What exactly are dupe shares?
I seem to have quite a few of them - 21.61 GH/s 1619976 (99.82%) 2906 / 10924 / 0
Same shares submitted to the pool twice - you should see them like rejects R
you can calculate your actual hash rate as follows:
21.61 GH/s * (1-R/A) = PAID hash rate
Have in mind that Rejects are caused because of stales also.
for instance i mine at bitminter and my rejects are below 0.5%. It is normal to have rejects this is unavoidable
To make accurate calc run your miner for a day to avoid variance and be 100% sure that there were no pool/network issues
Thanks for the calculation.
Miner been running for 3 days, so pretty accurate. I don't believe I have power issues either, so maybe a problem with the pool rather than the miner itself.
The problem with dupes is that they afect your hash rate and you can get false feeling that it works better when do not take in account rejects. Anyway watch technobit site for update fixing this it should be released soon
Once again rejects will be always there even dupe issue is fixed that is the way it works with other boards/vendors also. There is no workaround for this
And finally precise formula as suggested by kano
Paid shares
cgminer-api devs
[ASC1] =>
[ASC] => 1
[Name] => HEXc
[ID] => 0
[Enabled] => Y
[Status] => Alive
[Temperature] => 0.00
[MHS av] => 22030.36
[MHS 5s] => 19677.28
[Accepted] => 179
[Rejected] => 7
[Hardware Errors] => 1245
[Utility] => 0.57
[Last Share Pool] => 0
[Last Share Time] => 1389967128
[Total MH] => 414125041.5510
[Diff1 Work] => 96422
[Difficulty Accepted] => 104448.00000000
[Difficulty Rejected] => 524.00000000
[Last Share Difficulty] => 512.00000000
[No Device] => false
[Last Valid Work] => 1389967232
[Device Hardware%] => 1.2747
[Device Rejected%] => 0.5434
[Device Elapsed] => 18798
To be more precise as ugested by kano
2^32/[Device Elapsed]*[Difficulty Accepted]/10^9
My score is lucky though i rebooted cgminer but it shal give you almost same result as the 21.61 GH/s * (1-R/A)