I use this params directly in bios. And when i use phoenixminer i run OverdriveNTool. All freq and voltage display like i wrote in bios. MSI AB give information like i wrote.
Certainly voltages and/or clocks aren't the same. If there is any difference in the wattage it would be very small, nowhere near what you are seeing. Please check with GPU-Z, which seems to show the most accurate values of clocks/voltages.
I have noticed that during "DevFee" session some of cards reset vddc voltage.. Can you please check?
What can be the problem?
We haven't seen this on devfee but if the cards are paused even for a few seconds this may happen. During the switch between devfee and normal mining (and vice versa) it is possible to "hit" a small period of time and the cards to be paused for about 0.2-0.5 s, which may be causing what you are seeing. This is being redesigned in version 2.7 to completely eliminate the switching period, which should solve this problem as well as any instabilites that some have experienced on devfee periods even without DAG switching.
Oh God, new Claymore with dual mining of blake and keccak and lower fee of 1.5% in dual. Guys I like your miner, but new Claymore with these algos is a game changer. Implement it and I will revert back to Phoenix. Probably we can see first fruits of concurency at this field. Thanks
Adding to the TODO list: Sleep less, work more, beat the competition

Reboot help me.

I don't know why. But if i first start claymore and close it and then start phoenix power usage very big.
Yep, we are seeing all kinds of this "funny" behavior with the Overdrive API when we test voltage control in 2.7. We have given all hope that there will be any driver where everything works without any weird stuff and random bugs, so we are including all kinds of workarounds in order to compensate for the buggy drivers.
Hi, dev. Do you know about the problem with 1060-3 cards, that are not able to download dag file of ether classic? Would you solve the problem with reserving editional memory on videocard?
Our 1060s 3 GB works fine on ETC even with -eres 2. Please check if the DAGs are created properly if you exclude the card that is used as primary display adapter (i.e. the one that has a monitor or HDMI plug connected) - you can test the cards one by one using the
-gpus option. Also check the answer to question P007 on the first post in this thread. Finally, go to Control Panel -> Advanced system settings -> Performance -> Visual Effects and turn off everything to lower the GPU memory usage by Windows itself.
If miner disconnect from pool and re connec to pool hasrates drop half i have same problem 3 times in 2 days need to be fixed
Do you mean the effective hashrate or the reported hashrate of the cards? And how long the rig is staying disconnected from the rig?