Activity: 55
Merit: 0
June 13, 2019, 08:46:39 PM Last edit: June 14, 2019, 01:45:11 PM by KGV |
2 Claymore.
When i change to new version 14.6 from version 12, i noticed that i start to get some incorrect shares in miner. Not a lot, maybe 5-10 from 24hrs on 7 cards rig. But when you have 20 rigs this is a lot. I do not use any strap option or else. I do not change any overclock settings or else. All is same. I use only -rxboost option. Rigs all 'red'. 14.6 gives some incorrect shares, 12 is not. Can you check what is problem and fix it.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
June 13, 2019, 09:45:39 PM |
Anyone experienced a (reference card) 1080 getting wrecked on -strap 2 after a week or so? or any other card for that matter.
Activity: 36
Merit: 0
June 14, 2019, 12:12:48 PM |
2 Claymore.
When i change to new version 14.6 from version 12, i noticed that i start to get some invalid shares in miner. Not a lot, maybe 5-10 from 24hrs on 7 cards rig. But when you have 20 rigs this is a lot. I do not use any strap option or else. I do not change any overclock settings or else. All is same. I use only -rxboost option. Rigs all 'red'. 14.6 gives some invalid shares, 12 is not. Can you check what is problem and fix it.
I fixxed it giving more core Voltage, i bet you UV is too much. Also try -asm 2
Activity: 55
Merit: 0
June 14, 2019, 02:33:01 PM |
2 Claymore.
When i change to new version 14.6 from version 12, i noticed that i start to get some invalid shares in miner. Not a lot, maybe 5-10 from 24hrs on 7 cards rig. But when you have 20 rigs this is a lot. I do not use any strap option or else. I do not change any overclock settings or else. All is same. I use only -rxboost option. Rigs all 'red'. 14.6 gives some invalid shares, 12 is not. Can you check what is problem and fix it.
I fixxed it giving more core Voltage, i bet you UV is too much. Also try -asm 2 I'm not going to rise voltage. But I will try -esm 2. thanks
Lunga Chung
Activity: 277
Merit: 23
June 14, 2019, 03:09:49 PM |
2 Claymore.
When i change to new version 14.6 from version 12, i noticed that i start to get some invalid shares in miner. Not a lot, maybe 5-10 from 24hrs on 7 cards rig. But when you have 20 rigs this is a lot. I do not use any strap option or else. I do not change any overclock settings or else. All is same. I use only -rxboost option. Rigs all 'red'. 14.6 gives some invalid shares, 12 is not. Can you check what is problem and fix it.
I fixxed it giving more core Voltage, i bet you UV is too much. Also try -asm 2 I'm not going to rise voltage. But I will try -esm 2. thanks mem temp is the issue crank fans up to 80%, this solved for me
June 15, 2019, 11:33:25 AM |
2 Claymore.
When i change to new version 14.6 from version 12, i noticed that i start to get some invalid shares in miner. Not a lot, maybe 5-10 from 24hrs on 7 cards rig. But when you have 20 rigs this is a lot. I do not use any strap option or else. I do not change any overclock settings or else. All is same. I use only -rxboost option. Rigs all 'red'. 14.6 gives some invalid shares, 12 is not. Can you check what is problem and fix it.
I fixxed it giving more core Voltage, i bet you UV is too much. Also try -asm 2 I'm not going to rise voltage. But I will try -esm 2. thanks mem temp is the issue crank fans up to 80%, this solved for me The same is happening to me not on every card maybe 2 on each rig, before you cranked it up to 80% where you temps normal I have mine set at 65% just trying to see if maybe raising it would help even though my cards are cool
Lunga Chung
Activity: 277
Merit: 23
June 15, 2019, 01:44:42 PM |
2 Claymore.
When i change to new version 14.6 from version 12, i noticed that i start to get some invalid shares in miner. Not a lot, maybe 5-10 from 24hrs on 7 cards rig. But when you have 20 rigs this is a lot. I do not use any strap option or else. I do not change any overclock settings or else. All is same. I use only -rxboost option. Rigs all 'red'. 14.6 gives some invalid shares, 12 is not. Can you check what is problem and fix it.
I fixxed it giving more core Voltage, i bet you UV is too much. Also try -asm 2 I'm not going to rise voltage. But I will try -esm 2. thanks mem temp is the issue crank fans up to 80%, this solved for me The same is happening to me not on every card maybe 2 on each rig, before you cranked it up to 80% where you temps normal I have mine set at 65% just trying to see if maybe raising it would help even though my cards are cool Mine are around 60~65c but thats just the core, you don't have thermal sensors on memory (which is much hotter). What is your ambient temp ?
Dark Oopa
Activity: 83
Merit: 0
June 15, 2019, 03:29:28 PM |
Hello, last week end I updated my rigs from v12.0. I set only rx boost 1, without touching the straps. I don't have share problems but it seems that my hashrate on the pool is lower now while the miner says its higher. I use mining rig rental. Anyone with the problem?
Activity: 30
Merit: 0
June 15, 2019, 03:34:40 PM |
Hello, last week end I updated my rigs from v12.0. I set only rx boost 1, without touching the straps. I don't have share problems but it seems that my hashrate on the pool is lower now while the miner says its higher. I use mining rig rental. Anyone with the problem?
Not too sure this applies to you. I have been having this issue with nanopool in the last 24 hours (tested another miner and seemed to be the same) - about 15-20% lower. Swapped to ethermine as a test and that seems to be better at the moment.
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
June 15, 2019, 04:00:26 PM |
Hi there, i woud like to know did the author of this program planing to add optimized timings for AMD Radeon VII, if yes then when approximatly???Thanks
I could be woefully wrong about this, but I thought Radeon VII was core limited not memory limited. If this is the case, optimized memory timings won't help. I thought Radeon VII's were already getting 90MH/s with just a refresh rate tweak. I could also be wrong, but there are a few users over in the AMDTweakTool thread that have them. Check there. I'm already getting about 90MH/s with nothing more than AMD Afterburner tweaks. I am geting 90MH/S +- 1-2MH/S on my Radeon VII too with HBM2 memory from Hynix with 956mv/CLK 1750mhz mem 1200mhz, but i think when -strape function will work on Redeon VII we can get more maybe 95 or 96mh/s on Etherium. [/quote]
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
June 15, 2019, 06:04:56 PM |
and for me it was so. the solution for me: open windows powershell (administrator) you enter : " bcdedit -set TESTSIGNING off ".this deactivates the test mode. restart the computer and start claymore.the program shows a red sign that it is not in test mode and restarts again. it should be fine now
worked once. asa a reboot was made hashrate dropped from 375 to 320. Already tried everything. When claymore tries to install driver after disabling test mode windows pops up a warning about unsigned driver installation. After reboot windows start in test mode so its supposed that driver was successfully installed but then the same hashrate. heres my config file -asm 2 -gser 1 -tt 60 -ttli 65 -wd 0 -cclock 1150 -y 1 -mode 1 -dbg -1 -powlim 20 -strap 5@2040,1@1900,1@1750,5@2000,1@1750,1@2000,1@1930,5@2000,2@1850,1@1850,1@1750,1@1900,1@2000 -rxboost 1 -cvddc 875,875,875,875,875,900,875,900,850,875,850,800,875 -mvddc 875,875,875,875,875,900,875,900,850,875,850,800,875 when i found that voltages values i figured out that somehow core voltage and memory voltage were linked so if i decrease core without also decreasing memory voltage it wont work. do you face the same behavior?
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
June 15, 2019, 06:56:21 PM |
-epsw x -asm 2 -mode 1 -rxboost 1 -esm 3 -allpools 1 -estale 0 -strap POL8H2,POL8M2,POL8M2,POL8S1,POL8S1,POL8S1,POL8S1,POL8M2 -cclock 1250,1250,1250,1250,1250,1250,1250,1250 -cvddc 900,900,900,900,900,900,900,900 -mclock 2230,2230,2230,2150,2180,2180,2140,2230 -mvddc 900,900,900,900,900,900,900,900 -tt 62 -fanmin 0 -fanmax 70 this is 8 rx580 8gb - 266.7 mh/s ,1200 w
Activity: 246
Merit: 24
June 15, 2019, 07:45:16 PM |
Hello all, I recently acquired a bunch of RX470s and was hoping to use Claymores 14.6 STRAPs but no luck. I need some help. When I use -STRAP option the miner will apply STRAP 1 to GPU 0, then GPU 1, then the computer crashes and restarts. Everytime it doesnt matter what I do, voltages etc. If I apply the STRAP to only GPU 0 it will work fine, however, if I apply it to GPU 1, 2, 3 etc even one other GPU instant crash and Windows reboots. I'm at a total loss of what's causing it. The miner works perfectly normal as long as I avoid the STRAP option. RXBOOST works perfectly fine. Seeking help or ideas! Rig 13 RX470s H110 Pro BTC+ G3930, 4GB RAM, 450w PSU 2400w DELTA PSU for cards Windows 1903 Build(May release) AMD 19.5.1 drivers
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
June 15, 2019, 08:22:37 PM |
Hi! Can you make double memory kernels for gpus with enough ram? Like it is done in PhoenixMiner?
Activity: 21
Merit: 0
June 15, 2019, 11:12:23 PM |
Is there any chance that you could tweak your Blake2b algorithm to allow for GlobalToken and TitleNetwork variants? I know they're very similar to old Sia.
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
June 16, 2019, 11:25:40 AM |
Can current graphics cards with 3G Vram mine ETH? (GTX 1060 3G , p106-090 3G,v.v...) Thank you.
June 16, 2019, 11:31:34 AM |
Can current graphics cards with 3G Vram mine ETH? (GTX 1060 3G , p106-090 3G,v.v...) Thank you.
Unfortunately, no
| is banned from signatures
Activity: 246
Merit: 24
June 16, 2019, 03:08:58 PM |
Can current graphics cards with 3G Vram mine ETH? (GTX 1060 3G , p106-090 3G,v.v...) Thank you.
No, ETH/ETC are over the 3GB DAG limit and can never mine ETH again. You can try other lower dag coins like CLO,UBQ,EXP, etc
Activity: 2800
Merit: 1387
Ukrainians will resist
June 16, 2019, 05:13:48 PM |
For mining Ethereum with the 480 card, which driver is better to use and which hashrate should be?
❘|❘ Cлaвa Укpaинe! ❘|❘ Glory to Ukraine! ❘|❘ ❘|❘ КaPФaгeн дoлжeн быть paзpyшeн ❘|❘