Jr. Member
Activity: 155
Merit: 4
May 14, 2019, 01:01:06 PM Last edit: May 14, 2019, 02:00:31 PM by evlo |
After long while tried 42c instead of ethminer, reported hashrate of phoenix is noticeably higher, real is about the same, but less stales, but after about 26 hours of mining all workers disconnected from pool, but kept hashing (and using electricity). Not good.
May 14, 2019, 01:17:23 PM |
After long while tried 42c instead of ethminer, reported hashrate of phoenix is noticeably higher, real is about the same, but less stales, but after about 26 hours of mining all workers disconnected from pool, but kept mining and using electricity. Not good.
Sadly I have to confirm this bug, my ISP had to reroute something and connection was stalled for about 20mins, all this time while phoenixminer was trying to reconnect it was using full power.
Jr. Member
Activity: 155
Merit: 4
May 14, 2019, 02:01:21 PM |
Well it did not reconnect in my case, just wasting power, i let it run for hour.
Activity: 2294
Merit: 1182
Now the money is free, and so the people will be
May 14, 2019, 05:10:15 PM |
most likely your win10 defender is stopping the .exe from running because it thinks its malicious. add it to the exceptions should work
Jr. Member
Activity: 60
Merit: 2
May 14, 2019, 06:15:16 PM |
Hello. Someone know why my cards mining the Half? In eth its mining just the Half. I used in the past a beta of crimson and i can minning in 22 Mhz. With the last adrenaline (or crismon), i am mining jsut the half (10.5) Why?
and, i am mining with nicehash (LyraV3) and i mining the same with old or new drivers. So the problem is the ETherum.
What happed?
RX 470 4GB Gigabyte: 21.000 Mhz RX 470 4 GB Sapphire 24.000 Mhz RX 570 8 GB Asrock: 23.000 Mhz
This.. the half :/
May 14, 2019, 09:29:09 PM |
Hello. Someone know why my cards mining the Half? In eth its mining just the Half. I used in the past a beta of crimson and i can minning in 22 Mhz. With the last adrenaline (or crismon), i am mining jsut the half (10.5) Why?
and, i am mining with nicehash (LyraV3) and i mining the same with old or new drivers. So the problem is the ETherum.
What happed?
RX 470 4GB Gigabyte: 21.000 Mhz RX 470 4 GB Sapphire 24.000 Mhz RX 570 8 GB Asrock: 23.000 Mhz
This.. the half :/
Did you activate compute mode for every card?
Jr. Member
Activity: 60
Merit: 2
May 15, 2019, 01:43:09 AM |
Hello. Someone know why my cards mining the Half? In eth its mining just the Half. I used in the past a beta of crimson and i can minning in 22 Mhz. With the last adrenaline (or crismon), i am mining jsut the half (10.5) Why?
and, i am mining with nicehash (LyraV3) and i mining the same with old or new drivers. So the problem is the ETherum.
What happed?
RX 470 4GB Gigabyte: 21.000 Mhz RX 470 4 GB Sapphire 24.000 Mhz RX 570 8 GB Asrock: 23.000 Mhz
This.. the half :/
Did you activate compute mode for every card? In Radeon Settings? i will chek
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
May 15, 2019, 08:42:54 AM |
Is there any chance to order gpu-s indexes, similar to claymore's -di attribute?
Activity: 9
Merit: 0
May 15, 2019, 09:54:16 AM Last edit: May 15, 2019, 10:14:18 AM by Upperscore |
Hi, new here.
I'm dual mining ETH and Blake2s.
Question 1: Is blake2s even profitable? I would earn 1$ a year mining blake2s at 1500 MH/s
Question 2: Whan can I mine instead of blake2s?
Thanks guys!
May 15, 2019, 03:43:51 PM |
Version 4.2c have full support AMD drivers up to 19.4.3. Miner need update to support OpenCL from 19.5.1 driver.
May 15, 2019, 08:40:55 PM |
Who knows what AMD changed... But it's the fact, I checked. We need miner update if we want to use AMD 19.5.1+ driver...
Activity: 312
Merit: 0
May 15, 2019, 09:44:21 PM |
Who knows what AMD changed... But it's the fact, I checked. We need miner update if we want to use AMD 19.5.1+ driver... If I update to the newest AMD driver. Will it affect GPU order 1,2,3,4,5,6 that I have today?
May 15, 2019, 10:45:13 PM |
Who knows what AMD changed... But it's the fact, I checked. We need miner update if we want to use AMD 19.5.1+ driver... If I update to the newest AMD driver. Will it affect GPU order 1,2,3,4,5,6 that I have today? I think, no. But until you didn't try we can't know it exactly...
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
May 17, 2019, 02:23:24 PM |
I have the PhoenixMiner running for 2 days with no Problems so far. I cant confirm connection problems after long running times.
There is another Problem but it has nothing to do with the PhoenixMiner i think -> My stats wont show up on Ethashpool, i changed the default wallet to mine, its also the same that shows up in the logs when i start the Miner. Is this normal? I know from other pools that my stats will show up there even after only a few minutes of mining.
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
May 17, 2019, 05:49:48 PM |
I am having issue of frequent disconnection on ethermine pool. I have tried claymore also but same issue. but when using nanopool or any other it works fine.
2019.05.17:23:17:24.350: eths Eth: Unable to read pool response: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host 2019.05.17:23:17:24.351: eths Eth: Reconnecting in 10 seconds... 2019.05.17:23:17:27.230: main
does anyone has any clue as ethermine team says they are not seeing nay disconnect log, but I get it every 1-2 mins..
Activity: 231
Merit: 0
May 17, 2019, 11:22:10 PM |
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
May 18, 2019, 02:38:23 AM |
Do you guys have an idea why my GPU1 (RX580 with HDMI dummy plug) would be doing only 24Mh/s where as 4 other cards are all doing 31mh/s? In Claymore this card gets 31Mh/s with all the same settings.
Am I missing something?

Activity: 413
Merit: 17
May 18, 2019, 07:39:52 AM |
Can't really search the thread, so I'll report a bug here. On NVIDIA rigs, the main display card (GPU0) crashes during DAG switch - this usually happens on 1080 and 1080 Ti. The main reason seems to be that the cards briefly go from loaded P2 to unloaded P0 during the switch, which brings them to unstable memory clocks.
Activity: 150
Merit: 0
May 18, 2019, 04:10:52 PM |
Can't really search the thread, so I'll report a bug here. On NVIDIA rigs, the main display card (GPU0) crashes during DAG switch - this usually happens on 1080 and 1080 Ti. The main reason seems to be that the cards briefly go from loaded P2 to unloaded P0 during the switch, which brings them to unstable memory clocks.
you have to post the log , whatever your post will be null without logs 