Thank you, I going to try video steps.
video cards and I was wondering if it's possible to use Claymore 15.0 to mine on it.
I was trying it but Claymore doesnt work in this rig. Look at this log:
09:44:36:800 2984 Check and remove old log files...
09:44:36:801 2984 args: -epool -ewal 0xD69af2A796A737A103F12d2f0BCC563a13900E6F -epsw x -rxboost 1
09:44:36:802 2984
09:44:36:804 2984 º Claymore's Dual GPU Miner - v15.0 º
09:44:36:804 2984 º ETH + DCR/SIA/LBC/PASC/BLAKE2S/KECCAK º
09:44:36:805 2984 º Supercharged Edition º
09:44:36:807 2984
09:44:36:807 2984 b755
09:44:37:009 2984 You specified default wallet address, it is good for tests only, for normal mining you must change it to your wallet address!
09:44:37:010 2984 ETH: 1 pool is specified
09:44:37:010 2984 Main Ethereum pool is
09:44:37:011 2984 DCR: 0 pool is specified
09:44:37:211 2984 OpenCL platform: NVIDIA CUDA
09:44:37:212 2984 AMD OpenCL platform not found
09:44:37:505 2984 CUDA initializing...
09:44:37:505 2984 NVIDIA Cards available: 6
09:44:37:506 2984 CUDA Driver Version/Runtime Version: 10.0/8.0
09:44:37:535 2984 GPU #0: GeForce GTX 1060 3GB, 3072 MB available, 9 compute units, capability: 6.1 (pci bus 1:0:0)
09:44:37:538 2984 GPU #1: GeForce GTX 1060 3GB, 3072 MB available, 9 compute units, capability: 6.1 (pci bus 2:0:0)
09:44:37:540 2984 GPU #2: GeForce GTX 1060 3GB, 3072 MB available, 9 compute units, capability: 6.1 (pci bus 4:0:0)
09:44:37:542 2984 GPU #3: GeForce GTX 1060 3GB, 3072 MB available, 9 compute units, capability: 6.1 (pci bus 5:0:0)
09:44:37:544 2984 GPU #4: GeForce GTX 1060 3GB, 3072 MB available, 9 compute units, capability: 6.1 (pci bus 7:0:0)
09:44:37:547 2984 GPU #5: GeForce GTX 1060 3GB, 3072 MB available, 9 compute units, capability: 6.1 (pci bus 8:0:0)
09:44:37:548 2984 Total cards: 6
09:44:37:549 2984
All GPUs are 2GB...3GB, miner is completely free in this case, developer fee will not be mined at all.
See Readme for details.
09:44:37:551 2984
Please consider using "-strap" option to increase mining speed, check Readme for details.
09:44:41:571 2984 NVML version: 10.416.94
09:44:41:620 2984 Driver is not installed! Trying to install it...
09:44:41:625 2984 Driver is in use, try to start miner with "-driver uninstall" parameter.
09:44:43:925 2984 SSL: Imported 36 certificates from local storage
09:44:44:030 2984 No pool specified for Decred! Ethereum-only mining mode is enabled
09:44:44:033 2984 ETHEREUM-ONLY MINING MODE ENABLED (-mode 1)
09:44:44:037 2984 ETH: eth-proxy stratum mode
09:44:44:041 2984 Watchdog enabled
09:44:44:046 2984 Remote management (READ-ONLY MODE) is enabled on port 3333
09:44:44:056 2984
09:44:44:075 22bc ETH: Stratum - connecting to '' <> port 4444 (unsecure)
09:44:44:231 22bc sent: {"worker": "eth1.0", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": ["0xD69af2A796A737A103F12d2f0BCC563a13900E6F", "x"], "id": 2, "method": "eth_submitLogin"}
09:44:44:232 22bc ETH: Stratum - Connected ( (unsecure)
09:44:44:455 22bc buf: {"id":2,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":true}
09:44:44:456 22bc ETH: Authorized
09:44:44:457 22bc sent: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": 3, "method": "eth_getWork"}
09:44:44:712 22bc buf: {"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":["0x8b35e53c4bfae77609cf7884038108f346e4dd30d8c99043e1a20de2dcbe772f","0x5605f1feb945dc2af20b5a16a9e88b88e1c7874022e238fcc070f2f635358d75","0x0000000112e0be826d694b2e62d01511f12a6061fbaec8bc02357593e70e52ba","0x88d9db"]}
09:44:44:782 f48 Setting DAG epoch #298(3.33GB)...
09:44:48:662 2830 Setting DAG epoch #298 for GPU3
09:44:48:663 ad0 Setting DAG epoch #298 for GPU5
09:44:48:664 ad0 Create GPU buffer for GPU5
09:44:48:669 ad0 CUDA error - cannot allocate big buffer for DAG. Check readme.txt for possible solutions.
09:44:48:675 222c Setting DAG epoch #298 for GPU4
09:44:48:672 630 Setting DAG epoch #298 for GPU0
09:44:48:672 f48 Setting DAG epoch #298 for GPU2
09:44:48:661 2564 Setting DAG epoch #298 for GPU1
09:44:48:680 222c Create GPU buffer for GPU4
09:44:48:681 630 Create GPU buffer for GPU0
09:44:48:677 2830 Create GPU buffer for GPU3
09:44:48:683 222c CUDA error - cannot allocate big buffer for DAG. Check readme.txt for possible solutions.
09:44:48:685 630 CUDA error - cannot allocate big buffer for DAG. Check readme.txt for possible solutions.
09:44:48:687 2830 CUDA error - cannot allocate big buffer for DAG. Check readme.txt for possible solutions.
09:44:48:683 f48 Create GPU buffer for GPU2
09:44:48:684 2564 Create GPU buffer for GPU1
09:44:48:690 2564 CUDA error - cannot allocate big buffer for DAG. Check readme.txt for possible solutions.
09:44:48:691 f48 CUDA error - cannot allocate big buffer for DAG. Check readme.txt for possible solutions.
09:44:49:067 22bc buf: {"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":["0xf6909e48f11bb654eade2e3f43ecb04a45f36b785400c9f583bbd4841dc42fc3","0x5605f1feb945dc2af20b5a16a9e88b88e1c7874022e238fcc070f2f635358d75","0x0000000112e0be826d694b2e62d01511f12a6061fbaec8bc02357593e70e52ba","0x88d9db"]}
09:44:49:069 22bc ETH: 11/20/19-09:44:49 - New job from
09:44:49:070 22bc target: 0x0000000112e0be82 (diff: 4000MH), epoch 298(3.33GB)
09:44:49:070 22bc ETH - Total Speed: 0.000 Mh/s, Total Shares: 0, Rejected: 0, Time: 00:00
09:44:49:073 22bc ETH: GPU0 0.000 Mh/s, GPU1 0.000 Mh/s, GPU2 0.000 Mh/s, GPU3 0.000 Mh/s, GPU4 0.000 Mh/s, GPU5 0.000 Mh/s
09:44:50:142 22bc buf: {"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":["0x40331ffd562b7ba9b75a289dc12ce2eec2c2206cdd443893f66d51e558b3f1a6","0x5605f1feb945dc2af20b5a16a9e88b88e1c7874022e238fcc070f2f635358d75","0x0000000112e0be826d694b2e62d01511f12a6061fbaec8bc02357593e70e52ba","0x88d9dc"]}
09:44:50:148 22bc ETH: 11/20/19-09:44:50 - New job from
09:44:50:149 22bc target: 0x0000000112e0be82 (diff: 4000MH), epoch 298(3.33GB)
09:44:50:149 22bc ETH - Total Speed: 0.000 Mh/s, Total Shares: 0, Rejected: 0, Time: 00:00
09:44:50:152 22bc ETH: GPU0 0.000 Mh/s, GPU1 0.000 Mh/s, GPU2 0.000 Mh/s, GPU3 0.000 Mh/s, GPU4 0.000 Mh/s, GPU5 0.000 Mh/s
09:44:50:973 22bc buf: {"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":["0x4f9d9903566c8e73f7d0432c90769e0a331f66586ba1dab7789a8858559b6b66","0x5605f1feb945dc2af20b5a16a9e88b88e1c7874022e238fcc070f2f635358d75","0x0000000112e0be826d694b2e62d01511f12a6061fbaec8bc02357593e70e52ba","0x88d9dc"]}
09:44:50:977 22bc ETH: 11/20/19-09:44:50 - New job from
09:44:50:977 22bc target: 0x0000000112e0be82 (diff: 4000MH), epoch 298(3.33GB)
09:44:50:978 22bc ETH - Total Speed: 0.000 Mh/s, Total Shares: 0, Rejected: 0, Time: 00:00
09:44:50:979 22bc ETH: GPU0 0.000 Mh/s, GPU1 0.000 Mh/s, GPU2 0.000 Mh/s, GPU3 0.000 Mh/s, GPU4 0.000 Mh/s, GPU5 0.000 Mh/s
09:44:51:672 ad0 Set global fail flag, failed GPU5
09:44:51:677 ad0 GPU 5 failed
09:44:51:680 de0 Setting DAG epoch #298 for GPU5
09:44:51:684 de0 GPU 5, CUDA error 11 - cannot write buffer for DAG
09:44:51:686 222c Set global fail flag, failed GPU4
09:44:51:688 222c GPU 4 failed
09:44:51:690 2638 Setting DAG epoch #298 for GPU4
09:44:51:690 2830 Set global fail flag, failed GPU3
09:44:51:688 630 Set global fail flag, failed GPU0
09:44:51:695 630 GPU 0 failed
09:44:51:696 b34 Setting DAG epoch #298 for GPU0
09:44:51:697 2638 GPU 4, CUDA error 11 - cannot write buffer for DAG
09:44:51:699 2830 GPU 3 failed
09:44:51:695 f48 Set global fail flag, failed GPU2
09:44:51:692 2564 Set global fail flag, failed GPU1
09:44:51:702 2564 GPU 1 failed
09:44:51:699 2364 Setting DAG epoch #298 for GPU3
09:44:51:705 b34 GPU 0, CUDA error 11 - cannot write buffer for DAG
09:44:51:706 2964 Setting DAG epoch #298 for GPU1
09:44:51:707 2364 GPU 3, CUDA error 11 - cannot write buffer for DAG
09:44:51:705 890 Setting DAG epoch #298 for GPU2
09:44:51:709 f48 GPU 2 failed
09:44:51:710 2964 GPU 1, CUDA error 11 - cannot write buffer for DAG
09:44:51:711 890 GPU 2, CUDA error 11 - cannot write buffer for DAG
09:44:54:116 22bc buf: {"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":["0x60df3196f0b58275fe0f1a9bb3b8a43790f40e68b12038d9f1b84480c4910200","0x5605f1feb945dc2af20b5a16a9e88b88e1c7874022e238fcc070f2f635358d75","0x0000000112e0be826d694b2e62d01511f12a6061fbaec8bc02357593e70e52ba","0x88d9dc"]}
09:44:54:119 22bc ETH: 11/20/19-09:44:54 - New job from
09:44:54:120 22bc target: 0x0000000112e0be82 (diff: 4000MH), epoch 298(3.33GB)
09:44:54:120 22bc ETH - Total Speed: 0.000 Mh/s, Total Shares: 0, Rejected: 0, Time: 00:00
09:44:54:123 22bc ETH: GPU0 0.000 Mh/s, GPU1 0.000 Mh/s, GPU2 0.000 Mh/s, GPU3 0.000 Mh/s, GPU4 0.000 Mh/s, GPU5 0.000 Mh/s
09:44:54:687 de0 Set global fail flag, failed GPU5
09:44:54:688 de0 GPU 5 failed
09:44:54:699 2638 Set global fail flag, failed GPU4
09:44:54:701 2638 GPU 4 failed
09:44:54:707 b34 Set global fail flag, failed GPU0
09:44:54:707 b34 GPU 0 failed
09:44:54:709 2364 Set global fail flag, failed GPU3
09:44:54:710 2364 GPU 3 failed
09:44:54:712 2964 Set global fail flag, failed GPU1
09:44:54:713 2964 GPU 1 failed
09:44:54:713 890 Set global fail flag, failed GPU2
09:44:54:714 890 GPU 2 failed
09:44:54:716 22bc ETH: checking pool connection...
09:44:54:717 22bc sent: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": 3, "method": "eth_getWork"}
09:44:55:334 22bc buf: {"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":["0x60df3196f0b58275fe0f1a9bb3b8a43790f40e68b12038d9f1b84480c4910200","0x5605f1feb945dc2af20b5a16a9e88b88e1c7874022e238fcc070f2f635358d75","0x0000000112e0be826d694b2e62d01511f12a6061fbaec8bc02357593e70e52ba","0x88d9dc"]}
09:44:58:333 22bc buf: {"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":["0x43cf35072216568b3cc9a4ff3277777fd4bb10c6469e23ea7db82b51f168cecf","0x5605f1feb945dc2af20b5a16a9e88b88e1c7874022e238fcc070f2f635358d75","0x0000000112e0be826d694b2e62d01511f12a6061fbaec8bc02357593e70e52ba","0x88d9dc"]}
09:44:58:337 22bc ETH: 11/20/19-09:44:58 - New job from
09:44:58:338 22bc target: 0x0000000112e0be82 (diff: 4000MH), epoch 298(3.33GB)
09:44:58:339 22bc ETH - Total Speed: 0.000 Mh/s, Total Shares: 0, Rejected: 0, Time: 00:00
09:44:58:340 22bc ETH: GPU0 0.000 Mh/s, GPU1 0.000 Mh/s, GPU2 0.000 Mh/s, GPU3 0.000 Mh/s, GPU4 0.000 Mh/s, GPU5 0.000 Mh/s
09:45:01:028 22bc buf: {"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":["0xece5fa87eae1f2c48863707460bff24a783306faabf6c2895362cd16b11805c7","0x5605f1feb945dc2af20b5a16a9e88b88e1c7874022e238fcc070f2f635358d75","0x0000000112e0be826d694b2e62d01511f12a6061fbaec8bc02357593e70e52ba","0x88d9dd"]}
09:45:01:030 22bc ETH: 11/20/19-09:45:01 - New job from
09:45:01:031 22bc target: 0x0000000112e0be82 (diff: 4000MH), epoch 298(3.33GB)
09:45:01:034 22bc ETH - Total Speed: 0.000 Mh/s, Total Shares: 0, Rejected: 0, Time: 00:00
09:45:01:035 22bc ETH: GPU0 0.000 Mh/s, GPU1 0.000 Mh/s, GPU2 0.000 Mh/s, GPU3 0.000 Mh/s, GPU4 0.000 Mh/s, GPU5 0.000 Mh/s
09:45:01:116 22bc buf: {"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":["0xa598669dd85f9fb3aa379f8ef949780f5a155b1799794c05f3d22c1106db4a64","0x5605f1feb945dc2af20b5a16a9e88b88e1c7874022e238fcc070f2f635358d75","0x0000000112e0be826d694b2e62d01511f12a6061fbaec8bc02357593e70e52ba","0x88d9dd"]}
09:45:01:119 22bc ETH: 11/20/19-09:45:01 - New job from
09:45:01:120 22bc target: 0x0000000112e0be82 (diff: 4000MH), epoch 298(3.33GB)
09:45:01:121 22bc ETH - Total Speed: 0.000 Mh/s, Total Shares: 0, Rejected: 0, Time: 00:00
09:45:01:121 22bc ETH: GPU0 0.000 Mh/s, GPU1 0.000 Mh/s, GPU2 0.000 Mh/s, GPU3 0.000 Mh/s, GPU4 0.000 Mh/s, GPU5 0.000 Mh/s
09:45:04:717 22bc sent: {"id":6,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_submitHashrate","params":["0x0", "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000e4a4d69"]}
09:45:04:733 22bc ETH: checking pool connection...
09:45:04:733 22bc sent: {"worker": "", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": [], "id": 3, "method": "eth_getWork"}
09:45:05:351 22bc buf: {"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":["0x8e8056ebe143859b809f521c90b6e53c0c2fd7a90547cef422691a7b4da9ec87","0x5605f1feb945dc2af20b5a16a9e88b88e1c7874022e238fcc070f2f635358d75","0x0000000112e0be826d694b2e62d01511f12a6061fbaec8bc02357593e70e52ba","0x88d9dd"]}
09:45:05:352 22bc ETH: 11/20/19-09:45:05 - New job from
09:45:05:353 22bc target: 0x0000000112e0be82 (diff: 4000MH), epoch 298(3.33GB)
09:45:05:354 22bc ETH - Total Speed: 0.000 Mh/s, Total Shares: 0, Rejected: 0, Time: 00:00
09:45:05:354 22bc ETH: GPU0 0.000 Mh/s, GPU1 0.000 Mh/s, GPU2 0.000 Mh/s, GPU3 0.000 Mh/s, GPU4 0.000 Mh/s, GPU5 0.000 Mh/s
09:45:07:107 1f94 GPU0 t=32C fan=100% P=26W, GPU1 t=30C fan=100% P=28W, GPU2 t=32C fan=100% P=26W, GPU3 t=29C fan=100% P=26W, GPU4 t=29C fan=100% P=26W, GPU5 t=31C fan=100% P=27W
09:45:07:109 1f94 Total GPUs power consumption: 159 Watts
09:45:07:112 22bc buf: {"id":6,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":true}
09:45:07:112 22bc remove first packet 254
09:45:07:247 1eb4 em hbt: 16, fm hbt: 16,
09:45:07:247 1eb4 watchdog - thread 0 (gpu0), hb time 15547
09:45:07:248 1eb4 watchdog - thread 1 (gpu0), hb time 15547
09:45:07:248 1eb4 watchdog - thread 2 (gpu1), hb time 15547
09:45:07:248 1eb4 watchdog - thread 3 (gpu1), hb time 15547
09:45:07:249 1eb4 watchdog - thread 4 (gpu2), hb time 15547
09:45:07:249 1eb4 watchdog - thread 5 (gpu2), hb time 15547
09:45:07:250 1eb4 watchdog - thread 6 (gpu3), hb time 15547
09:45:07:250 1eb4 watchdog - thread 7 (gpu3), hb time 15547
09:45:07:251 1eb4 watchdog - thread 8 (gpu4), hb time 15547
09:45:07:251 1eb4 watchdog - thread 9 (gpu4), hb time 15547
09:45:07:251 1eb4 watchdog - thread 10 (gpu5), hb time 15547
09:45:07:252 1eb4 watchdog - thread 11 (gpu5), hb time 15547
09:45:07:252 1eb4 WATCHDOG: GPU error, you need to restart miner :(
09:45:08:522 1eb4 Restarting OK, exit...