Testing version 1.20 with DUAL Mining EZIL... Using in my case a 2Miners pool ETH + EZIL for ZIL...

It is important to have a stable rig, because if you have problems of cards going down on new DAG or too much undervolt, it can make stop working some card in the ZIL switch... If that happens look which card goes to 0 to increase the voltage for that card:
Statistics (00:22:18); Mining: Ethash
Connected to:
eth.2miners.com:2020Uptime: 1h 26m 3s
GPU 0 GPU 1 GPU 2 GPU 3 GPU 4 GPU 5 GPU 6 Total
Speed (mh/s): 93.74 49.71 49.77 52.99 53.02 49.77 49.83 398.83
Pool (mh/s): 103.10 38.87 57.47 43.94 60.85 32.11 60.85 397.19
Best Share: 496.8G 140.0G 88.5G 556.3G 436.8G 474.3G 353.5G 556.3G
Shares (A/S/Hw): 61/0/0 23/0/0 34/0/0 26/0/0 36/0/0 19/0/0 36/0/0 235/0/0
Power (W): 212.4 89.2 89.0 97.5 78.4 88.5 84.0 739.0
Efficiency (mh/s/W): 0.440 0.554 0.556 0.541 0.672 0.559 0.590 0.540
Temp (deg C): 63 60 60 62 61 64 52
Junction (deg C): n.a. 73 66 75 67 68 61
Memory (deg C): n.a. 76 80 80 80 82 80
Fan Speed (%): 72 54 53 60 36 40 60
Average speed (10s): 93.79mh/s | 49.67mh/s | 49.68mh/s | 53.05mh/s | 52.96mh/s | 49.74mh/s | 49.82mh/s Total: 398.70 mh/s
GPU 5: Found a share of difficulty 16.44G
GPU 5: Share accepted (37 ms)
Eth: New job received: 0xcae4bb Epoch: 390 Target: 000000007e000000
Eth: New job received: 0xc37df3 Epoch: 390 Target: 000000007e000000
Eth: New job received: 0x7e74ac Epoch: 390 Target: 000000007e000000
Average speed (10s): 93.82mh/s | 49.69mh/s | 49.66mh/s | 53.06mh/s | 52.93mh/s | 49.74mh/s | 49.81mh/s Total: 398.70 mh/s
Eth: New job received: 0xfe50f6 Epoch: 390 Target: 000000007e000000
Average speed (10s): 93.72mh/s | 49.69mh/s | 49.66mh/s | 53.06mh/s | 52.90mh/s | 49.76mh/s | 49.86mh/s Total: 398.64 mh/s
Eth: New job received: 0x20bd98 Epoch: 390 Target: 000000007e000000
Eth: New job received: 0x59b662 Epoch: 390 Target: 000000007e000000
Eth: New job received: 0x570e43 Epoch: 390 Target: 000000007e000000
Eth: New job received: 0xf6360f Epoch: 390 Target: 000000007e000000
Average speed (10s): 93.80mh/s | 49.65mh/s | 49.65mh/s | 53.05mh/s | 52.93mh/s | 49.73mh/s | 49.85mh/s Total: 398.65 mh/s
Eth: New job received: 0x7d9c64 Epoch: 390 Target: 000000007e000000
Average speed (10s): 93.78mh/s | 49.66mh/s | 49.65mh/s | 53.05mh/s | 52.96mh/s | 49.76mh/s | 49.70mh/s Total: 398.56 mh/s
Eth: New job received: 0xe62556 Epoch: 390 Target: 000000007e000000
Activating ZIL connection: ZIL shard epoch active.
Zil: New job received: 0xb7a494 Epoch: 0 Target: 000000007fd9e5ba
Generating light cache for epoch 0
Done (525 ms), size of new DAG: 1024 MByte
Start DAG gen on GPU 0 (normal mode)
Start DAG gen on GPU 1 (normal mode)
Start DAG gen on GPU 2 (normal mode)
Start DAG gen on GPU 5 (normal mode)
Start DAG gen on GPU 3 (normal mode)
Start DAG gen on GPU 6 (normal mode)
Start DAG gen on GPU 4 (normal mode)
Finished DAG gen on GPU 0 (457 ms)
Finished DAG gen on GPU 3 (1281 ms)
Finished DAG gen on GPU 1 (1333 ms)
Finished DAG gen on GPU 2 (1333 ms)
Finished DAG gen on GPU 4 (1343 ms)
Finished DAG gen on GPU 5 (1375 ms)
Finished DAG gen on GPU 6 (1434 ms)
Average speed (10s): 84.60mh/s | 40.48mh/s | 40.48mh/s | 43.87mh/s | 43.50mh/s | 40.48mh/s | 40.37mh/s Total: 333.77 mh/s
Statistics (00:23:18); Mining: Ethash
Connected to:
eu.ezil.me:5555Uptime: 1h 27m 3s
GPU 0 GPU 1 GPU 2 GPU 3 GPU 4 GPU 5 GPU 6 Total
Speed (mh/s): 92.33 48.22 48.16 51.58 51.33 48.19 48.29 388.11
Pool (mh/s): 101.92 38.43 56.81 43.44 60.15 33.41 60.15 394.29
Best Share: 496.8G 140.0G 88.5G 556.3G 436.8G 474.3G 353.5G 556.3G
Shares (A/S/Hw): 61/0/0 23/0/0 34/0/0 26/0/0 36/0/0 20/0/0 36/0/0 236/0/0
Power (W): 212.4 89.5 89.4 97.5 78.3 88.3 84.5 739.9
Efficiency (mh/s/W): 0.434 0.536 0.535 0.526 0.652 0.543 0.568 0.525
Temp (deg C): 63 60 60 62 61 63 52
Junction (deg C): n.a. 73 66 75 67 68 61
Memory (deg C): n.a. 76 80 78 80 82 80
Fan Speed (%): 72 55 53 60 36 40 60