Possibly running into an EXTRONANCE subscription problem with combination of:- CGminer + Nicehash + 2PAC
Hello all,
This is a noob question mostly directed at "philipma1957" ...however, anyone else is more than welcome to comment.
Philipma1957, on page 11, post #213 (of this thread), you mentioned that you were running CGminer + Nicehash + a couple of 2PACs, etc.
This is pretty-much everything I'm desperately trying to achieve - however I seem to be running into a problem with correctly configuring my CGminer .bat file with the inclusion of the "xnsub" extronance suffix in the URL.
ie. Ive tried many variations of the .bat command line, however I eventually settled on this:-
"cgminer.exe -o stratum+tcp://sha256.eu.nicehash.com:3334#xnsub -u 3JgCy49LatQgGiZj4qc1s5mJ6ynCUNdNgq.WORKER-NAME:worker1 -p x"
However, running this reports the following error when I start CGminer:- "Failed to resolve (?wrong URL)"
Strangely enough, when I change the above line to add the "/" before the "#xnsu" suffix (as per Nicehash's, "BFGminer" .bat config recommendation), CGminer then starts reporting that it has successfully connected to the Nicehash pool - in addition to this, my 2PAC starts flashing away merrily as if its making me a fortune (at 10-14Gh/S) and Nicehash reports one worker is active ...but no stats become available and bitcoins are never accumulated/given (as they do when running my vastly inferior GPU setup) .
FYI, I am running the latest pre-compiled (.exe) version of CGMiner for Windows (v4.10.0), which I downloaded from the first page of this thread.
In summary, would it be possible for someone who is successfully running the combination of CGminer + Nicehash + 2PAC, to copy/paste their .bat file command line - which I can then at least try.
...or failing that, I'd even be willing to settle for some REALLY SIMPLE, "noob" advice
PS. Ive also just started dabbling with setting up a local stratum server (to hopefully circumvent the #xnsub (extronance) problem) ...but so far, even though I've managed to successfully launch it and see it report a stable connection to the Nicehash pool - I have not been able to get my CGminer/2PAC to run/link through it.