I got my Saturn a few days back. Didn't hear any noise from possibly loose fans or anything. Hooked it up, ran it for a few hours, it was underperforming a little bit and showed disabling cores on one die. Went to Walmart, bought a new fan and torx screwdrivers, opened the case and saw that one of the fans' ground was disconnected and fan wasn't spinning. Got scared of course and thought that my disabled cores were the result of that few hours of running without a fan (although temperatures never exceeded 60 degrees). Connected the ground, fan started spinning. Anyway, these cores disabling on one of the dies continued on and it was really bugging me. Tried enablecores, changing firmwares etc, nothing helped. Today I found enough courage to start messing with it a little bit deeper. Found out which board was disabling cores (and it was not the one which had fan disabled), changed slots, pushed down on vrm's as some suggested. Heard a click on two of them, and thought, that's it. Put everything back together but the core disabling continued. I was very short from starting messing with resistors on the back of the pcb behind the chip, when it came to me, so here what I suggest you try:
Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any loss of warranty or other issues as the result of doing this.
1. Find out which asic is giving you problems (just counting, for ex if 0-131 is disabled, then that's the one connected to the first slot)
2. Shutdown the miner, and then REMOVE the fan (but not the radiator) cooling that chip (unscrew and then it pops out, or just unplug the power to that fan), turn off your own cooling if you added any.
Turn on your miner.
One by one cores enabled and I have 0 disabled cores for about an hour now and hardware error rate is steadily falling. Temperature is at about 58 right now on that chip without the fan, so I reckoned it's not too bad. It appears that kncminers from cold Sweden like warm weather.
If this helps, donations are appreciated