bugfix: pool_actively_desired: Detect failover-only conditions for loadbalance and balance strategies
- Bugfix: Only display pools as Failover state when it is effectively so
- Make sure KEY_EVENT from wincon is ignored (it conflicts with ncurses)
- README.ASIC: Add details for BFx2 USB
- Titan: Submit stale shares while doing flushes
- README.ASIC: Remove CFLAGS hack not needed for KnCMiner Titan build
- Bugfix: Need unicode_micro in non-Unicode curses builds
- Remove unused variables from curses-less builds
- Bugfix: Cannot duplicate userpass option or we end up with it processed double
Muhammed Zakir
November 29, 2014, 04:35:52 AM |
Is there any details on the pool strategies? I want to select a suitable one but I can't understand it. An explanation would be helpful.  P.S. Bumping my question again.  --cmd-idle <arg> Execute a command when a device is allowed to be idle (rest or wait)
--cmd-sick <arg> Execute a command when a device is declared sick
--cmd-dead <arg> Execute a command when a device is declared dead
What all arguments can I use? Any arguments to restart the dead miner? ~~MZ~~
Luke-Jr (OP)
Activity: 2604
Merit: 1186
November 29, 2014, 04:52:40 AM |
Is there any details on the pool strategies? I want to select a suitable one but I can't understand it. An explanation would be helpful.  What is unclear from the README descriptions? --cmd-idle <arg> Execute a command when a device is allowed to be idle (rest or wait) --cmd-sick <arg> Execute a command when a device is declared sick --cmd-dead <arg> Execute a command when a device is declared dead
What all arguments can I use? Any arguments to restart the dead miner? They're commands for your OS - so usually useful for things like sending emails, SMS, etc. BFGMiner will try to restart dead miners on its own by default, though... If the entire PC needs to be rebooted, *nix has a "reboot" command (I imagine Windows has some command to do it as well).
Muhammed Zakir
November 29, 2014, 01:05:25 PM Last edit: November 29, 2014, 02:04:17 PM by Muhammed Zakir |
What is unclear from the README descriptions?
I didn't understand round robin and load balance.  They're commands for your OS - so usually useful for things like sending emails, SMS, etc. BFGMiner will try to restart dead miners on its own by default, though... If the entire PC needs to be rebooted, *nix has a "reboot" command (I imagine Windows has some command to do it as well).
Thanks! I found it from stackoverflow. - shutdown -r — restarts
- shutdown -s — shutsdown
- shutdown -l — logoff
- shutdown -t xx — where xx is number of seconds to wait till shutdown/restart/logoff
- shutdown -i — gives you a dialog box to fill in what function you want to use
- shutdown -a — aborts the previous shutdown command
Additional options: - -f — force the selected action
I used : --cmd-dead shutdown-r-f .  ~~MZ~~
Luke-Jr (OP)
Activity: 2604
Merit: 1186
November 29, 2014, 01:08:20 PM |
I used : --cmd-dead shutdown-r-f .  I think you want a few spaces in there...
Muhammed Zakir
November 29, 2014, 02:40:00 PM |
I used : --cmd-dead shutdown-r-f .  I think you want a few spaces in there... I added spaces first time but I got an error saying something like "command -r not found" , I can't understand correctly as it is closing rapidly.  I don't know whether command without spaces will work...  P.S. Added '> bfgminer.txt' at-last which made a log file. Log file: [2014-11-29 14:30:47] bfgminer: -r: unrecognized option
Activity: 46
Merit: 0
November 29, 2014, 08:43:12 PM |
Hi Luke-JR,
I am part working on making BFGMiner and Antminer S1 and S3 to work. Let me know how I can help.
Lumanet Solar Energy LLC
Luke-Jr (OP)
Activity: 2604
Merit: 1186
November 30, 2014, 12:35:19 AM |
I am part working on making BFGMiner and Antminer S1 and S3 to work. Let me know how I can help. Not sure I parsed that correctly - do you mean you are writing the code? If so, a pull request on GitHub is probably best.
Activity: 1274
Merit: 1000
November 30, 2014, 04:38:22 AM |
wow nice im gonna try this in command mode giving my lowly farm a break for a few days i don't trust my power company it seems every month for 3 month it gets down to the last week or so and they play with prices . so i want to see if there doing bad things .  . I'm run-in five zeusminer trying not to buy an other one before the L1's hit .
Muhammed Zakir
November 30, 2014, 06:24:51 AM |
I used : --cmd-dead shutdown-r-f .  I think you want a few spaces in there... P.S. Added '> bfgminer.txt' at-last which made a log file. Log file: [2014-11-29 14:30:47] bfgminer: -r: unrecognized option
Do you think the command will work if there is no space(s)? If anybody is using this command, then I just want to tell that, bfgminer won't open on startup(when restarting). So to do that, drag and drop .bat file to Start - All Programs - Startup , if you are unable to do it, then to %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\ or if you have made config file, then right click bfgminer and click create shortcut, then drag and drop the shortcut to startup folder like you do .bat file.  ~~MZ~~
Activity: 1274
Merit: 1000
December 01, 2014, 11:06:50 AM Last edit: December 01, 2014, 11:23:01 AM by toptek |
nice man I just loaded it into two zeus miner they both have been run'in for two hours now so far no hash drain it's like run'in with BFG 4.3.1 as far as hashing goes, one of my zeus the only thunder x3 I have is run'in great now with the latest BFG so far very low HW errors and the HASH stays on the mark even in minera with a donation pool set up. now the other one has great hashing as well but the HW errors shot thu the roof so I'm going to remount the boards with new paste later this week then see and my other three are x6 thunders I'll get to them later to day . but so far so good . i need to play a round with the cyclone a little for the HW errors or just use 4.3.1 after i try to re paste the boards thing.
HM. just switched pools to see may be it was westhash on the hw errors it seems it was so far all the Zeus's i have tried with 5. 0 work awesome, it just depends on which pool for one ..
December 01, 2014, 09:17:24 PM |
I have a similar issue but with Scrypt on multipools (Clevermining, in this case). Nwools noted that it's a known issue with BFGminer that the hashrate will drop as the multipool switches blockchains. I'm using a mix of Gridseed Orbs and a Blizzard. I'm not sure if this has been fixed in version 5.0. Are you using a multipool, Dimoza? If yes, that might be issue.
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
December 02, 2014, 02:04:00 AM |
I have a similar issue but with Scrypt on multipools (Clevermining, in this case). Nwools noted that it's a known issue with BFGminer that the hashrate will drop as the multipool switches blockchains. I'm using a mix of Gridseed Orbs and a Blizzard. I'm not sure if this has been fixed in version 5.0. Are you using a multipool, Dimoza? If yes, that might be issue. actually, not. I use classical stratum "single" pool. But... concerning to your issue, does your hashrate drops to 0 or just getting relatively lower? Cause mine drops to zero. (and I was trying it on ver 5.0 as well, by the way)
Luke-Jr (OP)
Activity: 2604
Merit: 1186
December 02, 2014, 02:24:50 AM |
That looks like a hardware issue - but obviously if restarting the software helps, it must be something else... unless the downtime from the restart is giving it time to cool? Unfortunately, I never received an Avalon Nano sample to debug with - IIRC, the vendor only wanted to send a sample if I was going to personally buy a large volume myself. I'd recommend customers express their interest in well-tested BFGMiner support, so that perhaps they will understand the importance of sending a developer unit.
December 02, 2014, 03:37:32 PM |
I have a similar issue but with Scrypt on multipools (Clevermining, in this case). Nwools noted that it's a known issue with BFGminer that the hashrate will drop as the multipool switches blockchains. I'm using a mix of Gridseed Orbs and a Blizzard. I'm not sure if this has been fixed in version 5.0. Are you using a multipool, Dimoza? If yes, that might be issue. actually, not. I use classical stratum "single" pool. But... concerning to your issue, does your hashrate drops to 0 or just getting relatively lower? Cause mine drops to zero. (and I was trying it on ver 5.0 as well, by the way) The hashrate will get progressively slower rather than just dropping to 0.
Activity: 938
Merit: 1000
December 02, 2014, 04:31:41 PM |
Wow nice BFG re-work. U-r-a-machine Luke.... amazing
Activity: 29
Merit: 0
December 03, 2014, 05:53:11 PM |
will the new bfgminer 5.0 support antminer u3 like the cgminer?
Luke-Jr (OP)
Activity: 2604
Merit: 1186
December 03, 2014, 06:26:17 PM |
will the new bfgminer 5.0 support antminer u3 like the cgminer?
When/if Bitmain sends me something to work with... which depends on their customers requesting BFGMiner support.