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Question: Price Target for Nov. 30, 2024:
<$75K - 4 (2.7%)
$75K to $80K - 1 (0.7%)
$80K to $85K - 2 (1.4%)
$85K to $90K - 10 (6.8%)
$90K to $95K - 15 (10.3%)
$95K to $100K - 29 (19.9%)
>$100K - 85 (58.2%)
Total Voters: 146

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Author Topic: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion  (Read 26735733 times)
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October 21, 2020, 06:35:06 PM

Another corporation is doing the 'treasury' thing

Mode Global Holdings PLC, a U.K-listed company, has announced it will place 10% of its cash reserves into bitcoin as part of its treasury investment strategy.

given this was a CoinDesk story I have no idea of how much 10% of their treasury is worth, might be £10 for all I know.  They might just be off to put the contents of the petty cash tin into Paypal Wink
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October 21, 2020, 06:37:18 PM

crypto at paypal?
they want me to buy from them?
no, i will resist.


That should get some things going, though. Curious about what the Trumpsters will do about it...
But paypal, c'mon! I don't think they would set sails in uncleared waters.

Just my uhm, opinion, man  Cheesy
The terms did say they will allow you to purchase with no fee until december 31st. Cheesy
They can charge you whatever they like for their crypto cause you know they won't be going by bitstamp or any other market prices. Wink

Another corporation is doing the 'treasury' thing

Mode Global Holdings PLC, a U.K-listed company, has announced it will place 10% of its cash reserves into bitcoin as part of its treasury investment strategy.

given this was a CoinDesk story I have no idea of how much 10% of their treasury is worth, might be £10 for all I know.  They might just be off to put the contents of the petty cash tin into Paypal Wink
Quite right Kurious.
Best to hold off all the excitement until more context is actually released and the honeymoon period has been faded from all the fomo'ers.
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Note the unconventional cAPITALIZATION!

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October 21, 2020, 06:46:29 PM

Well, it's nice to be officially "wealthy" again at these BTC/USD prices. Freaking surreal.

Too bad the Paypal news is so lame. Not being able to move crypto between accounts, or into your own custody is going to red-pill quite a few folk about "not your keys, not your coins"


Yeah, that was one of my initial thoughts too. But that's eclipsed imo by the ability to send your bitcoin to paypal and then be able to spend it anywhere paypal is accepted, which is almost everywhere online. So just one extra step allows us to spend bitcoin almost everywhere. That's huge (no need to keep huge amounts of bitcoin there).

Hmm, it seems that if you cannot send/receive your own bitcoin to/from your paypal account, it's perhaps not as ground breaking as we'd hoped. Still a positive development though.

I would have been surprised if they would allow sending/receiving.  Nor BTC withdrawal, and obviously this is a big win for KYC.  And using it as "cash" for purchases will be it being spent at it's market rate etc.

it's messy.  There will be big negatives.  In some ways the status quo companies coming in is a bit of an invasion.

But this is SUCH a positive step in spite of all that.  And now the race is going to be who is the one that offers the most features you want.  Paypal, Square, Baakt, Fidelity, Robinhood, Etc?

This is DEFINATELY one of those "don't let the perfect get in the way of the good" moments.

I think Square/Cash App is going to set the tone for the industry, although PayPal is certainly a 900lb gorilla.

Or what if they used some kind of thunder bolt fast channels between their walled gardens, that would allow KYCed users to transfer their "BTC" between the approved platforms. Step 2?

Liquid was made for that.
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Activity: 3920
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Note the unconventional cAPITALIZATION!

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October 21, 2020, 06:52:37 PM

Another corporation is doing the 'treasury' thing

Mode Global Holdings PLC, a U.K-listed company, has announced it will place 10% of its cash reserves into bitcoin as part of its treasury investment strategy.

Was coming to post this?

What's that phrase all the cool kids say?

Gradually, then...
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It's all mathematics...!

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October 21, 2020, 06:52:51 PM

Serve me b*tches and b00ze.....

Lol! We havent even rallied yet !
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Activity: 1624
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It's all mathematics...!

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October 21, 2020, 06:58:42 PM
Merited by Lambie Slayer (1)

Where dem dang Bargain boyz at...?
USA up dat crap creek witout da paddles
Printin trillions n dat chubby guy got a snake bite!

I luv dem dang bargin boyz...
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Activity: 1624
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It's all mathematics...!

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October 21, 2020, 07:09:51 PM

^ yeah, no

I want dem dang keys PayPal or you own my stash...
Amazing paypal is control of the little guys $btc forever
Typical bs
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Activity: 3920
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Note the unconventional cAPITALIZATION!

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October 21, 2020, 07:15:33 PM
Merited by 600watt (1)

I want dem dang keys PayPal or you own my stash...
Amazing paypal is control of the little guys $btc forever
Typical bs

You should not use Paypal to custody your bitcoin, obviously.

But more than 99% of people are nowhere near ready to custody their own keys.

The less stories about how dangerous it is to own Bitcoin, the better.

This is analogous to the arrival of AOL in the internet age.  Do we want AOL instead of the internet?  Hell no.  Did AOL onboard 70% of the US market.  Yup.
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XXXVII Fnord is toast without bread

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October 21, 2020, 07:18:11 PM
Last edit: October 22, 2020, 06:46:24 PM by PoolMinor

Obey the Master Bitcoin! $13K before midnight?

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Activity: 3920
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Note the unconventional cAPITALIZATION!

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October 21, 2020, 07:18:25 PM

I will say this as an OG Bitcoiner (lolrothlmfaoetc).

If Paypal allows us to use their network with Bitcoin to buy things then I *will* allow them to custody a portion of my wealth as a spending wallet.  Why not?  I mean I got a bit on there new from Ebay sales.  Can't quite bring myself to convert all that *today* as I think the chance of a pullback is pretty high... but... you know.
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Activity: 1624
Merit: 1126

It's all mathematics...!

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October 21, 2020, 07:22:44 PM

I will say this as an OG Bitcoiner (lolrothlmfaoetc).

If Paypal allows us to use their network with Bitcoin to buy things then I *will* allow them to custody a portion of my wealth as a spending wallet.  Why not?  I mean I got a bit on there new from Ebay sales.  Can't quite bring myself to convert all that *today* as I think the chance of a pullback is pretty high... but... you know.

Dang homie... I thought I was og
You money playa 😎
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October 21, 2020, 07:25:25 PM

Hey all,

Long time reader, long time holder, ex long time miner ... prolly (I think?) first time poster. Usually don't login to read the WO, so the name will not be familiar to the regulars, but I've been here a while.

Holding since .... late 2012(?) maybe .... certainly around Risto times - definitely before Searing (I remember when Searing was just searing, before he was "Brad"). Also remember that dude from HI who convinced everyone he lost his BTC and then scammed some people.....

As a miner I was around for the whole BFL debacle, and got some really good mileage out of my KNC rig before that turned in to a scam.


Canadian (so, looking at Jimbo, maybe(?) for this advice) - but .... likely looking to cash out some coin and retire soon-ish.

Problem is, I'm not that old (late 30ish) and have a pretty solid gig with good benefits and all that.

I really need some advice around the tax hit I might take, and how much I really need to not just live, but live well during the next 40, 50 (+) years.

I recognize I can run the numbers myself (and I have), but looking for confirmation that I've not been off on any assumptions. Question is, who does one ask? Is this an accountant (EY, KPMG, etc?) type question, or a wealth advisor (who best I can tell is just a dope off the street with a spreadsheet) or ... someone else?

Never been much of a money focused dude (beyond knowing that BTC was a revolutionary idea when I heard it) - so - I really don't know who to ask.

I'd rather not dump 5-600 bucks on a meeting that will be no help. I'd like to emerge with a plan with firm numbers and targets attached.

Making financial decisions these days more than 2 years out is sketchy.  Beyond 5 years is ludicrous IMO.  Everything is changing fast.  If you can do it without too big of a dent to your stash, having cash on hand for the next 2- 5 years (plus whatever taxes you choose to pay) is prudent.  Beyond that, you can reassess.
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October 21, 2020, 07:28:01 PM

Hey all,

Long time reader, long time holder, ex long time miner ... prolly (I think?) first time poster. Usually don't login to read the WO, so the name will not be familiar to the regulars, but I've been here a while.

Holding since .... late 2012(?) maybe .... certainly around Risto times - definitely before Searing (I remember when Searing was just searing, before he was "Brad"). Also remember that dude from HI who convinced everyone he lost his BTC and then scammed some people.....

As a miner I was around for the whole BFL debacle, and got some really good mileage out of my KNC rig before that turned in to a scam.


Canadian (so, looking at Jimbo, maybe(?) for this advice) - but .... likely looking to cash out some coin and retire soon-ish.

Problem is, I'm not that old (late 30ish) and have a pretty solid gig with good benefits and all that.

I really need some advice around the tax hit I might take, and how much I really need to not just live, but live well during the next 40, 50 (+) years.

I recognize I can run the numbers myself (and I have), but looking for confirmation that I've not been off on any assumptions. Question is, who does one ask? Is this an accountant (EY, KPMG, etc?) type question, or a wealth advisor (who best I can tell is just a dope off the street with a spreadsheet) or ... someone else?

Never been much of a money focused dude (beyond knowing that BTC was a revolutionary idea when I heard it) - so - I really don't know who to ask.

I'd rather not dump 5-600 bucks on a meeting that will be no help. I'd like to emerge with a plan with firm numbers and targets attached.

Making financial decisions these days more than 2 years out is sketchy.  Beyond 5 years is ludicrous IMO.  Everything is changing fast.  If you can do it without too big of a dent to your stash, having cash on hand for the next 2- 5 years (plus whatever taxes you choose to pay) is prudent.  Beyond that, you can reassess.

There's plenty of good reading from the FIRE movement about that subject tho.
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Eadem mutata resurgo

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October 21, 2020, 07:33:33 PM
Merited by suchmoon (4), PoolMinor (2), Hueristic (1), JayJuanGee (1), Torque (1), Arriemoller (1)

sorry can't get excited about the Paypal corprotist shit sandwich getting served up for the masses.
you can't deposit your own btc, you can't withdraw your own btc, when you 'spend' btc from paypal the merchant doesn't receive btc ....
I mean wtf is it? It doesn't sound like btc ... it's just some joke token they are using in their internal spreadsheet for peeps who think they are in the btc market but are actually getting played by paypal.

the deception and surreptitious datarape by silicon valley continues, can't cheer this one on.
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October 21, 2020, 07:34:09 PM
Merited by Last of the V8s (1)

the noon wall report


oops...wrong chart   Grin





I wrote this haiku last night in the midst of a drunken stupor...forgive me

its not that I dont think this is good news for the mass adoption of bitcoin...its just not for me I think
keys given freely
yet many seek the shackles
of our past, tragic
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October 21, 2020, 07:35:53 PM
Merited by nutildah (1), 600watt (1), ivomm (1)

^ yeah, no

I want dem dang keys PayPal or you own my stash...
Amazing paypal is control of the little guys $btc forever
Typical bs

Nope you completely miss the point.

PayPal allows 350 million people to do this>

just for 20 usd.

If every account on bitcointalk did this it would make a pump.

So far I see 1 person who did this me and I see many like you that have zero understanding of greasing the wheels of progress.

your post is throwing sand in the wheel and gears and every post like it is doing the same.

Once again toss 20 dollars worth of grease and not a hand full of sand.
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'The right to privacy matters'

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October 21, 2020, 07:37:02 PM

sorry can't get excited about the Paypal corprotist shit sandwich getting served up for the masses.
you can't deposit your own btc, you can't withdraw your own btc, when you 'spend' btc from paypal the merchant doesn't receive btc ....
I mean wtf is it? It doesn't sound like btc ... it's just some joke token they are using in their internal spreadsheet for peeps who think they are in the btc market but are actually getting played by paypal.

the deception and surreptitious datarape by silicon valley continues, can't cheer this one on.

another tossing sand in the wheels and gears of progress.   grease them brother lube them up 20 usd worth of grease please.
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October 21, 2020, 07:37:26 PM

The terms did say they will allow you to purchase with no fee until december 31st. Cheesy
They can charge you whatever they like for their crypto cause you know they won't be going by bitstamp or any other market prices. Wink

But who cares? I mean as long as they're promoting BTC and people are buying let them earn their %

Besides, setting this deadline also makes people buy ASAP (before December 31st) which is again a good thing.

It's a pleasure to spend this day 1 of the Paypal pump with you gentlemen here on WO!   Cool
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October 21, 2020, 07:40:45 PM
Merited by cAPSLOCK (1)


I dont like paypal
You dont get the privatekey


This is really the biggest step in to mass adoption!
Mark my word.... We are not going just to moon.... we are going to buy the damn moon  Grin
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October 21, 2020, 07:43:10 PM

Me waiting for the BTC $100k party

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