<Ukyo> moof
* nsa_ should not have checked "moof" on urban dictionary..
<nsa_> Have you fixed the 277596 issue?
<nsa_> Or at least figured out why your client doesn't like it
<Ukyo> the issues itself is resolved. been working on reimplenting the newer version of bitcoind without the custom code
<Ukyo> I may have come up with a quick fix to get past the block though. Trying to test it out atm
<nsa_> so you are making a module with the custom code that sends commands to bitcoind right?
<Ukyo> already have that
<Ukyo> the issue was that the version of bitcoind that was being used was custom modified with sql support built in
<Ukyo> so I was reworking things to support the latest version of bitcoind out of the box insteady of relying on custom compiled versions
<Ukyo> in the meantime right now I am testing a workaround solution to possibly speed things up
<nsa_> oh. I thought *you* added the custom code to the client. aha
<Ukyo> yes.
<Ukyo> Added custom code to the bitcoind so it directly stores data with sql
<Ukyo> so we didnt have to 'poll' bitcoind for data previously
<nsa_> so now the SQL part is independent of the bitcoind version? (except of changes in the interfaces ofc)
<Ukyo> yes
<Ukyo> well, will be when these changes are done
<nsa_> Do you know whether the new version might fix the other issue with bitcoind bugging up, taking all ressources, etc?
<Ukyo> not sure yet. have not put it in the same load scenario
<Ukyo> been working on this update on and off since Nov.
<nsa_> any news on the *big* issue btw?
<Ukyo> on the original funds? nada.
<Ukyo> No idea when anything more will come on that :/
<Ukyo> In the meantime, keep working on other options
<nsa_> Are you able to say where the available coins came from btw?
<kanoi> yes but he wont
<Ukyo> Kanoi is correct that this get's into issues where I have to tread very carefully. Those were paid out because I believed it was the right thing to do.
<nsa_> Hurry! Pay out the rest and tell "them" the same story.
<Ukyo> hehehe, if only it was that easy. :/
<Ukyo> if we get lucky.. this cheap trick will work... and claims can get back going again rather quickly
<kanoi> interesting use of the word quickly
<Ukyo> being tonight
* kanoi looks for the sarcasm smiley ...
<Ukyo> depending on how long this test takes