just got back home and checked what the morning CPU mining did... total of 7 shares found, dificulty 1 ( max of 1.1MHash/sec when firefox is closed etc ) and find the following block is calculated ( and time showing last 2 of them were at end of round )
17791 2013-05-01 20:01:25 5:00:24 36782329 7 0.00000000 234096 25.58139100
normaly i'd shrug it off due to the over 36 million shares, this time i know at least 2 shares were in the last few min of the round
Unfortunally for such long round you probably need last minute not last minutes at that speed...
i'd believe most of the advice and as I have previously stated ( somewhere in this thread ) getting 0E-8 is my ' usual ' for CPU mining.
That said, in another round i get the following.
17795 2013-05-01 23:34:54 0:26:48 3199350 1 0.00000002 234122 25.10240000
For the duration/shares versus timing of the share, it seems that there is something wrong with the system since DDos attacks.
I am not crying ' boo hoo, 7 shares and got squat ', to the contrary, i'm saying i KNOW i got 2 in the last 10 min of a round and got squat and not like the newly mentioned payout for only 1 share on a short round. I also recommend for those that can LOG when/how many shares to do so and start looking at the timing of the depreciation of shares per round as I suspect that is the issue.
If I find more like this, I will not be posting it here, i'll be sending the info to Slush. I ask you do the same.
This all could still be fallout from the attack and I do not mind the 10% Slush gets when I use GETWORK. I do however mind if there is something wrong and no one looks in to it to see if they also are experiencing the issue so it can be looked at properly. I never did say how many PCs i got CPU mining, just that I do CPU mining currently.
Guys - I just did a quick check to see if I should be complaining of the way shares are calculated or not .. and got an unexpected result - see below
The "non-exp value" column was just a straight %-based calculation (my % of shares as part of the total - 2% fee). For the record - my average hash rate is around 900MH/s.
(PM me if you want the raw .xls file)
# Block found at Duration Total shares Your shares Your BTC reward Block # Block value Validity non-exp BTC diff diff, %
17798 5/2/2013 02:36 02:32:25 18926024 1959 0.0021944800 234140 25.3631500000 0.0025727899 (0.0003783099) (14.70)
17797 5/2/2013 00:04 00:20:39 2524877 239 0.0023771300 234126 25.2525000200 0.0023425460 0.0000345840 1.48
17796 5/1/2013 23:43 00:08:50 1088076 113 0.0026432800 234123 25.4665500000 0.0025918831 0.0000513969 1.98
17795 5/1/2013 23:34 00:26:48 3199350 332 0.0030787500 234122 25.1024000000 0.0025528051 0.0005259449 20.60
17794 5/1/2013 23:08 00:54:00 6434057 694 0.0026248300 234118 26.1599000100 0.0027652648 (0.0001404348) (5.08)
17793 5/1/2013 22:14 00:06:53 837922 75 0.0021734500 234107 25.3016400000 0.0022193838 (0.0000459338) (2.07)
17792 5/1/2013 22:07 02:05:48 15164478 1541 0.0029759200 234105 25.0000000000 0.0024896670 0.0004862530 19.53
17791 5/1/2013 20:01 05:00:24 36782329 3889 0.0026115300 234096 25.5813910000 0.0026506290 (0.0000390990) (1.48)
17790 5/1/2013 15:01 01:04:02 4347321 476 0.0031200000 234069 25.1445935100 0.0026980869 0.0004219131 15.64
17788 5/1/2013 13:56 01:37:25 11785876 1262 0.0027317000 234062 25.3624057100 0.0026614236 0.0000702764 2.64
17787 5/1/2013 12:19 00:43:01 5192237 541 0.0022621400 234050 25.1066000000 0.0025636382 (0.0003014982) (11.76)
17786 5/1/2013 11:36 02:54:05 20879847 2279 0.0028000700 234048 25.1799600000 0.0026933831 0.0001066869 3.96
17785 5/1/2013 08:42 02:09:13 15234727 1597 0.0020876700 234041 25.0298000000 confirmed 0.0025713056 (0.0004836356) (18.81)
17784 5/1/2013 06:33 00:49:16 5723542 581 0.0023853700 234023 25.1871000100 confirmed 0.0025056217 (0.0001202517) (4.80)
17783 5/1/2013 05:43 00:18:44 2170999 240 0.0028526300 234014 25.2799574200 confirmed 0.0027387604 0.0001138696 4.16
17782 5/1/2013 05:25 00:24:04 2825058 286 0.0029775400 234012 25.4393658300 confirmed 0.0025238935 0.0004536465 17.97
17781 5/1/2013 05:01 00:57:51 6673060 811 0.0027347900 234010 25.4912000100 confirmed 0.0030360728 (0.0003012828) (9.92)
17780 5/1/2013 04:03 00:12:34 1482016 164 0.0029840100 234002 25.4611940000 confirmed 0.0027611869 0.0002228231 8.07
17779 5/1/2013 03:50 00:20:56 2425366 284 0.0026129900 234001 25.1994000000 confirmed 0.0028917273 (0.0002787373) (9.64)
17778 5/1/2013 03:29 00:24:00 2767926 311 0.0029644700 233998 25.3604159600 confirmed 0.0027924690 0.0001720010 6.16
17777 5/1/2013 03:05 00:40:08 4582519 513 0.0034625700 233995 25.4935847600 confirmed 0.0027968558 0.0006657142 23.80
17776 5/1/2013 02:25 02:25:43 16453036 1873 0.0029811200 233992 25.4016363200 confirmed 0.0028338672 0.0001472528 5.20
17775 4/30/2013 23:59 03:34:17 24772020 2752 0.0026284900 233974 25.2387222200 confirmed 0.0027477704 (0.0001192804) (4.34)
17774 4/30/2013 20:25 02:03:23 14233698 1578 0.0025780100 233955 25.3464811700 confirmed 0.0027538038 (0.0001757938) (6.38)
17773 4/30/2013 18:22 00:25:12 2885972 322 0.0026078800 233943 25.1313000000 confirmed 0.0027479245 (0.0001400445) (5.10)
17772 4/30/2013 17:57 00:22:15 2543353 289 0.0029461900 233937 25.3707005900 confirmed 0.0028252035 0.0001209865 4.28
17771 4/30/2013 17:34 00:00:35 51130 3 0.0015165600 233934 25.2156100000 confirmed 0.0014499099 0.0000666501 4.60
17770 4/30/2013 17:34 02:18:03 15697265 1802 0.0028537800 233933 25.5807000000 confirmed 0.0028778576 (0.0000240776) (0.84)
17769 4/30/2013 15:16 00:07:59 927381 105 0.0030657500 233923 25.2111000000 confirmed 0.0027973640 0.0002683860 9.59
17768 4/30/2013 15:08 01:31:02 10285822 1188 0.0024144400 233921 25.1781000400 confirmed 0.0028498793 (0.0004354393) (15.28)
Total: 258897284 28099 0.0802475400 759.6374585800 0.0793029735 0.0009445665 1.19
So although on a few rounds I was significantly towards the losing end, it seems the rounds where I was closer to the winning end not only compensated but actually I'm at a 1.19% bonus

I'll be curious to see how others compare - if anyone else wants to do a similar check and share the results.