21272 2013-12-26 05:32:42 0:41:38 294919785 none none 277006 25.12342259 11 confirmations left
Looks like we are running out of time sadly
Lucky Slush maybe getting that nice 25 BTC

Might be invalid ?
Who knows but hopefully the pool luck will go up not been the best few days
no need for a ? on the invalid, simply click the block and block chain will inform u bad or good.
OMG! we are so gunna lose out!
21272 2013-12-26 05:32:42 0:41:38 294919785 none none 277006 25.12342259 5 confirmations left
Pool luck (1 day, 7 days, 30 days): 110%, 100%, 99%
100% luck is bad? (SARCASM)