
Activity: 64
Merit: 10
June 23, 2017, 03:43:10 AM Last edit: June 23, 2017, 03:55:57 AM by leomedina01 |
Oh no. After I installed the update, all data in the chart is missing, for all pairs!!! The issue is only for Bittrex http://prntscr.com/fn46gePls tell me how can I fix this. Thnx I had to close and re-open all tabs, and now seems fine. The only downside is that I have lost all my strategy data from last session when i closed the tab. So now, I cannot resume strategy. Anyway Thnx for the update. Looks great.
leonArdo@margin (OP)
Activity: 1989
Merit: 1008
June 23, 2017, 07:11:13 AM |
I also get the same Core Dump issue on my Linux box.
Ok, we'll have a look at the linux issues ASAP! Thanks for reporting!
June 23, 2017, 07:12:56 AM |
leonArdo version 3.4 released!Complete redesign of leonArdo's underlying memory allocation model- New high-performance underlying memory allocator
- Avoidance of most dynamic memory-allocation overhead
- Guarantees much longer lifetime when run 24/7
- Yields a drastic reduction in CPU usage
- See note “Regarding memory usage” below
Added an extra error-handling layer to mArgin-maker’s state-engine- Improved handling in case of API calls whose outcome is unknown
- In error-situations, the newly introduced "Go for it!"-option can be checked to enable mArgin-maker
-> to wait 5 minutes and re-check whether it can find out whether the previous erroneous action was successful -> to continue its operations assuming a most likely outcome based on all market-data available - Please note, that the decision made by mArgin-maker here is not always 100% sophisticated so under certain circumstances this can lead to unwanted behavior such as double-orders
Added Stop-Loss to the mArgin-maker bot (beta)- Can be enabled by simply checking the new Stop-Loss option
- Define a lower price threshold which causes mArgin-maker to cancel its active sell order and to sell the amount immediately before stopping the bot
- Use intuitive drag&drop to alter the Stop-Loss price
- Stop-Loss price can be defined absolutely or relative to the last performed buy order
Added new annotation to mArgin-maker that visualizes its action history- Follow what your bot did more easily
- Hover to see detailed information about actions it performed
- Easily assign trades to the strategy
Further changes:- Further optimizations to reduce CPU load
- Added small plots to the tooltip of the network-connection indicator (bottom right) that shows the history of leonArdo’s memory usage and network connection stats.
How can you get your copy?If you are an existing customer you can simply click on the "update available" link on the leonArdo login screen and download this version. Or if you are new just head over to website and click through to our Products section. You can also download a demo version of leonArdo from the website to try before you buy. Check out a screenshot of the mArgin maker bot's new Stop-Loss functionality. Here we see a relative Stop-Loss setting of 1.62%: Regarding memory usage:Please note that the Windows task manager (or comparable tools for Linux and Mac) does not provide a reliable estimate of an application's actual memory usage. That is, even though leonArdo (and all other applications) might seem to use more and more memory over time this is not necessarily caused by an actual memory leak. Instead, modern operating systems use several highly optimized layers of memory handlers that try to minimize memory fragmentation while exploiting as much memory as possible (Interested readers could start reading more on this topic here: http://blogs.microsoft.co.il/sasha/2016/01/05/windows-process-memory-usage-demystified/) Awesome looks great, love the stop feature, well done  Also if a few of you want to dm me your telegram contacts i can make a telegram chat room easy enough 
Don't take life too serious, No one gets out alive 
leonArdo@margin (OP)
Activity: 1989
Merit: 1008
June 23, 2017, 08:01:39 AM |
Hmm tried to run the latest version (3.4) on Linux, but get a core dump if I create a new demo session on Poloniex (as I'm still evaluating the product) with the following currency pair: ETH/BTC, BTC/USDT, ETH/USDT. Rest is default (0.5 BTC on start). However, if I start the demo session without changing anything (i.e. default currency pairs), it starts normally. This behavior didn't happen on 3.3. I also made sure I deleted ~/.leonardo as I though perhaps old settings might be conflicting, but didn't help. Running Ubuntu 17.04 x64 fully updated.
dbolivar@xxx:~/leonArdo-linux$ ./run-leonArdo.sh ./run-leonArdo.sh: line 13: 23462 Aborted (core dumped) QT_PLUGIN_PATH=$DIR/plugins ./leonArdo
EDIT: even when the interface loads, it crashes after a few seconds with the same core dump message above.
We are looking into this. We found a reproducable issue on 17.04...
leonArdo@margin (OP)
Activity: 1989
Merit: 1008
June 23, 2017, 08:04:19 AM |
I also noticed the GUI is now slow, with significant delay and very high CPU usage (Xorg process and leonArdo). I disabled graphics acceleration on my desktop because I want to dedicate the GPU power to mining, however on the previous version it was performing good enough.
What OS flavour are you using? Thanks, Jonathan
Activity: 1526
Merit: 1002
Bulletproof VPS/VPN/Email @ BadAss.Sx
June 23, 2017, 08:49:10 AM Last edit: June 23, 2017, 09:00:53 AM by BadAss.Sx |
Thanks for the update...gonna test it out now  EDIT: first glance...what happened to the order book? I can only see the last 30 entries of it on sell/bid side. I can't trade with this...it is important to see the market depth for me in the order book. Also very slow with initiating the coins. EDIT2: shutting down results in a lockup (OSX) and then in a crash. Going back to previous version for now. It is important when i trade to see the market depth in the order book. I know i can see it in the chart also, but i can't trade easily with this setup
June 23, 2017, 09:11:27 AM |
Downloading the new release! I'll try out and give feedback soon!
June 23, 2017, 09:57:20 AM |
Downloading the new release! I'll try out and give feedback soon!
It seems much faster than the previous version. Cancel orders occur almost instantly. Love the "Go for it". That is something really useful in case the coin goes up and we want still buying!!! How often it is triggered? 0.1h as default? Is this the sort of time scale you recommend? Good job! I will keep messing with options and understand more.
June 23, 2017, 02:23:04 PM |
So far so good. bittrex 3 markets, btce 2 markets, and polo 4 markets, 6 hours no issues and trading perfectly 
Don't take life too serious, No one gets out alive 

Activity: 119
Merit: 10
June 23, 2017, 07:46:15 PM |
I also noticed the GUI is now slow, with significant delay and very high CPU usage (Xorg process and leonArdo). I disabled graphics acceleration on my desktop because I want to dedicate the GPU power to mining, however on the previous version it was performing good enough.
What OS flavour are you using? I'm using Ubuntu Mate 17.04, fully updated. As I mentioned I'm running my desktop without graphics acceleration (window manager = Marco/no compositor), to dedicate GPU power to hashing, but once you fix the core dump, I can test different window managers (Marco with software or GPU compositor, and Compiz) to see if that's specific to my current setup. PM me if you'd like help to test this or other things on the Linux side, as I have a good experience with this OS and will be glad to help.
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
June 23, 2017, 07:50:16 PM |
I also noticed the GUI is now slow, with significant delay and very high CPU usage (Xorg process and leonArdo). I disabled graphics acceleration on my desktop because I want to dedicate the GPU power to mining, however on the previous version it was performing good enough.
What OS flavour are you using? I'm using Ubuntu Mate 17.04, fully updated. As I mentioned I'm running my desktop without graphics acceleration (window manager = Marco/no compositor), to dedicate GPU power to hashing, but once you fix the core dump, I can test different window managers (Marco with software or GPU compositor, and Compiz) to see if that's specific to my current setup. PM me if you'd like help to test this or other things on the Linux side, as I have a good experience with this OS and will be glad to help. Bro can ask you: I'm running a VPS on ubuntu 16.04. What the the recommended way to remote connect to the VPS from Macbook pro? (I can ssh to the VPS). Currently I'm accessing using KVM from browser but seem it's not the best option. (My Ubuntu currently running GNOME) help is much appreciate. thanks.

Activity: 119
Merit: 10
June 23, 2017, 08:31:21 PM |
I also noticed the GUI is now slow, with significant delay and very high CPU usage (Xorg process and leonArdo). I disabled graphics acceleration on my desktop because I want to dedicate the GPU power to mining, however on the previous version it was performing good enough.
What OS flavour are you using? I'm using Ubuntu Mate 17.04, fully updated. As I mentioned I'm running my desktop without graphics acceleration (window manager = Marco/no compositor), to dedicate GPU power to hashing, but once you fix the core dump, I can test different window managers (Marco with software or GPU compositor, and Compiz) to see if that's specific to my current setup. PM me if you'd like help to test this or other things on the Linux side, as I have a good experience with this OS and will be glad to help. Bro can ask you: I'm running a VPS on ubuntu 16.04. What the the recommended way to remote connect to the VPS from Macbook pro? (I can ssh to the VPS). Currently I'm accessing using KVM from browser but seem it's not the best option. (My Ubuntu currently running GNOME) help is much appreciate. thanks. What you need to do is enable a VNC server on your Linux server, and then use a VNC client to connect to it. On your VPS provider you need to make sure the VNC port is open on the firewall (if there's a firewall), the same for you server itself. The usual port is 5900/tcp. Keep in mind things like access password and encryption. Check if the links below help you; otherwise, just Google using these keywords, there are tons of articles: https://www.howtoforge.com/configure-remote-access-to-your-ubuntu-desktophttps://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-vnc-on-ubuntu-16-04
leonArdo@margin (OP)
Activity: 1989
Merit: 1008
June 23, 2017, 10:18:10 PM |
Thanks for the update...gonna test it out now  EDIT: first glance...what happened to the order book? I can only see the last 30 entries of it on sell/bid side. I can't trade with this...it is important to see the market depth for me in the order book. Also very slow with initiating the coins. EDIT2: shutting down results in a lockup (OSX) and then in a crash. Going back to previous version for now. It is important when i trade to see the market depth in the order book. I know i can see it in the chart also, but i can't trade easily with this setup Hey BadAss.Sx, You can see all the orders if you like. Go to settings (cog wheel top right) and choose between 10, 25, 50, 100 or all  Best wishes, Jonathan
leonArdo@margin (OP)
Activity: 1989
Merit: 1008
June 23, 2017, 10:19:22 PM |
I also noticed the GUI is now slow, with significant delay and very high CPU usage (Xorg process and leonArdo). I disabled graphics acceleration on my desktop because I want to dedicate the GPU power to mining, however on the previous version it was performing good enough.
What OS flavour are you using? I'm using Ubuntu Mate 17.04, fully updated. As I mentioned I'm running my desktop without graphics acceleration (window manager = Marco/no compositor), to dedicate GPU power to hashing, but once you fix the core dump, I can test different window managers (Marco with software or GPU compositor, and Compiz) to see if that's specific to my current setup. PM me if you'd like help to test this or other things on the Linux side, as I have a good experience with this OS and will be glad to help. Bro can ask you: I'm running a VPS on ubuntu 16.04. What the the recommended way to remote connect to the VPS from Macbook pro? (I can ssh to the VPS). Currently I'm accessing using KVM from browser but seem it's not the best option. (My Ubuntu currently running GNOME) help is much appreciate. thanks. What you need to do is enable a VNC server on your Linux server, and then use a VNC client to connect to it. On your VPS provider you need to make sure the VNC port is open on the firewall (if there's a firewall), the same for you server itself. The usual port is 5900/tcp. Keep in mind things like access password and encryption. Check if the links below help you; otherwise, just Google using these keywords, there are tons of articles: https://www.howtoforge.com/configure-remote-access-to-your-ubuntu-desktophttps://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-vnc-on-ubuntu-16-04Thanks!!

Activity: 64
Merit: 10
June 24, 2017, 05:12:57 AM Last edit: June 24, 2017, 05:31:43 AM by leomedina01 |
Hi, Leonardo crashed when I opened a market and closed the tab. I've got this error > http://prntscr.com/fnjgk5Also, I have some suggestions: 1) First for stop loss. Sometimes, when we are at profit already, we want to raise the stop loss to someone above the point where we bought, tipically to a previous bottom or something like...so we don't loose our current profit if market somehow turns against us... ...but with Leonardo this is not possible, because it does not allow we change any strategy parameters after it's started. So the ability to move the stop loss to wherever we want even the strategy is running would be great. 2) 2nd one is to add the stop loss to ping pong strategy. 3) I don't know if I'm wrong, pls correct me if I am...but I think the stop loss percentage is relative to the margins, is it? if so.. I think it should be relative to the price where it filled the buy order. So, if for example the price drops and therefore the margin drops to a low level, the stop will drop as well (Because it's relative to the margin lower line), and then we will have a loss of more than we initially set for stop loss. Did u get my point? I know I can make SL at a fixed price, but I think it would be a good idea to use in percentage mode at that way... So in summary, when margin raises or drops, and there's no buy order filled, then it should follow up and be relative to the margin borders (or to the buy limit order), but when a buy order is filled, it should be relative to the buy order price. What do u think about? Of course, it's just an idea. Maybe the current way is better, I don't know. Pls let me know. Thnx Cheers.
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
June 24, 2017, 03:49:37 PM |
How long does it usually take for you guys to send the purchase to a buyer? it said 8 hours, but i didn't receive a confirmation email or anything so im a little nervous
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
June 24, 2017, 04:56:49 PM |
Where i can find loss/profit report per pairs or/and date?
Hi hoop, This is not available yet. We will add detailed reporting in a future release. Thanks, Jonathan Hi Jonathen, I tried to install leonArdo on Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-1013-aws x86_64) and after run ./run-leonArdo.sh I got this error ./leonArdo: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Btw what's your vps service price per month/year? Thanks Hi hoop, can you please check, whether you have a leonArdo executable in the unzipped folder? (some browsers seem to erase files from zip archives when downloaded) As for our vps service, we are not offering it anymore. It was a loss maker for us and we decided to, at least for now, pull it. I can highly recommend using a VPS service with leonArdo, but please seek out your own providers. We are here to help you with setting up issues. Best wishes, Jonathan It is not on the software but on your installation. Assuming that you are comfortable on the command line; 1. sudo apt-get install apt-file 2. sudo apt-file update 3. ldd leonArdo | grep libGL.so.1 4. apt-file search /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so.1 5. ldd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so.1 6. apt-cache depends libgl1-mesa-glx
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
June 24, 2017, 05:05:10 PM |
Hmm tried to run the latest version (3.4) on Linux, but get a core dump if I create a new demo session on Poloniex (as I'm still evaluating the product) with the following currency pair: ETH/BTC, BTC/USDT, ETH/USDT. Rest is default (0.5 BTC on start). However, if I start the demo session without changing anything (i.e. default currency pairs), it starts normally. This behavior didn't happen on 3.3. I also made sure I deleted ~/.leonardo as I though perhaps old settings might be conflicting, but didn't help. Running Ubuntu 17.04 x64 fully updated.
dbolivar@xxx:~/leonArdo-linux$ ./run-leonArdo.sh ./run-leonArdo.sh: line 13: 23462 Aborted (core dumped) QT_PLUGIN_PATH=$DIR/plugins ./leonArdo
EDIT: even when the interface loads, it crashes after a few seconds with the same core dump message above.
Try running it with strace, that should provide a better insight.

Activity: 86
Merit: 10
June 24, 2017, 06:06:31 PM |
Ok, I got the new update working, and so far so good with Poloniex orders. I even did some margin trading, but for now I will not use the margin feature as it seems like the api takes a while to register on the site and sometimes 1 second can count when closing a margin call. I have noticed Poloinex seems to take a little longer to execute and cancel orders. I will play with it some more and let you guys know what I find.
Other than that the software itself is working as it should.
Activity: 1524
Merit: 1001
NOBT - WNOBT your saving bank◕◡◕
June 24, 2017, 11:27:42 PM |
Where i can find loss/profit report per pairs or/and date?
Hi hoop, This is not available yet. We will add detailed reporting in a future release. Thanks, Jonathan Hi Jonathen, I tried to install leonArdo on Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-1013-aws x86_64) and after run ./run-leonArdo.sh I got this error ./leonArdo: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Btw what's your vps service price per month/year? Thanks Hi hoop, can you please check, whether you have a leonArdo executable in the unzipped folder? (some browsers seem to erase files from zip archives when downloaded) As for our vps service, we are not offering it anymore. It was a loss maker for us and we decided to, at least for now, pull it. I can highly recommend using a VPS service with leonArdo, but please seek out your own providers. We are here to help you with setting up issues. Best wishes, Jonathan It is not on the software but on your installation. Assuming that you are comfortable on the command line; 1. sudo apt-get install apt-file 2. sudo apt-file update 3. ldd leonArdo | grep libGL.so.1 4. apt-file search /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so.1 5. ldd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so.1 6. apt-cache depends libgl1-mesa-glx I've followed this guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljvgwmJCUjw but new leonArdo V won't work .