Ordinary peeps,
the ones we told about corn....
Forever in debt.
One thing about investing in corn or anything else, usually the stage in which people get into a kind of interactive and circumspective investing approach, there should be a kind of forcing about how they are using debt.
Personally, I would not even be suggesting that debt is a bad thing, in the event that it is attempted to be used as a kind of leveraging play. The financial system and world in which we have lived in the past 30 years or so has been becoming more and more stacked in such a way that strategic use of debt has been almost one of the ONLY ways to really get ahead for normies who might start out with little to no networth, but are able to get access to credit and banking services.
Of course, individuals should have been attempting to structure their own debt situation in ways in which they are earning more on the debt than they are paying in fees and interest... or alternatively, using such debt to get into strategically advantaged situations that they would not otherwise have been able to get into.
In the path of using debt to your advantage, getting out of debt; however, should be the goal for most peeps and getting into a position in which building up assets are working towards increasing networth should be a goal too.. because I would think that having positive networth gives way more options in terms of NOT having to account to anyone - even though debt still might continued to be used, even as networth grows higher, and also can be used as a kind of "fitting in the system" way, too... NOT to draw too much attention to ur lil selfie.
Also, I would think... surely getting into more positive networth territory, would give more freedom than to be constantly servicing debt.. and perhaps reporting to others or even being subject to some of the changes in the debt servicing terms.. but hey there are some people who make a habit of living high off the hog and above their means, but do not really get to places in which they actually have positive networth... and really does seem that bitcoin does provide an investment vehicle that will actually leverage a kind of assurance to increase the odds of getting out of debt and ensuring positive networth.