January 08, 2014, 06:38:31 PM |
21384 2014-01-06 03:05:31 2:42:21 1435249005 none none 278862 25.18020923 96 confirmations left
Yup! I'm joining ranks of people getting ripped off today.
BTW I never got paid for this block. I mined 1 more block after this one and got paid for that but not this one. Its even confirmed and showing my earning on stats page but that amount is not reflected in my account page.... that, I call getting ripped off. Slush probably do this once in a while and people wont notice it while Slush gets slightly richer but isn't that stealing? If slush is stealing earnings from a round here n there times X number of users can be a lot of money.
New Bitcoin fund doubling platform has launched! Receive Automated Payment Every 2 Hours Appealing alternative with Sophisticated algorithms.
Activity: 24
Merit: 0
January 08, 2014, 07:41:35 PM |
Even more confusing / interesting - the total shares that I currently see for that round was 1434007359, which is not the same number as you are quoting (1435249005)?
Perhaps someone with more brain than I have can help?
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
January 08, 2014, 07:55:56 PM |
Although they have been confirmed, blocks 21398, 21397, 21396 have not added into the confirmed rewards.
January 08, 2014, 08:13:10 PM |
Although they have been confirmed, blocks 21398, 21397, 21396 have not added into the confirmed rewards.
I'm also tracking this 
BTc donations welcome:- 13c2KuzWCaWFTXF171Zn1HrKhMYARPKv97
January 08, 2014, 08:24:51 PM |
How are you guys seeing block history that far back, and how do you see you havent been credited? Do you have a program downloading the stats and adding them up to compare against the website?
January 08, 2014, 09:09:03 PM |
How are you guys seeing block history that far back, and how do you see you havent been credited? Do you have a program downloading the stats and adding them up to compare against the website?
Just copy and paste the stats page into an exel spreadsheet then do some calcs EDIT The missing blocks are now credited
BTc donations welcome:- 13c2KuzWCaWFTXF171Zn1HrKhMYARPKv97
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
January 08, 2014, 10:01:57 PM |
How are you guys seeing block history that far back, and how do you see you havent been credited? Do you have a program downloading the stats and adding them up to compare against the website?
I might being using the term 'block' incorrectly. I don't mean the actual bitcoin block number. It's the sequential number that Slush's pool uses for the blocks we find. As mentioned above, they have been calculated in now.
Activity: 26
Merit: 0
January 08, 2014, 10:02:58 PM |
Now the pool is broken. Are their servers down?
January 09, 2014, 01:19:49 AM |
We're overdue again for better luck... Man, we've had a few very painful stretches lately.
Activity: 1694
Merit: 1024
January 09, 2014, 01:30:27 AM |
I just realized someone managed to work their way into my account on the pool, just a friendly head's up to everyone to use different passwords at all websites and use secure passwords as well. I thought it wasn't that important for strong pool passwords, clearly I was wrong. But, I guess if my funds were stolen they would have only made off with around $10, but still, that's around a week of mining with my ASICs. Watch out everyone!
January 09, 2014, 02:17:54 AM |
I just realized someone managed to work their way into my account on the pool, just a friendly head's up to everyone to use different passwords at all websites and use secure passwords as well. I thought it wasn't that important for strong pool passwords, clearly I was wrong. But, I guess if my funds were stolen they would have only made off with around $10, but still, that's around a week of mining with my ASICs. Watch out everyone!
Pool is down right now, can't get onto the site and my API won't show data in monitor app. What a mess this is!
Activity: 53
Merit: 0
January 09, 2014, 03:13:46 AM |
I too have had some delays in processing all around but everything I believe I earned, I got. Yes, "none" hiccups happen, and a host of other issues as well, however I imagine it's not exactly easy to run a BC server or you and I would be doing it. But my experience has been pretty positive. I started from scratch and learned that there is much to learn about all this. Sometimes the problems may be within your reach? I don't work for, or know Slush. Just saying. If it's technical, or analytical and adding to the situation, GREAT. If you are here just to piss and moan, what's the point. Buy stocks! Until proven a cheat in anyway, my hash'n will happen here.
I must add that the communication from the pool owner a.k.a. Slush is BAD! But you choose who to dance with!
Oh and I have not experienced any "outage" of either the BC Server or the website in the past few week?
January 09, 2014, 04:02:29 AM |
I too have had some delays in processing all around but everything I believe I earned, I got. Yes, "none" hiccups happen, and a host of other issues as well, however I imagine it's not exactly easy to run a BC server or you and I would be doing it. But my experience has been pretty positive. I started from scratch and learned that there is much to learn about all this. Sometimes the problems may be within your reach? I don't work for, or know Slush. Just saying. If it's technical, or analytical and adding to the situation, GREAT. If you are here just to piss and moan, what's the point. Buy stocks! Until proven a cheat in anyway, my hash'n will happen here.
I must add that the communication from the pool owner a.k.a. Slush is BAD! But you choose who to dance with!
Oh and I have not experienced any "outage" of either the BC Server or the website in the past few week?
6 hour block just ended and my miners must have got booted towards the end when the pool crashed, reward is tiny and my shares were almost entirely wiped out. This is a forum, if people using the pool want to bitch about it they can, bitching and moaning about poor luck or administration hiccups are "on topic" for this thread. I imagine it's not easy to be president but he's got plenty of critics too. If the pool is fucked up then people should post about it, otherwise what's the point of the forum?
January 09, 2014, 04:09:44 AM |
I too have had some delays in processing all around but everything I believe I earned, I got. Yes, "none" hiccups happen, and a host of other issues as well, however I imagine it's not exactly easy to run a BC server or you and I would be doing it. But my experience has been pretty positive. I started from scratch and learned that there is much to learn about all this. Sometimes the problems may be within your reach? I don't work for, or know Slush. Just saying. If it's technical, or analytical and adding to the situation, GREAT. If you are here just to piss and moan, what's the point. Buy stocks! Until proven a cheat in anyway, my hash'n will happen here.
I must add that the communication from the pool owner a.k.a. Slush is BAD! But you choose who to dance with!
Oh and I have not experienced any "outage" of either the BC Server or the website in the past few week?
6 hour block just ended and my miners must have got booted towards the end when the pool crashed, reward is tiny and my shares were almost entirely wiped out. This is a forum, if people using the pool want to bitch about it they can, bitching and moaning about poor luck or administration hiccups are "on topic" for this thread. I imagine it's not easy to be president but he's got plenty of critics too. If the pool is fucked up then people should post about it, otherwise what's the point of the forum? Some more 'bitching and moaning'..... (or proactive information about issues to enable solutions.....) Slush's Support Site now reports "Uncaught Exception".... Had a much lower outcome for 21404 2014-01-09 03:20:04 6:16:22 3192104213 85198 0.00066507 About 1/3 of what I would expect. This is despite solid hashing throughout this block. From past experience I know that it takes typically 10-15 minutes for this to get right, but now it has been 48 minutes and it's still incorrect. Why is it a never ending saga of 'hiccups'?
Activity: 53
Merit: 0
January 09, 2014, 04:16:30 AM |
Bitching and moaning about poor luck? REALLY! Look up the word "luck"
Otherwise I get your point. Sometimes it's just not worth partipating in these forums. People are to thin skinned! This is not a money making machine! Only the FED has one of those! This is an investment. There is risk! Deal With It!
January 09, 2014, 04:19:09 AM |
I too have had some delays in processing all around but everything I believe I earned, I got. Yes, "none" hiccups happen, and a host of other issues as well, however I imagine it's not exactly easy to run a BC server or you and I would be doing it. But my experience has been pretty positive. I started from scratch and learned that there is much to learn about all this. Sometimes the problems may be within your reach? I don't work for, or know Slush. Just saying. If it's technical, or analytical and adding to the situation, GREAT. If you are here just to piss and moan, what's the point. Buy stocks! Until proven a cheat in anyway, my hash'n will happen here.
I must add that the communication from the pool owner a.k.a. Slush is BAD! But you choose who to dance with!
Oh and I have not experienced any "outage" of either the BC Server or the website in the past few week?
6 hour block just ended and my miners must have got booted towards the end when the pool crashed, reward is tiny and my shares were almost entirely wiped out. This is a forum, if people using the pool want to bitch about it they can, bitching and moaning about poor luck or administration hiccups are "on topic" for this thread. I imagine it's not easy to be president but he's got plenty of critics too. If the pool is fucked up then people should post about it, otherwise what's the point of the forum? Some more 'bitching and moaning'..... (or proactive information about issues to enable solutions.....) Slush's Support Site now reports "Uncaught Exception".... Had a much lower outcome for 21404 2014-01-09 03:20:04 6:16:22 3192104213 85198 0.00066507 About 1/3 of what I would expect. This is despite solid hashing throughout this block. From past experience I know that it takes typically 10-15 minutes for this to get right, but now it has been 48 minutes and it's still incorrect. Why is it a never ending saga of 'hiccups'? Same I am only getting 1/3 of the reward for the last block, no issues with my miners. I am done with slush switching to btc guild, this is bullshit given the fee we pay and how much they actually are with btc=~$1k
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
January 09, 2014, 04:36:57 AM |
Support WTF!!! 21404 2014-01-09 03:20:04 6:16:22 3192104213 none none 279409 25.10942143 Miners is working fine all time!!!
January 09, 2014, 04:54:37 AM |
Bitching and moaning about poor luck? REALLY! Look up the word "luck"
Otherwise I get your point. Sometimes it's just not worth partipating in these forums. People are to thin skinned! This is not a money making machine! Only the FED has one of those! This is an investment. There is risk! Deal With It!
Yep, bitching and moaning about poor luck, because it always seems out luck is total shit when we have all these administrative glitches, hmmmmmm. You must be new here, no? There's a gap you'll never close, decentralized market on forum speech, sorry but I don't see how you are in any position to regulate it or why you want to. Keep scrolling next time if the complaints don't meet up to your standards of what we are permitted to gripe about.
January 09, 2014, 05:29:34 AM |
#279422 none & none 
January 09, 2014, 05:34:21 AM |
#279422 none & none  #279423 lists me as having only 54 shares! Wtf?... I'm running 170+gh/s and my rewards on the most recent 3 blocks are .0001, none, and .0001 This is getting a bit much, been totally loyal to this pool since day 1 but honestly now I'm seeing opportunity costs. Sat through all the long rounds and now getting screwed when the tides finally begin to turn. This is messed up... Edit: now #279423 adjusted but it is still way far short of what my reward typically is with this hash rate.