Activity: 14
Merit: 0
January 06, 2014, 10:16:36 AM |
hi all
it seems to be that we become the same problem as last week!!!
at least the 3 last confirmed blocks 278659, 278676 and 278690 gone confirmed in stats. but don't move from unconfirmed reward to confirmed reward
lol same time posting i see it on the last 3 blocks dont know if it also before
Hi! Can somebody tell me why blocks #278690 #278676 #278659 #278652 is confirmed but in my account payment for this blocks is still unconfirmed? It happened last week too, something about the payout account getting to low so the whole payment systems halts until BTC is added. Don’t know if that is the case here but that is what happened last week I believe. It was sorted out after about a day. I have only been around here a couple of weeks but so far everything always gets sorted out. then we have to check every reward on this pool?! every time? well I would check any pool because honest mistakes happen. You should always be looking out for yourself and not trusting someone else will do it for you. Just my opinion. again!!! #278751 #278752 i wasn't paid! what hapend with this pool? 1 of my asic dont work all night!!! where is support!?
January 06, 2014, 12:14:32 PM |
hi all
it seems to be that we become the same problem as last week!!!
at least the 3 last confirmed blocks 278659, 278676 and 278690 gone confirmed in stats. but don't move from unconfirmed reward to confirmed reward
lol same time posting i see it on the last 3 blocks dont know if it also before
Hi! Can somebody tell me why blocks #278690 #278676 #278659 #278652 is confirmed but in my account payment for this blocks is still unconfirmed? It happened last week too, something about the payout account getting to low so the whole payment systems halts until BTC is added. Don’t know if that is the case here but that is what happened last week I believe. It was sorted out after about a day. I have only been around here a couple of weeks but so far everything always gets sorted out. then we have to check every reward on this pool?! every time? well I would check any pool because honest mistakes happen. You should always be looking out for yourself and not trusting someone else will do it for you. Just my opinion. again!!! #278751 #278752 i wasn't paid! what hapend with this pool? 1 of my asic dont work all night!!! where is support!? You can add 21381 (block #278819) to that list. Confirmed in stats but not applied to 'confirmed reward' on the profile account page.
January 06, 2014, 12:22:12 PM |
21384 2014-01-06 03:05:31 2:42:21 1435249005 none none 278862 25.18020923 96 confirmations left
Whoopsy.. me too. I am assuming one of you guys put in a ticket? I don't wish to duplicate.
edit: I see the answer is YES. I wish people didn't claim "ripoff" every time there was a glitch. It always gets fixed eventually.
So as long one person files a ticket we are all good or should everyone effected should file a ticket? Ticket submitted got the same issue, let's hope it gets resolved
January 06, 2014, 03:05:58 PM |
everything not add up again ?
Sr. Member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
January 06, 2014, 04:06:29 PM |
Yes, got that one as well :
21384 2014-01-06 03:05:31 2:42:21 1435249005 none none 278862 25.18020923 9 confirmations left
This forum signature is like its owner - it can't be bought
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
January 06, 2014, 04:56:41 PM |
I love all the cry babies involved in BTC. I come to the forums here for a good laugh when I see a block get messed up, just to make sure it wasn't just me. Yup! I'm joining ranks of people getting ripped off today. LOL! If anyone here has been on Slush's pool for more than a day or two, then they would know that they always get fixed in a few hours or a day or two. Quit crying...or well wait, don't cause I need my!
Activity: 1526
Merit: 1002
Bulletproof VPS/VPN/Email @ BadAss.Sx
January 06, 2014, 05:00:59 PM |
21384 2014-01-06 03:05:31 2:42:21 1435249005 none none 278862 25.18020923 6 confirmations left 

Activity: 77
Merit: 10
January 06, 2014, 05:18:28 PM |
everything not add up again ?
Seems like we are working through a couple of glitches. The none payout and confirmed rewards taking a while to show up. I am just chillin because I know it will get sorted out eventually but still a little nerve racking. Hopefully pool operators are looking into some proactive steps to minimize these glitches. I have only been here a couple weeks and there have been several issues that always get fixed. Is it normally like this or has it been a rough few weeks?
January 06, 2014, 05:52:19 PM |
everything not add up again ?
Seems like we are working through a couple of glitches. The none payout and confirmed rewards taking a while to show up. I am just chillin because I know it will get sorted out eventually but still a little nerve racking. Hopefully pool operators are looking into some proactive steps to minimize these glitches. I have only been here a couple weeks and there have been several issues that always get fixed. Is it normally like this or has it been a rough few weeks? The thing that "bugs" me about it is that we only see this stuff during a stretch of bad luck... Things that make you go "hmmmm"...
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
January 06, 2014, 06:29:08 PM |
Things like this do not inspire confidence. People say they always get corrected, but they do not. I left this pool before because they did not correct a similar problem, where did that $25,000 go? We have a non payment for a confirmed block now and several blocks not being moved into the confirmed category in out personal accounts. I so want to look forward to proper resolution of these matters, but time keeps going by without any correction.
21385 2014-01-06 09:01:29 5:55:58 3199195853 2769925 0.02278978 278900 25.03895165 35 confirmations left 21384 2014-01-06 03:05:31 2:42:21 1435249005 none none 278862 25.18020923 confirmed 21383 2014-01-06 00:23:10 0:40:27 335598605 338808 0.02565130 278836 25.01455000 confirmed
January 06, 2014, 06:29:49 PM |
I love all the cry babies involved in BTC. I come to the forums here for a good laugh when I see a block get messed up, just to make sure it wasn't just me. Yup! I'm joining ranks of people getting ripped off today. LOL! If anyone here has been on Slush's pool for more than a day or two, then they would know that they always get fixed in a few hours or a day or two. Quit crying...or well wait, don't cause I need my! Yeah but slush is cashing in on the Interest of the 25 btc not paid out!!!  haha
January 06, 2014, 06:31:19 PM |
Things like this do not inspire confidence. People say they always get corrected, but they do not. I left this pool before because they did not correct a similar problem, where did that $25,000 go? We have a non payment for a confirmed block now and several blocks not being moved into the confirmed category in out personal accounts. I so want to look forward to proper resolution of these matters, but time keeps going by without any correction.
21385 2014-01-06 09:01:29 5:55:58 3199195853 2769925 0.02278978 278900 25.03895165 35 confirmations left 21384 2014-01-06 03:05:31 2:42:21 1435249005 none none 278862 25.18020923 confirmed 21383 2014-01-06 00:23:10 0:40:27 335598605 338808 0.02565130 278836 25.01455000 confirmed
Oh yeah they never get fixed!!! that is why I keep mentally leaving here!!
January 06, 2014, 06:36:57 PM |
I love all the cry babies involved in BTC. I come to the forums here for a good laugh when I see a block get messed up, just to make sure it wasn't just me. Yup! I'm joining ranks of people getting ripped off today. LOL! If anyone here has been on Slush's pool for more than a day or two, then they would know that they always get fixed in a few hours or a day or two. Quit crying...or well wait, don't cause I need my! Come on. Getting ripped off doesn't necessarily has to be monetary. The term "Ripped off" here is a fact that Slush has no intention of keeping anyone informed and/or happy. I've moved everything back to BTCG where I make less than Slush but I'm informed at all times and issues are not only fixed but communicated as well. So not crying. It's just sad to see the oldest pool go so low.
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January 06, 2014, 06:57:22 PM |
... I've moved everything back to BTCG where I make less than Slush but I'm informed at all times and issues are not only fixed but communicated as well ...
Are you running PPS or PPLNS on BTCG?
Activity: 1750
Merit: 1007
January 06, 2014, 06:58:57 PM |
I've moved everything back to BTCG where I make less than Slush but I'm informed at all times and issues are not only fixed but communicated as well.
You'll end up making more on Guild. 1% fee difference doesn't make up for paid orphans and NMC merged mining. Assuming you're on PPLNS (which I would certainly hope you are).
RIP BTC Guild, April 2011 - June 2015
Activity: 51
Merit: 0
January 06, 2014, 07:01:24 PM |
everyone joins a pool knowing its advantages and disadvantages. Bottom line is no matter what you're taking a risk so why cry about if you lost some here switch to another pool or go solo .
January 06, 2014, 07:22:03 PM |
GHASH.IO last 5 blocks..... getting a good ass rape today
January 06, 2014, 07:45:10 PM |
everyone joins a pool knowing its advantages and disadvantages. Bottom line is no matter what you're taking a risk so why cry about if you lost some here switch to another pool or go solo .
Not everyone joins a pool knowing its advantages and disadvantages. I think most people join initially because of popularity. A pool needs to have an attractive quality to pull people away from a popular pool. A selling point of Slush is that it is the oldest pool and well established. To see quirks like this is disappointing at best and reason to switch pools at worst. Most people who are hashing at lower hash rate pools want to see the network diversified, and I should think others would want to keep people hashing here for the same reason. I recently switched some of my hashing here from HHTT since it closed, so I am new to this pool, and the recent quirks don't speak stability. I'm willing to wait it out, and I'm not "crying" about anything. I would just prefer to not be seeing a consolidation of hash power in just two pools, which is what I think quirks like this will cause. I'd much rather see BTC Guild on top than Ghash.IO though.
January 06, 2014, 08:13:05 PM |
I've moved everything back to BTCG where I make less than Slush but I'm informed at all times and issues are not only fixed but communicated as well.
You'll end up making more on Guild. 1% fee difference doesn't make up for paid orphans and NMC merged mining. Assuming you're on PPLNS (which I would certainly hope you are). Been curious but haven't looked into it yet... Can anyone explain to me NMC merged mining? Is this a scrypt coin for people without ASIC so they can still produce in a pool?
Activity: 1750
Merit: 1007
January 06, 2014, 08:31:31 PM |
I've moved everything back to BTCG where I make less than Slush but I'm informed at all times and issues are not only fixed but communicated as well.
You'll end up making more on Guild. 1% fee difference doesn't make up for paid orphans and NMC merged mining. Assuming you're on PPLNS (which I would certainly hope you are). Been curious but haven't looked into it yet... Can anyone explain to me NMC merged mining? Is this a scrypt coin for people without ASIC so they can still produce in a pool? NMC was the first altcoin, and it is a SHA256 coin. It was not designed as a currency, it's main use being a decentralized DNS system. However, most people just use it to trade for BTC, and in 2011 people would hop on/off of NMC based on difficulty/profitability. It was hurting BTC (big loss of hash rate), and ended up nearly killing NMC when the difficulty was driven up so high and the price so low that it was going to take *months* before the difficulty would adjust down again. To fix that problem, the NMC devs designed a way for a coin to piggyback on the hash rate of another coin, by using the coinbase of the primary coin to embed a block header for the alternate chain, and allowing a way to similarly embed information in the primary chain into the namecoin coinbase to link the two together. It proves that work was done to solve the NMC block at the same time as the BTC block. In effect, NMC is now a byproduct of BTC mining if the pool is setup to do it. It is created at no extra cost to the miner, and only a marginal extra cost on the server.
RIP BTC Guild, April 2011 - June 2015